diff --git a/ng-app/src/locales/en.json b/ng-app/src/locales/en.json
index 616dbb8..3833335 100644
--- a/ng-app/src/locales/en.json
+++ b/ng-app/src/locales/en.json
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
"install": {
"app_availability": "NextGraph App is available for download as a native app for your mobile, tablet, laptop and desktop.
The app supports iOS, Android, Linux, macOS, Windows, or any other platform with a modern browser.",
- "has_wallet_warning": "A wallet is saved in this browser. If it is yours,
once the installation of the app will be finished,
choose the option \"Login\" on the app.
(do not create another wallet from the app).",
+ "has_wallet_warning": "A wallet is saved in this browser.
If it is yours, once the installation of the app will be finished,
choose the option \"Login\" on the app.
(do not create another wallet from the app).",
"android_play_store": "Android Play Store",
"download_apk": "Download APK",
"ios_app_store": "iOS App Store",
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@
"5": "At anytime you can decide to switch to another broker service provider or host it yourself. Your data is totally portable and can freely move to another broker.",
"6": "Soon we will offer you the opportunity to host your own broker at home or office. Instead of using a \"broker service provider\", you will own a small device that you connect behind your internet router. It is called NG Box and will be available soon.",
"7": "Organizations and companies have the opportunity to host a broker on-premise or in the cloud, as the software is open source. Individuals can also self-host a broker on any VPS server or at home, on their dedicated hardware.",
- "8": "You can also start by installing the Native App and create the wallet from there, and select the broker also from the app.
At any time you will be able to transfer your Wallet from one device to another (including from the web-app and the native apps)."
+ "8": "You can also start by installing the Native App and create the wallet from there, and then select the broker from the app.
At any time you will be able to transfer your Wallet from one device to another (including from the web-app and the native apps)."
"choose_broker": "Please choose one broker among the list",
"register_with_broker": "Register with {broker}",
diff --git a/ng-sdk-js/Cargo.toml b/ng-sdk-js/Cargo.toml
index 86b3bef..5b3b147 100644
--- a/ng-sdk-js/Cargo.toml
+++ b/ng-sdk-js/Cargo.toml
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ rust-version.workspace = true
wasm-opt = false
-appdev = "rm -r pkg && wasm-pack build --target bundler"
-app = "rm -r pkg && wasm-pack build --target bundler"
-nodedev = "rm -r pkg-node && wasm-pack build --dev -t nodejs -d pkg-node && node prepare-node.js"
-node = "rm -r pkg-node && wasm-pack build -t nodejs -d pkg-node && node prepare-node.js"
-web = "rm -r web && wasm-pack build --target web -d web"
-webdev = "rm -r web && wasm-pack build --dev --target web -d web"
+appdev = "rm -rf pkg && wasm-pack build --target bundler"
+app = "rm -rf pkg && wasm-pack build --target bundler"
+nodedev = "rm -rf pkg-node && wasm-pack build --dev -t nodejs -d pkg-node && node prepare-node.js"
+node = "rm -rf pkg-node && wasm-pack build -t nodejs -d pkg-node && node prepare-node.js"
+web = "rm -rf web && wasm-pack build --target web -d web"
+webdev = "rm -rf web && wasm-pack build --dev --target web -d web"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
diff --git a/ng-sdk-js/app-node/index.js b/ng-sdk-js/app-node/index.js
index c6b0f1b..263aad8 100644
--- a/ng-sdk-js/app-node/index.js
+++ b/ng-sdk-js/app-node/index.js
@@ -21,125 +21,198 @@ let config = {
server_addr: ""
-ng.init_headless(config).then( async() => {
- let session_id;
+// get your wallet file as an ArrayBuffer and pass it to wallet_read_file
+const fs = require('fs');
+let buffer = fs.readFileSync("/Users/nl/Downloads/wallet-Hr-UITwGtjE1k6lXBoVGzD4FQMiDkM3T6bSeAi9PXt4A.ngw");
+ng.wallet_read_file(buffer).then(async (wallet)=>{
+ console.log("start");
try {
- //let user_id = await ng.admin_create_user(config);
- //console.log("user created: ",user_id);
- let user_id = "sajsOaZWHXNyvhBxWbyj9GFmxuAjsP31gWQ2qZunCr0A";
- //let base;
- let session = await ng.session_headless_start(user_id);
- session_id = session.session_id;
+ let opened_wallet = await ng.wallet_open_with_mnemonic_words(wallet, ["jealous",
+ "during",
+ "elevator",
+ "swallow",
+ "pen",
+ "phone",
+ "like",
+ "employ",
+ "myth",
+ "remember",
+ "question",
+ "lemon"],
+ [2, 3, 2, 3]);
+ console.log(opened_wallet);
+ let user_id = opened_wallet.V0.personal_site;
+ let wallet_name = opened_wallet.V0.wallet_id;
+ console.log(user_id)
+ console.log(wallet_name)
+ let _client = await ng.wallet_import(wallet, opened_wallet, true)
+ let session = await ng.session_in_memory_start(wallet_name, user_id);
+ let session_id = session.session_id;
- let dump = await ng.rdf_dump(session.session_id);
+ let protected_repo_id = session.protected_store_id.substr(2,44);
+ console.log("Session started. protected store ID = ", protected_repo_id)
+ let info = await ng.client_info();
+ console.log(info);
+ let connection_status = await ng.user_connect(
+ info,
+ user_id
+ );
+ console.log(connection_status);
+ let dump = await ng.rdf_dump(session_id);
- let private_store = "did:ng:o:qBzNhlqofXRKbTfTUOq-2Aagh5AgDES5LR4Hsw7caCUA:v:XL7JfZF_8OuRiEN1db3g44sUD2m1aU8Z_Ab1Z6H-AOkA";
- //let nuri = await ng.doc_create(session.session_id, "Graph", "data:graph", "protected", "B381BvfdAFYPBkdhDrsqnMMg5pnJMWJgJbZobZErXZMA", "store");
- let nuri = "did:ng:o:FwRgrwtOhli54mRT6xi8J5ZK7X4L7L86lpbwhNVmgbsA:v:cpEgHDobJmdpcB8Z4SP91tBX4wPaasjJuz09GkfP2_UA";
- console.log("nuri=",nuri);
- let base = "did:ng:o:FwRgrwtOhli54mRT6xi8J5ZK7X4L7L86lpbwhNVmgbsA";
- console.log("******** UPDATE")
+ let nuri = await ng.doc_create(session_id, "Graph", "data:graph", "protected", protected_repo_id, "store");
+ console.log(nuri);
- //let header_branch = "did:ng:o:b70vk7Bj4eInXgG8pLysrFpEL-YSOiRYEmihPGiM1EsA:v:_0hm2qIpq443C7rMEdCGnhPDhsaWR2XruTIaF-9LKbkA:b:TokczMya9WDpQ-_FYFi7QJVbHmllWS3lD-vjtzHHQa0A";
- // let sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", base, header_branch);
- // console.log(sparql_result);
- // for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) {
- // console.log(q);
- // }
- // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "WITH <"+header_branch+"> \
- // DELETE { <> ?n. } INSERT {<> \"ddd6\". } WHERE {OPTIONAL { <> ?n } }",nuri);
- // let history = await ng.branch_history(session.session_id);
- // for (const h of history.history) {
- // console.log(h[0], h[1]);
- // }
- // console.log(history.swimlane_state);
- await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { }");
- sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }");
- console.log("******** CONSTRUCT")
+ // await ng.sparql_update(session_id,
+ // "INSERT DATA { \"An example value30\". }", nuri );
- for (const r of sparql_result) console.log(r.subject.value, r.predicate.value, r.object.value);
- // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "DELETE DATA { }");
- // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { }");
- // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT { ?s } WHERE { ?s } ");
- // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { . }");
- //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { [ ]. }");
- //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { [ ] . }");
- //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT { ?a . } WHERE { ?a } ");
- //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:1 . _:1 . }");
- //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:f766ca988268ddc60315ddd5bd621387 . }");
- //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT { _:_ . } WHERE { _:_ } ");
- //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:_ . _:_a . }");
- //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <> . }",base);
- //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:_ . _:_ . }");
- //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { [ ]. }");
- // sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "SELECT ?a WHERE { ?a _:abc. _:abc }", base);
- // console.log(sparql_result);
- // for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) {
- // console.log(q);
- // }
- // sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "SELECT ?s ?a WHERE { ?s ?a }", base);
- // console.log(sparql_result);
- // for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) {
- // console.log(q);
- // }
- // console.log("******** CONSTRUCT2")
- // let quads = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }",base);
- // for (const q of quads) {
- // console.log(q.subject.toString(), q.predicate.toString(), q.object.toString(), q.graph.toString())
- // }
- // let file_nuri = await ng.file_put_to_private_store(session.session_id,"LICENSE-MIT","text/plain");
- // console.log(file_nuri);
- // //let file_nuri = "did:ng:j:AD_d4njVMAtIDEU1G-RDxfOLIOZyOrB_1Rb7B6XykIEJ:k:APV-_Xtk03PW_Mbl4OaYpLrmEkBDVtn81lpto8sxc_tb";
- // var bufs = [];
- // let cancel = await ng.file_get_from_private_store(session.session_id, file_nuri, async (file) => {
- // if (file.V0.FileMeta) {
- // //skip
- // } else if (file.V0.FileBinary) {
- // if (file.V0.FileBinary.byteLength > 0) {
- // bufs.push(file.V0.FileBinary);
- // }
- // } else if (file.V0 == 'EndOfStream') {
- // //console.log("end of file");
- // var buf = Buffer.concat(bufs);
- // // if the file contains some UTF8 text
- // console.log(buf.toString('utf8'));
- // }
- // });
- // the 2nd argument `false` means: do not `force_close` the dataset.
- // it will be detached, which means it stays in memory even when the session is stopped.
- // (not all the dataset is in memory anyway! just some metadata)
- // if you set this to true, the dataset is closed and removed from memory on the server.
- // next time you will open a session for this user, the dataset will be loaded again.
- let res = await ng.session_headless_stop(session.session_id, false);
- //console.log(res);
+ // cleaning up
+ await ng.user_disconnect(user_id);
+ await ng.session_stop(user_id);
+ await ng.wallet_close(wallet_name);
+ console.log("the end");
} catch (e) {
- if (session_id) await ng.session_headless_stop(session_id, true);
-.catch(err => {
+}).catch(err => {
+// ng.init_headless(config).then( async() => {
+// let session_id;
+// try {
+// //let user_id = await ng.admin_create_user(config);
+// //console.log("user created: ",user_id);
+// let user_id = "sajsOaZWHXNyvhBxWbyj9GFmxuAjsP31gWQ2qZunCr0A";
+// //let base;
+// let session = await ng.session_headless_start(user_id);
+// session_id = session.session_id;
+// console.log(session);
+// let dump = await ng.rdf_dump(session.session_id);
+// console.log(dump);
+// let private_store = "did:ng:o:qBzNhlqofXRKbTfTUOq-2Aagh5AgDES5LR4Hsw7caCUA:v:XL7JfZF_8OuRiEN1db3g44sUD2m1aU8Z_Ab1Z6H-AOkA";
+// //let nuri = await ng.doc_create(session.session_id, "Graph", "data:graph", "protected", "B381BvfdAFYPBkdhDrsqnMMg5pnJMWJgJbZobZErXZMA", "store");
+// let nuri = "did:ng:o:FwRgrwtOhli54mRT6xi8J5ZK7X4L7L86lpbwhNVmgbsA:v:cpEgHDobJmdpcB8Z4SP91tBX4wPaasjJuz09GkfP2_UA";
+// console.log("nuri=",nuri);
+// let base = "did:ng:o:FwRgrwtOhli54mRT6xi8J5ZK7X4L7L86lpbwhNVmgbsA";
+// console.log("******** UPDATE")
+// //let header_branch = "did:ng:o:b70vk7Bj4eInXgG8pLysrFpEL-YSOiRYEmihPGiM1EsA:v:_0hm2qIpq443C7rMEdCGnhPDhsaWR2XruTIaF-9LKbkA:b:TokczMya9WDpQ-_FYFi7QJVbHmllWS3lD-vjtzHHQa0A";
+// // let sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", base, header_branch);
+// // console.log(sparql_result);
+// // for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) {
+// // console.log(q);
+// // }
+// // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "WITH <"+header_branch+"> \
+// // DELETE { <> ?n. } INSERT {<> \"ddd6\". } WHERE {OPTIONAL { <> ?n } }",nuri);
+// // let history = await ng.branch_history(session.session_id);
+// // for (const h of history.history) {
+// // console.log(h[0], h[1]);
+// // }
+// // console.log(history.swimlane_state);
+// await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { }");
+// sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }");
+// console.log("******** CONSTRUCT")
+// for (const r of sparql_result) console.log(r.subject.value, r.predicate.value, r.object.value);
+// // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "DELETE DATA { }");
+// // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { }");
+// // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT { ?s } WHERE { ?s } ");
+// // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { . }");
+// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { [ ]. }");
+// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { [ ] . }");
+// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT { ?a . } WHERE { ?a } ");
+// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:1 . _:1 . }");
+// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:f766ca988268ddc60315ddd5bd621387 . }");
+// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT { _:_ . } WHERE { _:_ } ");
+// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:_ . _:_a . }");
+// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <> . }",base);
+// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:_ . _:_ . }");
+// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { [ ]. }");
+// // sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "SELECT ?a WHERE { ?a _:abc. _:abc }", base);
+// // console.log(sparql_result);
+// // for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) {
+// // console.log(q);
+// // }
+// // sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "SELECT ?s ?a WHERE { ?s ?a }", base);
+// // console.log(sparql_result);
+// // for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) {
+// // console.log(q);
+// // }
+// // console.log("******** CONSTRUCT2")
+// // let quads = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }",base);
+// // for (const q of quads) {
+// // console.log(q.subject.toString(), q.predicate.toString(), q.object.toString(), q.graph.toString())
+// // }
+// // let file_nuri = await ng.file_put_to_private_store(session.session_id,"LICENSE-MIT","text/plain");
+// // console.log(file_nuri);
+// // //let file_nuri = "did:ng:j:AD_d4njVMAtIDEU1G-RDxfOLIOZyOrB_1Rb7B6XykIEJ:k:APV-_Xtk03PW_Mbl4OaYpLrmEkBDVtn81lpto8sxc_tb";
+// // var bufs = [];
+// // let cancel = await ng.file_get_from_private_store(session.session_id, file_nuri, async (file) => {
+// // if (file.V0.FileMeta) {
+// // //skip
+// // } else if (file.V0.FileBinary) {
+// // if (file.V0.FileBinary.byteLength > 0) {
+// // bufs.push(file.V0.FileBinary);
+// // }
+// // } else if (file.V0 == 'EndOfStream') {
+// // //console.log("end of file");
+// // var buf = Buffer.concat(bufs);
+// // // if the file contains some UTF8 text
+// // console.log(buf.toString('utf8'));
+// // }
+// // });
+// // the 2nd argument `false` means: do not `force_close` the dataset.
+// // it will be detached, which means it stays in memory even when the session is stopped.
+// // (not all the dataset is in memory anyway! just some metadata)
+// // if you set this to true, the dataset is closed and removed from memory on the server.
+// // next time you will open a session for this user, the dataset will be loaded again.
+// let res = await ng.session_headless_stop(session.session_id, false);
+// //console.log(res);
+// } catch (e) {
+// console.error(e);
+// if (session_id) await ng.session_headless_stop(session_id, true);
+// }
+// })
+// .catch(err => {
+// console.error(err);
+// });
diff --git a/ng-sdk-js/app-node/package-lock.json b/ng-sdk-js/app-node/package-lock.json
index 6ae012a..6626c18 100644
--- a/ng-sdk-js/app-node/package-lock.json
+++ b/ng-sdk-js/app-node/package-lock.json
@@ -9,13 +9,14 @@
"version": "0.1.0",
"license": "(MIT OR Apache-2.0)",
"dependencies": {
- "nextgraph": "^0.1.0",
+ "nextgraph": "^0.1.1",
"ws": "^8.13.0"
"../pkg-node": {
"name": "nextgraph",
"version": "0.1.0",
+ "extraneous": true,
"license": "MIT/Apache-2.0"
"node_modules/bufferutil": {
@@ -32,6 +33,11 @@
"node": ">=6.14.2"
+ "node_modules/nextgraph": {
+ "version": "0.1.1",
+ "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/nextgraph/-/nextgraph-0.1.1.tgz",
+ "integrity": "sha512-hTRfI9YVZ+nBaqBq6k2fUIzoaSQER5pMdz/eOHYo6XSMJS9CQNRo8Ko0eHb3rj4gZR3r5ox+G6t4IaoCiAsxsw=="
+ },
"node_modules/node-gyp-build": {
"version": "4.6.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/node-gyp-build/-/node-gyp-build-4.6.0.tgz",
@@ -90,6 +96,11 @@
"node-gyp-build": "^4.3.0"
+ "nextgraph": {
+ "version": "0.1.1",
+ "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/nextgraph/-/nextgraph-0.1.1.tgz",
+ "integrity": "sha512-hTRfI9YVZ+nBaqBq6k2fUIzoaSQER5pMdz/eOHYo6XSMJS9CQNRo8Ko0eHb3rj4gZR3r5ox+G6t4IaoCiAsxsw=="
+ },
"node-gyp-build": {
"version": "4.6.0",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/node-gyp-build/-/node-gyp-build-4.6.0.tgz",
diff --git a/ng-sdk-js/app-node/package.json b/ng-sdk-js/app-node/package.json
index 5108a89..a9789e7 100644
--- a/ng-sdk-js/app-node/package.json
+++ b/ng-sdk-js/app-node/package.json
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"author": "Niko PLP ",
"license": "(MIT OR Apache-2.0)",
"dependencies": {
- "nextgraph": "^0.1.0",
+ "nextgraph": "^0.1.1",
"ws": "^8.13.0"
diff --git a/ng-sdk-js/app-web/index.js b/ng-sdk-js/app-web/index.js
index 2df021e..7e7f2de 100644
--- a/ng-sdk-js/app-web/index.js
+++ b/ng-sdk-js/app-web/index.js
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
import * as ng from "ng-sdk-js";
-import test from './test';
+// import test from './test';
+// ng.test();
+// test();
+await ng.wallet_read_file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ng-sdk-js/app-web/package.json b/ng-sdk-js/app-web/package.json
index c099d4f..9ff2ace 100644
--- a/ng-sdk-js/app-web/package.json
+++ b/ng-sdk-js/app-web/package.json
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"homepage": "https://docs.nextgraph.org",
"dependencies": {
- "ng-sdk-js": "^0.1.0"
+ "ng-sdk-js": "^0.1.1"
"devDependencies": {
"webpack": "^4.29.3",
diff --git a/ng-sdk-js/app-web/test.js b/ng-sdk-js/app-web/test.js
index 86e6c44..93780b8 100644
--- a/ng-sdk-js/app-web/test.js
+++ b/ng-sdk-js/app-web/test.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import * as ng from "ng-sdk-js";
function test() {
- ng.test()
+ //ng.test()
export default test;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ng-sdk-js/js/node.js b/ng-sdk-js/js/node.js
index 36ad6ca..7012672 100644
--- a/ng-sdk-js/js/node.js
+++ b/ng-sdk-js/js/node.js
@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ module.exports.upload_file = async ( filename, callback, end) => {
module.exports.client_details = function () {
const process = require('process');
+ const osnode = require('os');
let arch = osnode.machine? osnode.machine() : process.arch;
if (arch=="ia32") {arch="x86"}
else if (arch=="x64") {arch="x86_64"}
@@ -158,7 +159,6 @@ module.exports.client_details = function () {
else if (arch=="i686") {arch="x86"}
else if (arch=="amd64") {arch="x86_64"}
else if (arch=="arm64") {arch="aarch64"}
- const osnode = require('os');
let os = osName(osnode.platform(),osnode.release());
if (osnode.version) os.uname = osnode.version();
os.type = osnode.type();
diff --git a/ng-sdk-js/src/lib.rs b/ng-sdk-js/src/lib.rs
index 5617539..2427504 100644
--- a/ng-sdk-js/src/lib.rs
+++ b/ng-sdk-js/src/lib.rs
@@ -258,6 +258,23 @@ pub async fn session_start(wallet_name: String, user_js: JsValue) -> Result Result {
+ let user_id = serde_wasm_bindgen::from_value::(user_js)
+ .map_err(|_| "Deserialization error of user_id")?;
+ let config = SessionConfig::new_in_memory(&user_id, &wallet_name);
+ let res: SessionInfoString = nextgraph::local_broker::session_start(config)
+ .await
+ .map_err(|e: NgError| e.to_string())?
+ .into();
+ Ok(serde_wasm_bindgen::to_value(&res).unwrap())
#[cfg(wasmpack_target = "nodejs")]
pub async fn session_headless_start(user_js: String) -> Result {