// Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers // All rights reserved. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // // or the MIT license , // at your option. All files in the project carrying such // notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except // according to those terms. // "n:g:z:hide" >> hides when in viewer mode // "n:g:z:compose" >> a viewer made of a list of viewers (useful when different views on the same branch needs to be aggregated, or when the discrete is not composable - i.e it is not a Post) //"n:g:z:json_ld_editor", "n:g:z:json_editor", "n:g:z:triple_editor", "n:g:z:rdf_viewer:turtle", "n:g:z:rdf_viewer:n3", "n:g:z:rdf_viewer:json_ld", "n:g:z:rdf_viewer:graph", //"n:g:z:sparql_query:yasgui", "n:g:z:sparql_query:sparnatural", "n:g:z:graphql_query", "n:g:z:sparql_update:yasgui", "n:g:z:ontology_editor", "n:g:z:owl_viewer", "n:g:z:sparql:invoke", "n:g:z:graphql:invoke", "n:g:z:dump_download", // "n:g:z:post_rich_editor", "n:g:z:post_md_editor", "n:g:z:code_editor", "n:g:z:file_viewer", "n:g:z:file_source", "n:g:z:crdt_source_viewer:xml", "n:g:z:crdt_source_viewer:md", "n:g:z:crdt_source_viewer:json", "n:g:z:crdt_source_viewer:text", "n:g:z:crdt_source_viewer:rdf" //"n:g:z:post:rich", "n:g:z:post:md", "n:g:z:text", "n:g:z:pre", "n:g:z:pad", "n:g:z:card", "n:g:z:gallery", "n:g:z:columns", "n:g:z:tree", "n:g:z:summary", "n:g:z:list", "n:g:z:grid", "n:g:z:list_n_post", "n:g:z:grid_n_post", "n:g:z:board", //"n:g:z:map", "n:g:z:chart", "n:g:z:pivot", "n:g:z:timeline", "n:g:z:email", "n:g:z:web_archive", "n:g:z:diagram_editor", "n:g:z:pdf", "n:g:z:latex", "n:g:z:media", "n:g:z:media_editor", //"n:g:z:service_editor", "n:g:z:service_invoke", "n:g:z:external_service_invoke", "n:g:z:contract", "n:g:z:text_query", "n:g:z:web_query", "n:g:z:scan_qrcode", "n:g:z:upload_file", //"n:g:z:messenger", "n:g:z:group", "n:g:z:contact", "n:g:z:event", "n:g:z:calendar", "n:g:z:scheduler", //"n:g:z:task", "n:g:z:project", "n:g:z:issue", "n:g:z:form_editor", "n:g:z:form_filler", "n:g:z:cad", "n:g:z:slides", "n:g:z:question", "n:g:z:poll", //"n:g:z:app_store", "n:g:z:app_editor", "n:xxx.xx.xx:yy", "o:xx:yy:zz" export const official_apps = { "n:g:z:sparql_update": { "ng:n": "SPARQL Update", "ng:a": "View, edit and invoke a Graph SPARQL Update", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "sparql_query",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:sparql_update", "ng:b": "SparqlUpdateEditor", // YASGUI of Zazuko https://github.com/zazuko/trifid/tree/main/packages/yasgui "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["query:sparql_update","data:graph"], }, "n:g:z:json_ld_editor": { "ng:n": "JSON-LD Editor", "ng:a": "Edit the RDF Graph as JSON-LD", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "json_ld_editor",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:json_ld_editor", "ng:b": "JsonLdEditor", "ng:w": ["data:graph"], }, "n:g:z:json_editor": { "ng:n": "JSON Editor", "ng:a": "Edit the JSON data", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "json_editor",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:json_editor", "ng:b": "JsonEditor", "ng:w": ["data:json","data:array","data:map"], }, "n:g:z:triple_editor": { "ng:n": "Graph Triples Editor", "ng:a": "Edit the RDF Graph as triples", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "triple_editor",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:triple_editor", "ng:b": "TripleEditor", "ng:w": ["data:graph"], }, "n:g:z:sparql_query": { "ng:n": "SPARQL Query", "ng:a": "View, edit and invoke a Graph SPARQL query", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "sparql_query",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:sparql_query", "ng:b": "SparqlQueryEditor", // YASGUI of Zazuko https://github.com/zazuko/trifid/tree/main/packages/yasgui "ng:o": ["data:graph"], "ng:w": ["query:sparql"], }, "n:g:z:rdf_viewer:turtle": { // https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-turtle/tree/master "ng:n": "Turtle", "ng:a": "View the RDF Graph in Turtle format", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "turtle_viewer",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:rdf_viewer:turtle", "ng:b": "TurtleViewer", "ng:o": ["data:graph"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:json_ld_viewer": { "ng:n": "JSON-LD", "ng:a": "View the RDF Graph as JSON-LD", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "json_ld_editor",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:json_ld_viewer", "ng:b": "JsonLdViewer", "ng:o": ["data:graph"], }, "n:g:z:rdf_viewer:graph": { "ng:n": "Graph Explorer", "ng:a": "View the RDF Graph as interactive visualization", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "graph_viewer",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:rdf_viewer:graph", "ng:b": "GraphViewer", // GraphExplorer https://github.com/zazuko/graph-explorer !! AGPL "ng:o": ["data:graph"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:json_viewer": { "ng:n": "JSON", "ng:a": "View the JSON data", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "json_editor",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:json_viewer", "ng:b": "JsonViewer", "ng:o": ["data:json","data:array","data:map"], }, "n:g:z:triple_viewer": { "ng:n": "Graph Triples", "ng:a": "View the RDF Graph as triples", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "triple_editor",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:triple_viewer", "ng:b": "TripleViewer", "ng:o": ["data:graph"], }, "n:g:z:sparql_query:sparnatural": { "ng:n": "SPARNatural Query", "ng:a": "View, edit and invoke a Graph SPARQL query with SPARnatural tool", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "sparnatural",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:sparql_query:sparnatural", "ng:b": "SparNaturalEditor", "ng:o": ["data:graph"], "ng:w": ["query:sparql"], }, "n:g:z:graphql_query": { "ng:n": "GraphQL Query", "ng:a": "View, edit and invoke a GraphQL query", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "graphql",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:graphql_query", "ng:b": "GraphqlEditor", "ng:o": ["data:graph"], "ng:w": ["query:graphql"], }, "n:g:z:rdf_viewer:n3": { // ? "ng:n": "N3", "ng:a": "View the RDF Graph in N3 format", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "rdf_viewer",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:rdf_viewer:n3", "ng:b": "N3Viewer", "ng:o": ["data:graph"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:rdf_viewer:json_ld": { // highlight.js JSON "ng:n": "JSON-LD Source", "ng:a": "View the RDF Graph in JSON-LD format", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "source",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:rdf_viewer:json_ld", "ng:b": "JsonLdSourceViewer", "ng:o": ["data:graph"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:ontology_editor": { "ng:n": "Ontology Editor", "ng:a": "Edit the Ontology", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "json_ld_editor",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:ontology_editor", "ng:b": "JsonLdEditor", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["schema:*"], }, "n:g:z:owl_viewer": { "ng:n": "OWL Ontology", "ng:a": "View the OWL Ontology", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "ontology_viewer",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:owl_viewer", "ng:b": "OwlViewer", // display with https://github.com/VisualDataWeb/WebVOWL "ng:o": ["schema:owl"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:sparql:invoke": { // displayed with highlight.js https://github.com/highlightjs/highlightjs-turtle/tree/master "ng:n": "SPARQL Invoke", "ng:a": "View and invoke the saved SPARQL query", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "invoke",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:sparql:invoke", "ng:b": "SparqlInvoker", "ng:o": ["query:sparql","query:sparql_update"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:graphql:invoke": { "ng:n": "GraphQL Invoke", "ng:a": "View and invoke the saved GraphQL query", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "invoke",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:graphql:invoke", "ng:b": "GraphqlInvoker", "ng:o": ["query:graphql"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:dump_download": { "ng:n": "Download", "ng:a": "Download a file containing a document exported data", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "download",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:dump_download", "ng:b": "Downloader", "ng:o": ["data:graph","file*","data:*"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:post_rich_editor": { "ng:n": "Post Editor", "ng:a": "Edit the post with ProseMirror", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "edit",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:post_rich_editor", "ng:b": "ProseMirrorEditor", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["post:rich"], }, "n:g:z:post_md_editor": { "ng:n": "Post MD Editor", "ng:a": "Edit the post with MilkDown", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "edit",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:post_md_editor", "ng:b": "MilkDownEditor", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["post:md"], }, "n:g:z:code_editor": { "ng:n": "Text Editor", "ng:a": "Edit the code/text with CodeMirror", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "edit",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:code_editor", "ng:b": "CodeMirrorEditor", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["code*","post:text"], }, "n:g:z:file_viewer": { "ng:n": "File details", "ng:a": "See details about this file", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "file",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:file_viewer", "ng:b": "FileDetails", "ng:o": ["file*"], "ng:w": ["file*"], // in editor mode: can change the name, and delete the file }, "n:g:z:file_source": { // only works for files containing text source (SVG, HTML, JS, CSS, etc...) "ng:n": "File source", "ng:a": "See the source code of this file", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "source",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:file_source", "ng:b": "FileSource", "ng:o": ["file:text"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:crdt_source_viewer:xml": { "ng:n": "XML source", "ng:a": "See the source code of this document, in XML", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "source",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:crdt_source_viewer:xml", "ng:b": "XmlSource", // displayed with highlight.js , with option to download "ng:o": ["post:rich","post:md","post:html","page","data:xml", "doc:diagram:drawio"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:viewer:md": { "ng:n": "MarkDown source", "ng:a": "See the MarkDown source of this document", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "source",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:viewer:md", "ng:b": "MdSource", // displayed with highlight.js , with option to download "ng:o": ["post:md"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:crdt_source_viewer:json": { "ng:n": "JSON source", "ng:a": "See the source code of this document, in JSON", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "source",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:crdt_source_viewer:json", "ng:b": "JsonSource", // displayed with highlight.js , with option to download "ng:o": ["data:json", "data:map", "data:array", "data:table", "doc:diagram:jsmind", "doc:diagram:gantt", "doc:diagram:excalidraw", "doc:viz:*", "doc:chart:*", "prod:cad"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:crdt_source_viewer:text": { "ng:n": "Text source", "ng:a": "See the source code of this document, in plain-text", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "source",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:crdt_source_viewer:text", "ng:b": "TextViewer", // displayed with highlight.js , with option to download "ng:o": ["post:text", "post:asciidoc", "code*", "service*", "contract", "query:sparql*","query:graphql","doc:diagram:mermaid","doc:diagram:graphviz","doc:diagram:flowchart", "doc:diagram:sequence","doc:diagram:markmap","doc:diagram:mymind","doc:music*", "doc:maths", "doc:chemistry", "doc:ancientscript", "doc:braille", "media:subtitle"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:crdt_source_viewer:rdf": { "ng:n": "RDF source", "ng:a": "See the source graph of this document, in RDF (turtle)", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "source",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:crdt_source_viewer:rdf", "ng:b": "TurtleViewer", //, with option to download "ng:o": ["data:graph"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:post:rich": { "ng:n": "Post", "ng:a": "View a Rich Post", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "post",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:post:rich", "ng:b": "ProseMirrorViewer", // https://www.npmjs.com/package/prosemirror-to-html-js or https://prosemirror.net/docs/ref/version/0.4.0.html#toDOM https://prosemirror.net/docs/ref/version/0.4.0.html#toHTML "ng:o": ["post:rich"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:post:md": { "ng:n": "Post", "ng:a": "View a Markdown Post", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "post",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:post:md", "ng:b": "PostMdViewer", // https://github.com/wooorm/markdown-rs "ng:o": ["post:md"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:compose:editor": { "ng:n": "Composition Editor", "ng:a": "Compose several blocks into a single document", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "compose",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:compose:editor", "ng:b": "ComposeEditor", "ng:w": ["doc:compose"], }, "n:g:z:compose:viewer": { "ng:n": "Composition", "ng:a": "Composition of several blocks", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "compose",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:compose:viewer", "ng:b": "ComposeViewer", "ng:o": ["doc:compose"], }, "n:g:z:post:text": { "ng:n": "Text", "ng:a": "View a Text Post", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "post",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:post:text", "ng:b": "TextViewer", // displayed with a

"ng:o": ["post:text"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:pre": { "ng:n": "Source Code", "ng:a": "View a Source Code", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "post",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:pre", "ng:b": "PreTextViewer", // displayed with highlight.js "ng:o": ["code*","post:text"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:pad": { "ng:n": "Pad", "ng:a": "Pad view of a document", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "pad",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:pad", "ng:b": "Pad", "ng:o": ["plato/pad"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:card": { "ng:n": "Card", "ng:a": "Card view of a document", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "card",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:card", "ng:b": "Card", "ng:o": ["plato/card"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:gallery": { "ng:n": "Gallery", "ng:a": "Gallery view of an album or collection", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "gallery",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:gallery", "ng:b": "Gallery", "ng:o": ["media:album","data:collection"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:app_store": { "ng:n": "App Store", "ng:a": "Install or remove Apps of NextGraph ecosystem", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "app_store",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:app_store", "ng:b": "AppStore", "ng:o": ["app:z"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:app_editor": { "ng:n": "App editor", "ng:a": "Create and modify Apps with NextGraph IDE", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "app_editor",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:app_editor", "ng:b": "AppEditor", "ng:o": ["app:z"], "ng:w": ["app:z"], }, "n:g:z:container": { "ng:n": "Container", "ng:a": "See the content of document as a Container", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "container",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:container", "ng:b": "ContainerView", "ng:o": ["data:collection","data:container"], "ng:w": ["data:collection","data:container"], }, "n:g:z:grid": { "ng:n": "Grid", "ng:a": "See the content of document as a grid", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "grid",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:grid", "ng:b": "GridView", "ng:o": ["data:grid"], "ng:w": ["data:grid"], }, "n:g:z:media": { "ng:n": "Media", "ng:a": "View media", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "view",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:media", "ng:b": "MediaView", "ng:o": ["media:*"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:service_editor": { "ng:n": "Service Editor", "ng:a": "Write and define a Service in Rust or JS/Deno", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "edit",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:service_editor", "ng:b": "CodeMirrorEditor", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["service:*"], }, "n:g:z:service_invoke": { "ng:n": "Service Invoker", "ng:a": "Invoke internal Service, with optional arguments", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "invoke",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:service_invoke", "ng:b": "ServiceInvoker", "ng:o": ["service"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:external_service_invoke": { "ng:n": "Service Invoker", "ng:a": "Invoke the Service, with optional arguments", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "invoke",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:external_service_invoke", "ng:b": "ExternalServiceInvoker", "ng:o": ["service:*"], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:upload_file": { "ng:n": "Upload binary file", "ng:a": "Upload a binary file into the Document", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "load",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:upload_file", "ng:b": "UploadFile", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": [], }, "n:g:z:import_file": { "ng:n": "Import from external file", "ng:a": "Import an external file with compatible format", "ng:c": "app", "ng:u": "load_graph",//favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:import_file", "ng:b": "UploadFile", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["data:graph"], }, // TODO: "n:g:z:columns", "n:g:z:tree", "n:g:z:summary", "n:g:z:list_n_post", "n:g:z:grid_n_post", "n:g:z:board", // TODO: "n:g:z:map", "n:g:z:chart", "n:g:z:pivot", "n:g:z:timeline", "n:g:z:email", "n:g:z:web_archive", "n:g:z:diagram_editor", "n:g:z:pdf", "n:g:z:latex", "n:g:z:media_editor", // TODO: "n:g:z:contract", "n:g:z:text_query", "n:g:z:web_query", "n:g:z:scan_qrcode", // TODO: "n:g:z:messenger", "n:g:z:group", "n:g:z:contact", "n:g:z:event", "n:g:z:calendar", "n:g:z:scheduler", // TODO: "n:g:z:task", "n:g:z:project", "n:g:z:issue", "n:g:z:form_editor", "n:g:z:form_filler", "n:g:z:cad", "n:g:z:slides", "n:g:z:question", "n:g:z:poll", }; // OFFICIAL SERVICES //"n:g:z:dump_rdf:turtle", "n:g:z:dump_rdf:n3", "n:g:z:dump_rdf:json_ld", "n:g:z:load_rdf:turtle", "n:g:z:load_rdf:n3", "n:g:z:load_rdf:json_ld", "n:g:z:load_file", "n:g:z:dump_file", //"n:g:z:dump_json", "n:g:z:dump_xml", "n:g:z:dump_text", "n:g:z:load_json", "n:g:z:load_xml", "n:g:z:load_text", "n:g:z:load_md", "n:g:z:sparql_query", "n:g:z:sparql_update", "n:g:z:dump_crdt_source", "n:g:z:dump_ng_html_file", "n:g:z:dump_ng_file" export const official_services = { "n:g:z:dump_rdf:turtle": { "ng:n": "Turtle export", "ng:a": "Export quads of RDF Graphs in Turtle format", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "data",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:dump_rdf:turtle", "ng:o": ["data:graph"], "ng:w": [], "ng:result": ["file:iana:text:turtle"], }, "n:g:z:dump_rdf:n3": { "ng:n": "N3 export", "ng:a": "Export quads of RDF Graphs in N3 format", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "data",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:dump_rdf:n3", "ng:o": ["data:graph"], "ng:w": [], "ng:result": ["file:iana:text:n3"], }, "n:g:z:dump_rdf:json_ld": { "ng:n": "JSON-LD export", "ng:a": "Export quads of RDF Graphs in JSON-LD format", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "data",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:dump_rdf:json_ld", "ng:o": ["data:graph"], "ng:w": [], "ng:result": ["file:iana:application:ld+json"], }, "n:g:z:load_rdf:turtle": { "ng:n": "Import Turtle triples", "ng:a": "Import Turtle triples into the document", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "load_graph",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:load_rdf:turtle", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["data:graph"], }, "n:g:z:load_rdf:n3": { "ng:n": "Import N3 triples", "ng:a": "Import N3 triples into the document", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "load_graph",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:load_rdf:n3", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["data:graph"], }, "n:g:z:load_rdf:json_ld": { "ng:n": "Import JSON-LD triples", "ng:a": "Import JSON-LD triples into the document", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "load_graph",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:load_rdf:json_ld", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["data:graph"], }, "n:g:z:load_file": { "ng:n": "Add file", "ng:a": "Add a binary file in the document", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "load",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:load_file", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["data:graph"], }, "n:g:z:dump_file": { "ng:n": "Export file", "ng:a": "Get the binary content of a file", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "dump",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:dump_file", "ng:o": ["file*"], "ng:result": ["file:iana:*"], }, "n:g:z:dump_json": { "ng:n": "JSON export", "ng:a": "Export JSON content of document", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "data",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:dump_json", "ng:o": ["data:json", "data:map", "data:array", "data:table", "doc:diagram:jsmind", "doc:diagram:gantt", "doc:diagram:excalidraw", "doc:viz:*", "doc:chart:*", "prod:cad"], "ng:w": [], "ng:result": ["file:iana:application:json"], }, "n:g:z:dump_xml": { "ng:n": "XML export", "ng:a": "Export XML content of document", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "data",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:dump_xml", "ng:o": ["post:rich","post:md","post:html","page","data:xml", "doc:diagram:drawio"], "ng:w": [], "ng:result": ["file:iana:text:xml"], }, "n:g:z:dump_text": { "ng:n": "Text export", "ng:a": "Export plain-text content of document", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "dump",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:dump_text", "ng:o": ["post:text", "post:asciidoc", "code*", "service*", "contract", "query:sparql*","query:graphql","doc:diagram:mermaid","doc:diagram:graphviz","doc:diagram:flowchart", "doc:diagram:sequence","doc:diagram:markmap","doc:diagram:mymind","doc:music*", "doc:maths", "doc:chemistry", "doc:ancientscript", "doc:braille", "media:subtitle"], "ng:w": [], "ng:result": ["file:iana:text:plain"], }, "n:g:z:dump_ng_html_file": { "ng:n": "NextGraph Standalone file", "ng:a": "Get a standalone HTML file of this Document", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "ext",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:dump_ng_html_file", "ng:o": ["data:graph"], "ng:w": [], "ng:result": ["file:iana:text:html"], }, "n:g:z:load_json": { "ng:n": "Import JSON", "ng:a": "Import some JSON into the document", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "load",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:load_json", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["data:json","data:map", "data:array"], }, "n:g:z:load_xml": { "ng:n": "Import XML", "ng:a": "Import some XML into the document", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "load",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:load_xml", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["data:xml"], }, "n:g:z:load_text": { "ng:n": "Import Text", "ng:a": "Import some text into the document", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "load",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:load_text", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["post:text","post:rich","post:md"], }, "n:g:z:load_md": { "ng:n": "Import Markdown", "ng:a": "Import some Markdown into the document", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "load",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:load_md", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["post:md"], }, "n:g:z:sparql_query": { "ng:n": "SPARQL query", "ng:a": "Invoke a SPARQL Query", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "sparql_query",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:sparql_query", "ng:o": ["data:graph"], "ng:w": [], "ng:result": ["file:iana:application:sparql-results+json","file:iana:application:json"] }, "n:g:z:sparql_update": { "ng:n": "SPARQL update", "ng:a": "Invoke a SPARQL Update", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "sparql_query",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:sparql_update", "ng:o": [], "ng:w": ["data:graph"], }, "n:g:z:dump_crdt_source": { // uses dump_rdf, dump_text, dump_json or dump_xml depending on the CRDT type "ng:n": "Export source", "ng:a": "Export source of document as text file", "ng:c": "service", "ng:u": "source",// favicon. can be a did:ng:j "ng:g": "n:g:z:dump_crdt_source", "ng:o": ["data:graph"], "ng:w": [], "ng:result": ["file:iana:*"] }, };