// Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers // All rights reserved. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // // or the MIT license , // at your option. All files in the project carrying such // notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except // according to those terms. use p2p_broker::server_ws::run_server; use p2p_net::utils::{gen_keys, Sensitive, U8Array}; use p2p_net::WS_PORT; use p2p_repo::{ types::{PrivKey, PubKey}, utils::generate_keypair, }; #[async_std::main] async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { println!("Starting NextGraph daemon..."); // let keys = generate_keypair(); // let keys = gen_keys(); // println!("Public key of node: {:?}", keys.1); // println!("Private key of node: {:?}", keys.0.as_slice()); let pubkey = PubKey::Ed25519PubKey([ 22, 140, 190, 111, 82, 151, 27, 133, 83, 121, 71, 36, 209, 53, 53, 114, 52, 254, 218, 241, 52, 155, 231, 83, 188, 189, 47, 135, 105, 213, 39, 91, ]); let privkey = Sensitive::<[u8; 32]>::from_slice(&[ 160, 133, 237, 116, 151, 53, 156, 151, 21, 227, 226, 35, 1, 224, 44, 207, 148, 33, 79, 160, 115, 173, 154, 118, 251, 146, 34, 204, 40, 190, 155, 112, ]); //let keys = gen_keys(); println!("Public key of node: {:?}", pubkey); println!("Private key of node: {:?}", privkey.as_slice()); run_server(format!("{}", WS_PORT).as_str(), privkey, pubkey).await?; Ok(()) }