/* * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Niko Bonnieure, Par le Peuple, NextGraph.org developers * All rights reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * * or the MIT license , * at your option. All files in the project carrying such * notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except * according to those terms. */ //! WebSocket Remote Connection to a Broker use std::sync::Arc; use async_std::net::TcpStream; use async_tungstenite::tungstenite::protocol::frame::coding::CloseCode; use async_tungstenite::tungstenite::protocol::CloseFrame; use async_tungstenite::WebSocketStream; use async_std::sync::Mutex; use either::Either; use futures::io::Close; use futures::{future, pin_mut, select, stream, StreamExt}; use futures::{FutureExt, SinkExt}; use async_std::task; use p2p_net::errors::*; use p2p_net::types::*; use p2p_net::utils::{spawn_and_log_error, Receiver, ResultSend, Sender}; use p2p_net::{connection::*, WS_PORT}; use p2p_repo::log::*; use p2p_repo::types::*; use p2p_repo::utils::{generate_keypair, now_timestamp}; use async_tungstenite::async_std::connect_async; use async_tungstenite::tungstenite::{Error, Message}; pub struct ConnectionWebSocket {} #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", async_trait::async_trait(?Send))] #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), async_trait::async_trait)] impl IConnect for ConnectionWebSocket { async fn open( &self, url: String, peer_privk: PrivKey, peer_pubk: PubKey, remote_peer: DirectPeerId, config: StartConfig, ) -> Result { let mut cnx = ConnectionBase::new(ConnectionDir::Client, TransportProtocol::WS); let res = connect_async(url).await; match res { Err(e) => { log_debug!("Cannot connect: {:?}", e); Err(NetError::ConnectionError) } Ok((websocket, _)) => { cnx.start_read_loop(None, Some(peer_privk), Some(remote_peer)); let s = cnx.take_sender(); let r = cnx.take_receiver(); let mut shutdown = cnx.set_shutdown(); cnx.release_shutdown(); let join = task::spawn(async move { log_debug!("START of WS loop"); let res = ws_loop(websocket, s, r).await; if res.is_err() { let _ = shutdown.send(Either::Left(res.err().unwrap())).await; } else { let _ = shutdown.send(Either::Left(NetError::Closing)).await; } log_debug!("END of WS loop"); }); cnx.start(config).await; Ok(cnx) } } } async fn probe(&self, ip: IP, port: u16) -> Result, ProtocolError> { let mut cnx = ConnectionBase::new(ConnectionDir::Client, TransportProtocol::WS); let url = format!("ws://{}:{}", ip, port); let res = connect_async(url).await; match res { Err(e) => { log_debug!("Cannot connect: {:?}", e); Err(ProtocolError::ConnectionError) } Ok((websocket, _)) => { cnx.start_read_loop(None, None, None); let s = cnx.take_sender(); let r = cnx.take_receiver(); let mut shutdown = cnx.set_shutdown(); cnx.release_shutdown(); let join = task::spawn(async move { log_debug!("START of WS loop"); let res = ws_loop(websocket, s, r).await; if res.is_err() { let _ = shutdown.send(Either::Left(res.err().unwrap())).await; } else { let _ = shutdown.send(Either::Left(NetError::Closing)).await; } log_debug!("END of WS loop"); }); cnx.probe().await } } } } #[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", async_trait::async_trait(?Send))] #[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), async_trait::async_trait)] impl IAccept for ConnectionWebSocket { type Socket = WebSocketStream; async fn accept( &self, remote_bind_address: BindAddress, local_bind_address: BindAddress, peer_privk: PrivKey, socket: Self::Socket, ) -> Result { let mut cnx = ConnectionBase::new(ConnectionDir::Server, TransportProtocol::WS); cnx.start_read_loop( Some((local_bind_address, remote_bind_address)), Some(peer_privk), None, ); let s = cnx.take_sender(); let r = cnx.take_receiver(); let mut shutdown = cnx.set_shutdown(); let join = task::spawn(async move { log_debug!("START of WS loop"); let res = ws_loop(socket, s, r).await; if res.is_err() { let _ = shutdown.send(Either::Left(res.err().unwrap())).await; } else { let _ = shutdown.send(Either::Left(NetError::Closing)).await; } log_debug!("END of WS loop"); }); Ok(cnx) } } async fn close_ws( stream: &mut WebSocketStream, receiver: &mut Sender, code: u16, reason: &str, ) -> Result<(), NetError> { log_debug!("close_ws {:?}", code); let cmd = if code == 1000 { ConnectionCommand::Close } else if code < 4000 { ConnectionCommand::Error(NetError::WsError) } else if code < 4950 { ConnectionCommand::ProtocolError(ProtocolError::try_from(code - 4000).unwrap()) } else { ConnectionCommand::Error(NetError::try_from(code - 4949).unwrap()) }; log_debug!("sending to read loop {:?}", cmd); let _ = futures::SinkExt::send(receiver, cmd).await; stream .close(Some(CloseFrame { code: CloseCode::Library(code), reason: std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(reason), })) .await .map_err(|_e| NetError::WsError)?; Ok(()) } async fn ws_loop( mut ws: WebSocketStream, sender: Receiver, mut receiver: Sender, ) -> Result<(), NetError> { async fn inner_loop( stream: &mut WebSocketStream, mut sender: Receiver, receiver: &mut Sender, ) -> Result { //let mut rx_sender = sender.fuse(); pin_mut!(stream); loop { select! { r = stream.next().fuse() => match r { Some(Ok(msg)) => { //log_debug!("GOT MESSAGE {:?}", msg); if msg.is_close() { if let Message::Close(Some(cf)) = msg { log_debug!("CLOSE from remote with closeframe: {}",cf.reason); let last_command = match cf.code { CloseCode::Normal => ConnectionCommand::Close, CloseCode::Library(c) => { if c < 4950 { ConnectionCommand::ProtocolError( ProtocolError::try_from(c - 4000).unwrap(), ) } else { ConnectionCommand::Error(NetError::try_from(c - 4949).unwrap()) } }, _ => ConnectionCommand::Error(NetError::WsError) }; let _ = futures::SinkExt::send(receiver, last_command).await; } else { let _ = futures::SinkExt::send(receiver, ConnectionCommand::Close).await; log_debug!("CLOSE from remote"); } return Ok(ProtocolError::Closing); } else { futures::SinkExt::send(receiver,ConnectionCommand::Msg(serde_bare::from_slice::(&msg.into_data())?)).await .map_err(|_e| NetError::IoError)?; } }, Some(Err(e)) => {log_debug!("GOT ERROR {:?}",e);return Err(NetError::WsError);}, None => break }, s = sender.next().fuse() => match s { Some(msg) => { //log_debug!("SENDING MESSAGE {:?}", msg); match msg { ConnectionCommand::Msg(m) => { futures::SinkExt::send(&mut stream,Message::binary(serde_bare::to_vec(&m)?)).await.map_err(|_e| NetError::IoError)?; }, ConnectionCommand::Error(e) => { return Err(e); }, ConnectionCommand::ProtocolError(e) => { return Ok(e); }, ConnectionCommand::Close => { break; }, ConnectionCommand::ReEnter => { //do nothing. loop } } }, None => break }, } } Ok(ProtocolError::NoError) } match inner_loop(&mut ws, sender, &mut receiver).await { Ok(proto_err) => { if proto_err == ProtocolError::Closing { log_debug!("ProtocolError::Closing"); let _ = ws.close(None).await; } else if proto_err == ProtocolError::NoError { close_ws(&mut ws, &mut receiver, 1000, "").await?; } else { let mut code = proto_err.clone() as u16; if code > 949 { code = ProtocolError::OtherError as u16; } close_ws(&mut ws, &mut receiver, code + 4000, &proto_err.to_string()).await?; //return Err(NetError::ProtocolError); } } Err(e) => { close_ws( &mut ws, &mut receiver, e.clone() as u16 + 4949, &e.to_string(), ) .await?; return Err(e); } } Ok(()) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use crate::remote_ws::*; use async_std::task; use p2p_net::broker::*; use p2p_net::errors::NetError; use p2p_net::types::IP; use p2p_net::utils::{spawn_and_log_error, ResultSend}; use p2p_repo::errors::NgError; use p2p_repo::log::*; use p2p_repo::utils::generate_keypair; use std::net::IpAddr; use std::str::FromStr; #[async_std::test] pub async fn test_ws() -> Result<(), NgError> { let server_key: PubKey = "X0nh-gOTGKSx0yL0LYJviOWRNacyqIzjQW_LKdK6opU".try_into()?; log_debug!("server_key:{}", server_key); let keys = generate_keypair(); let x_from_ed = keys.1.to_dh_from_ed(); log_debug!("Pub from X {}", x_from_ed); let (client_priv, client) = generate_keypair(); let (user_priv, user) = generate_keypair(); log_debug!("start connecting"); { let res = BROKER .write() .await .connect( Box::new(ConnectionWebSocket {}), keys.0, keys.1, server_key, StartConfig::Client(ClientConfig { url: format!("ws://localhost:{}", WS_PORT), user, user_priv, client, client_priv, info: ClientInfo::new(ClientType::Cli, "".into(), "".into()), registration: None, }), ) .await; log_debug!("broker.connect : {:?}", res); res.expect("assume the connection succeeds"); } BROKER.read().await.print_status(); async fn timer_close(remote_peer_id: DirectPeerId, user: Option) -> ResultSend<()> { async move { sleep!(std::time::Duration::from_secs(3)); log_debug!("timeout"); BROKER .write() .await .close_peer_connection(&remote_peer_id, user) .await; } .await; Ok(()) } spawn_and_log_error(timer_close(server_key, Some(user))); //Broker::graceful_shutdown().await; Broker::join_shutdown_with_timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(5)).await; Ok(()) } #[async_std::test] pub async fn probe() -> Result<(), NgError> { log_debug!("start probe"); { let res = BROKER .write() .await .probe( Box::new(ConnectionWebSocket {}), IP::try_from(&IpAddr::from_str("").unwrap()).unwrap(), WS_PORT, ) .await; log_debug!("broker.probe : {:?}", res); res.expect("assume the probe succeeds"); } //Broker::graceful_shutdown().await; Broker::join_shutdown_with_timeout(std::time::Duration::from_secs(10)).await; Ok(()) } }