# Contributors or compilation guide - [Install Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) minimum required MSRV 1.74.0 - [Install Nodejs](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) - [Install LLVM](https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-bindgen/requirements.html) On openbsd, for LLVM you need to choose llvm-17. until this [PR](https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack/pull/1271) is accepted, will have to install wasm-pack this way: ``` cargo install wasm-pack --git https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack.git --rev c2b663f25abe50631a236d57a8c6d7fd806413b2 ``` once your ngd server will run in your dev env, replace the above string with the actual PEER ID of your ngd server. ``` cargo install cargo-watch // optionally, if you want a Rust REPL: cargo install evcxr_repl git clone git@git.nextgraph.org:NextGraph/nextgraph-rs.git // or if you don't have a git account: git clone https://git.nextgraph.org/NextGraph/nextgraph-rs.git cd nextgraph-rs cargo build ``` ### Packages The crates are organized as follow : - [nextgraph](nextgraph/README.md) : Client library. Use this crate to embed NextGraph client in your Rust application - [ngcli](ngcli/README.md) : CLI tool to manipulate the local documents and repos and administrate the server - [ngd](ngd/README.md) : binary executable of the daemon (that can run a broker, verifier and/or Rust services) - [ng-app](ng-app/README.md) : all the native apps, based on Tauri, and the official web app. - [ng-sdk-js](ng-sdk-js/DEV.md) : contains the JS SDK, with example for: web app, react app, or node service. - ng-repo : Repositories common library - ng-net : Network common library - ng-oxigraph : Fork of OxiGraph. contains our CRDT of RDF - ng-verifier : Verifier library, that exposes the document API to the app - ng-wallet : keeps the secret keys of all identities of the user in a safe wallet - ng-broker : Core and Server Broker library - ng-client-ws : Websocket client library - ng-storage-rocksdb : RocksDB backed stores. see also dependency [repo here](https://git.nextgraph.org/NextGraph/rust-rocksdb) - ngone : server for nextgraph.one. helps user bootstrap into the right app. Not useful to you. Published here for transparency - ngaccount : server for nextgraph's Broker Service Provider account manager. Not useful to you. Published here for transparency ### Run Build & run debug executables: ``` // runs the daemon cargo run --bin ngd // runs the client cargo run --bin ngcli ``` For the apps, see the [README](ng-app/README.md) ### Test Please test by following this order (as we need to generate some files locally) ``` cargo test --package nextgraph -r --lib -- local_broker::test::gen_wallet_for_test --show-output --nocapture cargo test -r cargo test --package nextgraph -r --lib -- local_broker::test::import_session_for_test_to_disk --show-output --nocapture --ignored ``` Test a single crate: ``` cargo test --package ng-repo --lib -- --show-output --nocapture cargo test --package ng-wallet --lib -- --show-output --nocapture cargo test --package ng-verifier --lib -- --show-output --nocapture cargo test --package ng-sdk-js --lib -- --show-output --nocapture cargo test --package ng-broker --lib -- --show-output --nocapture cargo test --package ng-client-ws --lib -- --show-output --nocapture ``` Test WASM websocket First you need to install the `chromedriver` that matches your version of Chrome https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/ then: ``` cd ng-sdk-js wasm-pack test --chrome --headless ``` Test Rust websocket ``` cargo test --package ng-client-ws --lib -- remote_ws::test::test_ws --show-output --nocapture ``` ### Build release binaries First you will need to have the production build of the frontend. If you do not want to setup a whole development environment for the frontend, you can use the precompiled release of the frontend available in `dist-file.tar.gz` that you can download from the release page. ``` cd ng-app tar -xzf dist-file.tar.gz cd .. ``` Otherwise, build from source the single-file release of ng-app ``` npm install -g pnpm cd ng-sdk-js wasm-pack build --target bundler cd ../ng-app pnpm install pnpm webfilebuild cd .. ``` then build the ngd daemon ``` cargo build -r -p ngd ``` you can then find the binary `ngd` in `target/release` The CLI tool can be obtained with : ``` cargo build -r -p ngcli ``` you can then use the binary `target/release/ngcli` For usage, see the documentation [here](ngd/README.md). For building the apps, see this [documentation](ng-app/README.md). #### OpenBSD On OpenBSD, a conflict between the installed LibreSSL library and the reqwest crate, needs a bit of attention. Before compiling the daemon for OpenBSD, please comment out lines 41-42 of `ng-net/Cargo.toml`. This will be solved soon by using `resolver = "2"`. ``` #[target.'cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")'.dependencies] #reqwest = { version = "0.11.18", features = ["json","native-tls-vendored"] } ``` to use the app on OpenBSD, you need to run the daemon locally. ``` ngd -l 14400 --save-key ``` then open chrome (previously installed with `doas pkg_add chrome`) ``` env ENABLE_WASM=1 chrome --enable-wasm --process-per-site --new-window --app=http://localhost:14400 ``` ### Generate documentation Generate documentation for all packages without their dependencies: ``` cargo doc --no-deps ``` The generated documentation can be found in `target/doc/nextgraph`. ### Contributions license Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be dual licensed as below, without any additional terms or conditions.