// Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers // All rights reserved. // This code is partly derived from work written by TG x Thoth from P2Pcollab. // Copyright 2022 TG x Thoth // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // // or the MIT license , // at your option. All files in the project carrying such // notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except // according to those terms. //! Branch of a Repository use crate::log::*; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use fastbloom_rs::{BloomFilter as Filter, Membership}; use crate::object::*; use crate::store::*; use crate::types::*; impl MemberV0 { /// New member pub fn new(id: PubKey, commit_types: Vec, metadata: Vec) -> MemberV0 { MemberV0 { id, commit_types, metadata, } } /// Check whether this member has permission for the given commit type pub fn has_perm(&self, commit_type: CommitType) -> bool { self.commit_types.contains(&commit_type) } } impl Member { /// New member pub fn new(id: PubKey, commit_types: Vec, metadata: Vec) -> Member { Member::V0(MemberV0::new(id, commit_types, metadata)) } /// Check whether this member has permission for the given commit type pub fn has_perm(&self, commit_type: CommitType) -> bool { match self { Member::V0(m) => m.has_perm(commit_type), } } } impl BranchV0 { pub fn new( id: PubKey, topic: PubKey, secret: SymKey, members: Vec, quorum: HashMap, ack_delay: RelTime, tags: Vec, metadata: Vec, ) -> BranchV0 { BranchV0 { id, topic, secret, members, quorum, ack_delay, tags, metadata, } } } impl Branch { pub fn new( id: PubKey, topic: PubKey, secret: SymKey, members: Vec, quorum: HashMap, ack_delay: RelTime, tags: Vec, metadata: Vec, ) -> Branch { Branch::V0(BranchV0::new( id, topic, secret, members, quorum, ack_delay, tags, metadata, )) } /// Get member by ID pub fn get_member(&self, id: &PubKey) -> Option<&MemberV0> { match self { Branch::V0(b) => { for m in b.members.iter() { if m.id == *id { return Some(m); } } } } None } /// Branch sync request from another peer /// /// Return ObjectIds to send pub fn sync_req( our_heads: &[ObjectId], their_heads: &[ObjectId], their_filter: &BloomFilter, store: &impl RepoStore, ) -> Result, ObjectParseError> { //log_debug!(">> sync_req"); //log_debug!(" our_heads: {:?}", our_heads); //log_debug!(" their_heads: {:?}", their_heads); /// Load `Commit` `Object`s of a `Branch` from the `RepoStore` starting from the given `Object`, /// and collect `ObjectId`s starting from `our_heads` towards `their_heads` fn load_branch( cobj: &Object, store: &impl RepoStore, their_heads: &[ObjectId], visited: &mut HashSet, missing: &mut HashSet, ) -> Result { //log_debug!(">>> load_branch: {}", cobj.id()); let id = cobj.id(); // root has no deps let is_root = cobj.is_root(); //log_debug!(" deps: {:?}", cobj.deps()); // check if this commit object is present in their_heads let mut their_head_found = their_heads.contains(&id); // load deps, stop at the root or if this is a commit object from their_heads if !is_root && !their_head_found { visited.insert(id); for id in cobj.deps() { match Object::load(*id, None, store) { Ok(o) => { if !visited.contains(id) { if load_branch(&o, store, their_heads, visited, missing)? { their_head_found = true; } } } Err(ObjectParseError::MissingBlocks(m)) => { missing.extend(m); } Err(e) => return Err(e), } } } Ok(their_head_found) } // missing commits from our branch let mut missing = HashSet::new(); // our commits let mut ours = HashSet::new(); // their commits let mut theirs = HashSet::new(); // collect all commits reachable from our_heads // up to the root or until encountering a commit from their_heads for id in our_heads { let cobj = Object::load(*id, None, store)?; let mut visited = HashSet::new(); let their_head_found = load_branch(&cobj, store, their_heads, &mut visited, &mut missing)?; //log_debug!("<<< load_branch: {}", their_head_found); ours.extend(visited); // add if one of their_heads found } // collect all commits reachable from their_heads for id in their_heads { let cobj = Object::load(*id, None, store)?; let mut visited = HashSet::new(); let their_head_found = load_branch(&cobj, store, &[], &mut visited, &mut missing)?; //log_debug!("<<< load_branch: {}", their_head_found); theirs.extend(visited); // add if one of their_heads found } let mut result = &ours - &theirs; //log_debug!("!! ours: {:?}", ours); //log_debug!("!! theirs: {:?}", theirs); //log_debug!("!! result: {:?}", result); // remove their_commits from result let filter = Filter::from_u8_array(their_filter.f.as_slice(), their_filter.k.into()); for id in result.clone() { match id { Digest::Blake3Digest32(d) => { if filter.contains(&d) { result.remove(&id); } } } } //log_debug!("!! result filtered: {:?}", result); Ok(Vec::from_iter(result)) } } mod test { use std::collections::HashMap; use ed25519_dalek::*; use fastbloom_rs::{BloomFilter as Filter, FilterBuilder, Membership}; use rand::rngs::OsRng; use crate::branch::*; use crate::commit::*; use crate::object::*; use crate::repo; use crate::store::*; #[test] pub fn test_branch() { fn add_obj( content: ObjectContent, deps: Vec, expiry: Option, repo_pubkey: PubKey, repo_secret: SymKey, store: &mut impl RepoStore, ) -> ObjectRef { let max_object_size = 4000; let obj = Object::new( content, deps, expiry, max_object_size, repo_pubkey, repo_secret, ); log_debug!(">>> add_obj"); log_debug!(" id: {:?}", obj.id()); log_debug!(" deps: {:?}", obj.deps()); obj.save(store).unwrap(); obj.reference().unwrap() } fn add_commit( branch: ObjectRef, author_privkey: PrivKey, author_pubkey: PubKey, seq: u32, deps: Vec, acks: Vec, body_ref: ObjectRef, repo_pubkey: PubKey, repo_secret: SymKey, store: &mut impl RepoStore, ) -> ObjectRef { let mut obj_deps: Vec = vec![]; obj_deps.extend(deps.iter().map(|r| r.id)); obj_deps.extend(acks.iter().map(|r| r.id)); let obj_ref = ObjectRef { id: ObjectId::Blake3Digest32([1; 32]), key: SymKey::ChaCha20Key([2; 32]), }; let refs = vec![obj_ref]; let metadata = vec![5u8; 55]; let expiry = None; let commit = Commit::new( author_privkey, author_pubkey, seq, branch, deps, acks, refs, metadata, body_ref, expiry, ) .unwrap(); //log_debug!("commit: {:?}", commit); add_obj( ObjectContent::Commit(commit), obj_deps, expiry, repo_pubkey, repo_secret, store, ) } fn add_body_branch( branch: Branch, repo_pubkey: PubKey, repo_secret: SymKey, store: &mut impl RepoStore, ) -> ObjectRef { let deps = vec![]; let expiry = None; let body = CommitBody::Branch(branch); //log_debug!("body: {:?}", body); add_obj( ObjectContent::CommitBody(body), deps, expiry, repo_pubkey, repo_secret, store, ) } fn add_body_trans( deps: Vec, repo_pubkey: PubKey, repo_secret: SymKey, store: &mut impl RepoStore, ) -> ObjectRef { let expiry = None; let content = [7u8; 777].to_vec(); let body = CommitBody::Transaction(Transaction::V0(content)); //log_debug!("body: {:?}", body); add_obj( ObjectContent::CommitBody(body), deps, expiry, repo_pubkey, repo_secret, store, ) } fn add_body_ack( deps: Vec, repo_pubkey: PubKey, repo_secret: SymKey, store: &mut impl RepoStore, ) -> ObjectRef { let expiry = None; let body = CommitBody::Ack(Ack::V0()); //log_debug!("body: {:?}", body); add_obj( ObjectContent::CommitBody(body), deps, expiry, repo_pubkey, repo_secret, store, ) } let mut store = HashMapRepoStore::new(); let mut rng = OsRng {}; // repo let repo_keypair: Keypair = Keypair::generate(&mut rng); log_debug!( "repo private key: ({}) {:?}", repo_keypair.secret.as_bytes().len(), repo_keypair.secret.as_bytes() ); log_debug!( "repo public key: ({}) {:?}", repo_keypair.public.as_bytes().len(), repo_keypair.public.as_bytes() ); let _repo_privkey = PrivKey::Ed25519PrivKey(repo_keypair.secret.to_bytes()); let repo_pubkey = PubKey::Ed25519PubKey(repo_keypair.public.to_bytes()); let repo_secret = SymKey::ChaCha20Key([9; 32]); // branch let branch_keypair: Keypair = Keypair::generate(&mut rng); log_debug!("branch public key: {:?}", branch_keypair.public.as_bytes()); let branch_pubkey = PubKey::Ed25519PubKey(branch_keypair.public.to_bytes()); let member_keypair: Keypair = Keypair::generate(&mut rng); log_debug!("member public key: {:?}", member_keypair.public.as_bytes()); let member_privkey = PrivKey::Ed25519PrivKey(member_keypair.secret.to_bytes()); let member_pubkey = PubKey::Ed25519PubKey(member_keypair.public.to_bytes()); let metadata = [66u8; 64].to_vec(); let commit_types = vec![CommitType::Ack, CommitType::Transaction]; let secret = SymKey::ChaCha20Key([0; 32]); let member = MemberV0::new(member_pubkey, commit_types, metadata.clone()); let members = vec![member]; let mut quorum = HashMap::new(); quorum.insert(CommitType::Transaction, 3); let ack_delay = RelTime::Minutes(3); let tags = [99u8; 32].to_vec(); let branch = Branch::new( branch_pubkey, branch_pubkey, secret, members, quorum, ack_delay, tags, metadata, ); //log_debug!("branch: {:?}", branch); fn print_branch() { log_debug!("branch deps/acks:"); log_debug!(""); log_debug!(" br"); log_debug!(" / \\"); log_debug!(" t1 t2"); log_debug!(" / \\ / \\"); log_debug!(" a3 t4<--t5-->(t1)"); log_debug!(" / \\"); log_debug!(" a6 a7"); log_debug!(""); } print_branch(); // commit bodies let branch_body = add_body_branch( branch.clone(), repo_pubkey.clone(), repo_secret.clone(), &mut store, ); let ack_body = add_body_ack(vec![], repo_pubkey, repo_secret.clone(), &mut store); let trans_body = add_body_trans(vec![], repo_pubkey, repo_secret.clone(), &mut store); // create & add commits to store log_debug!(">> br"); let br = add_commit( branch_body.clone(), member_privkey.clone(), member_pubkey, 0, vec![], vec![], branch_body.clone(), repo_pubkey, repo_secret.clone(), &mut store, ); log_debug!(">> t1"); let t1 = add_commit( branch_body.clone(), member_privkey.clone(), member_pubkey, 1, vec![br.clone()], vec![], trans_body.clone(), repo_pubkey, repo_secret.clone(), &mut store, ); log_debug!(">> t2"); let t2 = add_commit( branch_body.clone(), member_privkey.clone(), member_pubkey, 2, vec![br.clone()], vec![], trans_body.clone(), repo_pubkey, repo_secret.clone(), &mut store, ); log_debug!(">> a3"); let a3 = add_commit( branch_body.clone(), member_privkey.clone(), member_pubkey, 3, vec![t1.clone()], vec![], ack_body.clone(), repo_pubkey, repo_secret.clone(), &mut store, ); log_debug!(">> t4"); let t4 = add_commit( branch_body.clone(), member_privkey.clone(), member_pubkey, 4, vec![t2.clone()], vec![t1.clone()], trans_body.clone(), repo_pubkey, repo_secret.clone(), &mut store, ); log_debug!(">> t5"); let t5 = add_commit( branch_body.clone(), member_privkey.clone(), member_pubkey, 5, vec![t1.clone(), t2.clone()], vec![t4.clone()], trans_body.clone(), repo_pubkey, repo_secret.clone(), &mut store, ); log_debug!(">> a6"); let a6 = add_commit( branch_body.clone(), member_privkey.clone(), member_pubkey, 6, vec![t4.clone()], vec![], ack_body.clone(), repo_pubkey, repo_secret.clone(), &mut store, ); log_debug!(">> a7"); let a7 = add_commit( branch_body.clone(), member_privkey.clone(), member_pubkey, 7, vec![t4.clone()], vec![], ack_body.clone(), repo_pubkey, repo_secret.clone(), &mut store, ); let c7 = Commit::load(a7.clone(), &store).unwrap(); c7.verify(&branch, &store).unwrap(); let mut filter = Filter::new(FilterBuilder::new(10, 0.01)); for commit_ref in [br, t1, t2, a3.clone(), t5.clone(), a6.clone()] { match commit_ref.id { ObjectId::Blake3Digest32(d) => filter.add(&d), } } let cfg = filter.config(); let their_commits = BloomFilter { k: cfg.hashes, f: filter.get_u8_array().to_vec(), }; print_branch(); log_debug!(">> sync_req"); log_debug!(" our_heads: [a3, t5, a6, a7]"); log_debug!(" their_heads: [a3, t5]"); log_debug!(" their_commits: [br, t1, t2, a3, t5, a6]"); let ids = Branch::sync_req( &[a3.id, t5.id, a6.id, a7.id], &[a3.id, t5.id], &their_commits, &store, ) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(ids.len(), 1); assert!(ids.contains(&a7.id)); } }