//! [In-memory implementation](super::Graph) of [RDF graphs](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-graph).
//! Usage example:
//! ```
//! use oxrdf::*;
//! let mut graph = Graph::default();
//! // insertion
//! let ex = NamedNodeRef::new("http://example.com")?;
//! let triple = TripleRef::new(ex, ex, ex);
//! graph.insert(triple);
//! // simple filter
//! let results: Vec<_> = graph.triples_for_subject(ex).collect();
//! assert_eq!(vec![triple], results);
//! // Print
//! assert_eq!(graph.to_string(), "<http://example.com> <http://example.com> <http://example.com> .\n");
//! # Result::<_,Box<dyn std::error::Error>>::Ok(())
//! ```
//! See also [`Dataset`](super::Dataset) if you want to get support of multiple RDF graphs at the same time.
use crate ::dataset ::* ;
use crate ::* ;
use std ::fmt ;
/// An in-memory [RDF graph](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-graph).
/// It can accommodate a fairly large number of triples (in the few millions).
/// Beware: it interns the string and does not do any garbage collection yet:
/// if you insert and remove a lot of different terms, memory will grow without any reduction.
/// Usage example:
/// ```
/// use oxrdf::*;
/// let mut graph = Graph::default();
/// // insertion
/// let ex = NamedNodeRef::new("http://example.com")?;
/// let triple = TripleRef::new(ex, ex, ex);
/// graph.insert(triple);
/// // simple filter
/// let results: Vec<_> = graph.triples_for_subject(ex).collect();
/// assert_eq!(vec![triple], results);
/// # Result::<_,Box<dyn std::error::Error>>::Ok(())
/// ```
#[ derive(Debug, Default) ]
pub struct Graph {
dataset : Dataset ,
impl Graph {
/// Creates a new graph.
pub fn new ( ) -> Self {
Self ::default ( )
fn graph ( & self ) -> GraphView < ' _ > {
self . dataset . graph ( GraphNameRef ::DefaultGraph )
fn graph_mut ( & mut self ) -> GraphViewMut < ' _ > {
self . dataset . graph_mut ( GraphNameRef ::DefaultGraph )
/// Returns all the triples contained by the graph.
pub fn iter ( & self ) -> Iter < ' _ > {
Iter {
inner : self . graph ( ) . iter ( ) ,
pub fn triples_for_subject < ' a , ' b > (
& ' a self ,
subject : impl Into < SubjectRef < ' b > > ,
) -> impl Iterator < Item = TripleRef < ' a > > + ' a {
self . graph ( )
. triples_for_interned_subject ( self . dataset . encoded_subject ( subject ) )
pub fn objects_for_subject_predicate < ' a , ' b > (
& ' a self ,
subject : impl Into < SubjectRef < ' b > > ,
predicate : impl Into < NamedNodeRef < ' b > > ,
) -> impl Iterator < Item = TermRef < ' a > > + ' a {
self . graph ( ) . objects_for_interned_subject_predicate (
self . dataset . encoded_subject ( subject ) ,
self . dataset . encoded_named_node ( predicate ) ,
pub fn object_for_subject_predicate < ' a , ' b > (
& ' a self ,
subject : impl Into < SubjectRef < ' b > > ,
predicate : impl Into < NamedNodeRef < ' b > > ,
) -> Option < TermRef < ' a > > {
self . graph ( )
. objects_for_subject_predicate ( subject , predicate )
. next ( )
pub fn predicates_for_subject_object < ' a , ' b > (
& ' a self ,
subject : impl Into < SubjectRef < ' b > > ,
object : impl Into < TermRef < ' b > > ,
) -> impl Iterator < Item = NamedNodeRef < ' a > > + ' a {
self . graph ( ) . predicates_for_interned_subject_object (
self . dataset . encoded_subject ( subject ) ,
self . dataset . encoded_term ( object ) ,
pub fn triples_for_predicate < ' a , ' b > (
& ' a self ,
predicate : impl Into < NamedNodeRef < ' b > > ,
) -> impl Iterator < Item = TripleRef < ' a > > + ' a {
self . graph ( )
. triples_for_interned_predicate ( self . dataset . encoded_named_node ( predicate ) )
pub fn subjects_for_predicate_object < ' a , ' b > (
& ' a self ,
predicate : impl Into < NamedNodeRef < ' b > > ,
object : impl Into < TermRef < ' b > > ,
) -> impl Iterator < Item = SubjectRef < ' a > > + ' a {
self . graph ( ) . subjects_for_interned_predicate_object (
self . dataset . encoded_named_node ( predicate ) ,
self . dataset . encoded_term ( object ) ,
pub fn subject_for_predicate_object < ' a , ' b > (
& ' a self ,
predicate : impl Into < NamedNodeRef < ' b > > ,
object : impl Into < TermRef < ' b > > ,
) -> Option < SubjectRef < ' a > > {
self . graph ( ) . subject_for_predicate_object ( predicate , object )
pub fn triples_for_object < ' a , ' b > (
& ' a self ,
object : impl Into < TermRef < ' b > > ,
) -> impl Iterator < Item = TripleRef < ' a > > + ' a {
self . graph ( )
. triples_for_interned_object ( self . dataset . encoded_term ( object ) )
/// Checks if the graph contains the given triple.
pub fn contains < ' a > ( & self , triple : impl Into < TripleRef < ' a > > ) -> bool {
self . graph ( ) . contains ( triple )
/// Returns the number of triples in this graph.
pub fn len ( & self ) -> usize {
self . dataset . len ( )
/// Checks if this graph contains a triple.
pub fn is_empty ( & self ) -> bool {
self . dataset . is_empty ( )
/// Adds a triple to the graph.
pub fn insert < ' a > ( & mut self , triple : impl Into < TripleRef < ' a > > ) -> bool {
self . graph_mut ( ) . insert ( triple )
/// Removes a concrete triple from the graph.
pub fn remove < ' a > ( & mut self , triple : impl Into < TripleRef < ' a > > ) -> bool {
self . graph_mut ( ) . remove ( triple )
/// Clears the graph.
pub fn clear ( & mut self ) {
self . dataset . clear ( )
/// Applies on the graph the canonicalization process described in
/// [Canonical Forms for Isomorphic and Equivalent RDF Graphs: Algorithms for Leaning and Labelling Blank Nodes, Aidan Hogan, 2017](http://aidanhogan.com/docs/rdf-canonicalisation.pdf).
/// Usage example ([Graph isomorphism](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-graph-isomorphism)):
/// ```
/// use oxrdf::*;
/// let iri = NamedNodeRef::new("http://example.com")?;
/// let mut graph1 = Graph::new();
/// let bnode1 = BlankNode::default();
/// graph1.insert(TripleRef::new(iri, iri, &bnode1));
/// graph1.insert(TripleRef::new(&bnode1, iri, iri));
/// let mut graph2 = Graph::new();
/// let bnode2 = BlankNode::default();
/// graph2.insert(TripleRef::new(iri, iri, &bnode2));
/// graph2.insert(TripleRef::new(&bnode2, iri, iri));
/// assert_ne!(graph1, graph2);
/// graph1.canonicalize();
/// graph2.canonicalize();
/// assert_eq!(graph1, graph2);
/// # Result::<_,Box<dyn std::error::Error>>::Ok(())
/// ```
/// Warning 1: Blank node ids depends on the current shape of the graph. Adding a new triple might change the ids of a lot of blank nodes.
/// Hence, this canonization might not be suitable for diffs.
/// Warning 2: The canonicalization algorithm is not stable and canonical blank node Ids might change between Oxigraph version.
/// Warning 3: This implementation worst-case complexity is in *O(b!)* with *b* the number of blank nodes in the input graph.
pub fn canonicalize ( & mut self ) {
self . dataset . canonicalize ( )
impl PartialEq for Graph {
fn eq ( & self , other : & Self ) -> bool {
self . dataset = = other . dataset
impl Eq for Graph { }
impl < ' a > IntoIterator for & ' a Graph {
type Item = TripleRef < ' a > ;
type IntoIter = Iter < ' a > ;
fn into_iter ( self ) -> Iter < ' a > {
self . iter ( )
impl FromIterator < Triple > for Graph {
fn from_iter < I : IntoIterator < Item = Triple > > ( iter : I ) -> Self {
let mut g = Self ::new ( ) ;
g . extend ( iter ) ;
impl < ' a , T : Into < TripleRef < ' a > > > FromIterator < T > for Graph {
fn from_iter < I : IntoIterator < Item = T > > ( iter : I ) -> Self {
let mut g = Self ::new ( ) ;
g . extend ( iter ) ;
impl Extend < Triple > for Graph {
fn extend < I : IntoIterator < Item = Triple > > ( & mut self , iter : I ) {
self . graph_mut ( ) . extend ( iter )
impl < ' a , T : Into < TripleRef < ' a > > > Extend < T > for Graph {
fn extend < I : IntoIterator < Item = T > > ( & mut self , iter : I ) {
self . graph_mut ( ) . extend ( iter )
impl fmt ::Display for Graph {
fn fmt ( & self , f : & mut fmt ::Formatter < ' _ > ) -> fmt ::Result {
self . graph ( ) . fmt ( f )
/// Iterator returned by [`Graph::iter`].
pub struct Iter < ' a > {
inner : GraphViewIter < ' a > ,
impl < ' a > Iterator for Iter < ' a > {
type Item = TripleRef < ' a > ;
fn next ( & mut self ) -> Option < TripleRef < ' a > > {
self . inner . next ( )