import re import sys from pathlib import Path from urllib.error import HTTPError from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit from urllib.request import urlopen LINK_REGEXES = { r"\[[^]]+]\((https?://(|[^)]+)\)", # Markdown r"<(https?://(|[^>]+)>`_", # reStructuredText } base_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent spec_cache = {} errors = set() for ext in ("md", "rs", "rst"): for file in base_path.rglob(f"*.{ext}"): content = file.read_text() for link_regex in LINK_REGEXES: for m in re.finditer(link_regex, content): url = (scheme, host, path, query, fragment) = urlsplit(url) if scheme != "https": errors.add(f"HTTP URL used by {url} in {file}") if query != "": errors.add(f"URL query used by {url} in {file}") if path.endswith(".html/"): errors.add(f".html/ used by {url} in {file}") base_url = urlunsplit(("https", host, path.rstrip("/"), "", "")) if base_url not in spec_cache: try: with urlopen(base_url) as response: spec_cache[base_url] = except HTTPError as e: errors.add( f"Fetching {url} used in {file} return HTTP error: {e}" ) spec_content = spec_cache.get(base_url, "") if ( fragment != "" and"[iI][dD]\s*=\s*['\"]{fragment}['\"]", spec_content) is None ): errors.add( f"Fragment {fragment} of {url} used in {file} does not exist" ) print("Used specs:") for url in sorted(spec_cache.keys()): print(url) if errors: print() for error in sorted(errors): print(error, file=sys.stderr) exit(1)