use crate::oxrdf::NamedNode; use crate::oxttl::toolkit::{TokenRecognizer, TokenRecognizerError}; use memchr::{memchr, memchr2}; use oxilangtag::LanguageTag; use oxiri::Iri; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::cmp::min; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::ops::Range; use std::str; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum N3Token<'a> { IriRef(String), PrefixedName { prefix: &'a str, local: Cow<'a, str>, might_be_invalid_iri: bool, }, Variable(Cow<'a, str>), BlankNodeLabel(&'a str), String(String), Integer(&'a str), Decimal(&'a str), Double(&'a str), LangTag(&'a str), Punctuation(&'a str), PlainKeyword(&'a str), } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq)] pub enum N3LexerMode { NTriples, Turtle, N3, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct N3LexerOptions { pub base_iri: Option>, } pub struct N3Lexer { mode: N3LexerMode, unchecked: bool, } // TODO: there are a lot of 'None' (missing data) returned even if the stream is ending!!! // TODO: simplify by not giving is_end and fail with an "unexpected eof" is none is returned when is_end=true? impl TokenRecognizer for N3Lexer { type Token<'a> = N3Token<'a>; type Options = N3LexerOptions; fn recognize_next_token<'a>( &mut self, data: &'a [u8], is_ending: bool, options: &N3LexerOptions, ) -> Option<(usize, Result, TokenRecognizerError>)> { match *data.first()? { b'<' => match *data.get(1)? { b'<' => Some((2, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("<<")))), b'=' if self.mode == N3LexerMode::N3 => { if let Some((consumed, result)) = self.recognize_iri(data, options) { Some(if let Ok(result) = result { (consumed, Ok(result)) } else { (2, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("<="))) }) } else if is_ending { Some((2, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("<=")))) } else { None } } b'-' if self.mode == N3LexerMode::N3 => { if let Some((consumed, result)) = self.recognize_iri(data, options) { Some(if let Ok(result) = result { (consumed, Ok(result)) } else { (2, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("<-"))) }) } else if is_ending { Some((2, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("<-")))) } else { None } } _ => self.recognize_iri(data, options), }, b'>' => { if *data.get(1)? == b'>' { Some((2, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation(">>")))) } else { Some((1, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation(">")))) } } b'_' => match data.get(1)? { b':' => Self::recognize_blank_node_label(data), c => Some(( 1, Err((0, format!("Unexpected character '{}'", char::from(*c))).into()), )), }, b'"' => { if self.mode != N3LexerMode::NTriples && *data.get(1)? == b'"' && *data.get(2)? == b'"' { Self::recognize_long_string(data, b'"') } else { Self::recognize_string(data, b'"') } } b'\'' if self.mode != N3LexerMode::NTriples => { if *data.get(1)? == b'\'' && *data.get(2)? == b'\'' { Self::recognize_long_string(data, b'\'') } else { Self::recognize_string(data, b'\'') } } b'@' => self.recognize_lang_tag(data), b'.' => match data.get(1) { Some(b'0'..=b'9') => Self::recognize_number(data), Some(_) => Some((1, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation(".")))), None => is_ending.then_some((1, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation(".")))), }, b'^' => { if *data.get(1)? == b'^' { Some((2, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("^^")))) } else { Some((1, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("^")))) } } b'(' => Some((1, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("(")))), b')' => Some((1, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation(")")))), b'[' => Some((1, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("[")))), b']' => Some((1, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("]")))), b'{' => { if *data.get(1)? == b'|' { Some((2, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("{|")))) } else { Some((1, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("{")))) } } b'}' => Some((1, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("}")))), b',' => Some((1, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation(",")))), b';' => Some((1, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation(";")))), b'!' => Some((1, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("!")))), b'|' => { if *data.get(1)? == b'}' { Some((2, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("|}")))) } else { Some((1, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("|")))) } } b'=' => { if *data.get(1)? == b'>' { Some((2, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("=>")))) } else { Some((1, Ok(N3Token::Punctuation("=")))) } } b'0'..=b'9' | b'+' | b'-' => Self::recognize_number(data), b'?' => self.recognize_variable(data, is_ending), _ => self.recognize_pname_or_keyword(data, is_ending), } } } impl N3Lexer { pub fn new(mode: N3LexerMode, unchecked: bool) -> Self { Self { mode, unchecked } } fn recognize_iri( &self, data: &[u8], options: &N3LexerOptions, ) -> Option<(usize, Result, TokenRecognizerError>)> { // [18] IRIREF ::= '<' ([^#x00-#x20<>"{}|^`\] | UCHAR)* '>' /* #x00=NULL #01-#x1F=control codes #x20=space */ let mut string = Vec::new(); let mut i = 1; loop { let end = memchr2(b'>', b'\\', &data[i..])?; string.extend_from_slice(&data[i..i + end]); i += end; match data[i] { b'>' => { #[allow(clippy::range_plus_one)] return Some((i + 1, self.parse_iri(string, 0..i + 1, options))); } b'\\' => { let (additional, c) = Self::recognize_escape(&data[i..], i, false)?; i += additional + 1; match c { Ok(c) => { let mut buf = [0; 4]; string.extend_from_slice(c.encode_utf8(&mut buf).as_bytes()); } Err(e) => return Some((i, Err(e))), } } _ => unreachable!(), } } } fn parse_iri( &self, iri: Vec, position: Range, options: &N3LexerOptions, ) -> Result, TokenRecognizerError> { let iri = string_from_utf8(iri, position.clone())?; Ok(N3Token::IriRef( if let Some(base_iri) = options.base_iri.as_ref() { if self.unchecked { base_iri.resolve_unchecked(&iri) } else { base_iri .resolve(&iri) .map_err(|e| (position, e.to_string()))? } .into_inner() } else if self.unchecked { iri } else { Iri::parse(iri) .map_err(|e| (position, e.to_string()))? .into_inner() }, )) } fn recognize_pname_or_keyword<'a>( &self, data: &'a [u8], is_ending: bool, ) -> Option<(usize, Result, TokenRecognizerError>)> { // [139s] PNAME_NS ::= PN_PREFIX? ':' // [140s] PNAME_LN ::= PNAME_NS PN_LOCAL // [167s] PN_PREFIX ::= PN_CHARS_BASE ((PN_CHARS | '.')* PN_CHARS)? let mut i = 0; loop { if let Some(r) = Self::recognize_unicode_char(&data[i..], i) { match r { Ok((c, consumed)) => { if c == ':' { i += consumed; break; } else if i == 0 { if !Self::is_possible_pn_chars_base(c) { return Some(( consumed, Err(( 0..consumed, format!( "'{c}' is not allowed at the beginning of a prefix name" ), ) .into()), )); } i += consumed; } else if Self::is_possible_pn_chars(c) || c == '.' { i += consumed; } else { while data[..i].ends_with(b".") { i -= 1; } return Some(( i, str_from_utf8(&data[..i], 0..i).map(N3Token::PlainKeyword), )); } } Err(e) => return Some((e.location.end, Err(e))), } } else if is_ending { while data[..i].ends_with(b".") { i -= 1; } return Some(if i == 0 { ( 1, Err((0..1, format!("Unexpected byte {}", data[0])).into()), ) } else { ( i, str_from_utf8(&data[..i], 0..i).map(N3Token::PlainKeyword), ) }); } else { return None; } } let pn_prefix = match str_from_utf8(&data[..i - 1], 0..i - 1) { Ok(pn_prefix) => pn_prefix, Err(e) => return Some((i, Err(e))), }; if pn_prefix.ends_with('.') { return Some(( i, Err(( 0..i, format!( "'{pn_prefix}' is not a valid prefix: prefixes are not allowed to end with '.'"), ) .into()), )); } let (consumed, pn_local_result) = self.recognize_optional_pn_local(&data[i..], is_ending)?; Some(( consumed + i,|(local, might_be_invalid_iri)| N3Token::PrefixedName { prefix: pn_prefix, local, might_be_invalid_iri, }), )) } fn recognize_variable<'a>( &self, data: &'a [u8], is_ending: bool, ) -> Option<(usize, Result, TokenRecognizerError>)> { // [36] QUICK_VAR_NAME ::= "?" PN_LOCAL let (consumed, result) = self.recognize_optional_pn_local(&data[1..], is_ending)?; Some(( consumed + 1, result.and_then(|(name, _)| { if name.is_empty() { Err((0..consumed, "A variable name is not allowed to be empty").into()) } else { Ok(N3Token::Variable(name)) } }), )) } fn recognize_optional_pn_local<'a>( &self, data: &'a [u8], is_ending: bool, ) -> Option<(usize, Result<(Cow<'a, str>, bool), TokenRecognizerError>)> { // [168s] PN_LOCAL ::= (PN_CHARS_U | ':' | [0-9] | PLX) ((PN_CHARS | '.' | ':' | PLX)* (PN_CHARS | ':' | PLX))? let mut i = 0; let mut buffer = None; // Buffer if there are some escaped characters let mut position_that_is_already_in_buffer = 0; let mut might_be_invalid_iri = false; let mut ends_with_unescaped_dot = 0; loop { if let Some(r) = Self::recognize_unicode_char(&data[i..], i) { match r { Ok((c, consumed)) => { if c == '%' { i += 1; let a = char::from(*data.get(i)?); i += 1; let b = char::from(*data.get(i)?); if !a.is_ascii_hexdigit() || !b.is_ascii_hexdigit() { return Some((i + 1, Err(( i - 2..=i, format!("escapes in IRIs should be % followed by two hexadecimal characters, found '%{a}{b}'") ).into()))); } i += 1; ends_with_unescaped_dot = 0; } else if c == '\\' { i += 1; let a = char::from(*data.get(i)?); if self.unchecked || matches!( a, '_' | '~' | '.' | '-' | '!' | '$' | '&' | '\'' | '(' | ')' | '*' | '+' | ',' | ';' | '=' ) { // ok to escape } else if matches!(a, '/' | '?' | '#' | '@' | '%') { // ok to escape but requires IRI validation might_be_invalid_iri = true; } else { return Some((i + 1, Err(( i..=i, format!("The character that are allowed to be escaped in IRIs are _~.-!$&'()*+,;=/?#@%, found '{a}'") ).into()))); } let buffer = buffer.get_or_insert_with(String::new); // We add the missing bytes if i - position_that_is_already_in_buffer > 1 { buffer.push_str( match str_from_utf8( &data[position_that_is_already_in_buffer..i - 1], position_that_is_already_in_buffer..i - 1, ) { Ok(data) => data, Err(e) => return Some((i, Err(e))), }, ) } buffer.push(a); i += 1; position_that_is_already_in_buffer = i; ends_with_unescaped_dot = 0; } else if i == 0 { if !(Self::is_possible_pn_chars_u(c) || c == ':' || c.is_ascii_digit()) { return Some((0, Ok((Cow::Borrowed(""), false)))); } if !self.unchecked { might_be_invalid_iri |= Self::is_possible_pn_chars_base_but_not_valid_iri(c) || c == ':'; } i += consumed; } else if Self::is_possible_pn_chars(c) || c == ':' { if !self.unchecked { might_be_invalid_iri |= Self::is_possible_pn_chars_base_but_not_valid_iri(c) || c == ':'; } i += consumed; ends_with_unescaped_dot = 0; } else if c == '.' { i += consumed; ends_with_unescaped_dot += 1; } else { let buffer = if let Some(mut buffer) = buffer { buffer.push_str( match str_from_utf8( &data[position_that_is_already_in_buffer..i], position_that_is_already_in_buffer..i, ) { Ok(data) => data, Err(e) => return Some((i, Err(e))), }, ); // We do not include the last dots for _ in 0..ends_with_unescaped_dot { buffer.pop(); } i -= ends_with_unescaped_dot; Cow::Owned(buffer) } else { let mut data = match str_from_utf8(&data[..i], 0..i) { Ok(data) => data, Err(e) => return Some((i, Err(e))), }; // We do not include the last dots data = &data[ - ends_with_unescaped_dot]; i -= ends_with_unescaped_dot; Cow::Borrowed(data) }; return Some((i, Ok((buffer, might_be_invalid_iri)))); } } Err(e) => return Some((e.location.end, Err(e))), } } else if is_ending { let buffer = if let Some(mut buffer) = buffer { // We do not include the last dot while buffer.ends_with('.') { buffer.pop(); i -= 1; } Cow::Owned(buffer) } else { let mut data = match str_from_utf8(&data[..i], 0..i) { Ok(data) => data, Err(e) => return Some((i, Err(e))), }; // We do not include the last dot while let Some(d) = data.strip_suffix('.') { data = d; i -= 1; } Cow::Borrowed(data) }; return Some((i, Ok((buffer, might_be_invalid_iri)))); } else { return None; } } } fn recognize_blank_node_label( data: &[u8], ) -> Option<(usize, Result, TokenRecognizerError>)> { // [141s] BLANK_NODE_LABEL ::= '_:' (PN_CHARS_U | [0-9]) ((PN_CHARS | '.')* PN_CHARS)? let mut i = 2; loop { match Self::recognize_unicode_char(&data[i..], i)? { Ok((c, consumed)) => { if (i == 2 && (Self::is_possible_pn_chars_u(c) || c.is_ascii_digit())) || (i > 2 && Self::is_possible_pn_chars(c)) { // Ok } else if i > 2 && c == '.' { if data[i - 1] == b'.' { i -= 1; return Some(( i, str_from_utf8(&data[2..i], 2..i).map(N3Token::BlankNodeLabel), )); } } else if i == 0 { return Some(( i, Err((0..i, "A blank node ID should not be empty").into()), )); } else if data[i - 1] == b'.' { i -= 1; return Some(( i, str_from_utf8(&data[2..i], 2..i).map(N3Token::BlankNodeLabel), )); } else { return Some(( i, str_from_utf8(&data[2..i], 2..i).map(N3Token::BlankNodeLabel), )); } i += consumed; } Err(e) => return Some((e.location.end, Err(e))), } } } fn recognize_lang_tag<'a>( &self, data: &'a [u8], ) -> Option<(usize, Result, TokenRecognizerError>)> { // [144s] LANGTAG ::= '@' [a-zA-Z]+ ('-' [a-zA-Z0-9]+)* let mut is_last_block_empty = true; for (i, c) in data[1..].iter().enumerate() { if c.is_ascii_alphabetic() { is_last_block_empty = false; } else if i == 0 { return Some(( 1, Err((1..2, "A language code should always start with a letter").into()), )); } else if is_last_block_empty { return Some((i, self.parse_lang_tag(&data[1..i], 1..i - 1))); } else if *c == b'-' { is_last_block_empty = true; } else { return Some((i + 1, self.parse_lang_tag(&data[1..=i], 1..i))); } } None } fn parse_lang_tag<'a>( &self, lang_tag: &'a [u8], position: Range, ) -> Result, TokenRecognizerError> { let lang_tag = str_from_utf8(lang_tag, position.clone())?; Ok(N3Token::LangTag(if self.unchecked { lang_tag } else { LanguageTag::parse(lang_tag) .map_err(|e| (position.clone(), e.to_string()))? .into_inner() })) } fn recognize_string( data: &[u8], delimiter: u8, ) -> Option<(usize, Result, TokenRecognizerError>)> { // [22] STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE ::= '"' ([^#x22#x5C#xA#xD] | ECHAR | UCHAR)* '"' /* #x22=" #x5C=\ #xA=new line #xD=carriage return */ // [23] STRING_LITERAL_SINGLE_QUOTE ::= "'" ([^#x27#x5C#xA#xD] | ECHAR | UCHAR)* "'" /* #x27=' #x5C=\ #xA=new line #xD=carriage return */ let mut string = String::new(); let mut i = 1; loop { let end = memchr2(delimiter, b'\\', &data[i..])?; match str_from_utf8(&data[i..i + end], i..i + end) { Ok(s) => string.push_str(s), Err(e) => return Some((end, Err(e))), }; i += end; match data[i] { c if c == delimiter => { return Some((i + 1, Ok(N3Token::String(string)))); } b'\\' => { let (additional, c) = Self::recognize_escape(&data[i..], i, true)?; i += additional + 1; match c { Ok(c) => { string.push(c); } Err(e) => { // We read until the end of string char let end = memchr(delimiter, &data[i..])?; return Some((i + end + 1, Err(e))); } } } _ => unreachable!(), } } } fn recognize_long_string( data: &[u8], delimiter: u8, ) -> Option<(usize, Result, TokenRecognizerError>)> { // [24] STRING_LITERAL_LONG_SINGLE_QUOTE ::= "'''" (("'" | "''")? ([^'\] | ECHAR | UCHAR))* "'''" // [25] STRING_LITERAL_LONG_QUOTE ::= '"""' (('"' | '""')? ([^"\] | ECHAR | UCHAR))* '"""' let mut string = String::new(); let mut i = 3; loop { let end = memchr2(delimiter, b'\\', &data[i..])?; match str_from_utf8(&data[i..i + end], i..i + end) { Ok(s) => string.push_str(s), Err(e) => return Some((end, Err(e))), }; i += end; match data[i] { c if c == delimiter => { if *data.get(i + 1)? == delimiter && *data.get(i + 2)? == delimiter { return Some((i + 3, Ok(N3Token::String(string)))); } i += 1; string.push(char::from(delimiter)); } b'\\' => { let (additional, c) = Self::recognize_escape(&data[i..], i, true)?; i += additional + 1; match c { Ok(c) => { string.push(c); } Err(e) => return Some((i, Err(e))), } } _ => unreachable!(), } } } fn recognize_number(data: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, Result, TokenRecognizerError>)> { // [19] INTEGER ::= [+-]? [0-9]+ // [20] DECIMAL ::= [+-]? [0-9]* '.' [0-9]+ // [21] DOUBLE ::= [+-]? ([0-9]+ '.' [0-9]* EXPONENT | '.' [0-9]+ EXPONENT | [0-9]+ EXPONENT) // [154s] EXPONENT ::= [eE] [+-]? [0-9]+ let mut i = 0; let c = *data.first()?; if matches!(c, b'+' | b'-') { i += 1; } // We read the digits before . let mut count_before: usize = 0; loop { let c = *data.get(i)?; if c.is_ascii_digit() { i += 1; count_before += 1; } else { break; } } // We read the digits after . #[allow(clippy::if_then_some_else_none)] let count_after = if *data.get(i)? == b'.' { i += 1; let mut count_after = 0; loop { let c = *data.get(i)?; if c.is_ascii_digit() { i += 1; count_after += 1; } else { break; } } Some(count_after) } else { None }; // End let c = *data.get(i)?; if matches!(c, b'e' | b'E') { i += 1; let c = *data.get(i)?; if matches!(c, b'+' | b'-') { i += 1; } let mut found = false; loop { let c = *data.get(i)?; if c.is_ascii_digit() { i += 1; found = true; } else { break; } } Some(( i, if !found { Err((0..i, "A double exponent cannot be empty").into()) } else if count_before == 0 && count_after.unwrap_or(0) == 0 { Err((0..i, "A double should not be empty").into()) } else { str_from_utf8(&data[..i], 0..i).map(N3Token::Double) }, )) } else if let Some(count_after) = count_after { if count_after == 0 { // We do not consume the '.' after all i -= 1; Some(( i, if count_before == 0 { Err((0..i, "An integer should not be empty").into()) } else { str_from_utf8(&data[..i], 0..i).map(N3Token::Integer) }, )) } else { Some((i, str_from_utf8(&data[..i], 0..i).map(N3Token::Decimal))) } } else { Some(( i, if count_before == 0 { Err((0..i, "An integer should not be empty").into()) } else { str_from_utf8(&data[..i], 0..i).map(N3Token::Integer) }, )) } } fn recognize_escape( data: &[u8], position: usize, with_echar: bool, ) -> Option<(usize, Result)> { // [26] UCHAR ::= '\u' HEX HEX HEX HEX | '\U' HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX HEX // [159s] ECHAR ::= '\' [tbnrf"'\] match *data.get(1)? { b'u' => match Self::recognize_hex_char(&data[2..], 4, 'u', position) { Ok(c) => Some((5, Ok(c?))), Err(e) => Some((5, Err(e))), }, b'U' => match Self::recognize_hex_char(&data[2..], 8, 'u', position) { Ok(c) => Some((9, Ok(c?))), Err(e) => Some((9, Err(e))), }, b't' if with_echar => Some((1, Ok('\t'))), b'b' if with_echar => Some((1, Ok('\x08'))), b'n' if with_echar => Some((1, Ok('\n'))), b'r' if with_echar => Some((1, Ok('\r'))), b'f' if with_echar => Some((1, Ok('\x0C'))), b'"' if with_echar => Some((1, Ok('"'))), b'\'' if with_echar => Some((1, Ok('\''))), b'\\' if with_echar => Some((1, Ok('\\'))), c => Some(( 1, Err(( position..position + 2, format!("Unexpected escape character '\\{}'", char::from(c)), ) .into()), )), // TODO: read until end of string } } fn recognize_hex_char( data: &[u8], len: usize, escape_char: char, position: usize, ) -> Result, TokenRecognizerError> { if data.len() < len { return Ok(None); } let val = str_from_utf8(&data[..len], position..position + len + 2)?; let codepoint = u32::from_str_radix(val, 16).map_err(|e| { ( position..position + len + 2, format!( "The escape sequence '\\{escape_char}{val}' is not a valid hexadecimal string: {e}" ), ) })?; let c = char::from_u32(codepoint).ok_or_else(|| { ( position..position + len +2, format!( "The escape sequence '\\{escape_char}{val}' is encoding {codepoint:X} that is not a valid unicode character", ), ) })?; Ok(Some(c)) } fn recognize_unicode_char( data: &[u8], position: usize, ) -> Option> { let mut code_point: u32; let bytes_needed: usize; let mut lower_boundary = 0x80; let mut upper_boundary = 0xBF; let byte = *data.first()?; match byte { 0x00..=0x7F => return Some(Ok((char::from(byte), 1))), 0xC2..=0xDF => { bytes_needed = 1; code_point = u32::from(byte) & 0x1F; } 0xE0..=0xEF => { if byte == 0xE0 { lower_boundary = 0xA0; } if byte == 0xED { upper_boundary = 0x9F; } bytes_needed = 2; code_point = u32::from(byte) & 0xF; } 0xF0..=0xF4 => { if byte == 0xF0 { lower_boundary = 0x90; } if byte == 0xF4 { upper_boundary = 0x8F; } bytes_needed = 3; code_point = u32::from(byte) & 0x7; } _ => { return Some(Err(( position..=position, "Invalid UTF-8 character encoding", ) .into())) } } for i in 1..=bytes_needed { let byte = *data.get(i)?; if byte < lower_boundary || upper_boundary < byte { return Some(Err(( position..=position + i, "Invalid UTF-8 character encoding", ) .into())); } lower_boundary = 0x80; upper_boundary = 0xBF; code_point = (code_point << 6) | (u32::from(byte) & 0x3F); } Some( char::from_u32(code_point) .map(|c| (c, bytes_needed + 1)) .ok_or_else(|| { ( position..=position + bytes_needed, format!("The codepoint {code_point:X} is not a valid unicode character"), ) .into() }), ) } // [157s] PN_CHARS_BASE ::= [A-Z] | [a-z] | [#x00C0-#x00D6] | [#x00D8-#x00F6] | [#x00F8-#x02FF] | [#x0370-#x037D] | [#x037F-#x1FFF] | [#x200C-#x200D] | [#x2070-#x218F] | [#x2C00-#x2FEF] | [#x3001-#xD7FF] | [#xF900-#xFDCF] | [#xFDF0-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#xEFFFF] fn is_possible_pn_chars_base(c: char) -> bool { matches!(c, 'A'..='Z' | 'a'..='z' | '\u{00C0}'..='\u{00D6}' | '\u{00D8}'..='\u{00F6}' | '\u{00F8}'..='\u{02FF}' | '\u{0370}'..='\u{037D}' | '\u{037F}'..='\u{1FFF}' | '\u{200C}'..='\u{200D}' | '\u{2070}'..='\u{218F}' | '\u{2C00}'..='\u{2FEF}' | '\u{3001}'..='\u{D7FF}' | '\u{F900}'..='\u{FDCF}' | '\u{FDF0}'..='\u{FFFD}' | '\u{10000}'..='\u{EFFFF}') } // [158s] PN_CHARS_U ::= PN_CHARS_BASE | '_' | ':' pub(super) fn is_possible_pn_chars_u(c: char) -> bool { Self::is_possible_pn_chars_base(c) || c == '_' } // [160s] PN_CHARS ::= PN_CHARS_U | '-' | [0-9] | #x00B7 | [#x0300-#x036F] | [#x203F-#x2040] pub(crate) fn is_possible_pn_chars(c: char) -> bool { Self::is_possible_pn_chars_u(c) || matches!(c, '-' | '0'..='9' | '\u{00B7}' | '\u{0300}'..='\u{036F}' | '\u{203F}'..='\u{2040}') } fn is_possible_pn_chars_base_but_not_valid_iri(c: char) -> bool { matches!(c, '\u{FFF0}'..='\u{FFFD}') || u32::from(c) % u32::from('\u{FFFE}') == 0 || u32::from(c) % u32::from('\u{FFFF}') == 0 } } pub fn resolve_local_name( prefix: &str, local: &str, might_be_invalid_iri: bool, prefixes: &HashMap>, ) -> Result { if let Some(start) = prefixes.get(prefix) { let iri = format!("{start}{local}"); if might_be_invalid_iri || start.path().is_empty() { // We validate again. We always validate if the local part might be the IRI authority. if let Err(e) = Iri::parse(iri.as_str()) { return Err(format!( "The prefixed name {prefix}:{local} builds IRI {iri} that is invalid: {e}" )); } } Ok(NamedNode::new_unchecked(iri)) } else { Err(format!("The prefix {prefix}: has not been declared")) } } fn str_from_utf8(data: &[u8], range: Range) -> Result<&str, TokenRecognizerError> { str::from_utf8(data).map_err(|e| { ( range.start + e.valid_up_to()..min(range.end, range.start + e.valid_up_to() + 4), format!("Invalid UTF-8: {e}"), ) .into() }) } fn string_from_utf8(data: Vec, range: Range) -> Result { String::from_utf8(data).map_err(|e| { ( range.start + e.utf8_error().valid_up_to() ..min(range.end, range.start + e.utf8_error().valid_up_to() + 4), format!("Invalid UTF-8: {e}"), ) .into() }) }