@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use oxrdf::*;
use std ::io ::{ self , Read , Write } ;
use std ::str ::{ self , FromStr } ;
#[ cfg(feature = " async-tokio " ) ]
use tokio ::io ::{ AsyncWrite , AsyncWriteExt } ;
use tokio ::io ::{ AsyncRead , AsyncReadExt , Async Write , AsyncWriteExt } ;
const MAX_BUFFER_SIZE : usize = 4096 * 4096 ;
@ -425,72 +425,159 @@ fn is_turtle_double(value: &str) -> bool {
( with_before | | with_after ) & & ! value . is_empty ( ) & & value . iter ( ) . all ( u8 ::is_ascii_digit )
pub enum TsvQueryResultsReader < R : Read > {
pub enum FromRead TsvQueryResultsReader< R : Read > {
Solutions {
variables : Vec < Variable > ,
solutions : TsvSolutionsReader < R > ,
solutions : FromRead TsvSolutionsReader< R > ,
} ,
Boolean ( bool ) ,
impl < R : Read > TsvQueryResultsReader < R > {
impl < R : Read > FromRead TsvQueryResultsReader< R > {
pub fn read ( mut read : R ) -> Result < Self , QueryResultsParseError > {
let mut reader = LineReader ::new ( ) ;
let mut buffer = Vec ::new ( ) ;
let line = reader . next_line ( & mut buffer , & mut read ) ? ;
Ok ( match inner_read_first_line ( reader , line ) ? {
TsvInnerQueryResults ::Solutions {
variables ,
solutions ,
} = > Self ::Solutions {
variables ,
solutions : FromReadTsvSolutionsReader {
read ,
inner : solutions ,
buffer ,
} ,
} ,
TsvInnerQueryResults ::Boolean ( value ) = > Self ::Boolean ( value ) ,
} )
// We read the header
let line = reader
. next_line ( & mut buffer , & mut read ) ?
. trim_matches ( | c | matches! ( c , ' ' | '\r' | '\n' ) ) ;
if line . eq_ignore_ascii_case ( "true" ) {
return Ok ( Self ::Boolean ( true ) ) ;
if line . eq_ignore_ascii_case ( "false" ) {
return Ok ( Self ::Boolean ( false ) ) ;
let mut variables = Vec ::new ( ) ;
if ! line . is_empty ( ) {
for v in line . split ( '\t' ) {
let v = v . trim ( ) ;
if v . is_empty ( ) {
return Err ( QueryResultsSyntaxError ::msg ( "Empty column on the first row. The first row should be a list of variables like ?foo or $bar" ) . into ( ) ) ;
let variable = Variable ::from_str ( v ) . map_err ( | e | {
QueryResultsSyntaxError ::msg ( format! ( "Invalid variable declaration '{v}': {e}" ) )
} ) ? ;
if variables . contains ( & variable ) {
return Err ( QueryResultsSyntaxError ::msg ( format! (
"The variable {variable} is declared twice"
) )
. into ( ) ) ;
variables . push ( variable ) ;
let column_len = variables . len ( ) ;
Ok ( Self ::Solutions {
variables ,
solutions : TsvSolutionsReader {
read ,
buffer ,
reader ,
column_len ,
pub struct FromReadTsvSolutionsReader < R : Read > {
read : R ,
inner : TsvInnerSolutionsReader ,
buffer : Vec < u8 > ,
impl < R : Read > FromReadTsvSolutionsReader < R > {
pub fn read_next ( & mut self ) -> Result < Option < Vec < Option < Term > > > , QueryResultsParseError > {
let line = self
. inner
. reader
. next_line ( & mut self . buffer , & mut self . read ) ? ;
self . inner . read_next ( line )
#[ cfg(feature = " async-tokio " ) ]
pub enum FromTokioAsyncReadTsvQueryResultsReader < R : AsyncRead + Unpin > {
Solutions {
variables : Vec < Variable > ,
solutions : FromTokioAsyncReadTsvSolutionsReader < R > ,
} ,
Boolean ( bool ) ,
#[ cfg(feature = " async-tokio " ) ]
impl < R : AsyncRead + Unpin > FromTokioAsyncReadTsvQueryResultsReader < R > {
pub async fn read ( mut read : R ) -> Result < Self , QueryResultsParseError > {
let mut reader = LineReader ::new ( ) ;
let mut buffer = Vec ::new ( ) ;
let line = reader . next_line_tokio_async ( & mut buffer , & mut read ) . await ? ;
Ok ( match inner_read_first_line ( reader , line ) ? {
TsvInnerQueryResults ::Solutions {
variables ,
solutions ,
} = > Self ::Solutions {
variables ,
solutions : FromTokioAsyncReadTsvSolutionsReader {
read ,
inner : solutions ,
buffer ,
} ,
} ,
TsvInnerQueryResults ::Boolean ( value ) = > Self ::Boolean ( value ) ,
} )
pub struct TsvSolutionsReader < R : Read > {
#[ cfg(feature = " async-tokio " ) ]
pub struct FromTokioAsyncReadTsvSolutionsReader < R : AsyncRead + Unpin > {
read : R ,
inner : TsvInnerSolutionsReader ,
buffer : Vec < u8 > ,
#[ cfg(feature = " async-tokio " ) ]
impl < R : AsyncRead + Unpin > FromTokioAsyncReadTsvSolutionsReader < R > {
pub async fn read_next ( & mut self ) -> Result < Option < Vec < Option < Term > > > , QueryResultsParseError > {
let line = self
. inner
. reader
. next_line_tokio_async ( & mut self . buffer , & mut self . read )
. await ? ;
self . inner . read_next ( line )
enum TsvInnerQueryResults {
Solutions {
variables : Vec < Variable > ,
solutions : TsvInnerSolutionsReader ,
} ,
Boolean ( bool ) ,
fn inner_read_first_line (
reader : LineReader ,
line : & str ,
) -> Result < TsvInnerQueryResults , QueryResultsParseError > {
let line = line . trim_matches ( | c | matches! ( c , ' ' | '\r' | '\n' ) ) ;
if line . eq_ignore_ascii_case ( "true" ) {
return Ok ( TsvInnerQueryResults ::Boolean ( true ) ) ;
if line . eq_ignore_ascii_case ( "false" ) {
return Ok ( TsvInnerQueryResults ::Boolean ( false ) ) ;
let mut variables = Vec ::new ( ) ;
if ! line . is_empty ( ) {
for v in line . split ( '\t' ) {
let v = v . trim ( ) ;
if v . is_empty ( ) {
return Err ( QueryResultsSyntaxError ::msg ( "Empty column on the first row. The first row should be a list of variables like ?foo or $bar" ) . into ( ) ) ;
let variable = Variable ::from_str ( v ) . map_err ( | e | {
QueryResultsSyntaxError ::msg ( format! ( "Invalid variable declaration '{v}': {e}" ) )
} ) ? ;
if variables . contains ( & variable ) {
return Err ( QueryResultsSyntaxError ::msg ( format! (
"The variable {variable} is declared twice"
) )
. into ( ) ) ;
variables . push ( variable ) ;
let column_len = variables . len ( ) ;
Ok ( TsvInnerQueryResults ::Solutions {
variables ,
solutions : TsvInnerSolutionsReader { reader , column_len } ,
} )
struct TsvInnerSolutionsReader {
reader : LineReader ,
column_len : usize ,
impl < R : Read > TsvSolutionsReader < R > {
impl TsvInner SolutionsReader {
#[ allow(clippy::unwrap_in_result) ]
pub fn read_next ( & mut self ) -> Result < Option < Vec < Option < Term > > > , QueryResultsParseError > {
let line = self . reader . next_line ( & mut self . buffer , & mut self . read ) ? ;
pub fn read_next (
& self ,
line : & str ,
) -> Result < Option < Vec < Option < Term > > > , QueryResultsParseError > {
if line . is_empty ( ) {
return Ok ( None ) ; // EOF
@ -620,6 +707,50 @@ impl LineReader {
self . buffer_start = line_end ;
#[ cfg(feature = " async-tokio " ) ]
#[ allow(clippy::unwrap_in_result) ]
async fn next_line_tokio_async < ' a > (
& mut self ,
buffer : & ' a mut Vec < u8 > ,
read : & mut ( impl AsyncRead + Unpin ) ,
) -> io ::Result < & ' a str > {
let line_end = loop {
if let Some ( eol ) = memchr ( b'\n' , & buffer [ self . buffer_start .. self . buffer_end ] ) {
break self . buffer_start + eol + 1 ;
if self . buffer_start > 0 {
buffer . copy_within ( self . buffer_start .. self . buffer_end , 0 ) ;
self . buffer_end - = self . buffer_start ;
self . buffer_start = 0 ;
if self . buffer_end + 1024 > buffer . len ( ) {
if self . buffer_end + 1024 > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE {
return Err ( io ::Error ::new (
io ::ErrorKind ::OutOfMemory ,
format! ( "Reached the buffer maximal size of {MAX_BUFFER_SIZE}" ) ,
) ) ;
buffer . resize ( self . buffer_end + 1024 , b'\0' ) ;
let read = read . read ( & mut buffer [ self . buffer_end .. ] ) . await ? ;
if read = = 0 {
break self . buffer_end ;
self . buffer_end + = read ;
} ;
let result = str ::from_utf8 ( & buffer [ self . buffer_start .. line_end ] ) . map_err ( | e | {
io ::Error ::new (
io ::ErrorKind ::InvalidData ,
format! ( "Invalid UTF-8 in the TSV file: {e}" ) ,
} ) ;
self . line_count + = 1 ;
self . last_line_start = self . last_line_end ;
self . last_line_end + = u64 ::try_from ( line_end - self . buffer_start ) . unwrap ( ) ;
self . buffer_start = line_end ;
#[ cfg(test) ]
@ -712,10 +843,10 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq! ( buffer , "?x\t?literal\n<http://example/x>\t\"String\"\n<http://example/x>\t\"String-with-dquote\\\"\"\n_:b0\t\"Blank node\"\n\t\"Missing 'x'\"\n\t\n<http://example/x>\t\n_:b1\t\"String-with-lang\"@en\n_:b1\t123\n\t\"escape,\\t\\r\\n\"\n" ) ;
// Read
if let TsvQueryResultsReader ::Solutions {
if let FromRead TsvQueryResultsReader ::Solutions {
solutions : mut solutions_iter ,
variables : actual_variables ,
} = TsvQueryResultsReader ::read ( buffer . as_bytes ( ) ) ?
} = FromRead TsvQueryResultsReader ::read ( buffer . as_bytes ( ) ) ?
assert_eq! ( actual_variables . as_slice ( ) , variables . as_slice ( ) ) ;
let mut rows = Vec ::new ( ) ;
@ -747,8 +878,8 @@ mod tests {
let a_lot_of_strings = format! ( "?p\n{}\n" , "<" . repeat ( 100_000 ) ) ;
bad_tsvs . push ( & a_lot_of_strings ) ;
for bad_tsv in bad_tsvs {
if let Ok ( TsvQueryResultsReader ::Solutions { mut solutions , .. } ) =
TsvQueryResultsReader ::read ( bad_tsv . as_bytes ( ) )
if let Ok ( FromRead TsvQueryResultsReader ::Solutions { mut solutions , .. } ) =
FromRead TsvQueryResultsReader ::read ( bad_tsv . as_bytes ( ) )
while let Ok ( Some ( _ ) ) = solutions . read_next ( ) { }
@ -773,10 +904,10 @@ mod tests {
#[ test ]
fn test_no_columns_tsv_parsing ( ) -> io ::Result < ( ) > {
if let TsvQueryResultsReader ::Solutions {
if let FromRead TsvQueryResultsReader ::Solutions {
mut solutions ,
variables ,
} = TsvQueryResultsReader ::read ( b" \n \n " . as_slice ( ) ) ?
} = FromRead TsvQueryResultsReader ::read ( b" \n \n " . as_slice ( ) ) ?
assert_eq! ( variables , Vec ::< Variable > ::new ( ) ) ;
assert_eq! ( solutions . read_next ( ) ? , Some ( Vec ::new ( ) ) ) ;
@ -803,10 +934,10 @@ mod tests {
#[ test ]
fn test_no_results_tsv_parsing ( ) -> io ::Result < ( ) > {
if let TsvQueryResultsReader ::Solutions {
if let FromRead TsvQueryResultsReader ::Solutions {
mut solutions ,
variables ,
} = TsvQueryResultsReader ::read ( b" ?a \n " . as_slice ( ) ) ?
} = FromRead TsvQueryResultsReader ::read ( b" ?a \n " . as_slice ( ) ) ?
assert_eq! ( variables , vec! [ Variable ::new_unchecked ( "a" ) ] ) ;
assert_eq! ( solutions . read_next ( ) ? , None ) ;