- An App store integrated inside our official apps, so that App developers can easily reach their audience, and users can easily install those apps. Those apps will run inside an iframe embedded in our official apps.
- App developers can also build standalone apps with our framework, without being embedded inside our official apps. They can be shipped separately, and have total control on their GUIs. In this case, they will still need to integrate with our Capabilities APIs, in order to request permissions for using the users' data. More on that soon.
- An Open Network that anybody can join, by running their own self-hosted broker, or by using our Open Protocol (with the libraries we already provide or with new bindings they develop).
All the pieces of this ecosystem are being built at the moment. We are currently focusing our efforts on readying the Framework for App developers. Stay tuned!
You can already try our [apps here](/en/getting-started).