[package] name = "lmdb-crypto-rs" # NB: When modifying, also modify html_root_url in lib.rs version = "0.14.0" authors = ["Dan Burkert ", "Victor Porof ","NikoPLP "] license = "Apache-2.0" description = "Idiomatic and safe LMDB wrapper." documentation = "https://docs.rs/lmdb-crypto-rs" homepage = "https://github.com/nikoPLP/lmdb-rs" repository = "https://github.com/nikoPLP/lmdb-rs.git" readme = "README.md" keywords = ["LMDB", "database", "storage-engine", "bindings", "library"] categories = ["database"] exclude = [ # Exclude CI config files from package. "/.appveyor.yml", "/.travis.yml", "/azure-pipelines-template.yml", "/azure-pipelines.yml", ] [lib] name = "lmdb" [badges] travis-ci = { repository = "nikoPLP/lmdb-rs" } appveyor = { repository = "nikoPLP/lmdb-rs" } [workspace] members = [ "lmdb-sys", ] [dependencies] bitflags = "1" byteorder = "1" libc = "0.2" # In order to ensure that we test lmdb-crypto-rs in CI against the in-tree version # of lmdb-crypto-sys, we specify the dependency as a path here. # # But we can't publish the lmdb-crypto-rs crate to crates.io with a path dependency, # so we have to temporarily change this to point to the current version # of lmdb-crypto-sys on crates.io when publishing lmdb-crypto to that crate registry. # # (See "Publishing to crates.io" in README.md for more information.) lmdb-crypto-sys = { path = "./lmdb-sys" } [dev-dependencies] rand = "0.4" tempdir = "0.3" [features] default = [] with-asan = ["lmdb-crypto-sys/with-asan"] with-fuzzer = ["lmdb-crypto-sys/with-fuzzer"] with-fuzzer-no-link = ["lmdb-crypto-sys/with-fuzzer-no-link"]