/// It supports also some media type and extension aliases.
/// For example, ``application/json`` could also be used for `JSON <https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-results-json/>`_.
/// :param input: The I/O object or file path to read from. For example, it could be a file path as a string or a file reader opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'rb')``.
/// :type input: typing.IO[bytes] or typing.IO[str] or str or os.PathLike[str]
/// :param input: The :py:class:`str`, :py:class:`bytes` or I/O object to read from. For example, it could be the file content as a string or a file reader opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'rb')``.
/// :type input: bytes or str or typing.IO[bytes] or typing.IO[str] or None, optional
/// :param format: the format of the RDF serialization using a media type like ``text/turtle`` or an extension like `ttl`. If :py:const:`None`, the format is guessed from the file name extension.
/// :type format: str or None, optional
/// :param path: The file path to read from. Replaces the ``input`` parameter.
/// :type path: str or os.PathLike[str] or None, optional
/// :return: an iterator of :py:class:`QuerySolution` or a :py:class:`bool`.
/// :rtype: QuerySolutions or QueryBoolean
/// :raises ValueError: if the format is not supported.
/// :raises SyntaxError: if the provided data is invalid.
/// :raises OSError: if a system error happens while reading the file.