// Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers // All rights reserved. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // // or the MIT license , // at your option. All files in the project carrying such // notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except // according to those terms. //! ng-one bootstrap use p2p_net::types::*; use p2p_repo::kcv_store::KCVStore; use p2p_repo::store::*; use p2p_repo::types::PubKey; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_bare::{from_slice, to_vec}; pub struct DynBox<'a> { /// peer ID id: PubKey, store: &'a dyn KCVStore, } impl<'a> DynBox<'a> { const PREFIX: u8 = b"d"[0]; // properties' suffixes const ADDRS: u8 = b"a"[0]; const ALL_PROPERTIES: [u8; 1] = [Self::ADDRS]; const SUFFIX_FOR_EXIST_CHECK: u8 = Self::ADDRS; pub fn open(id: &PubKey, store: &'a dyn KCVStore) -> Result, StorageError> { let opening = DynBox { id: id.clone(), store, }; if !opening.exists() { return Err(StorageError::NotFound); } Ok(opening) } pub fn create( id: &PubKey, addrs: &Vec, store: &'a dyn KCVStore, ) -> Result, StorageError> { let acc = DynBox { id: id.clone(), store, }; if acc.exists() { return Err(StorageError::BackendError); } store.write_transaction(&|tx| { tx.put( Self::PREFIX, &to_vec(&id)?, Some(Self::ADDRS), &to_vec(&addrs)?, )?; Ok(()) })?; Ok(acc) } pub fn exists(&self) -> bool { self.store .get( Self::PREFIX, &to_vec(&self.id).unwrap(), Some(Self::SUFFIX_FOR_EXIST_CHECK), ) .is_ok() } pub fn id(&self) -> PubKey { self.id } pub fn replace_addresses(&self, addrs: &Vec) -> Result<(), StorageError> { if !self.exists() { return Err(StorageError::BackendError); } self.store.replace( Self::PREFIX, &to_vec(&self.id)?, Some(Self::ADDRS), to_vec(addrs)?, ) } pub fn remove_addresses(&self) -> Result<(), StorageError> { self.store .del(Self::PREFIX, &to_vec(&self.id)?, Some(Self::ADDRS)) } pub fn del(&self) -> Result<(), StorageError> { self.store .del_all(Self::PREFIX, &to_vec(&self.id)?, &Self::ALL_PROPERTIES) } }