[package] name = "ng-sdk-python" version.workspace = true description = "NextGraph python package. Nextgraph is a decentralized, secure and local-first web 3.0 ecosystem based on Semantic Web and CRDTs" edition.workspace = true license.workspace = true authors.workspace = true repository.workspace = true homepage.workspace = true keywords = [ "crdt","e2ee","local-first","p2p","semantic-web" ] documentation.workspace = true rust-version.workspace = true # See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html [lib] name = "nextgraphpy" crate-type = ["cdylib"] [dependencies] pyo3 = "0.23.3" pyo3-async-runtimes = { version = "0.23", features = ["async-std-runtime"] } pythonize = "0.23.0" async-std = "1.12.0" serde = { version = "1.0.142", features = ["derive"] } nextgraph = { path = "../nextgraph" }