// Copyright (c) 2022-2025 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers // All rights reserved. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // // or the MIT license , // at your option. All files in the project carrying such // notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except // according to those terms. const WebSocket = require("ws"); // shim to insert WebSocket in global const ng = require("nextgraph"); global.WebSocket = WebSocket; let config = { // replace server_peer_id and admin_user_key with your own // replace client_peer_key with a fresh key generated with `ngcli gen-key` (use the private key) server_peer_id: "pzx0BqespDc0MjvtYmq1b6PRqc4i1mjYRqVbIXOw2RwA", admin_user_key: "sB2JMURtgd42pWI4lLxCT_cNle-pfWkOLZQ0XyJiFswA", client_peer_key: "GRP0QnlzaB8o2vdiBaNoOYDNOFX-uehLZMxeCaG3JA0A", server_addr: "" }; ng.init_headless(config).then( async() => { let session_id; try { //let user_id = await ng.admin_create_user(config); //console.log("user created: ",user_id); let user_id = "sajsOaZWHXNyvhBxWbyj9GFmxuAjsP31gWQ2qZunCr0A"; //let base; let session = await ng.session_headless_start(user_id); session_id = session.session_id; console.log(session); let dump = await ng.rdf_dump(session.session_id); console.log(dump); let private_store = "did:ng:o:qBzNhlqofXRKbTfTUOq-2Aagh5AgDES5LR4Hsw7caCUA:v:XL7JfZF_8OuRiEN1db3g44sUD2m1aU8Z_Ab1Z6H-AOkA"; //let nuri = await ng.doc_create(session.session_id, "Graph", "data:graph", "protected", "B381BvfdAFYPBkdhDrsqnMMg5pnJMWJgJbZobZErXZMA", "store"); let nuri = "did:ng:o:FwRgrwtOhli54mRT6xi8J5ZK7X4L7L86lpbwhNVmgbsA:v:cpEgHDobJmdpcB8Z4SP91tBX4wPaasjJuz09GkfP2_UA"; console.log("nuri=",nuri); let base = "did:ng:o:FwRgrwtOhli54mRT6xi8J5ZK7X4L7L86lpbwhNVmgbsA"; console.log("******** UPDATE") //let header_branch = "did:ng:o:b70vk7Bj4eInXgG8pLysrFpEL-YSOiRYEmihPGiM1EsA:v:_0hm2qIpq443C7rMEdCGnhPDhsaWR2XruTIaF-9LKbkA:b:TokczMya9WDpQ-_FYFi7QJVbHmllWS3lD-vjtzHHQa0A"; // let sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", base, header_branch); // console.log(sparql_result); // for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) { // console.log(q); // } // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "WITH <"+header_branch+"> \ // DELETE { <> ?n. } INSERT {<> \"ddd6\". } WHERE {OPTIONAL { <> ?n } }",nuri); // let history = await ng.branch_history(session.session_id); // for (const h of history.history) { // console.log(h[0], h[1]); // } // console.log(history.swimlane_state); await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { }"); sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }"); console.log("******** CONSTRUCT") for (const r of sparql_result) console.log(r.subject.value, r.predicate.value, r.object.value); // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "DELETE DATA { }"); // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { }"); // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT { ?s } WHERE { ?s } "); // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { . }"); //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { [ ]. }"); //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { [ ] . }"); //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT { ?a . } WHERE { ?a } "); //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:1 . _:1 . }"); //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:f766ca988268ddc60315ddd5bd621387 . }"); //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT { _:_ . } WHERE { _:_ } "); //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:_ . _:_a . }"); //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <> . }",base); //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:_ . _:_ . }"); //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { [ ]. }"); // sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "SELECT ?a WHERE { ?a _:abc. _:abc }", base); // console.log(sparql_result); // for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) { // console.log(q); // } // sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "SELECT ?s ?a WHERE { ?s ?a }", base); // console.log(sparql_result); // for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) { // console.log(q); // } // console.log("******** CONSTRUCT2") // let quads = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }",base); // for (const q of quads) { // console.log(q.subject.toString(), q.predicate.toString(), q.object.toString(), q.graph.toString()) // } // let file_nuri = await ng.file_put_to_private_store(session.session_id,"LICENSE-MIT","text/plain"); // console.log(file_nuri); // //let file_nuri = "did:ng:j:AD_d4njVMAtIDEU1G-RDxfOLIOZyOrB_1Rb7B6XykIEJ:k:APV-_Xtk03PW_Mbl4OaYpLrmEkBDVtn81lpto8sxc_tb"; // var bufs = []; // let cancel = await ng.file_get_from_private_store(session.session_id, file_nuri, async (file) => { // if (file.V0.FileMeta) { // //skip // } else if (file.V0.FileBinary) { // if (file.V0.FileBinary.byteLength > 0) { // bufs.push(file.V0.FileBinary); // } // } else if (file.V0 == 'EndOfStream') { // //console.log("end of file"); // var buf = Buffer.concat(bufs); // // if the file contains some UTF8 text // console.log(buf.toString('utf8')); // } // }); // the 2nd argument `false` means: do not `force_close` the dataset. // it will be detached, which means it stays in memory even when the session is stopped. // (not all the dataset is in memory anyway! just some metadata) // if you set this to true, the dataset is closed and removed from memory on the server. // next time you will open a session for this user, the dataset will be loaded again. let res = await ng.session_headless_stop(session.session_id, false); //console.log(res); } catch (e) { console.error(e); if (session_id) await ng.session_headless_stop(session_id, true); } }) .catch(err => { console.error(err); });