///! Integration tests based on [RDF 1.1 Test Cases](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-testcases/) use failure::format_err; use rudf::model::vocab::rdf; use rudf::model::vocab::rdfs; use rudf::model::*; use rudf::rio::ntriples::read_ntriples; use rudf::rio::turtle::read_turtle; use rudf::rio::xml::read_rdf_xml; use rudf::store::isomorphism::GraphIsomorphism; use rudf::store::MemoryGraph; use rudf::Result; use std::fmt; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader}; use std::path::PathBuf; use url::Url; #[test] fn turtle_w3c_testsuite() { let manifest_url = Url::parse("http://www.w3.org/2013/TurtleTests/manifest.ttl").unwrap(); //TODO: make blacklist pass let test_blacklist = vec![ //UTF-8 broken surrogates in BNode ids NamedNode::new( manifest_url .join("#prefix_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries") .unwrap(), ), NamedNode::new( manifest_url .join("#labeled_blank_node_with_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries") .unwrap(), ), NamedNode::new( manifest_url .join("#localName_with_assigned_nfc_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries") .unwrap(), ), NamedNode::new( manifest_url .join("#localName_with_nfc_PN_CHARS_BASE_character_boundaries") .unwrap(), ), NamedNode::new(manifest_url.join("#IRI-resolution-01").unwrap()), NamedNode::new(manifest_url.join("#IRI-resolution-02").unwrap()), NamedNode::new(manifest_url.join("#IRI-resolution-07").unwrap()), NamedNode::new(manifest_url.join("#turtle-subm-01").unwrap()), NamedNode::new(manifest_url.join("#turtle-subm-27").unwrap()), ]; for test_result in TestManifest::new(manifest_url) { let test = test_result.unwrap(); if test_blacklist.contains(&test.id) { continue; } if test.kind == "TestTurtlePositiveSyntax" { if let Err(error) = load_turtle(test.action.clone()) { assert!(false, "Failure on {} with error: {}", test, error) } } else if test.kind == "TestTurtleNegativeSyntax" { assert!( load_turtle(test.action.clone()).is_err(), "Failure on {}", test ); } else if test.kind == "TestTurtleEval" { match load_turtle(test.action.clone()) { Ok(action_graph) => match load_turtle(test.result.clone().unwrap()) { Ok(result_graph) => assert!( action_graph.is_isomorphic(&result_graph).unwrap(), "Failure on {}. Expected file:\n{}\nParsed file:\n{}\n", test, result_graph, action_graph ), Err(error) => assert!( false, "Failure to parse the Turtle result file {} of {} with error: {}", test.result.clone().unwrap(), test, error ), }, Err(error) => assert!(false, "Failure to parse {} with error: {}", test, error), } } else if test.kind == "TestTurtleNegativeEval" { let action_graph = load_turtle(test.action.clone()); let result_graph = test .result .clone() .map(|r| load_turtle(r)) .unwrap_or_else(|| Ok(MemoryGraph::default())); assert!( action_graph.is_err() || !action_graph .unwrap() .is_isomorphic(&result_graph.unwrap()) .unwrap(), "Failure on {}", test ); } else { assert!(false, "Not supported test: {}", test); } } } #[test] fn ntriples_w3c_testsuite() { let manifest_url = Url::parse("http://www.w3.org/2013/N-TriplesTests/manifest.ttl").unwrap(); for test_result in TestManifest::new(manifest_url) { let test = test_result.unwrap(); if test.kind == "TestNTriplesPositiveSyntax" { if let Err(error) = load_ntriples(test.action.clone()) { assert!(false, "Failure on {} with error: {}", test, error) } } else if test.kind == "TestNTriplesNegativeSyntax" { assert!( load_ntriples(test.action.clone()).is_err(), "Failure on {}", test ); } else { assert!(false, "Not supported test: {}", test); } } } #[test] fn rdf_xml_w3c_testsuite() -> Result<()> { let manifest_url = Url::parse("http://www.w3.org/2013/RDFXMLTests/manifest.ttl")?; //TODO: make blacklist pass let test_blacklist = vec![ NamedNode::new(manifest_url.join("#xml-canon-test001")?), NamedNode::new(manifest_url.join("#rdfms-seq-representation-test001")?), NamedNode::new(manifest_url.join("#rdf-containers-syntax-vs-schema-test004")?), ]; for test_result in TestManifest::new(manifest_url) { let test = test_result?; if test_blacklist.contains(&test.id) { continue; } if test.kind == "TestXMLNegativeSyntax" { /*TODO assert!( load_rdf_xml(test.action.clone()).is_err(), "Failure on {}", test );*/ } else if test.kind == "TestXMLEval" { match load_rdf_xml(test.action.clone()) { Ok(action_graph) => match load_ntriples(test.result.clone().unwrap()) { Ok(result_graph) => assert!( action_graph.is_isomorphic(&result_graph)?, "Failure on {}. Expected file:\n{}\nParsed file:\n{}\n", test, result_graph, action_graph ), Err(error) => assert!( false, "Failure to parse the RDF XML result file {} of {} with error: {}", test.result.clone().unwrap(), test, error ), }, Err(error) => assert!(false, "Failure to parse {} with error: {}", test, error), } } else { assert!(false, "Not supported test: {}", test); } } Ok(()) } fn load_turtle(url: Url) -> Result { Ok(read_turtle(read_file(&url)?, Some(url))?.collect()) } fn load_ntriples(url: Url) -> Result { read_ntriples(read_file(&url)?).collect() } fn load_rdf_xml(url: Url) -> Result { read_rdf_xml(read_file(&url)?, Some(url)).collect() } fn to_relative_path(url: &Url) -> Result { let url = url.as_str(); if url.starts_with("http://www.w3.org/2013/N-TriplesTests") { Ok(url.replace( "http://www.w3.org/2013/N-TriplesTests", "rdf-tests/ntriples/", )) } else if url.starts_with("http://www.w3.org/2013/TurtleTests/") { Ok(url.replace("http://www.w3.org/2013/TurtleTests/", "rdf-tests/turtle/")) } else if url.starts_with("http://www.w3.org/2013/RDFXMLTests/") { Ok(url.replace("http://www.w3.org/2013/RDFXMLTests/", "rdf-tests/rdf-xml/")) } else { Err(format_err!("Not supported url for file: {}", url)) } } fn read_file(url: &Url) -> Result { let mut base_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); base_path.push("tests"); base_path.push(to_relative_path(url)?); Ok(BufReader::new(File::open(&base_path).map_err(|e| { format_err!("Opening file {} failed with {}", base_path.display(), e) })?)) } pub struct Test { pub id: NamedNode, pub kind: String, pub name: Option, pub comment: Option, pub action: Url, pub result: Option, } impl fmt::Display for Test { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.kind)?; for name in &self.name { write!(f, " named \"{}\"", name)?; } for comment in &self.comment { write!(f, " with comment \"{}\"", comment)?; } write!(f, " on file \"{}\"", self.action)?; Ok(()) } } pub struct TestManifest { graph: MemoryGraph, tests_to_do: Vec, manifests_to_do: Vec, } impl TestManifest { pub fn new(url: Url) -> TestManifest { Self { graph: MemoryGraph::default(), tests_to_do: Vec::default(), manifests_to_do: vec![url], } } } pub mod mf { use lazy_static::lazy_static; use rudf::model::NamedNode; use std::str::FromStr; lazy_static! { pub static ref INCLUDE: NamedNode = NamedNode::from_str("http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-manifest#include") .unwrap(); pub static ref ENTRIES: NamedNode = NamedNode::from_str("http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-manifest#entries") .unwrap(); pub static ref NAME: NamedNode = NamedNode::from_str("http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-manifest#name") .unwrap(); pub static ref ACTION: NamedNode = NamedNode::from_str("http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-manifest#action") .unwrap(); pub static ref RESULT: NamedNode = NamedNode::from_str("http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/tests/test-manifest#result") .unwrap(); } } impl Iterator for TestManifest { type Item = Result; fn next(&mut self) -> Option> { match self.tests_to_do.pop() { Some(Term::NamedNode(test_node)) => { let test_subject = NamedOrBlankNode::from(test_node.clone()); let kind = match self .graph .object_for_subject_predicate(&test_subject, &rdf::TYPE) .unwrap() { Some(Term::NamedNode(c)) => match c.as_str().split("#").last() { Some(k) => k.to_string(), None => return Some(Err(format_err!("no type"))), }, _ => return Some(Err(format_err!("no type"))), }; let name = match self .graph .object_for_subject_predicate(&test_subject, &mf::NAME) .unwrap() { Some(Term::Literal(c)) => Some(c.value().to_string()), _ => None, }; let comment = match self .graph .object_for_subject_predicate(&test_subject, &rdfs::COMMENT) .unwrap() { Some(Term::Literal(c)) => Some(c.value().to_string()), _ => None, }; let action = match self .graph .object_for_subject_predicate(&test_subject, &*mf::ACTION) .unwrap() { Some(Term::NamedNode(n)) => n.as_url().clone(), Some(_) => return Some(Err(format_err!("invalid action"))), None => return Some(Err(format_err!("action not found"))), }; let result = match self .graph .object_for_subject_predicate(&test_subject, &*mf::RESULT) .unwrap() { Some(Term::NamedNode(n)) => Some(n.as_url().clone()), Some(_) => return Some(Err(format_err!("invalid result"))), None => None, }; Some(Ok(Test { id: test_node, kind, name, comment, action, result, })) } Some(_) => Some(Err(format_err!("invalid test list"))), None => { match self.manifests_to_do.pop() { Some(url) => { let manifest = NamedOrBlankNode::from(NamedNode::new(url.clone())); match load_turtle(url) { Ok(g) => g .iter() .unwrap() .for_each(|g| self.graph.insert(&g.unwrap()).unwrap()), Err(e) => return Some(Err(e.into())), } // New manifests match self .graph .object_for_subject_predicate(&manifest, &*mf::INCLUDE) .unwrap() { Some(Term::BlankNode(list)) => { self.manifests_to_do.extend( RdfListIterator::iter(&self.graph, list.clone().into()) .filter_map(|m| match m { Term::NamedNode(nm) => Some(nm.as_url().clone()), _ => None, }), ); } Some(_) => return Some(Err(format_err!("invalid tests list"))), None => (), } // New tests match self .graph .object_for_subject_predicate(&manifest, &*mf::ENTRIES) .unwrap() { Some(Term::BlankNode(list)) => { self.tests_to_do.extend(RdfListIterator::iter( &self.graph, list.clone().into(), )); } Some(term) => { return Some(Err(format_err!( "Invalid tests list. Got term {}", term ))); } None => (), } } None => return None, } self.next() } } } } pub struct RdfListIterator<'a, G: Graph> { graph: &'a G, current_node: Option, } impl<'a, G: 'a + Graph> RdfListIterator<'a, G> { fn iter(graph: &'a G, root: NamedOrBlankNode) -> RdfListIterator<'a, G> { RdfListIterator { graph, current_node: Some(root), } } } impl<'a, G: 'a + Graph> Iterator for RdfListIterator<'a, G> { type Item = Term; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { match self.current_node.clone() { Some(current) => { let result = self .graph .object_for_subject_predicate(¤t, &rdf::FIRST) .unwrap()? .clone(); self.current_node = match self .graph .object_for_subject_predicate(¤t, &rdf::REST) .unwrap() { Some(Term::NamedNode(ref n)) if *n == *rdf::NIL => None, Some(Term::NamedNode(n)) => Some(n.clone().into()), Some(Term::BlankNode(n)) => Some(n.clone().into()), _ => None, }; Some(result) } None => None, } } }