use async_std::net::{SocketAddr, TcpListener, TcpStream, ToSocketAddrs}; use async_tungstenite::accept_async; use futures::StreamExt; use log::*; async fn accept_connection(peer: SocketAddr, stream: TcpStream) { let mut ws_stream = accept_async(stream).await.expect("Failed to accept"); info!("New WebSocket connection: {}", peer); while let Some(msg) = { let msg = msg.expect("Failed to get request"); if msg.is_text() || msg.is_binary() { ws_stream.send(msg).await.expect("Failed to send response"); } } } async fn run() { env_logger::init(); let addr = "" .to_socket_addrs() .await .expect("Not a valid address") .next() .expect("Not a socket address"); let listener = TcpListener::bind(&addr).await.unwrap(); info!("Listening on: {}", addr); while let Ok((stream, _)) = listener.accept().await { let peer = stream .peer_addr() .expect("connected streams should have a peer address"); info!("Peer address: {}", peer); async_std::task::spawn(accept_connection(peer, stream)); } } fn main() { async_std::task::block_on(run()); }