use std ::net ::UdpSocket ;
use std ::time ::{ Duration , Instant } ;
use std ::net ::IpAddr ;
use pnet ::datalink ;
#[ cfg(any(unix, macos)) ]
use pnet ::transport ::TransportChannelType ::Layer4 ;
#[ cfg(any(unix, macos)) ]
use pnet ::transport ::TransportProtocol ::Ipv4 ;
#[ cfg(any(unix, macos)) ]
use pnet ::transport ::icmp_packet_iter ;
#[ cfg(target_os = " windows " ) ]
use pnet ::packet ::Packet ;
pub fn get_default_gateway ( ) -> Result < String , String > {
send_udp_packet ( ) ;
let timeout = Duration ::from_millis ( 3000 ) ;
let r = receive_icmp_packets ( pnet ::packet ::icmp ::IcmpTypes ::TimeExceeded , & timeout ) ;
return r ;
pub fn send_udp_packet ( ) {
let buf = [ 0 u8 ; 0 ] ;
let socket = match UdpSocket ::bind ( "" ) {
Ok ( s ) = > s ,
Err ( _ ) = > panic! ( "error!" ) ,
} ;
let dest : & str = "" ;
socket . set_ttl ( 1 ) . unwrap ( ) ;
socket . send_to ( & buf , dest ) . unwrap ( ) ;
#[ cfg(any(unix, macos)) ]
pub fn receive_icmp_packets ( icmp_type : pnet ::packet ::icmp ::IcmpType , timeout : & Duration ) -> Result < String , String > {
let protocol = Layer4 ( Ipv4 ( pnet ::packet ::ip ::IpNextHeaderProtocols ::Icmp ) ) ;
let ( mut _tx , mut rx ) = match pnet ::transport ::transport_channel ( 4096 , protocol ) {
Ok ( ( tx , rx ) ) = > ( tx , rx ) ,
Err ( e ) = > panic! ( "Error happened {}" , e ) ,
} ;
let mut iter = icmp_packet_iter ( & mut rx ) ;
let start_time = Instant ::now ( ) ;
loop {
match iter . next_with_timeout ( * timeout ) {
Ok ( r ) = > {
if let Some ( ( packet , addr ) ) = r {
if packet . get_icmp_type ( ) = = icmp_type {
match addr {
IpAddr ::V4 ( ipv4_addr ) = > { return Ok ( ipv4_addr . to_string ( ) ) } ,
IpAddr ::V6 ( ipv6_addr ) = > { return Ok ( ipv6_addr . to_string ( ) ) } ,
} else {
return Err ( String ::from ( "Failed to read packet" ) ) ;
} ,
Err ( e ) = > {
return Err ( format! ( "An error occurred while reading: {}" , e ) ) ;
if Instant ::now ( ) . duration_since ( start_time ) > * timeout {
return Err ( String ::from ( "timeout" ) ) ;
} else {
send_udp_packet ( ) ;
#[ cfg(target_os = " windows " ) ]
fn receive_icmp_packets ( icmp_type : pnet ::packet ::icmp ::IcmpType , timeout : & Duration ) -> Result < String , String > {
let protocol = Layer4 ( Ipv4 ( pnet ::packet ::ip ::IpNextHeaderProtocols ::Icmp ) ) ;
let ( mut _tx , mut rx ) = match pnet ::transport ::transport_channel ( 4096 , protocol ) {
Ok ( ( tx , rx ) ) = > ( tx , rx ) ,
Err ( e ) = > panic! ( "Error happened {}" , e ) ,
} ;
let mut iter = icmp_packet_iter ( & mut rx ) ;
let start_time = Instant ::now ( ) ;
loop {
match iter . next ( ) {
Ok ( ( packet , addr ) ) = > {
if packet . get_icmp_type ( ) = = icmp_type {
match addr {
IpAddr ::V4 ( ipv4_addr ) = > { return Ok ( ipv4_addr . to_string ( ) ) } ,
IpAddr ::V6 ( ipv6_addr ) = > { return Ok ( ipv6_addr . to_string ( ) ) } ,
} ,
Err ( e ) = > {
return Err ( format! ( "An error occurred while reading: {}" , e ) ) ;
if Instant ::now ( ) . duration_since ( start_time ) > * timeout {
return Err ( String ::from ( "timeout" ) ) ;
} else {
send_udp_packet ( ) ;
* /
let default_idx = get_default_interface_index ( ) . unwrap ( ) ;
let interfaces = pnet ::datalink ::interfaces ( ) ;
let interface = interfaces . into_iter ( ) . filter ( | interface : & pnet ::datalink ::NetworkInterface | interface . index = = default_idx ) . next ( ) . expect ( "Failed to get Interface" ) ;
let ( mut _tx , mut rx ) = match datalink ::channel ( & interface , Default ::default ( ) ) {
Ok ( pnet ::datalink ::Channel ::Ethernet ( tx , rx ) ) = > ( tx , rx ) ,
Ok ( _ ) = > panic! ( "Unknown channel type" ) ,
Err ( e ) = > panic! ( "Error happened {}" , e ) ,
} ;
receive_packets ( & mut rx , icmp_type , timeout )
#[ cfg(target_os = " windows " ) ]
fn receive_packets ( rx : & mut Box < dyn pnet ::datalink ::DataLinkReceiver > , icmp_type : pnet ::packet ::icmp ::IcmpType , timeout : & Duration ) -> Result < String , String > {
let start_time = Instant ::now ( ) ;
loop {
match rx . next ( ) {
Ok ( frame ) = > {
let frame = pnet ::packet ::ethernet ::EthernetPacket ::new ( frame ) . unwrap ( ) ;
match frame . get_ethertype ( ) {
pnet ::packet ::ethernet ::EtherTypes ::Ipv4 = > {
if let Some ( ip_addr ) = ipv4_handler ( & frame , icmp_type ) {
return Ok ( ip_addr ) ;
} ,
pnet ::packet ::ethernet ::EtherTypes ::Ipv6 = > {
if let Some ( ip_addr ) = ipv6_handler ( & frame , icmp_type ) {
return Ok ( ip_addr ) ;
} ,
_ = > {
//println!("Not a ipv4 or ipv6");
} ,
Err ( e ) = > {
return Err ( format! ( "An error occurred while reading: {}" , e ) ) ;
if Instant ::now ( ) . duration_since ( start_time ) > * timeout {
return Err ( String ::from ( "timeout" ) ) ;
} else {
send_udp_packet ( ) ;
#[ cfg(target_os = " windows " ) ]
fn ipv4_handler ( ethernet : & pnet ::packet ::ethernet ::EthernetPacket , icmp_type : pnet ::packet ::icmp ::IcmpType ) -> Option < String > {
if let Some ( packet ) = pnet ::packet ::ipv4 ::Ipv4Packet ::new ( ethernet . payload ( ) ) {
match packet . get_next_level_protocol ( ) {
pnet ::packet ::ip ::IpNextHeaderProtocols ::Icmp = > {
return icmp_handler ( & packet , icmp_type ) ;
} ,
_ = > {
} else {
#[ cfg(target_os = " windows " ) ]
fn ipv6_handler ( ethernet : & pnet ::packet ::ethernet ::EthernetPacket , icmp_type : pnet ::packet ::icmp ::IcmpType ) -> Option < String > {
if let Some ( packet ) = pnet ::packet ::ipv6 ::Ipv6Packet ::new ( ethernet . payload ( ) ) {
match packet . get_next_header ( ) {
pnet ::packet ::ip ::IpNextHeaderProtocols ::Icmpv6 = > {
return icmpv6_handler ( & packet , icmp_type ) ;
} ,
_ = > {
} else {
#[ cfg(target_os = " windows " ) ]
fn icmp_handler ( ip_packet : & pnet ::packet ::ipv4 ::Ipv4Packet , icmp_type : pnet ::packet ::icmp ::IcmpType ) -> Option < String > {
if let Some ( packet ) = pnet ::packet ::icmp ::IcmpPacket ::new ( ip_packet . payload ( ) ) {
if packet . get_icmp_type ( ) = = icmp_type {
let ipv4_addr = ip_packet . get_source ( ) ;
return Some ( ipv4_addr . to_string ( ) )
} else {
} else {
#[ cfg(target_os = " windows " ) ]
fn icmpv6_handler ( ip_packet : & pnet ::packet ::ipv6 ::Ipv6Packet , icmp_type : pnet ::packet ::icmp ::IcmpType ) -> Option < String > {
if let Some ( packet ) = pnet ::packet ::icmp ::IcmpPacket ::new ( ip_packet . payload ( ) ) {
if packet . get_icmp_type ( ) = = icmp_type {
let ipv6_addr = ip_packet . get_source ( ) ;
return Some ( ipv6_addr . to_string ( ) )
} else {
} else {
pub fn get_local_ipaddr ( ) -> Option < String > {
let socket = match UdpSocket ::bind ( "" ) {
Ok ( s ) = > s ,
Err ( _ ) = > return None ,
} ;
match socket . connect ( "" ) {
Ok ( ( ) ) = > ( ) ,
Err ( _ ) = > return None ,
} ;
match socket . local_addr ( ) {
Ok ( addr ) = > return Some ( addr . ip ( ) . to_string ( ) ) ,
Err ( _ ) = > return None ,
} ;
pub fn get_default_interface_index ( ) -> Option < u32 > {
let local_ip = get_local_ipaddr ( ) ;
let all_interfaces = datalink ::interfaces ( ) ;
if let Some ( local_ip ) = local_ip {
for iface in all_interfaces {
for ip in iface . ips {
match ip . ip ( ) {
IpAddr ::V4 ( ipv4 ) = > {
if local_ip = = ipv4 . to_string ( ) {
return Some ( iface . index )
} ,
IpAddr ::V6 ( ipv6 ) = > {
if local_ip = = ipv6 . to_string ( ) {
return Some ( iface . index )
} ,
return None ;
} else {
return None ;
#[ cfg(test) ]
mod tests {
#[ test ]
fn it_works ( ) {
assert_eq! ( 2 + 2 , 4 ) ;