use libc::{c_uint, c_void, size_t}; use std::{fmt, mem, ptr, result, slice}; use std::marker::PhantomData ; use ffi; use cursor::{RoCursor, RwCursor}; use environment::Environment; use database::Database; use error::{Error, Result, lmdb_result}; use flags::{DatabaseFlags, EnvironmentFlags, WriteFlags}; /// An LMDB transaction. /// /// All database operations require a transaction. pub trait Transaction : Sized { /// Returns a raw pointer to the underlying LMDB transaction. /// /// The caller **must** ensure that the pointer is not used after the /// lifetime of the transaction. fn txn(&self) -> *mut ffi::MDB_txn; /// Commits the transaction. /// /// Any pending operations will be saved. fn commit(self) -> Result<()> { unsafe { let result = lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_txn_commit(self.txn())); mem::forget(self); result } } /// Aborts the transaction. /// /// Any pending operations will not be saved. fn abort(self) { // Abort should be performed in transaction destructors. } /// Opens a database in the transaction. /// /// If `name` is `None`, then the default database will be opened, otherwise /// a named database will be opened. The database handle will be private to /// the transaction until the transaction is successfully committed. If the /// transaction is aborted the returned database handle should no longer be /// used. /// /// Prefer using `Environment::open_db`. /// /// ## Safety /// /// This function (as well as `Environment::open_db`, /// `Environment::create_db`, and `Database::create`) **must not** be called /// from multiple concurrent transactions in the same environment. A /// transaction which uses this function must finish (either commit or /// abort) before any other transaction may use this function. unsafe fn open_db(&self, name: Option<&str>) -> Result { Database::new(self.txn(), name, 0) } /// Gets an item from a database. /// /// This function retrieves the data associated with the given key in the /// database. If the database supports duplicate keys /// (`DatabaseFlags::DUP_SORT`) then the first data item for the key will be /// returned. Retrieval of other items requires the use of /// `Transaction::cursor_get`. If the item is not in the database, then /// `Error::NotFound` will be returned. fn get<'txn, K>(&'txn self, database: Database, key: &K) -> Result<&'txn [u8]> where K: AsRef<[u8]> { let key = key.as_ref(); let mut key_val: ffi::MDB_val = ffi::MDB_val { mv_size: key.len() as size_t, mv_data: key.as_ptr() as *mut c_void }; let mut data_val: ffi::MDB_val = ffi::MDB_val { mv_size: 0, mv_data: ptr::null_mut() }; unsafe { match ffi::mdb_get(self.txn(), database.dbi(), &mut key_val, &mut data_val) { ffi::MDB_SUCCESS => { Ok(slice::from_raw_parts(data_val.mv_data as *const u8, data_val.mv_size as usize)) }, err_code => Err(Error::from_err_code(err_code)), } } } /// Open a new read-only cursor on the given database. fn open_ro_cursor<'txn>(&'txn self, db: Database) -> Result> { RoCursor::new(self, db) } /// Gets the option flags for the given database in the transaction. fn db_flags(&self, db: Database) -> Result { let mut flags: c_uint = 0; unsafe { lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_dbi_flags(self.txn(), db.dbi(), &mut flags))?; } Ok(DatabaseFlags::from_bits_truncate(flags)) } } /// An LMDB read-only transaction. pub struct RoTransaction<'env> { txn: *mut ffi::MDB_txn, _marker: PhantomData<&'env ()>, } impl <'env> fmt::Debug for RoTransaction<'env> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> result::Result<(), fmt::Error> { f.debug_struct("RoTransaction").finish() } } impl <'env> Drop for RoTransaction<'env> { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { ffi::mdb_txn_abort(self.txn) } } } impl <'env> RoTransaction<'env> { /// Creates a new read-only transaction in the given environment. Prefer /// using `Environment::begin_ro_txn`. pub(crate) fn new(env: &'env Environment) -> Result> { let mut txn: *mut ffi::MDB_txn = ptr::null_mut(); unsafe { lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_txn_begin(env.env(), ptr::null_mut(), ffi::MDB_RDONLY, &mut txn))?; Ok(RoTransaction { txn: txn, _marker: PhantomData }) } } /// Resets the read-only transaction. /// /// Abort the transaction like `Transaction::abort`, but keep the /// transaction handle. `InactiveTransaction::renew` may reuse the handle. /// This saves allocation overhead if the process will start a new read-only /// transaction soon, and also locking overhead if /// `EnvironmentFlags::NO_TLS` is in use. The reader table lock is released, /// but the table slot stays tied to its thread or transaction. Reader locks /// generally don't interfere with writers, but they keep old versions of /// database pages allocated. Thus they prevent the old pages from being /// reused when writers commit new data, and so under heavy load the /// database size may grow much more rapidly than otherwise. pub fn reset(self) -> InactiveTransaction<'env> { let txn = self.txn; unsafe { mem::forget(self); ffi::mdb_txn_reset(txn) }; InactiveTransaction { txn: txn, _marker: PhantomData } } } impl <'env> Transaction for RoTransaction<'env> { fn txn(&self) -> *mut ffi::MDB_txn { self.txn } } /// An inactive read-only transaction. pub struct InactiveTransaction<'env> { txn: *mut ffi::MDB_txn, _marker: PhantomData<&'env ()>, } impl <'env> fmt::Debug for InactiveTransaction<'env> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> result::Result<(), fmt::Error> { f.debug_struct("InactiveTransaction").finish() } } impl <'env> Drop for InactiveTransaction<'env> { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { ffi::mdb_txn_abort(self.txn) } } } impl <'env> InactiveTransaction<'env> { /// Renews the inactive transaction, returning an active read-only /// transaction. /// /// This acquires a new reader lock for a transaction handle that had been /// released by `RoTransaction::reset`. pub fn renew(self) -> Result> { let txn = self.txn; unsafe { mem::forget(self); lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_txn_renew(txn))? }; Ok(RoTransaction { txn: txn, _marker: PhantomData }) } } /// An LMDB read-write transaction. pub struct RwTransaction<'env> { txn: *mut ffi::MDB_txn, _marker: PhantomData<&'env ()>, } impl <'env> fmt::Debug for RwTransaction<'env> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> result::Result<(), fmt::Error> { f.debug_struct("RwTransaction").finish() } } impl <'env> Drop for RwTransaction<'env> { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { ffi::mdb_txn_abort(self.txn) } } } impl <'env> RwTransaction<'env> { /// Creates a new read-write transaction in the given environment. Prefer /// using `Environment::begin_ro_txn`. pub(crate) fn new(env: &'env Environment) -> Result> { let mut txn: *mut ffi::MDB_txn = ptr::null_mut(); unsafe { lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_txn_begin(env.env(), ptr::null_mut(), EnvironmentFlags::empty().bits(), &mut txn))?; Ok(RwTransaction { txn: txn, _marker: PhantomData }) } } /// Opens a database in the provided transaction, creating it if necessary. /// /// If `name` is `None`, then the default database will be opened, otherwise /// a named database will be opened. The database handle will be private to /// the transaction until the transaction is successfully committed. If the /// transaction is aborted the returned database handle should no longer be /// used. /// /// Prefer using `Environment::create_db`. /// /// ## Safety /// /// This function (as well as `Environment::open_db`, /// `Environment::create_db`, and `Database::open`) **must not** be called /// from multiple concurrent transactions in the same environment. A /// transaction which uses this function must finish (either commit or /// abort) before any other transaction may use this function. pub unsafe fn create_db(&self, name: Option<&str>, flags: DatabaseFlags) -> Result { Database::new(self.txn(), name, flags.bits() | ffi::MDB_CREATE) } /// Opens a new read-write cursor on the given database and transaction. pub fn open_rw_cursor<'txn>(&'txn mut self, db: Database) -> Result> { RwCursor::new(self, db) } /// Stores an item into a database. /// /// This function stores key/data pairs in the database. The default /// behavior is to enter the new key/data pair, replacing any previously /// existing key if duplicates are disallowed, or adding a duplicate data /// item if duplicates are allowed (`DatabaseFlags::DUP_SORT`). pub fn put(&mut self, database: Database, key: &K, data: &D, flags: WriteFlags) -> Result<()> where K: AsRef<[u8]>, D: AsRef<[u8]> { let key = key.as_ref(); let data = data.as_ref(); let mut key_val: ffi::MDB_val = ffi::MDB_val { mv_size: key.len() as size_t, mv_data: key.as_ptr() as *mut c_void }; let mut data_val: ffi::MDB_val = ffi::MDB_val { mv_size: data.len() as size_t, mv_data: data.as_ptr() as *mut c_void }; unsafe { lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_put(self.txn(), database.dbi(), &mut key_val, &mut data_val, flags.bits())) } } /// Returns a buffer which can be used to write a value into the item at the /// given key and with the given length. The buffer must be completely /// filled by the caller. pub fn reserve<'txn, K>(&'txn mut self, database: Database, key: &K, len: size_t, flags: WriteFlags) -> Result<&'txn mut [u8]> where K: AsRef<[u8]> { let key = key.as_ref(); let mut key_val: ffi::MDB_val = ffi::MDB_val { mv_size: key.len() as size_t, mv_data: key.as_ptr() as *mut c_void }; let mut data_val: ffi::MDB_val = ffi::MDB_val { mv_size: len, mv_data: ptr::null_mut::() }; unsafe { lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_put(self.txn(), database.dbi(), &mut key_val, &mut data_val, flags.bits() | ffi::MDB_RESERVE))?; Ok(slice::from_raw_parts_mut(data_val.mv_data as *mut u8, data_val.mv_size as usize)) } } /// Deletes an item from a database. /// /// This function removes key/data pairs from the database. If the database /// does not support sorted duplicate data items (`DatabaseFlags::DUP_SORT`) /// the data parameter is ignored. If the database supports sorted /// duplicates and the data parameter is `None`, all of the duplicate data /// items for the key will be deleted. Otherwise, if the data parameter is /// `Some` only the matching data item will be deleted. This function will /// return `Error::NotFound` if the specified key/data pair is not in the /// database. pub fn del(&mut self, database: Database, key: &K, data: Option<&[u8]>) -> Result<()> where K: AsRef<[u8]> { let key = key.as_ref(); let mut key_val: ffi::MDB_val = ffi::MDB_val { mv_size: key.len() as size_t, mv_data: key.as_ptr() as *mut c_void }; let data_val: Option =|data| ffi::MDB_val { mv_size: data.len() as size_t, mv_data: data.as_ptr() as *mut c_void }); unsafe { lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_del(self.txn(), database.dbi(), &mut key_val,|mut data_val| &mut data_val as *mut _) .unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut()))) } } /// Empties the given database. All items will be removed. pub fn clear_db(&mut self, db: Database) -> Result<()> { unsafe { lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_drop(self.txn(), db.dbi(), 0)) } } /// Drops the database from the environment. /// /// ## Safety /// /// This method is unsafe in the same ways as `Environment::close_db`, and /// should be used accordingly. pub unsafe fn drop_db(&mut self, db: Database) -> Result<()> { lmdb_result(ffi::mdb_drop(self.txn, db.dbi(), 1)) } /// Begins a new nested transaction inside of this transaction. pub fn begin_nested_txn<'txn>(&'txn mut self) -> Result> { let mut nested: *mut ffi::MDB_txn = ptr::null_mut(); unsafe { let env: *mut ffi::MDB_env = ffi::mdb_txn_env(self.txn()); ffi::mdb_txn_begin(env, self.txn(), 0, &mut nested); } Ok(RwTransaction { txn: nested, _marker: PhantomData }) } } impl <'env> Transaction for RwTransaction<'env> { fn txn(&self) -> *mut ffi::MDB_txn { self.txn } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use libc::size_t; use rand::{Rng, XorShiftRng}; use std::io::Write; use std::ptr; use std::sync::{Arc, Barrier}; use std::thread::{self, JoinHandle}; use test::{Bencher, black_box}; use tempdir::TempDir; use environment::*; use error::*; use ffi::*; use flags::*; use super::*; use test_utils::*; #[test] fn test_put_get_del() { let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap(); let env = Environment::new().open(dir.path()).unwrap(); let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap(); let mut txn = env.begin_rw_txn().unwrap(); txn.put(db, b"key1", b"val1", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap(); txn.put(db, b"key2", b"val2", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap(); txn.put(db, b"key3", b"val3", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap(); txn.commit().unwrap(); let mut txn = env.begin_rw_txn().unwrap(); assert_eq!(b"val1", txn.get(db, b"key1").unwrap()); assert_eq!(b"val2", txn.get(db, b"key2").unwrap()); assert_eq!(b"val3", txn.get(db, b"key3").unwrap()); assert_eq!(txn.get(db, b"key"), Err(Error::NotFound)); txn.del(db, b"key1", None).unwrap(); assert_eq!(txn.get(db, b"key1"), Err(Error::NotFound)); } #[test] fn test_reserve() { let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap(); let env = Environment::new().open(dir.path()).unwrap(); let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap(); let mut txn = env.begin_rw_txn().unwrap(); { let mut writer = txn.reserve(db, b"key1", 4, WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap(); writer.write_all(b"val1").unwrap(); } txn.commit().unwrap(); let mut txn = env.begin_rw_txn().unwrap(); assert_eq!(b"val1", txn.get(db, b"key1").unwrap()); assert_eq!(txn.get(db, b"key"), Err(Error::NotFound)); txn.del(db, b"key1", None).unwrap(); assert_eq!(txn.get(db, b"key1"), Err(Error::NotFound)); } #[test] fn test_inactive_txn() { let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap(); let env = Environment::new().open(dir.path()).unwrap(); let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap(); { let mut txn = env.begin_rw_txn().unwrap(); txn.put(db, b"key", b"val", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap(); txn.commit().unwrap(); } let txn = env.begin_ro_txn().unwrap(); let inactive = txn.reset(); let active = inactive.renew().unwrap(); assert!(active.get(db, b"key").is_ok()); } #[test] fn test_nested_txn() { let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap(); let env = Environment::new().open(dir.path()).unwrap(); let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap(); let mut txn = env.begin_rw_txn().unwrap(); txn.put(db, b"key1", b"val1", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap(); { let mut nested = txn.begin_nested_txn().unwrap(); nested.put(db, b"key2", b"val2", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(nested.get(db, b"key1").unwrap(), b"val1"); assert_eq!(nested.get(db, b"key2").unwrap(), b"val2"); } assert_eq!(txn.get(db, b"key1").unwrap(), b"val1"); assert_eq!(txn.get(db, b"key2"), Err(Error::NotFound)); } #[test] fn test_clear_db() { let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap(); let env = Environment::new().open(dir.path()).unwrap(); let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap(); { let mut txn = env.begin_rw_txn().unwrap(); txn.put(db, b"key", b"val", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap(); txn.commit().unwrap(); } { let mut txn = env.begin_rw_txn().unwrap(); txn.clear_db(db).unwrap(); txn.commit().unwrap(); } let txn = env.begin_ro_txn().unwrap(); assert_eq!(txn.get(db, b"key"), Err(Error::NotFound)); } #[test] fn test_drop_db() { let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap(); let env = Environment::new().set_max_dbs(2) .open(dir.path()).unwrap(); let db = env.create_db(Some("test"), DatabaseFlags::empty()).unwrap(); { let mut txn = env.begin_rw_txn().unwrap(); txn.put(db, b"key", b"val", WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap(); txn.commit().unwrap(); } { let mut txn = env.begin_rw_txn().unwrap(); unsafe { txn.drop_db(db).unwrap(); } txn.commit().unwrap(); } assert_eq!(env.open_db(Some("test")), Err(Error::NotFound)); } #[test] fn test_concurrent_readers_single_writer() { let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap(); let env: Arc = Arc::new(Environment::new().open(dir.path()).unwrap()); let n = 10usize; // Number of concurrent readers let barrier = Arc::new(Barrier::new(n + 1)); let mut threads: Vec> = Vec::with_capacity(n); let key = b"key"; let val = b"val"; for _ in 0..n { let reader_env = env.clone(); let reader_barrier = barrier.clone(); threads.push(thread::spawn(move|| { let db = reader_env.open_db(None).unwrap(); { let txn = reader_env.begin_ro_txn().unwrap(); assert_eq!(txn.get(db, key), Err(Error::NotFound)); txn.abort(); } reader_barrier.wait(); reader_barrier.wait(); { let txn = reader_env.begin_ro_txn().unwrap(); txn.get(db, key).unwrap() == val } })); } let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap(); let mut txn = env.begin_rw_txn().unwrap(); barrier.wait(); txn.put(db, key, val, WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap(); txn.commit().unwrap(); barrier.wait(); assert!(threads.into_iter().all(|b| b.join().unwrap())) } #[test] fn test_concurrent_writers() { let dir = TempDir::new("test").unwrap(); let env = Arc::new(Environment::new().open(dir.path()).unwrap()); let n = 10usize; // Number of concurrent writers let mut threads: Vec> = Vec::with_capacity(n); let key = "key"; let val = "val"; for i in 0..n { let writer_env = env.clone(); threads.push(thread::spawn(move|| { let db = writer_env.open_db(None).unwrap(); let mut txn = writer_env.begin_rw_txn().unwrap(); txn.put(db, &format!("{}{}", key, i), &format!("{}{}", val, i), WriteFlags::empty()) .unwrap(); txn.commit().is_ok() })); } assert!(threads.into_iter().all(|b| b.join().unwrap())); let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap(); let txn = env.begin_ro_txn().unwrap(); for i in 0..n { assert_eq!(format!("{}{}", val, i).as_bytes(), txn.get(db, &format!("{}{}", key, i)).unwrap()); } } #[bench] fn bench_get_rand(b: &mut Bencher) { let n = 100u32; let (_dir, env) = setup_bench_db(n); let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap(); let txn = env.begin_ro_txn().unwrap(); let mut keys: Vec = (0..n).map(|n| get_key(n)).collect(); XorShiftRng::new_unseeded().shuffle(&mut keys[..]); b.iter(|| { let mut i = 0usize; for key in &keys { i = i + txn.get(db, key).unwrap().len(); } black_box(i); }); } #[bench] fn bench_get_rand_raw(b: &mut Bencher) { let n = 100u32; let (_dir, env) = setup_bench_db(n); let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap(); let _txn = env.begin_ro_txn().unwrap(); let mut keys: Vec = (0..n).map(|n| get_key(n)).collect(); XorShiftRng::new_unseeded().shuffle(&mut keys[..]); let dbi = db.dbi(); let txn = _txn.txn(); let mut key_val: MDB_val = MDB_val { mv_size: 0, mv_data: ptr::null_mut() }; let mut data_val: MDB_val = MDB_val { mv_size: 0, mv_data: ptr::null_mut() }; b.iter(|| unsafe { let mut i: size_t = 0; for key in &keys { key_val.mv_size = key.len() as size_t; key_val.mv_data = key.as_bytes().as_ptr() as *mut _; mdb_get(txn, dbi, &mut key_val, &mut data_val); i = i + key_val.mv_size; } black_box(i); }); } #[bench] fn bench_put_rand(b: &mut Bencher) { let n = 100u32; let (_dir, env) = setup_bench_db(0); let db = env.open_db(None).unwrap(); let mut items: Vec<(String, String)> = (0..n).map(|n| (get_key(n), get_data(n))).collect(); XorShiftRng::new_unseeded().shuffle(&mut items[..]); b.iter(|| { let mut txn = env.begin_rw_txn().unwrap(); for &(ref key, ref data) in items.iter() { txn.put(db, key, data, WriteFlags::empty()).unwrap(); } txn.abort(); }); } #[bench] fn bench_put_rand_raw(b: &mut Bencher) { let n = 100u32; let (_dir, _env) = setup_bench_db(0); let db = _env.open_db(None).unwrap(); let mut items: Vec<(String, String)> = (0..n).map(|n| (get_key(n), get_data(n))).collect(); XorShiftRng::new_unseeded().shuffle(&mut items[..]); let dbi = db.dbi(); let env = _env.env(); let mut key_val: MDB_val = MDB_val { mv_size: 0, mv_data: ptr::null_mut() }; let mut data_val: MDB_val = MDB_val { mv_size: 0, mv_data: ptr::null_mut() }; b.iter(|| unsafe { let mut txn: *mut MDB_txn = ptr::null_mut(); mdb_txn_begin(env, ptr::null_mut(), 0, &mut txn); let mut i: ::libc::c_int = 0; for &(ref key, ref data) in items.iter() { key_val.mv_size = key.len() as size_t; key_val.mv_data = key.as_bytes().as_ptr() as *mut _; data_val.mv_size = data.len() as size_t; data_val.mv_data = data.as_bytes().as_ptr() as *mut _; i += mdb_put(txn, dbi, &mut key_val, &mut data_val, 0); } assert_eq!(0, i); mdb_txn_abort(txn); }); } }