Safe Rust bindings for LMDB with encryption at rest
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use libc::{c_void, size_t, c_uint};
use std::{mem, ptr, raw};
use std::kinds::marker;
use ffi;
use database::Database;
use error::{LmdbResult, lmdb_result, LmdbError};
use flags::WriteFlags;
use transaction::Transaction;
/// An LMDB cursor.
pub trait Cursor<'txn> {
/// Returns a raw pointer to the underlying LMDB cursor.
/// The caller **must** ensure that the pointer is not used after the lifetime of the cursor.
fn cursor(&self) -> *mut ffi::MDB_cursor;
/// Cursor extension methods.
pub trait CursorExt<'txn> : Cursor<'txn> {
/// Retrieves a key/data pair from the cursor. Depending on the cursor op, the current key is
/// returned.
fn get(&self,
key: Option<&[u8]>,
data: Option<&[u8]>,
op: c_uint)
-> LmdbResult<(Option<&'txn [u8]>, &'txn [u8])> {
unsafe {
let mut key_val = slice_to_val(key);
let mut data_val = slice_to_val(data);
let key_ptr = key_val.mv_data;
&mut key_val,
&mut data_val,
let key_out = if key_ptr != key_val.mv_data { Some(val_to_slice(key_val)) } else { None };
let data_out = val_to_slice(data_val);
Ok((key_out, data_out))
/// Open a new read-only cursor on the given database.
fn iter(&mut self) -> Items<'txn> {
impl<'txn, T> CursorExt<'txn> for T where T: Cursor<'txn> {}
/// A read-only cursor for navigating items within a database.
pub struct RoCursor<'txn> {
cursor: *mut ffi::MDB_cursor,
_no_sync: marker::NoSync,
_no_send: marker::NoSend,
_contravariant: marker::ContravariantLifetime<'txn>,
impl <'txn> Cursor<'txn> for RoCursor<'txn> {
fn cursor(&self) -> *mut ffi::MDB_cursor {
impl <'txn> Drop for RoCursor<'txn> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { ffi::mdb_cursor_close(self.cursor) }
impl <'txn> RoCursor<'txn> {
/// Creates a new read-only cursor in the given database and transaction. Prefer using
/// `Transaction::open_cursor()`.
pub fn new(txn: &'txn Transaction, db: Database) -> LmdbResult<RoCursor<'txn>> {
let mut cursor: *mut ffi::MDB_cursor = ptr::null_mut();
unsafe { try!(lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_cursor_open(txn.txn(), db.dbi(), &mut cursor))); }
Ok(RoCursor {
cursor: cursor,
_no_sync: marker::NoSync,
_no_send: marker::NoSend,
_contravariant: marker::ContravariantLifetime::<'txn>,
/// A read-only cursor for navigating items within a database.
pub struct RwCursor<'txn> {
cursor: *mut ffi::MDB_cursor,
_no_sync: marker::NoSync,
_no_send: marker::NoSend,
_contravariant: marker::ContravariantLifetime<'txn>,
impl <'txn> Cursor<'txn> for RwCursor<'txn> {
fn cursor(&self) -> *mut ffi::MDB_cursor {
impl <'txn> Drop for RwCursor<'txn> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { ffi::mdb_cursor_close(self.cursor) }
impl <'txn> RwCursor<'txn> {
/// Creates a new read-only cursor in the given database and transaction. Prefer using
/// `WriteTransaction::open_write_cursor()`.
pub fn new(txn: &'txn Transaction, db: Database) -> LmdbResult<RwCursor<'txn>> {
let mut cursor: *mut ffi::MDB_cursor = ptr::null_mut();
unsafe { try!(lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_cursor_open(txn.txn(), db.dbi(), &mut cursor))); }
Ok(RwCursor {
cursor: cursor,
_no_sync: marker::NoSync,
_no_send: marker::NoSend,
_contravariant: marker::ContravariantLifetime::<'txn>,
/// Puts a key/data pair into the database. The cursor will be positioned at the new data item,
/// or on failure usually near it.
pub fn put(&self,
key: &[u8],
data: &[u8],
flags: WriteFlags)
-> LmdbResult<()> {
let mut key_val: ffi::MDB_val = ffi::MDB_val { mv_size: key.len() as size_t,
mv_data: key.as_ptr() as *mut c_void };
let mut data_val: ffi::MDB_val = ffi::MDB_val { mv_size: data.len() as size_t,
mv_data: data.as_ptr() as *mut c_void };
unsafe {
&mut key_val,
&mut data_val,
/// Deletes the current key/data pair.
/// ### Flags
/// `WriteFlags::NO_DUP_DATA` may be used to delete all data items for the current key, if the
/// database was opened with `DatabaseFlags::DUP_SORT`.
pub fn del(&self, flags: WriteFlags) -> LmdbResult<()> {
unsafe {
lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_cursor_del(self.cursor(), flags.bits()))
unsafe fn slice_to_val(slice: Option<&[u8]>) -> ffi::MDB_val {
match slice {
Some(slice) =>
ffi::MDB_val { mv_size: slice.len() as size_t,
mv_data: slice.as_ptr() as *mut c_void },
None =>
ffi::MDB_val { mv_size: 0,
mv_data: ptr::null_mut() },
unsafe fn val_to_slice<'a>(val: ffi::MDB_val) -> &'a [u8] {
mem::transmute(raw::Slice {
data: val.mv_data as *const u8,
len: val.mv_size as uint
pub struct Items<'txn> {
cursor: *mut ffi::MDB_cursor,
op: c_uint,
next_op: c_uint,
impl <'txn> Items<'txn> {
/// Creates a new iterator backed by the given cursor.
fn new<'t>(cursor: &Cursor<'t>) -> Items<'t> {
Items { cursor: cursor.cursor(), op: ffi::MDB_FIRST, next_op: ffi::MDB_NEXT }
impl <'txn> Iterator<(&'txn [u8], &'txn [u8])> for Items<'txn> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&'txn [u8], &'txn [u8])> {
let mut key = ffi::MDB_val { mv_size: 0, mv_data: ptr::null_mut() };
let mut data = ffi::MDB_val { mv_size: 0, mv_data: ptr::null_mut() };
unsafe {
let err_code = ffi::mdb_cursor_get(self.cursor, &mut key, &mut data, self.op);
// Set the operation for the next get
self.op = self.next_op;
if err_code == ffi::MDB_SUCCESS {
Some((val_to_slice(key), val_to_slice(data)))
} else {
// The documentation for mdb_cursor_get specifies that it may fail with MDB_NOTFOUND
// and MDB_EINVAL (and we shouldn't be passing in invalid parameters).
// TODO: validate that these are the only failures possible.
debug_assert!(err_code == ffi::MDB_NOTFOUND,
"Unexpected LMDB error {}.", LmdbError::from_err_code(err_code));
mod test {
use std::{io, ptr};
use test::{Bencher, black_box};
use ffi::*;
use environment::*;
use flags::*;
use super::*;
use test_utils::*;
use transaction::*;
fn test_iter() {
let dir = io::TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
let env = Environment::new().open(dir.path(), io::USER_RWX).unwrap();
let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap();
let items = vec!((b"key1", b"val1"),
(b"key2", b"val2"),
(b"key3", b"val3"));
let mut txn = env.begin_write_txn().unwrap();
for &(key, data) in items.iter() {
txn.put(db, key, data, WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
let txn = env.begin_read_txn().unwrap();
let mut cursor = txn.open_read_cursor(db).unwrap();
assert_eq!(items, cursor.iter().collect::<Vec<(&[u8], &[u8])>>());
fn test_get() {
let dir = io::TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
let env = Environment::new().open(dir.path(), io::USER_RWX).unwrap();
let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap();
let mut txn = env.begin_write_txn().unwrap();
txn.put(db, b"key1", b"val1", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
txn.put(db, b"key2", b"val2", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
txn.put(db, b"key3", b"val3", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
let cursor = txn.open_read_cursor(db).unwrap();
assert_eq!((Some(b"key1"), b"val1"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_FIRST).unwrap());
assert_eq!((Some(b"key1"), b"val1"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_GET_CURRENT).unwrap());
assert_eq!((Some(b"key2"), b"val2"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_NEXT).unwrap());
assert_eq!((Some(b"key1"), b"val1"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_PREV).unwrap());
assert_eq!((Some(b"key3"), b"val3"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_LAST).unwrap());
assert_eq!((None, b"val2"),
cursor.get(Some(b"key2"), None, MDB_SET).unwrap());
assert_eq!((Some(b"key3"), b"val3"),
cursor.get(Some(b"key3"), None, MDB_SET_KEY).unwrap());
assert_eq!((Some(b"key3"), b"val3"),
cursor.get(Some(b"key2\0"), None, MDB_SET_RANGE).unwrap());
fn test_get_dup() {
let dir = io::TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
let env = Environment::new().open(dir.path(), io::USER_RWX).unwrap();
let db = env.create_db(None, DUP_SORT).unwrap();
let mut txn = env.begin_write_txn().unwrap();
txn.put(db, b"key1", b"val1", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
txn.put(db, b"key1", b"val2", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
txn.put(db, b"key1", b"val3", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
txn.put(db, b"key2", b"val1", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
txn.put(db, b"key2", b"val2", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
txn.put(db, b"key2", b"val3", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
let cursor = txn.open_read_cursor(db).unwrap();
assert_eq!((Some(b"key1"), b"val1"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_FIRST).unwrap());
assert_eq!((None, b"val1"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_FIRST_DUP).unwrap());
assert_eq!((Some(b"key1"), b"val1"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_GET_CURRENT).unwrap());
assert_eq!((Some(b"key2"), b"val1"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_NEXT_NODUP).unwrap());
assert_eq!((Some(b"key2"), b"val2"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_NEXT_DUP).unwrap());
assert_eq!((Some(b"key2"), b"val3"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_NEXT_DUP).unwrap());
assert!(cursor.get(None, None, MDB_NEXT_DUP).is_err());
assert_eq!((Some(b"key2"), b"val2"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_PREV_DUP).unwrap());
assert_eq!((None, b"val3"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_LAST_DUP).unwrap());
assert_eq!((Some(b"key1"), b"val3"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_PREV_NODUP).unwrap());
assert_eq!((None, b"val1"),
cursor.get(Some(b"key1"), None, MDB_SET).unwrap());
assert_eq!((Some(b"key2"), b"val1"),
cursor.get(Some(b"key2"), None, MDB_SET_KEY).unwrap());
assert_eq!((Some(b"key2"), b"val1"),
cursor.get(Some(b"key1\0"), None, MDB_SET_RANGE).unwrap());
assert_eq!((None, b"val3"),
cursor.get(Some(b"key1"), Some(b"val3"), MDB_GET_BOTH).unwrap());
assert_eq!((None, b"val1"),
cursor.get(Some(b"key2"), Some(b"val"), MDB_GET_BOTH_RANGE).unwrap());
fn test_get_dupfixed() {
let dir = io::TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
let env = Environment::new().open(dir.path(), io::USER_RWX).unwrap();
let db = env.create_db(None, DUP_SORT | DUP_FIXED).unwrap();
let mut txn = env.begin_write_txn().unwrap();
txn.put(db, b"key1", b"val1", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
txn.put(db, b"key1", b"val2", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
txn.put(db, b"key1", b"val3", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
txn.put(db, b"key2", b"val4", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
txn.put(db, b"key2", b"val5", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
txn.put(db, b"key2", b"val6", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
let cursor = txn.open_read_cursor(db).unwrap();
assert_eq!((Some(b"key1"), b"val1"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_FIRST).unwrap());
assert_eq!((None, b"val1val2val3"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_GET_MULTIPLE).unwrap());
assert!(cursor.get(None, None, MDB_NEXT_MULTIPLE).is_err());
fn test_put_del() {
let dir = io::TempDir::new("test").unwrap();
let env = Environment::new().open(dir.path(), io::USER_RWX).unwrap();
let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap();
let mut txn = env.begin_write_txn().unwrap();
let cursor = txn.open_write_cursor(db).unwrap();
cursor.put(b"key1", b"val1", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
cursor.put(b"key2", b"val2", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
cursor.put(b"key3", b"val3", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap();
assert_eq!((Some(b"key3"), b"val3"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_GET_CURRENT).unwrap());
assert_eq!((Some(b"key2"), b"val2"),
cursor.get(None, None, MDB_LAST).unwrap());
/// Benchmark of iterator sequential read performance.
fn bench_get_seq_iter(b: &mut Bencher) {
let n = 100;
let (_dir, env) = setup_bench_db(n);
let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap();
let txn = env.begin_read_txn().unwrap();
b.iter(|| {
let mut cursor = txn.open_read_cursor(db).unwrap();
let mut i = 0;
let mut count = 0u32;
for (key, data) in cursor.iter() {
i = i + key.len() + data.len();
count = count + 1;
assert_eq!(count, n);
/// Benchmark of cursor sequential read performance.
fn bench_get_seq_cursor(b: &mut Bencher) {
let n = 100;
let (_dir, env) = setup_bench_db(n);
let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap();
let txn = env.begin_read_txn().unwrap();
b.iter(|| {
let cursor = txn.open_read_cursor(db).unwrap();
let mut i = 0;
let mut count = 0u32;
while let Ok((key_opt, val)) = cursor.get(None, None, MDB_NEXT) {
i +=|key| key.len()).unwrap_or(0) + val.len();
count += 1;
assert_eq!(count, n);
/// Benchmark of raw LMDB sequential read performance (control).
fn bench_get_seq_raw(b: &mut Bencher) {
let n = 100;
let (_dir, env) = setup_bench_db(n);
let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap();
let dbi: MDB_dbi = db.dbi();
let _txn = env.begin_read_txn().unwrap();
let txn = _txn.txn();
let mut key = MDB_val { mv_size: 0, mv_data: ptr::null_mut() };
let mut data = MDB_val { mv_size: 0, mv_data: ptr::null_mut() };
let mut cursor: *mut MDB_cursor = ptr::null_mut();
b.iter(|| unsafe {
mdb_cursor_open(txn, dbi, &mut cursor);
let mut i = 0;
let mut count = 0u32;
while mdb_cursor_get(cursor, &mut key, &mut data, MDB_NEXT) == 0 {
i += key.mv_size + data.mv_size;
count += 1;
assert_eq!(count, n);