// Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers // All rights reserved. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // // or the MIT license , // at your option. All files in the project carrying such // notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except // according to those terms. // "post/rich", "post/md", "post/text", "post/html", "post/asciidoc", "page", "code", "code/*", "app", "app/z", "class", "schema", "schema/owl|rdfs|shacl|shex", "service", "service/rust", "service/deno", "contract", "app/n:xxx.xx.xx:", "app/o:", // "query/sparql", "query/graphql", "query/text", "query/web", // "data/graph", "data/json", "data/array", "data/map", "data/xml", "data/table", "data/collection", "data/board", "data/grid", "data/geomap", // "e/email", "e/web", "e/http://[url of class in ontology]", "e/rdf" (read-only cache of RDF fetched from web2.0) // "mc/text", "mc/link", "mc/card", "mc/pad", // "doc/diagram","doc/chart", "doc/pdf", "doc/odf", "doc/latex", "doc/ps", "doc/music", "doc/maths", "doc/chemistry", "doc/braille", "doc/ancientscript", // "media/image", "media/reel", "media/album", "media/video", "media/audio", "media/song", "media/subtitle", "media/overlay", // "social/channel", "social/stream", "social/contact", "social/event", "social/calendar", "social/scheduler", "social/reaction" // "prod/task", "prod/project", "prod/issue", "prod/form", "prod/filling", "prod/cad", "prod/slides", "prod/question", "prod/answer", "prod/poll", "prod/vote" // "file", "file/iana/*", "file/gimp", "file/inkscape", "file/kdenlive", "file/blender", "file/openscad", "file/lyx", "file/scribus", "file/libreoffice", // application/vnd.api+json // application/activity+json // epub, dejavu, // animation: snap, lottie, smil editor: https://github.com/HaikuTeam/animator/ export const official_classes = { "post/rich": { "ng:crdt": "YXml", "ng:n": "Post - Rich Text", // editor: y-ProseMirror, viewer: https://www.npmjs.com/package/prosemirror-to-html-js or https://prosemirror.net/docs/ref/version/0.4.0.html#toDOM https://prosemirror.net/docs/ref/version/0.4.0.html#toHTML "ng:a": "A Post with Rich Text, including images, links, formatted text, and embeds of other content", "ng:o": "n:g:z:post:rich", "ng:w": "n:g:z:post_rich_editor", "ng:x": { "as":true, }, "ng:compat": ["as:Article"], }, "post/md": { "ng:crdt": "YXml", "ng:n": "Post - MarkDown", // editor y-MilkDown, viewer: https://github.com/wooorm/markdown-rs "ng:a": "A Post with MarkDown, including images, links, formatted text, and embeds of other content", "ng:o": "n:g:z:post:md", "ng:w": "n:g:z:post_md_editor", "ng:x": { "as":true, }, "ng:compat": ["file/iana/text/markdown", "code/markdown","as:Article"], }, "post/text": { "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Post - Plain Text", "ng:a": "A Post with Plain Text", "ng:o": "n:g:z:post:text", "ng:w": "n:g:z:code_editor", "ng:x": { "as":true, }, "ng:compat": ["file/iana/text/plain", "code/plaintext","as:Article"], }, "post/html": { "ng:crdt": "YXml", "ng:n": "Post - TinyMCE", "ng:x": { "as":true, }, "ng:a": "A Post based on TinyMCE, including images, links, formatted text, and embeds of other content", "ng:compat": ["as:Article"], }, "post/asciidoc": { // display with https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor.js/ "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Post - AsciiDoc", "ng:a": "A Post based on AsciiDoc format", "ng:x": { "as":true, }, "ng:compat": ["as:Article"], }, "page": { "ng:crdt": "YXml", "ng:n": "Page", // based on GrapeJS, VvvebJs, or Astro ? "ng:a": "A Page and Site builder", "ng:compat": [], }, "code": { "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Source Code", // edited with CodeMirror, displayed with highlight.js "ng:a": "A Source Code file. many languages supported", "ng:o": "n:g:z:pre", "ng:w": "n:g:z:code_editor", "ng:compat": ["code/*","file/iana/text/javascript","file/iana/text/css","file/iana/text/html","file/iana/text/markdown", "file/iana/application/xml", "file/iana/application/yaml", "file/iana/text/xml", "file/iana/application/xhtml+xml"], }, "app": { "ng:n": "Official App", "ng:a": "App provided by NextGraph platform", }, "app/z": { "ng:crdt": "Elmer", "ng:n": "Application", // Editor: Monaco "ng:a": "Create an Application based on NextGraph Framework", "ng:o": "n:g:z:app_store", "ng:w": "n:g:z:app_editor", "ng:include": ["schema/*","service/*","code","file"], "ng:compat": ["code/svelte"], }, "class": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Class", "ng:a": "Define a custom Class for your data", "ng:x": { "rdfs":true, }, "ng:compat": ["rdfs:Class"], }, "schema/rdfs": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Schema - RDFS", "ng:a": "Define the Schema, Ontology or Vocabulary for your data and the relations between them, with RDFS", "ng:o": "n:g:z:json_ld_editor", // default viewer "ng:w": "n:g:z:ontology_editor", // default editor "ng:x": { "rdfs":true, }, "ng:include": ["data/graph"], "ng:compat": ["rdfs:*","class"], }, "schema/owl": { // display with https://github.com/VisualDataWeb/WebVOWL "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Schema - OWL", "ng:a": "Define the Schema, Ontology or Vocabulary for your data and the relations between them, with OWL", "ng:o": "n:g:z:owl_viewer", // default viewer "ng:w": "n:g:z:ontology_editor", // default editor "ng:x": { "owl":true, }, "ng:include": ["data/graph"], "ng:compat": ["owl:Ontology"], }, "schema/shacl": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Schema - SHACL", "ng:a": "Define the Schema, Ontology or Vocabulary for your data and the relations between them, with SHACL", "ng:o": "n:g:z:json_ld_editor", // default viewer "ng:w": "n:g:z:ontology_editor", // default editor "ng:x": { "sh":true, }, "ng:include": ["data/graph"], "ng:compat": ["sh:Shape", "file/iana/text/shaclc" ], }, "schema/shex": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Schema - SHEX", "ng:a": "Define the Schema, Ontology or Vocabulary for your data and the relations between them, with SHEX", "ng:o": "n:g:z:json_ld_editor", // default viewer "ng:w": "n:g:z:ontology_editor", // default editor "ng:x": { "shex":true, }, "ng:include": ["data/graph"], "ng:compat": ["shex:*", "file/iana/text/shex", "code/shexc" ], }, "service": { "ng:n": "Internal Service", "ng:a": "Service provided by NextGraph framework", "ng:o": "n:g:z:service_invoke", // default viewer }, "service/rust": { "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Service - Rust", // edited with CodeMirror, displayed with highlight.js "ng:a": "Service written in Rust and compiled to WASM", "ng:o": "external_service_invoke", // default viewer "ng:w": "n:g:z:service_editor", // default editor "ng:compat": ["code/rust", "file/iana/application/wasm"], }, "service/deno": { "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Service - Deno/JS", // edited with CodeMirror, displayed with highlight.js "ng:a": "Service written in JS/TS for Deno or NodeJS", "ng:o": "external_service_invoke", // default viewer "ng:w": "n:g:z:service_editor", // default editor "ng:compat": ["code/javascript", "code/typescript", "file/iana/text/javascript", "file/iana/application/node"], }, "contract": { "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Contract", // edited with CodeMirror, displayed with highlight.js "ng:a": "Smart Contract with Rust or JS code", "ng:compat": ["code/rust", "file/iana/application/wasm", "code/javascript", "code/typescript", "file/iana/text/javascript", "file/iana/application/node"], }, "query/sparql": { "ng:crdt": "YText",// uses ng:default_graph and ng:named_graph predicates "ng:n": "SPARQL Query", // edited with YASGUI or Sparnatural, displayed with highlight.js https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-turtle/tree/master "ng:a": "Saved SPARQL Query that can be invoked", "ng:o": "n:g:z:sparql:invoke", "ng:w": "n:g:z:sparql_query:yasgui", "ng:compat": ["code/sparql", "file/iana/application/sparql-query"], }, "query/sparql_update": { "ng:crdt": "YText",// uses ng:default_graph and ng:named_graph predicates "ng:n": "SPARQL Update", // edited with YASGUI, displayed with highlight.js https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-turtle/tree/master "ng:a": "Saved SPARQL Update that can be invoked", "ng:o": "n:g:z:sparql:invoke", "ng:w": "n:g:z:sparql_update:yasgui", "ng:compat": ["code/sparql", "file/iana/application/sparql-update"], }, "query/graphql": { "ng:crdt": "YText", // uses ng:default_graph predicate "ng:n": "GraphQL Query", // edited with https://github.com/graphql/graphiql or https://github.com/graphql-editor/graphql-editor, displayed with highlight.js "ng:a": "Saved GraphQL Query that can be invoked", "ng:o": "n:g:z:graphql:invoke", "ng:w": "n:g:z:graphql_query", "ng:compat": ["code/graphql", "file/iana/application/graphql+json"], }, "query/text": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Text Search", "ng:a": "Saved Text Search and its results", "ng:compat": [], }, "query/web": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Web Search", "ng:a": "Saved Web Search and its results", "ng:compat": [], }, "data/graph": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", // https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-turtle/tree/master "ng:n": "Graph", "ng:a": "Define the Graph of your data with Semantic Web / Linked Data", "ng:o": "n:g:z:json_ld_editor", // default viewer "ng:w": "n:g:z:json_ld_editor", // default editor "ng:x": { "rdf":true, "xsd":true, }, "ng:compat": [ "rdf:*", "xsd:*", "file/iana/text/n3", "file/iana/text/rdf+n3", "file/iana/text/turtle", "file/iana/application/n-quads", "file/iana/application/trig", "file/iana/application/n-triples", "file/iana/application/rdf+xml", "file/iana/application/ld+json"], }, "data/json": { "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "JSON", "ng:a": "JSON Data CRDT", "ng:o": "n:g:z:json_editor", // default viewer "ng:w": "n:g:z:json_editor", // default editor "ng:compat": ["file/iana/application/json", "code:json"], }, "data/array": { "ng:crdt": "YArray", "ng:n": "JSON Array", "ng:a": "JSON Array CRDT", "ng:o": "n:g:z:json_editor", // default viewer "ng:w": "n:g:z:json_editor", // default editor "ng:compat": ["file/iana/application/json", "code:json"], }, "data/map": { "ng:crdt": "YMap", "ng:n": "JSON Map", "ng:a": "JSON Map CRDT", "ng:o": "n:g:z:json_editor", // default viewer "ng:w": "n:g:z:json_editor", // default editor "ng:compat": ["file/iana/application/json", "code:json"], }, "data/xml": { "ng:crdt": "YXml", "ng:n": "XML", "ng:a": "XML Data CRDT", "ng:compat": ["file/iana/text/xml","file/iana/application/xml", "code:xml"], }, "data/table": { "ng:crdt": "Automerge", // see https://github.com/frappe/datatable "ng:n": "Table", // see https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/table-schema displayed with pivot table see https://activetable.io/docs/data https://www.npmjs.com/package/pivottable https://socket.dev/npm/package/svelte-pivottable/alerts/0.2.0?tab=dependencies "ng:a": "Data in a Table (columns and rows)", "ng:o": "n:g:z:pivot", "ng:compat": ["file/iana/application/sparql-results+json","file/iana/application/sparql-results+xml","file/iana/text/csv"], }, "data/collection": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Collection", "ng:a": "An ordered list of items", "ng:o": "n:g:z:list", "ng:x": { "as": true, "rdf": true, }, "ng:compat": ["as:Collection","rdf:List","rdf:Seq"], }, "data/container": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Container", "ng:a": "An unordered list of items", "ng:o": "n:g:z:list", "ng:x": { "rdf": true, "rdfs": true, "ldp": true, }, "ng:compat": ["rdfs:member","ldp:contains","rdf:Bag","rdf:Alt"], }, "data/board": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Board", "ng:a": "Whiteboard, infinite canvas to arrange your content in 2D", "ng:o": "n:g:z:board", "ng:include": [], "ng:compat": [], //https://jsoncanvas.org/ https://www.canvasprotocol.org/ https://github.com/orgs/ocwg/discussions/25 https://infinitecanvas.tools/gallery/ }, "data/grid": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Grid", "ng:a": "Grid representation of a collection or container", "ng:o": "n:g:z:grid", "ng:include": ["data/container","data/collection","data/table","media/album"], "ng:compat": [], }, "data/geomap": { // https://github.com/leaflet/leaflet "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Geo Map", "ng:a": "Geographical Map", "ng:x": { "wgs": true, "gn": true, "as": true, }, "ng:compat": ["as:Place","wgs:*","gn:*", "file/iana/application/geo+json", "file/iana/application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile"], // see also https://github.com/topojson/topojson }, "e/email": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Email", "ng:a": "Email content and headers", "ng:x": { "email": "http://www.invincea.com/ontologies/icas/1.0/email#" //https://raw.githubusercontent.com/twosixlabs/icas-ontology/master/ontology/email.ttl }, "ng:compat": ["file/iana/message/rfc822","file/iana/multipart/related"], }, "e/web": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", //https://www.npmjs.com/package/warcio https://github.com/N0taN3rd/node-warc "ng:n": "Web Archive", "ng:a": "Archive the content of a web page", "ng:compat": ["file/iana/application/warc","file/iana/multipart/related"], }, "e/rdf": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "RDF Archive", "ng:a": "Archive the triples of an RDF resource dereferenced with HTTP", "ng:include": ["data/graph"], }, "mc/text": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Text Selection", "ng:a": "Text Selection copied into Magic Carpet", }, "mc/link": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Link", "ng:a": "Link to a document kept in Magic Carpet", }, "plato/card": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Card", "ng:a": "Card representation of a document", "ng:o": "n:g:z:card", }, "plato/pad": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Pad", "ng:a": "Pad representation of a document", "ng:o": "n:g:z:pad", }, "doc/diagram/mermaid" : { "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Diagram - Mermaid", "ng:a": "Describe Diagrams with Mermaid", "ng:compat": ["file/iana/application/vnd.mermaid"] }, "doc/diagram/drawio" : { "ng:crdt": "YXml", "ng:n": "Diagram - DrawIo", "ng:a": "Draw Diagrams with DrawIo", "ng:compat": ["file/iana/application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile","file/iana/application/x-drawio"] }, "doc/diagram/graphviz" : { "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Diagram - Graphviz", "ng:a": "Describe Diagrams with Graphviz", "ng:compat": ["file/iana/text/vnd.graphviz"] }, "doc/diagram/excalidraw" : { "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "Diagram - Excalidraw", "ng:a": "Collaborate on Diagrams with Excalidraw", "ng:compat": ["file/iana/application/vnd.excalidraw+json"] }, "doc/diagram/gantt" : { //https://github.com/frappe/gantt "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "Diagram - Gantt", "ng:a": "Interactive gantt chart", "ng:compat": [] }, "doc/diagram/flowchart" : { //https://github.com/adrai/flowchart.js "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Diagram - Flowchart", "ng:a": "flow chart diagrams", "ng:compat": [] }, "doc/diagram/sequence" : { //https://github.com/bramp/js-sequence-diagrams "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Diagram - Sequence", "ng:a": "sequence diagrams", "ng:compat": [] }, // checkout https://www.mindmaps.app/ but it is AGPL "doc/diagram/markmap" : { //https://github.com/markmap/markmap "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Diagram - Markmap", "ng:a": "mindmaps with markmap", "ng:compat": [] }, "doc/diagram/mymind" : { //https://github.com/markmap/markmap "ng:crdt": "YText", // see MyMind format, MindMup JSON, FreeMind XML and MindMap Architect XML "ng:n": "Diagram - Mymind", "ng:a": "mindmaps with mymind", "ng:compat": [] // https://github.com/ondras/my-mind/wiki/Saving-and-loading#file-formats }, "doc/diagram/jsmind" : { //https://github.com/hizzgdev/jsmind "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "Diagram - jsmind", "ng:a": "mindmaps with jsmind", "ng:compat": [] // https://hizzgdev.github.io/jsmind/docs/en/1.usage.html }, // DC and C3 have Crossfilter https://github.com/dc-js/dc.js http://crossfilter.github.io/crossfilter/ https://github.com/c3js/c3 http://dc-js.github.io/dc.js/ // take inspiration from https://github.com/metabase/metabase // have a look at https://github.com/observablehq // another open source dashboard with many data sources https://github.com/getredash/redash // and another one https://github.com/apache/superset // https://github.com/Rich-Harris/pancake // https://github.com/williamngan/pts // https://visjs.org/ "doc/viz/cytoscape" : { "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "Viz - Cytoscape", "ng:a": "Graph theory (network) visualization", "ng:compat": [] // https://github.com/cytoscape/cytoscape.js }, "doc/viz/vega" : { "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "Viz - Vega", "ng:a": "Grammar for interactive graphics", "ng:compat": [] // https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/ https://github.com/vega/editor }, "doc/viz/vizzu" : { "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "Viz - Vizzu", "ng:a": "Animated data visualizations and data stories", "ng:compat": [] // https://github.com/vizzuhq/vizzu-lib }, "doc/viz/plotly" : { //https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "Viz - Plotly", "ng:a": "Declarative charts", "ng:compat": [] // https://github.com/cytoscape/cytoscape.js }, "doc/viz/avail" : { "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "Viz - Avail", "ng:a": "Time Data Availability Visualization", "ng:compat": [] // https://github.com/flrs/visavail }, "doc/chart/frappecharts" : { "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "Charts - Frappe", "ng:a": "GitHub-inspired responsive charts", "ng:compat": [] // https://github.com/frappe/charts }, "doc/chart/financial" : { "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "Charts - Financial", "ng:a": "Financial charts", "ng:compat": [] //https://github.com/tradingview/lightweight-charts }, // have a look at https://github.com/cube-js/cube and https://awesome.cube.dev/ and https://frappe.io/products "doc/chart/apexcharts" : { "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "Charts - ApexCharts", "ng:a": "Interactive data visualizations", "ng:compat": [] // https://github.com/apexcharts/apexcharts.js }, //realtime data with https://github.com/square/cubism "doc/chart/billboard" : { "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "Charts - BillBoard", "ng:a": "Interactive data visualizations based on D3", "ng:compat": [] // https://github.com/naver/billboard.js }, "doc/chart/echarts" : { "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "Charts - ECharts", "ng:a": "Interactive charting and data visualization with Apache ECharts", "ng:compat": [] // https://github.com/apache/echarts }, "doc/chart/chartjs" : { "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "Charts - Chart.js", "ng:a": "Simple yet flexible charting for designers & developers with Chart.js", "ng:compat": [] // https://github.com/chartjs/Chart.js }, // see if to provide plain D3, and also all the https://github.com/antvis libraries: G2, G6, L7, S2, X6. Have a look at AVA "doc/pdf": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "PDF", "ng:a": "upload and display a PDF file", "ng:compat": ["file/iana/application/pdf"] // https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js https://viewerjs.org/ }, "doc/odf": { //!!! becareful: AGPL "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "OpenDocumentFormat (ODF)", "ng:a": "upload and display an ODF file", "ng:compat": ["file/iana/application/vnd.oasis.opendocument*"] // https://webodf.org/ https://github.com/webodf/WebODF https://viewerjs.org/ }, // see also https://github.com/Mathpix/mathpix-markdown-it "doc/latex": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Latex", "ng:a": "upload and display a Latex or Tex file", "ng:compat": ["file/iana/application/x-tex","file/iana/text/x-tex"] // https://github.com/michael-brade/LaTeX.js https://github.com/mathjax/MathJax }, "doc/ps": { //!!! becareful: AGPL https://github.com/ochachacha/ps-wasm "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Postscript", "ng:a": "upload and display a PostScript file", "ng:compat": ["file/iana/application/postscript"] // https://www.npmjs.com/package/ghostscript4js }, "doc/music/abc": { //https://github.com/paulrosen/abcjs "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Music ABC", "ng:a": "sheet music notation", "ng:compat": [] }, "doc/music/guitar": { //https://github.com/birdca/fretboard "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Music - Guitar", "ng:a": "charts for guitar chords and scales", "ng:compat": [] }, "doc/maths": { //https://github.com/KaTeX/KaTeX "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Maths", "ng:a": "TeX math rendering", "ng:compat": ["file/iana/application/x-tex","file/iana/text/x-tex"] }, "doc/chemistry": { //GPL!! https://github.com/aeris-data/ChemDoodle/tree/master/ChemDoodleWeb-8.0.0 or https://github.com/aseevia/smiles-3d-vue "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Chemical", "ng:a": "simplified molecular-input line-entry system (SMILES)", "ng:compat": ["file/iana/chemical/x-daylight-smiles"] // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SYBYL_line_notation and http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/Chemical_data }, "doc/ancientscript": { //https://dn-works.com/ufas/ "ng:crdt": "YText", // use Unicode and special fonts "ng:n": "Ancient Script", "ng:a": "Ancient Script", "ng:compat": [] }, "doc/braille": { //https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braille_Patterns "ng:crdt": "YText", // use Unicode and special fonts "ng:n": "Braille Patterns", "ng:a": "Braille Patterns", "ng:compat": [] }, "media/image": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Image", "ng:a": "upload and display an image", "ng:o": "n:g:z:media", "ng:x": { "as":true, }, "ng:compat": ["file/iana/image*","as:Image"] }, "media/reel": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Reel", "ng:a": "upload and display a Reel (video from mobile)", "ng:o": "n:g:z:media", "ng:compat": ["file/iana/video*"] }, "media/video": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Video", "ng:a": "upload and display a Video (and film)", "ng:o": "n:g:z:media", "ng:x": { "as":true, }, "ng:compat": ["file/iana/video*","as:Video"] }, "media/album": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Album", "ng:a": "Assemble several images and/or videos into an ordered Album", "ng:o": "n:g:z:gallery", "ng:include": ["data/collection"], "ng:compat": [] }, "media/audio": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Audio", "ng:a": "upload and play an Audio file, Audio note or Voice message", "ng:o": "n:g:z:media", "ng:x": { "as":true, }, "ng:compat": ["file/iana/audio*","as:Audio"] }, "media/song": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Song", "ng:a": "A song from an artist,album and/or lyrics", "ng:o": "n:g:z:media", "ng:x": { "music": "http://purl.org/ontology/mo/", }, "ng:compat": ["music:MusicalWork","music:MusicArtist", "music:Lyrics"] // see also https://polifonia-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Polifonia_D2.1_V1.0.pdf // Music ontology http://musicontology.com/docs/faq.html with data based on existing databases https://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_Database/Schema https://github.com/megaconfidence/open-song-database https://www.discogs.com/developers }, "media/subtitle": { //https://captioneasy.com/subtitle-file-formats/ "ng:crdt": "YText", "ng:n": "Subtitles", "ng:a": "Subtitles", "ng:compat": [] // TBD }, "media/overlay": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Overlay", "ng:a": "Composition of an image, reel, text, icon, link, mention or other content into a layered content", "ng:o": "n:g:z:media", "ng:compat": [] }, "social/channel": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Channel", "ng:a": "Broadcast channel with subscribers", "ng:compat": [] }, "social/stream": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Stream", "ng:a": "A document or store's stream branch", "ng:compat": [] }, "social/contact": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Contact", "ng:a": "Contact: an Individual, Organization or Group", "ng:x": { "vcard":true, "foaf": true, }, "ng:include": ["data/graph"], "ng:compat": ["foaf:Person","foaf:Agent","vcard:Individual", "vcard:Organization", "vcard:Group", "file/iana/text/vcard", "file/iana/application/vcard+json", "file/iana/application/vcard+xml" ], }, "social/event": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Event", "ng:a": "An event occuring in specific location and time", "ng:x": { "as":true, }, "ng:include": ["post/*"], "ng:compat": ["as:Event"] }, "social/calendar": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Calendar", "ng:a": "A calendar where events are gathered", "ng:x": { "as":true, "time": true, }, "ng:include": ["data/collection"], "ng:compat": ["time:TemporalEntity", "file/iana/text/calendar", "file/iana/application/calendar+xml", "file/iana/application/calendar+json"] //https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5545 }, "social/scheduler": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Scheduler", "ng:a": "Helps finding a common time slot for several participants to a future event", "ng:x": { "as":true, }, "ng:compat": ["as:Invite","as:Reject","as:Accept","as:TentativeAccept","as:TentativeReject"] }, "social/reaction": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Reaction", "ng:a": "A reaction by user to some content", "ng:x": { "as":true, }, "ng:compat": ["as:Like", "as:Dislike", "as:Listen", "as:Read", "as:View"] }, "prod/task": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Task", "ng:a": "A task to be done", "ng:x": { "as":true, "pair": "http://virtual-assembly.org/ontologies/pair#", }, "ng:include": ["post/*"], "ng:compat": ["pair:Task"] //see VTODO in iCalendar https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~mfkb/RKF/tree/components/specs/ontologies/Calendar-onto.html // see todo and todoList of Mobilizon https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon/-/blob/main/lib/federation/activity_stream/converter/todo.ex // https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon/-/blob/main/lib/federation/activity_stream/converter/todo_list.ex }, "prod/project": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Project", "ng:a": "A project management / KanBan", "ng:x": { "as":true, "pair": "http://virtual-assembly.org/ontologies/pair#", }, "ng:include": ["post/*"], "ng:compat": ["pair:Project"] }, // see SRO https://www.researchgate.net/publication/350158531_From_a_Scrum_Reference_Ontology_to_the_Integration_of_Applications_for_Data-Driven_Software_Development // https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1442/paper_4.pdf // see focalbaord, specially for their import scripts https://github.com/mattermost/focalboard/tree/main/import // and their data model https://github.com/mattermost/focalboard/tree/main/server/model // https://github.com/leif81/bzkanban // https://github.com/HigorLoren/donko (react) // https://github.com/trobonox/kanri (GPL, Vue) // https://github.com/waterrmalann/kards (vanilla JS) // see also https://github.com/wekan/wekan // see also https://taiga.io/ (for inspiration. as it is AGPL and python) // see also https://github.com/plankanban/planka (for inspiration. as it is AGPL and React) // see also https://kolaente.dev/vikunja/vikunja (for inspiration. AGPL. Vue and Go) // see also https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/ (for inspiration. AGPL) // see also https://github.com/SrGMC/kanbana /// svelte: https://github.com/V-Py/svelte-kanban // https://github.com/supabase-community/svelte-kanban // https://github.com/therosbif/kanban "prod/issue": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Issue", "ng:a": "An issue to be solved", "ng:x": { "as":true, "pair": "http://virtual-assembly.org/ontologies/pair#", }, "ng:include": ["prod/task"], "ng:compat": ["pair:Challenge"] }, //https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/20232 // datamodel of gitea issues: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/blob/165346c15c6d021028a65121e692a17ffc927e2c/models/issue.go#L35-L79 "prod/form": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Form", "ng:a": "A form to be filled-in", "ng:x": { "form" : "http://rdf.danielbeeke.nl/form/form-dev.ttl#", }, "ng:compat": ["form:*","file/iana/application/schema+json"] }, // https://jsonforms.io/docs/ // https://github.com/jsonform/jsonform // https://jsonforms.io/docs/integrations/vue // >>> https://github.com/json-editor/json-editor // or >>> https://github.com/webgme/svelte-jsonschema-form // or >>> https://github.com/restspace/svelte-schema-form // see https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1515/regular14.pdf // and https://github.com/protegeproject/facsimile // https://www.drupal.org/project/webform // see https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Page_Forms // https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Page_Forms // https://rdf-form.danielbeeke.nl/ // consider using Shapes "prod/filling": { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Form filling", "ng:a": "A form that has been filled-in", "ng:compat": [] }, "prod/cad": { // https://mattferraro.dev/posts/cadmium "ng:crdt": "Automerge", "ng:n": "CAD", "ng:a": "CADmium", "ng:compat": [] }, "prod/slides": { //https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js //https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#slide-shows "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Slides", "ng:a": "Slides and presentations", "ng:include": ["post/*"], "ng:compat": [] }, "prod/question" : { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Question", "ng:a": "A question that needs answers", "ng:x": { "as":true, }, "ng:include": ["post/*"], "ng:compat": ["as:Question"] }, "prod/answer" :{ "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Answer", "ng:a": "An answer to a question", "ng:x": { "as":true, }, "ng:include": ["post/*"], "ng:compat": ["as:Note"] }, "prod/poll" : { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Poll", "ng:a": "A poll where people will vote", "ng:x": { "as":true, }, "ng:include": ["post/*"], "ng:compat": ["as:Question"] }, "prod/vote" : { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "Vote", "ng:a": "A vote cast for a Poll", "ng:x": { "as":true, }, "ng:compat": ["as:Note"] }, "file" : { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "File", "ng:a": "Binary file", "ng:o": "n:g:z:file_viewer", "ng:w": "n:g:z:file_viewer", "ng:compat": [] }, "file/ng/wallet" : { "ng:n": "NextGraph Wallet File", "ng:a": "NextGraph Wallet File (.ngw)", "ng:compat": [] }, "file/ng/doc" : { "ng:n": "NextGraph Document File", "ng:a": "NextGraph Document File (.ngd)", "ng:compat": [] }, "file/ng/html" : { "ng:n": "NextGraph Document Html", "ng:a": "NextGraph Document Html standalone file", "ng:compat": [] }, "file/text" : { "ng:crdt": "Graph", "ng:n": "File", "ng:a": "Text file", "ng:o": "n:g:z:file_viewer", "ng:w": "n:g:z:file_viewer", "ng:compat": ["file/iana/text/*", "file/iana/image/svg+xml", "file/iana/application/n-quads", "file/iana/application/trig", "file/iana/application/n-triples", "file/iana/application/rdf+xml", "file/iana/application/ld+json", "file/iana/application/xml", "file/iana/application/yaml", "file/iana/application/xhtml+xml", "file/iana/application/node","file/iana/application/sparql-results+json","file/iana/application/sparql-results+xml", "file/iana/message/rfc822","file/iana/multipart/related", "file/iana/text/vnd.graphviz", "file/iana/application/vnd.excalidraw+json", "file/iana/application/x-tex","file/iana/text/x-tex", "file/iana/application/vcard+json", "file/iana/application/vcard+xml", "file/iana/text/calendar", "file/iana/application/calendar+xml", "file/iana/application/calendar+json", "file/iana/application/schema+json", "file/iana/application/geo+json", "file/iana/application/json" ] }, };