Oxigraph is a graph database implementing the [SPARQL](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-overview/) standard.
There is no released version yet.
Its goal is to provide a compliant, safe and fast graph database based on the [RocksDB](https://rocksdb.org/) and [Sled](https://sled.rs/) key-value stores.
It is written in Rust.
It also provides a set of utility functions for reading, writing and processing RDF files.
Oxigraph is in heavy development and SPARQL query evaluation has not been optimized yet.
It is split into multiple parts:
* The `lib` directory contains the database written as a Rust library.
* The `python` directory contains bindings to use Oxigraph in Python. See [its README](https://github.com/oxigraph/oxigraph/blob/master/python/README.md) for the Python bindings documentation.
* The `js` directory contains bindings to use Oxigraph in JavaScript with the help of WebAssembly. See [its README](https://github.com/oxigraph/oxigraph/blob/master/js/README.md) for the JS bindings documentation.
* The `server` directory contains a stand-alone binary of a web server implementing the [SPARQL 1.1 Protocol](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-protocol/). It uses the [RocksDB](https://rocksdb.org/) key-value store.
@ -29,16 +37,19 @@ A preliminary benchmark [is provided](bench/README.md).
## Run the web server
### Build
### Installation
You need to have [a recent stable version of Rust and Cargo installed](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install). You also need [clang](https://clang.llvm.org/) to build RocksDB.
If it's done, executing `cargo build --release` in the root directory of this repository should compile the full server after having downloaded its dependencies.
To download, build and install the latest released version run `cargo install oxigraph_server`.
There is no need to clone this git repository.
To compile the server from source, clone this git repository, and execute `cargo build --release` in the `server` directory to compile the full server after having downloaded its dependencies.
It will create a fat binary in `target/release/oxigraph_server`.
### Usage
Run `./oxigraph_server` to start the server. It listen by default on `localhost:7878`.
Run `oxigraph_server` to start the server. It listens by default on `localhost:7878`.
The server provides an HTML UI with a form to execute SPARQL requests.
@ -82,11 +93,14 @@ You could easily build your own Docker image by running `docker build -t oxigrap
## Run the Wikibase server
### Build
### Installation
You need to have [a recent stable version of Rust and Cargo installed](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install). You also need [clang](https://clang.llvm.org/) to build RocksDB.
You need to have [a recent stable version of Rust and Cargo installed](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install).
To download, build and install the latest released version run `cargo install oxigraph_wikibase`.
There is no need to clone this git repository.
If it's done, executing `cargo build --release` in the root directory of this repository should compile the full server after having downloaded its dependencies.
To compile the server from source, clone this git repository, and execute `cargo build --release` in the `wikibase` directory to compile the full server after having downloaded its dependencies.
It will create a fat binary in `target/release/oxigraph_wikibase`.