// Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers // All rights reserved. // This code is partly derived from work written by TG x Thoth from P2Pcollab. // Copyright 2022 TG x Thoth // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // // or the MIT license , // at your option. All files in the project carrying such // notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except // according to those terms. //! Merkle hash tree of Objects use core::fmt; use std::cmp::max; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use chacha20::cipher::{KeyIvInit, StreamCipher}; use chacha20::ChaCha20; use crate::errors::*; use crate::log::*; use crate::store::*; use crate::types::*; pub const BLOCK_EXTRA: usize = 12; // 8 is the smallest extra + BLOCK_MAX_DATA_EXTRA pub const HEADER_REF_EXTRA: usize = 66; pub const HEADER_EMBED_EXTRA: usize = 34; pub const CHILD_SIZE: usize = 66; pub const BLOCK_ID_SIZE: usize = 33; /// Size of serialized SymKey pub const BLOCK_KEY_SIZE: usize = 33; /// Size of serialized Object with deps reference. /// Varint extra bytes when reaching the maximum value we will ever use in one block pub const BIG_VARINT_EXTRA: usize = 2; /// Varint extra bytes when reaching the maximum size of data byte arrays. pub const DATA_VARINT_EXTRA: usize = 4; pub const BLOCK_MAX_DATA_EXTRA: usize = 4; #[derive(Debug)] /// An Object in memory. This is not used to serialize data pub struct Object { /// keeps the deduplicated blocks of the Object block_contents: HashMap, /// Blocks of the Object (nodes of the tree) blocks: Vec, /// Header header: Option, /// Blocks of the Header (nodes of the tree) header_blocks: Vec, #[cfg(test)] already_saved: bool, } impl Object { pub(crate) fn convergence_key( store_pubkey: &StoreRepo, store_readcap_secret: &ReadCapSecret, ) -> [u8; blake3::OUT_LEN] { let key_material = match (*store_pubkey.repo_id(), store_readcap_secret.clone()) { (PubKey::Ed25519PubKey(pubkey), SymKey::ChaCha20Key(secret)) => { [pubkey, secret].concat() } (_, _) => panic!("cannot sign with Montgomery key"), }; blake3::derive_key("NextGraph Data BLAKE3 key", key_material.as_slice()) } fn make_block( mut content: Vec, conv_key: &[u8; blake3::OUT_LEN], children: Vec, header_ref: Option, already_existing: &mut HashMap, ) -> Result { let key_hash = blake3::keyed_hash(conv_key, &content); let key_slice = key_hash.as_bytes(); let key = SymKey::ChaCha20Key(key_slice.clone()); let it = already_existing.get(&key); if it.is_some() { return Err(*it.unwrap()); } let nonce = [0u8; 12]; let mut cipher = ChaCha20::new(key_slice.into(), &nonce.into()); //let mut content_enc = Vec::from(content); let mut content_enc_slice = &mut content.as_mut_slice(); cipher.apply_keystream(&mut content_enc_slice); let block = Block::new(children, header_ref, content, Some(key)); //log_debug!(">>> make_block: {}", block.id()); //log_debug!("!! children: ({}) {:?}", children.len(), children); Ok(block) } fn make_header_v0( header: CommitHeaderV0, object_size: usize, conv_key: &ChaCha20Key, ) -> (ObjectRef, Vec) { let header_obj = Object::new_with_convergence_key( ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::CommitHeader(CommitHeader::V0(header))), None, object_size, conv_key, ); let header_ref = ObjectRef { id: header_obj.id(), key: header_obj.key().unwrap(), }; (header_ref, header_obj.blocks().cloned().collect()) } fn make_header( header: CommitHeader, object_size: usize, conv_key: &ChaCha20Key, ) -> (ObjectRef, Vec) { match header { CommitHeader::V0(v0) => Self::make_header_v0(v0, object_size, conv_key), } } /// Build tree from leaves, returns parent nodes and optional header blocks fn make_tree( block_contents: &mut HashMap, already_existing: &mut HashMap, leaves: &[BlockId], conv_key: &ChaCha20Key, header_prepare_size: usize, mut header_prepare_block_ref: Option, mut header_prepare_blocks: Vec, valid_block_size: usize, arity: usize, ) -> (Vec, Vec) { let mut parents: Vec = vec![]; let mut header_blocks = vec![]; let chunks = leaves.chunks(arity); let mut it = chunks.peekable(); while let Some(nodes) = it.next() { let children = nodes.to_vec(); let keys: Vec = nodes .iter() .map(|block_id| block_contents.get(block_id).unwrap().key().unwrap()) .collect(); let content = ChunkContentV0::InternalNode(keys); let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&content).unwrap(); //let child_header = None; let header = if parents.is_empty() && it.peek().is_none() { let mut header_prepare_blocks_taken = vec![]; header_prepare_blocks_taken.append(&mut header_prepare_blocks); match ( header_prepare_size, header_prepare_block_ref.take(), header_prepare_blocks_taken, ) { (0, None, _) => None, (header_size, Some(block_ref), blocks) => { let is_embeddable = header_size > 0 && ((valid_block_size - BLOCK_EXTRA - HEADER_EMBED_EXTRA - header_size) / CHILD_SIZE) >= children.len(); let (header_r, mut h_blocks) = Self::make_header_ref(is_embeddable, block_ref, blocks); header_blocks.append(&mut h_blocks); header_r } (_, None, _) => unimplemented!(), } //header_ref.take() } else { None }; Self::add_block( Self::make_block(content_ser, conv_key, children, header, already_existing), &mut parents, block_contents, already_existing, ); } //log_debug!("parents += {}", parents.len()); if 1 < parents.len() { let mut great_parents = Self::make_tree( block_contents, already_existing, parents.as_slice(), conv_key, header_prepare_size, header_prepare_block_ref, header_prepare_blocks, valid_block_size, arity, ); parents.append(&mut great_parents.0); header_blocks.append(&mut great_parents.1); } (parents, header_blocks) } fn make_header_ref( embedded: bool, header_ref: BlockRef, blocks: Vec, ) -> (Option, Vec) { if embedded { ( Some(CommitHeaderRef { obj: CommitHeaderObject::EncryptedContent( blocks[0].encrypted_content().to_vec(), ), key: header_ref.key, }), vec![], ) } else { ( Some(CommitHeaderRef { obj: CommitHeaderObject::Id(header_ref.id), key: header_ref.key, }), blocks, ) } } fn add_block( block_result: Result, blocks: &mut Vec, block_contents: &mut HashMap, already_existing: &mut HashMap, ) { match block_result { Ok(mut block) => { let id = block.get_and_save_id(); blocks.push(id); if !block_contents.contains_key(&id) { already_existing.insert(block.key().unwrap(), id); block_contents.insert(id, block); } } Err(id) => { blocks.push(id); } } } /// Create new Object from given content /// /// The Object is chunked and stored in a Merkle tree /// The arity of the Merkle tree is the maximum that fits in the given `max_object_size` /// /// Arguments: /// * `content`: Object content /// * `header`: CommitHeaderV0 : All references of the object /// * `block_size`: Desired block size for chunking content, will be rounded up to nearest valid block size /// * `store`: store public key, needed to generate the convergence key /// * `store_secret`: store's read capability secret, needed to generate the convergence key pub fn new( content: ObjectContent, header: Option, block_size: usize, store: &StoreRepo, store_secret: &ReadCapSecret, ) -> Object { let conv_key = Self::convergence_key(store, store_secret); Self::new_with_convergence_key(content, header, block_size, &conv_key) } pub fn new_with_convergence_key( content: ObjectContent, mut header: Option, block_size: usize, conv_key: &ChaCha20Key, ) -> Object { if header.is_some() && !content.can_have_header() { panic!( "cannot make a new Object with header if ObjectContent type different from Commit" ); } log_debug!("header {:?}", header); // create blocks by chunking + encrypting content let valid_block_size = store_valid_value_size(block_size); log_debug!("valid_block_size {}", valid_block_size); // let max_arity_leaves: usize = (valid_block_size - BLOCK_EXTRA) / CHILD_SIZE; // let max_arity_root: usize = // (valid_block_size - BLOCK_EXTRA - HEADER_REF_EXTRA) / CHILD_SIZE; let max_data_payload_size = valid_block_size - BLOCK_EXTRA - HEADER_REF_EXTRA * header.as_ref().map_or(0, |_| 1); let max_arity: usize = max_data_payload_size / CHILD_SIZE; let mut blocks: Vec = vec![]; let mut block_contents: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let mut already_existing: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let header_prepare = match &header { None => (0 as usize, None, vec![]), Some(h) => { let block_info = Self::make_header(h.clone(), valid_block_size, conv_key); if block_info.1.len() == 1 { ( block_info.1[0].encrypted_content().len(), Some(block_info.0), block_info.1, ) } else { (0 as usize, Some(block_info.0), block_info.1) } } }; log_debug!("{:?} {:?}", header, header_prepare); let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&content).unwrap(); let content_len = content_ser.len(); log_debug!( "only one block? {} {} {}", content_len <= max_data_payload_size, content_len, max_data_payload_size ); let header_blocks = if content_len <= max_data_payload_size { // content fits in root node let data_chunk = ChunkContentV0::DataChunk(content_ser.clone()); let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&data_chunk).unwrap(); let (header_ref, h_blocks) = match header_prepare { (0, None, _) => (None, vec![]), (header_size, Some(block_ref), blocks) => { let is_embeddable = header_size > 0 && valid_block_size - BLOCK_EXTRA - HEADER_EMBED_EXTRA - content_ser.len() > header_size; Self::make_header_ref(is_embeddable, block_ref, blocks) } (_, None, _) => unimplemented!(), }; Self::add_block( Self::make_block( content_ser, conv_key, vec![], header_ref, &mut already_existing, ), &mut blocks, &mut block_contents, &mut already_existing, ); h_blocks } else { // chunk content and create leaf nodes let mut i = 0; let total = max(1, content_len / (valid_block_size - BLOCK_EXTRA)); for chunk in content_ser.chunks(valid_block_size - BLOCK_EXTRA) { let data_chunk = ChunkContentV0::DataChunk(chunk.to_vec()); let chunk_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&data_chunk).unwrap(); Self::add_block( Self::make_block(chunk_ser, conv_key, vec![], None, &mut already_existing), &mut blocks, &mut block_contents, &mut already_existing, ); log_debug!("make_block {} of {} - {}%", i, total, i * 100 / total); i = i + 1; } // internal nodes // max_arity: max number of ObjectRefs that fit inside an InternalNode Object within the max_data_payload_size limit let mut parents = Self::make_tree( &mut block_contents, &mut already_existing, blocks.as_slice(), conv_key, header_prepare.0, header_prepare.1, header_prepare.2, valid_block_size, max_arity, ); blocks.append(&mut parents.0); parents.1 }; if header_blocks.len() > 0 { log_debug!( "header_blocks.len() {} {}", header_blocks.len(), header_blocks.last().unwrap().id() ); header .as_mut() .unwrap() .set_id(header_blocks.last().unwrap().id()); } Object { blocks, block_contents, header, header_blocks, #[cfg(test)] already_saved: false, } } /// Load an Object from RepoStore /// /// Returns Ok(Object) or an Err(ObjectParseError::MissingBlocks(Vec)) of missing BlockIds pub fn load( id: ObjectId, key: Option, store: &Box, ) -> Result { fn load_tree( parents: Vec, store: &Box, blocks: &mut Vec, missing: &mut Vec, block_contents: &mut HashMap, ) { let mut children: Vec = vec![]; for id in parents { match store.get(&id) { Ok(block) => { match &block { Block::V0(o) => { children.extend(o.children().iter().rev()); } } blocks.insert(0, id); if !block_contents.contains_key(&id) { block_contents.insert(id, block); } } Err(_) => missing.push(id.clone()), } } if !children.is_empty() { load_tree(children, store, blocks, missing, block_contents); } } let mut blocks: Vec = vec![]; let mut block_contents: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let mut missing: Vec = vec![]; load_tree( vec![id], store, &mut blocks, &mut missing, &mut block_contents, ); if !missing.is_empty() { return Err(ObjectParseError::MissingBlocks(missing)); } let root = block_contents.get_mut(blocks.last().unwrap()).unwrap(); if key.is_some() { root.set_key(key); } let header = match root.header_ref() { Some(header_ref) => match header_ref.obj { CommitHeaderObject::None | CommitHeaderObject::RandomAccess => { panic!("shouldn't happen") } CommitHeaderObject::Id(id) => { let obj = Object::load(id, Some(header_ref.key.clone()), store)?; match obj.content()? { ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::CommitHeader(mut commit_header)) => { commit_header.set_id(id); (Some(commit_header), Some(obj.blocks().cloned().collect())) } _ => return Err(ObjectParseError::InvalidHeader), } } CommitHeaderObject::EncryptedContent(content) => { let (_, decrypted_content) = Block::new_with_encrypted_content(content, None).read(&header_ref.key)?; match serde_bare::from_slice(&decrypted_content) { Ok(ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::CommitHeader(commit_header))) => { (Some(commit_header), None) } Err(_e) => return Err(ObjectParseError::InvalidHeader), _ => return Err(ObjectParseError::InvalidHeader), } } }, None => (None, None), }; Ok(Object { blocks, block_contents, header: header.0, header_blocks: header.1.unwrap_or(vec![]), #[cfg(test)] already_saved: true, }) } /// Save blocks of the object and the blocks of the header object in the store pub fn save(&self, store: &Box) -> Result<(), StorageError> { let mut deduplicated: HashSet = HashSet::new(); //.chain(self.header_blocks.iter()) for block_id in self.blocks.iter() { store.put(self.block_contents.get(block_id).unwrap())?; } for block in &self.header_blocks { let id = block.id(); if deduplicated.get(&id).is_none() { deduplicated.insert(id); store.put(block)?; } } Ok(()) } #[cfg(test)] pub fn save_in_test( &mut self, store: &Box, ) -> Result<(), StorageError> { assert!(self.already_saved == false); self.already_saved = true; self.save(store) } /// Get the ID of the Object pub fn id(&self) -> ObjectId { self.root_block().id() } /// Get the ID of the Object and saves it pub fn get_and_save_id(&mut self) -> ObjectId { self.block_contents .get_mut(self.blocks.last().unwrap()) .unwrap() .get_and_save_id() } /// Get the key for the Object pub fn key(&self) -> Option { self.root_block().key() } /// Get an `ObjectRef` for the root object pub fn reference(&self) -> Option { if self.key().is_some() { Some(ObjectRef { id: self.id(), key: self.key().unwrap(), }) } else { None } } pub fn is_root(&self) -> bool { self.header.as_ref().map_or(true, |h| h.is_root()) } /// Get deps (that have an ID in the header, without checking if there is a key for them in the header_keys) /// if there is no header, returns an empty vec pub fn deps(&self) -> Vec { match &self.header { Some(h) => h.deps(), None => vec![], } } /// Get acks and nacks (that have an ID in the header, without checking if there is a key for them in the header_keys) /// if there is no header, returns an empty vec pub fn acks_and_nacks(&self) -> Vec { match &self.header { Some(h) => h.acks_and_nacks(), None => vec![], } } /// Get acks (that have an ID in the header, without checking if there is a key for them in the header_keys) /// if there is no header, returns an empty vec pub fn acks(&self) -> Vec { match &self.header { Some(h) => h.acks(), None => vec![], } } pub fn root_block(&self) -> &Block { self.block_contents .get(self.blocks.last().unwrap()) .unwrap() } pub fn header(&self) -> &Option { &self.header } pub fn blocks(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { self.blocks .iter() .map(|key| self.block_contents.get(key).unwrap()) } pub fn all_blocks_len(&self) -> usize { self.blocks.len() + self.header_blocks.len() } pub fn size(&self) -> usize { let mut total = 0; self.blocks().for_each(|b| { let s = b.size(); log_debug!("@@@@ {}", s); total += s; }); self.header_blocks.iter().for_each(|b| { let s = b.size(); log_debug!("@@@@ {}", s); total += s; }); total } pub fn dedup_size(&self) -> usize { let mut total = 0; self.block_contents.values().for_each(|b| total += b.size()); self.header_blocks.iter().for_each(|b| total += b.size()); total } pub fn hashmap(&self) -> &HashMap { &self.block_contents } /// Collect leaves from the tree fn collect_leaves( blocks: &Vec, parents: &Vec<(ObjectId, SymKey)>, parent_index: usize, leaves: &mut Option<&mut Vec>, obj_content: &mut Option<&mut Vec>, block_contents: &HashMap, ) -> Result { // log_debug!( // ">>> collect_leaves: #{}..{}", // parent_index, // parent_index + parents.len() - 1 // ); let mut children: Vec<(ObjectId, SymKey)> = vec![]; let mut i = parent_index; for (id, key) in parents { //log_debug!("!!! parent: #{}", i); let block = block_contents.get(&blocks[i]).unwrap(); i += 1; // verify object ID let block_id = block.id(); if *id != block_id { log_debug!("Invalid ObjectId.\nExp: {:?}\nGot: {:?}", *id, block_id); return Err(ObjectParseError::InvalidBlockId); } match block { Block::V0(b) => { let b_children = b.children(); if leaves.is_none() && obj_content.is_none() { // we just want to calculate the depth. no need to decrypt for id in b_children { #[allow(deprecated)] children.push((id.clone(), ObjectKey::nil())); } continue; } // decrypt content in place (this is why we have to clone first) let mut content_dec = b.content.encrypted_content().clone(); match key { SymKey::ChaCha20Key(key) => { let nonce = [0u8; 12]; let mut cipher = ChaCha20::new(key.into(), &nonce.into()); let mut content_dec_slice = &mut content_dec.as_mut_slice(); cipher.apply_keystream(&mut content_dec_slice); } } // deserialize content let content: ChunkContentV0; match serde_bare::from_slice(content_dec.as_slice()) { Ok(c) => content = c, Err(e) => { log_debug!("Block deserialize error: {}", e); return Err(ObjectParseError::BlockDeserializeError); } } // parse content match content { ChunkContentV0::InternalNode(keys) => { if keys.len() != b_children.len() { log_debug!( "Invalid keys length: got {}, expected {}", keys.len(), b_children.len() ); log_debug!("!!! children: {:?}", b_children); log_debug!("!!! keys: {:?}", keys); return Err(ObjectParseError::InvalidKeys); } for (id, key) in b_children.iter().zip(keys.iter()) { children.push((id.clone(), key.clone())); } } ChunkContentV0::DataChunk(chunk) => { if leaves.is_some() { //FIXME this part is never used (when leaves.is_some ?) //FIXME if it was used, we should probably try to remove the block.clone() let mut leaf = block.clone(); leaf.set_key(Some(key.clone())); let l = &mut **leaves.as_mut().unwrap(); l.push(leaf); } if obj_content.is_some() { let c = &mut **obj_content.as_mut().unwrap(); c.extend_from_slice(chunk.as_slice()); } } } } } } Ok(if !children.is_empty() { if parent_index < children.len() { return Err(ObjectParseError::InvalidChildren); } Self::collect_leaves( blocks, &children, parent_index - children.len(), leaves, obj_content, block_contents, )? + 1 } else { 0 }) } // /// Parse the Object and return the leaf Blocks with decryption key set // pub fn leaves(&self) -> Result, ObjectParseError> { // let mut leaves: Vec = vec![]; // let parents = vec![(self.id(), self.key().unwrap())]; // match Self::collect_leaves( // &self.blocks, // &parents, // self.blocks.len() - 1, // &mut Some(&mut leaves), // &mut None, // ) { // Ok(_) => Ok(leaves), // Err(e) => Err(e), // } // } /// Parse the Object and return the decrypted content assembled from Blocks pub fn content(&self) -> Result { // TODO: keep a local cache of content (with oncecell) if self.key().is_none() { return Err(ObjectParseError::MissingRootKey); } let mut obj_content: Vec = vec![]; let parents = vec![(self.id(), self.key().unwrap())]; match Self::collect_leaves( &self.blocks, &parents, self.blocks.len() - 1, &mut None, &mut Some(&mut obj_content), &self.block_contents, ) { Ok(_) => match serde_bare::from_slice(obj_content.as_slice()) { Ok(c) => Ok(c), Err(e) => { log_debug!("Object deserialize error: {}", e); Err(ObjectParseError::ObjectDeserializeError) } }, Err(e) => Err(e), } } /// Parse the Object returns the depth of the tree pub fn depth(&self) -> Result { if self.key().is_none() { return Err(ObjectParseError::MissingRootKey); } let parents = vec![(self.id(), self.key().unwrap())]; Self::collect_leaves( &self.blocks, &parents, self.blocks.len() - 1, &mut None, &mut None, &self.block_contents, ) } pub fn content_v0(&self) -> Result { match self.content() { Ok(ObjectContent::V0(v0)) => Ok(v0), Err(e) => Err(e), } } } impl fmt::Display for Object { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { writeln!(f, "====== Object ID {}", self.id())?; writeln!( f, "== Key: {}", self.key().map_or("None".to_string(), |k| format!("{}", k)) )?; #[cfg(test)] writeln!(f, "== saved: {}", self.already_saved)?; writeln!( f, "== Header: {}", self.header .as_ref() .map_or("None".to_string(), |k| format!("{}", k)) )?; writeln!(f, "== Blocks: {}", self.blocks.len())?; let mut i = 0; for block_id in &self.blocks { writeln!(f, "========== {:03}: {}", i, block_id)?; i += 1; } writeln!(f, "== Depth: {:?}", self.depth().unwrap_or(0))?; writeln!(f, "== Header Blocks: {}", self.header_blocks.len())?; i = 0; for block in &self.header_blocks { writeln!(f, "========== {:03}: {}", i, block.id())?; } write!( f, "{}", self.content().map_or_else( |e| format!("Error on content: {:?}", e), |c| format!("{}", c) ) )?; Ok(()) } } impl ObjectContent { pub fn can_have_header(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::V0(v0) => match v0 { ObjectContentV0::Commit(_) => true, _ => false, }, } } pub fn new_file_v0_with_content(content: Vec, content_type: &str) -> Self { ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { content_type: content_type.into(), metadata: vec![], content, }))) } } impl fmt::Display for ObjectContent { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let (version, content) = match self { Self::V0(v0) => ( "v0", match v0 { ObjectContentV0::Commit(c) => ("Commit", format!("{}", c)), ObjectContentV0::CommitBody(c) => ("CommitBody", format!("{}", c)), ObjectContentV0::CommitHeader(c) => ("CommitHeader", format!("{}", c)), ObjectContentV0::Quorum(c) => ("Quorum", format!("{}", "")), ObjectContentV0::Signature(c) => ("Signature", format!("{}", "")), ObjectContentV0::Certificate(c) => ("Certificate", format!("{}", "")), ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(c) => ("SmallFile", format!("{}", "")), ObjectContentV0::RandomAccessFileMeta(c) => { ("RandomAccessFileMeta", format!("{}", "")) } }, ), }; writeln!(f, "====== ObjectContent {} {} ======", version, content.0)?; write!(f, "{}", content.1)?; Ok(()) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use crate::object::*; use std::io::BufReader; use std::io::Read; use std::io::Write; // Those constants are calculated with RepoStore::get_max_value_size /// Maximum arity of branch containing max number of leaves // const MAX_ARITY_LEAVES: usize = 15887; // /// Maximum arity of root branch // const MAX_ARITY_ROOT: usize = 15886; // /// Maximum data that can fit in object.content // const MAX_DATA_PAYLOAD_SIZE: usize = 1048564; #[test] pub fn test_pubkey_from_str() { let pubkey = PubKey::Ed25519PubKey([1u8; 32]); let str = pubkey.to_string(); let server_key: PubKey = str.as_str().try_into().unwrap(); assert_eq!(server_key, pubkey); } /// Test no header needed if not a commit #[test] #[should_panic] pub fn test_no_header() { let file = SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { content_type: "image/jpeg".into(), metadata: vec![], content: vec![], }); let content = ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(file)); let (store_repo, store_secret) = StoreRepo::dummy_public_v0(); let header = CommitHeader::new_with_acks([ObjectId::dummy()].to_vec()); let _obj = Object::new( content, header, store_max_value_size(), &store_repo, &store_secret, ); } /// Test JPEG file #[test] pub fn test_jpg() { let f = std::fs::File::open("tests/test.jpg").expect("open of tests/test.jpg"); let mut reader = BufReader::new(f); let mut img_buffer: Vec = Vec::new(); reader .read_to_end(&mut img_buffer) .expect("read of test.jpg"); let content = ObjectContent::new_file_v0_with_content(img_buffer, "image/jpeg"); let max_object_size = store_max_value_size(); let (store_repo, store_secret) = StoreRepo::dummy_public_v0(); let obj = Object::new(content, None, max_object_size, &store_repo, &store_secret); log_debug!("{}", obj); let mut i = 0; for node in obj.blocks() { log_debug!("#{}: {}", i, node.id()); let mut file = std::fs::File::create(format!("tests/{}.ng", node.id())) .expect("open block write file"); let ser_file = serde_bare::to_vec(node).unwrap(); file.write_all(&ser_file) .expect(&format!("write of block #{}", i)); i += 1; } } /// Test tree API #[test] pub fn test_object() { let file = SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { content_type: "file/test".into(), metadata: Vec::from("some meta data here"), content: [(0..255).collect::>().as_slice(); 320].concat(), }); let content = ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(file)); let acks = vec![]; //let header = CommitHeader::new_with_acks(acks.clone()); let max_object_size = 0; let (store_repo, store_secret) = StoreRepo::dummy_public_v0(); let mut obj = Object::new( content.clone(), None, max_object_size, &store_repo, &store_secret, ); log_debug!("{}", obj); assert_eq!(*obj.acks(), acks); match obj.content() { Ok(cnt) => { log_debug!("{}", cnt); assert_eq!(content, cnt); } Err(e) => panic!("Object parse error: {:?}", e), } let store = Box::new(HashMapRepoStore::new()); obj.save_in_test(&store).expect("Object save error"); let obj2 = Object::load(obj.id(), obj.key(), &store).unwrap(); log_debug!("{}", obj2); assert_eq!(*obj2.acks(), acks); match obj2.content() { Ok(cnt) => { log_debug!("{}", cnt); assert_eq!(content, cnt); } Err(e) => panic!("Object2 parse error: {:?}", e), } let obj3 = Object::load(obj.id(), None, &store).unwrap(); log_debug!("{}", obj3); assert_eq!(*obj3.acks(), acks); match obj3.content() { Err(ObjectParseError::MissingRootKey) => (), Err(e) => panic!("Object3 parse error: {:?}", e), Ok(_) => panic!("Object3 should not return content"), } } /// Checks that a content that fits the root node, will not be chunked into children nodes #[test] pub fn test_depth_0() { let (store_repo, store_secret) = StoreRepo::dummy_public_v0(); let empty_file = ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { content_type: "".into(), metadata: vec![], content: vec![], }))); let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&empty_file).unwrap(); log_debug!("content len for empty : {}", content_ser.len()); // let content = ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { // content_type: "".into(), // metadata: vec![], // content: vec![99; 1000], // }))); // let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&content).unwrap(); // log_debug!("content len for 1000 : {}", content_ser.len()); // let content = ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { // content_type: "".into(), // metadata: vec![], // content: vec![99; 1048554], // }))); // let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&content).unwrap(); // log_debug!("content len for 1048554 : {}", content_ser.len()); // let content = ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { // content_type: "".into(), // metadata: vec![], // content: vec![99; 1550000], // }))); // let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&content).unwrap(); // log_debug!("content len for 1550000 : {}", content_ser.len()); // let content = ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { // content_type: "".into(), // metadata: vec![], // content: vec![99; 1550000000], // }))); // let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&content).unwrap(); // log_debug!("content len for 1550000000 : {}", content_ser.len()); // let content = ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { // content_type: "".into(), // metadata: vec![99; 1000], // content: vec![99; 1000], // }))); // let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&content).unwrap(); // log_debug!("content len for 1000+1000: {}", content_ser.len()); // let content = ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { // content_type: "".into(), // metadata: vec![99; 1000], // content: vec![99; 524277], // }))); // let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&content).unwrap(); // log_debug!("content len for 1000+524277: {}", content_ser.len()); // let content = ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { // content_type: "".into(), // metadata: vec![99; 524277], // content: vec![99; 524277], // }))); // let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&content).unwrap(); // log_debug!("content len for 2*524277: {}", content_ser.len()); let empty_obj = Object::new( empty_file, None, store_max_value_size(), &store_repo, &store_secret, ); let empty_file_size = empty_obj.size(); log_debug!("empty file size: {}", empty_file_size); let size = store_max_value_size() - empty_file_size - BLOCK_MAX_DATA_EXTRA - BIG_VARINT_EXTRA; log_debug!("full file content size: {}", size); let content = ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { content_type: "".into(), metadata: vec![], content: vec![99; size], }))); let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&content).unwrap(); log_debug!("content len: {}", content_ser.len()); let object = Object::new( content, None, store_max_value_size(), &store_repo, &store_secret, ); log_debug!("{}", object); log_debug!("object size: {}", object.size()); assert_eq!(object.blocks.len(), 1); } /// Checks that a content that doesn't fit in all the children of first level in tree #[test] pub fn test_depth_1() { const MAX_ARITY_LEAVES: usize = 15887; // /// Maximum arity of root branch // const MAX_ARITY_ROOT: usize = 15886; // /// Maximum data that can fit in object.content const MAX_DATA_PAYLOAD_SIZE: usize = 1048564; ////// 16 GB of data! let data_size = MAX_ARITY_LEAVES * MAX_DATA_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 10; let (store_repo, store_secret) = StoreRepo::dummy_public_v0(); log_debug!("creating 16GB of data"); let content = ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { content_type: "".into(), metadata: vec![], content: vec![99; data_size], }))); //let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&content).unwrap(); //log_debug!("content len: {}", content_ser.len()); log_debug!("creating object with that data"); let object = Object::new( content, None, store_max_value_size(), &store_repo, &store_secret, ); log_debug!("{}", object); let obj_size = object.size(); log_debug!("object size: {}", obj_size); log_debug!("data size: {}", data_size); log_debug!( "overhead: {} - {}%", obj_size - data_size, ((obj_size - data_size) * 100) as f32 / data_size as f32 ); log_debug!("number of blocks : {}", object.blocks.len()); assert_eq!(object.blocks.len(), MAX_ARITY_LEAVES + 1); assert_eq!(object.depth().unwrap(), 1); } /// Checks that a content that doesn't fit in all the children of first level in tree #[test] pub fn test_depth_2() { const MAX_ARITY_LEAVES: usize = 15887; const MAX_DATA_PAYLOAD_SIZE: usize = 1048564; ////// 16 GB of data! let data_size = MAX_ARITY_LEAVES * MAX_DATA_PAYLOAD_SIZE; let (store_repo, store_secret) = StoreRepo::dummy_public_v0(); log_debug!("creating 16GB of data"); let content = ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { content_type: "".into(), metadata: vec![], content: vec![99; data_size], }))); //let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&content).unwrap(); //log_debug!("content len: {}", content_ser.len()); log_debug!("creating object with that data"); let object = Object::new( content, None, store_max_value_size(), &store_repo, &store_secret, ); log_debug!("{}", object); let obj_size = object.size(); log_debug!("object size: {}", obj_size); log_debug!("data size: {}", data_size); log_debug!( "overhead: {} - {}%", obj_size - data_size, ((obj_size - data_size) * 100) as f32 / data_size as f32 ); log_debug!("number of blocks : {}", object.blocks.len()); assert_eq!(object.blocks.len(), MAX_ARITY_LEAVES + 4); assert_eq!(object.depth().unwrap(), 2); } /// Checks that a content that doesn't fit in all the children of first level in tree #[test] pub fn test_depth_3() { const MAX_ARITY_LEAVES: usize = 61; const MAX_DATA_PAYLOAD_SIZE: usize = 4084; ////// 900 MB of data! let data_size = MAX_ARITY_LEAVES * MAX_ARITY_LEAVES * MAX_ARITY_LEAVES * MAX_DATA_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 10; let (store_repo, store_secret) = StoreRepo::dummy_public_v0(); log_debug!("creating 900MB of data"); let content = ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { content_type: "".into(), metadata: vec![], content: vec![99; data_size], }))); //let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&content).unwrap(); //log_debug!("content len: {}", content_ser.len()); log_debug!("creating object with that data"); let object = Object::new( content, None, store_valid_value_size(0), &store_repo, &store_secret, ); log_debug!("{}", object); let obj_size = object.size(); log_debug!("object size: {}", obj_size); log_debug!("data size: {}", data_size); log_debug!( "overhead: {} - {}%", obj_size - data_size, ((obj_size - data_size) * 100) as f32 / data_size as f32 ); let dedup_size = object.dedup_size(); log_debug!( "dedup compression: {} - {}%", data_size - dedup_size, ((data_size - dedup_size) * 100) as f32 / data_size as f32 ); log_debug!("number of blocks : {}", object.blocks.len()); assert_eq!( object.blocks.len(), MAX_ARITY_LEAVES * (MAX_ARITY_LEAVES + 1) * MAX_ARITY_LEAVES + MAX_ARITY_LEAVES + 1 ); assert_eq!(object.depth().unwrap(), 3); } /// Checks that a content that doesn't fit in all the children of first level in tree #[test] pub fn test_depth_4() { const MAX_ARITY_LEAVES: usize = 61; const MAX_DATA_PAYLOAD_SIZE: usize = 4084; ////// 52GB of data! let data_size = MAX_ARITY_LEAVES * MAX_ARITY_LEAVES * MAX_ARITY_LEAVES * MAX_ARITY_LEAVES * MAX_DATA_PAYLOAD_SIZE - 12; let (store_repo, store_secret) = StoreRepo::dummy_public_v0(); log_debug!("creating 52GB of data"); let content = ObjectContent::V0(ObjectContentV0::SmallFile(SmallFile::V0(SmallFileV0 { content_type: "".into(), metadata: vec![], content: vec![99; data_size], }))); //let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&content).unwrap(); //log_debug!("content len: {}", content_ser.len()); log_debug!("creating object with that data"); let object = Object::new( content, None, store_valid_value_size(0), &store_repo, &store_secret, ); log_debug!("{}", object); let obj_size = object.size(); log_debug!("object size: {}", obj_size); log_debug!("data size: {}", data_size); log_debug!( "overhead: {} - {}%", obj_size - data_size, ((obj_size - data_size) * 100) as f32 / data_size as f32 ); log_debug!("number of blocks : {}", object.blocks.len()); assert_eq!( object.blocks.len(), MAX_ARITY_LEAVES * (MAX_ARITY_LEAVES * (MAX_ARITY_LEAVES + 1) * MAX_ARITY_LEAVES + MAX_ARITY_LEAVES + 1) + 1 ); assert_eq!(object.depth().unwrap(), 4); } #[test] pub fn test_block_size() { //let max_block_size = store_max_value_size(); fn test_block(max_block_size: usize) { let max_arity_leaves: usize = (max_block_size - BLOCK_EXTRA) / CHILD_SIZE; let max_arity_root: usize = (max_block_size - BLOCK_EXTRA - HEADER_REF_EXTRA) / CHILD_SIZE; let max_data_payload_size = max_block_size - BLOCK_EXTRA; log_debug!("max_block_size: {}", max_block_size); log_debug!("max_arity_leaves: {}", max_arity_leaves); log_debug!("max_arity_root: {}", max_arity_root); log_debug!("max_data_payload_size: {}", max_data_payload_size); let (id, key) = ObjectRef::dummy().into(); // this should never happen let zero_key = ChunkContentV0::InternalNode(vec![]); let zero_key_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&zero_key).unwrap(); let one_key = ChunkContentV0::InternalNode(vec![key.clone()]); let one_key_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&one_key).unwrap(); let two_keys = ChunkContentV0::InternalNode(vec![key.clone(), key.clone()]); let two_keys_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&two_keys).unwrap(); let max_keys = ChunkContentV0::InternalNode(vec![key.clone(); max_arity_leaves]); let max_keys_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&max_keys).unwrap(); let max_keys_root = ChunkContentV0::InternalNode(vec![key.clone(); max_arity_root]); let max_keys_root_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&max_keys_root).unwrap(); // this should never happen let data_empty = ChunkContentV0::DataChunk(vec![]); let data_empty_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&data_empty).unwrap(); let data_full = ChunkContentV0::DataChunk(vec![0; max_data_payload_size]); let data_full_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&data_full).unwrap(); // this should never happen: an empty block with no children and no data and no header let leaf_empty = Block::new(vec![], None, data_empty_ser.clone(), None); let leaf_empty_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&leaf_empty).unwrap(); log_debug!( "block size of empty leaf without header: {}", leaf_empty_ser.len() ); let leaf_full_data = Block::new(vec![], None, data_full_ser.clone(), None); let leaf_full_data_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&leaf_full_data).unwrap(); log_debug!( "block size of full leaf block without header: {}", leaf_full_data_ser.len() ); // this should never happen: an empty block with no children and no keys let internal_zero = Block::new(vec![], None, zero_key_ser.clone(), None); let internal_zero_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&internal_zero).unwrap(); log_debug!( "block size of empty internal block without header: {}", internal_zero_ser.len() ); assert!(leaf_full_data_ser.len() <= max_block_size); // let root_zero = Block::new( // vec![], // None, // zero_key_ser.clone(), // None, // ); // let root_zero_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&root_zero).unwrap(); let header_ref = CommitHeaderRef::from_id_key(id, key.clone()); // this should never happen. an embedded header never has an empty content let header_embed = CommitHeaderRef::from_content_key(vec![], key.clone()); // this should never happen: an empty block with no children and no data and header ref let root_zero_header_ref = Block::new( vec![], Some(header_ref.clone()), data_empty_ser.clone(), None, ); let root_zero_header_ref_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&root_zero_header_ref).unwrap(); // this should never happen: an empty block with no children and no data and header embed let root_zero_header_embed = Block::new( vec![], Some(header_embed.clone()), data_empty_ser.clone(), None, ); let root_zero_header_embed_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&root_zero_header_embed).unwrap(); // log_debug!( // "block size of empty root block without header: {}", // root_zero_ser.len() // ); log_debug!( "block size of empty root block with header ref: {}", root_zero_header_ref_ser.len() ); log_debug!( "block size of empty root block with header embedded: {}", root_zero_header_embed_ser.len() ); let internal_max = Block::new(vec![id; max_arity_leaves], None, max_keys_ser.clone(), None); let internal_max_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&internal_max).unwrap(); let internal_one = Block::new(vec![id; 1], None, one_key_ser.clone(), None); let internal_one_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&internal_one).unwrap(); let internal_two = Block::new(vec![id; 2], None, two_keys_ser.clone(), None); let internal_two_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&internal_two).unwrap(); log_debug!( "block size of internal block with 1 child, without header: {}", internal_one_ser.len() ); log_debug!( "block size of internal block with 2 children, without header: {}", internal_two_ser.len() ); log_debug!( "block size of internal block with max arity children, without header: {}", internal_max_ser.len() ); assert!(internal_max_ser.len() <= max_block_size); let root_one = Block::new( vec![id; 1], Some(header_ref.clone()), one_key_ser.clone(), None, ); let root_one_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&root_one).unwrap(); let root_two = Block::new( vec![id; 2], Some(header_ref.clone()), two_keys_ser.clone(), None, ); let root_two_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&root_two).unwrap(); let root_max = Block::new( vec![id; max_arity_root], Some(header_ref.clone()), max_keys_root_ser.clone(), None, ); let root_max_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&root_max).unwrap(); let data_full_when_header_ref = ChunkContentV0::DataChunk(vec![0; max_data_payload_size - HEADER_REF_EXTRA]); let data_full_when_header_ref_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&data_full_when_header_ref).unwrap(); let root_full = Block::new( vec![], Some(header_ref.clone()), data_full_when_header_ref_ser.clone(), None, ); let root_full_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&root_full).unwrap(); log_debug!( "block size of root block with header ref with 1 child: {}", root_one_ser.len() ); log_debug!( "block size of root block with header ref with 2 children: {}", root_two_ser.len() ); log_debug!( "block size of root block with header ref with max arity children: {}", root_max_ser.len() ); log_debug!( "block size of root block with header ref with full DataChunk (fitting ObjectContent): {}", root_full_ser.len() ); assert!(root_full_ser.len() <= max_block_size); let root_embed_one = Block::new( vec![id; 1], Some(header_embed.clone()), one_key_ser.clone(), None, ); let root_embed_one_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&root_embed_one).unwrap(); let root_embed_two = Block::new( vec![id; 2], Some(header_embed.clone()), two_keys_ser.clone(), None, ); let root_embed_two_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&root_embed_two).unwrap(); let root_embed_max = Block::new( vec![id; max_arity_root], Some(header_embed.clone()), max_keys_root_ser.clone(), None, ); let root_embed_max_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&root_embed_max).unwrap(); let data_full_when_header_embed = ChunkContentV0::DataChunk(vec![0; max_data_payload_size - HEADER_EMBED_EXTRA]); let data_full_when_header_embed_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&data_full_when_header_embed).unwrap(); let root_embed_full = Block::new( vec![], Some(header_embed.clone()), data_full_when_header_embed_ser.clone(), None, ); let root_embed_full_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&root_embed_full).unwrap(); log_debug!( "block size of root block with header embed with 1 child: {}", root_embed_one_ser.len() ); log_debug!( "block size of root block with header embed with 2 children: {}", root_embed_two_ser.len() ); log_debug!( "block size of root block with header embed with max arity children: {}", root_embed_max_ser.len() ); log_debug!( "block size of root block with header embed with full DataChunk (fitting ObjectContent): {}", root_embed_full_ser.len() ); assert!(root_embed_full_ser.len() <= max_block_size); let header_acks_1 = CommitHeader::new_with_acks(vec![id]); let header_acks_2 = CommitHeader::new_with_acks(vec![id, id]); let header_acks_60 = CommitHeader::new_with_acks(vec![id; 60]); let header_acks_60_deps_60 = CommitHeader::new_with_deps_and_acks(vec![id; 60], vec![id; 60]); fn make_header_block(header: Option) -> CommitHeaderRef { let content_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&ObjectContent::V0( ObjectContentV0::CommitHeader(header.unwrap()), )) .unwrap(); let data_chunk = ChunkContentV0::DataChunk(content_ser.clone()); let encrypted_content = serde_bare::to_vec(&data_chunk).unwrap(); CommitHeaderRef::from_content_key(encrypted_content, SymKey::dummy()) } let header_embed_acks_1 = make_header_block(header_acks_1); let header_embed_acks_2 = make_header_block(header_acks_2); let header_embed_acks_60 = make_header_block(header_acks_60); let header_embed_acks_60_deps_60 = make_header_block(header_acks_60_deps_60); fn test_header_embed(name: &str, header: CommitHeaderRef, max_block_size: usize) { let (id, key) = BlockRef::dummy().into(); log_debug!("header content size : {}", header.encrypted_content_len()); let max_arity = (max_block_size - header.encrypted_content_len() - BLOCK_EXTRA - HEADER_EMBED_EXTRA) / CHILD_SIZE; log_debug!("max arity for header {} : {}", name, max_arity); let max_keys_when_real_header = ChunkContentV0::InternalNode(vec![key.clone(); max_arity]); let max_keys_when_real_header_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&max_keys_when_real_header).unwrap(); let root_embed_max = Block::new( vec![id; max_arity], Some(header), max_keys_when_real_header_ser.clone(), None, ); let root_embed_max_ser = serde_bare::to_vec(&root_embed_max).unwrap(); log_debug!( "block size of root block with header {} with max possible arity children : {}", name, root_embed_max_ser.len() ); assert!(root_embed_max_ser.len() <= max_block_size); } test_header_embed( "embed acks 60 deps 60", header_embed_acks_60_deps_60, max_block_size, ); test_header_embed("embed acks 60", header_embed_acks_60, max_block_size); test_header_embed("embed acks 2", header_embed_acks_2, max_block_size); test_header_embed("embed acks 1", header_embed_acks_1, max_block_size); } let max_block_size = store_max_value_size(); let min_block_size = store_valid_value_size(0); test_block(max_block_size); test_block(min_block_size); test_block(store_valid_value_size(10000)); test_block(store_valid_value_size(100000)); test_block(store_valid_value_size(1000000)); test_block(store_valid_value_size(5000)); } }