Safe Rust bindings for LMDB with encryption at rest
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use libc::c_int;
use std::error::Error;
use std::str;
use ffi;
#[deriving(Show, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct LmdbError {
err_code: c_int,
impl Error for LmdbError {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
unsafe { str::from_c_str(ffi::mdb_strerror(self.err_code) as *const _) }
impl LmdbError {
pub fn from_err_code(err_code: c_int) -> LmdbError {
LmdbError { err_code: err_code}
pub type LmdbResult<T> = Result<T, LmdbError>;
pub fn lmdb_result(err_code: c_int) -> LmdbResult<()> {
if err_code == ffi::MDB_SUCCESS {
} else {
mod test {
use std::error::Error;
use super::*;
use ffi;
fn test_description() {
assert_eq!("Permission denied",
assert_eq!("MDB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data pair found",