jobs: - job: ${{ }} pool: vmImage: ${{ parameters.vmImage }} strategy: matrix: stable: rustup_toolchain: stable beta: rustup_toolchain: beta nightly: rustup_toolchain: nightly steps: # Linux and macOS. - ${{ if ne(, 'Windows') }}: - script: | curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y --default-toolchain $RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PATH;]$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin" displayName: Install rust # Windows. - ${{ if eq(, 'Windows') }}: - script: | curl -sSf -o rustup-init.exe rustup-init.exe -y --default-toolchain %RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN% set PATH=%PATH%;%USERPROFILE%\.cargo\bin echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PATH;]%PATH%;%USERPROFILE%\.cargo\bin" displayName: Install rust (windows) # All platforms. - script: | rustc -Vv cargo -V displayName: Query rust and cargo versions - script: cargo build displayName: Build # Linux and macOS w/nightly toolchain. # Ideally we'd only run the script for the nightly toolchain, but I can't # figure out how to determine that within the Azure Pipelines conditional. - ${{ if ne(, 'Windows') }}: - script: | if [ "$RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN" = 'nightly' ] then cargo test fi displayName: Test # Windows w/nightly toolchain. # Ideally we'd only run the script for the nightly toolchain, but I can't # figure out how to determine that within the Azure Pipelines conditional. - ${{ if eq(, 'Windows') }}: - script: if "%RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN%" == "nightly" cargo test displayName: Test