@prefix mf: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix ox: . <> rdf:type mf:Manifest ; rdfs:comment "Oxigraph parser recovery test cases" ; mf:entries ( <#invalid_iri_nt> <#invalid_iri_ttl> <#invalid_iri_n3> <#invalid_bnode_nt> <#invalid_bnode_ttl> <#invalid_bnode_n3> <#invalid_string_nt> <#invalid_string_ttl> <#invalid_string_n3> <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_iri_middle_nt> <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_iri_middle_ttl> <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_iri_end_nt> <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_iri_end_ttl> <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_string_middle_nt> <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_string_middle_ttl> <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_string_end_nt> <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_string_end_ttl> ) . <#invalid_iri_nt> rdf:type ox:TestNTripleRecovery ; mf:name "IRI with space" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#invalid_iri_ttl> rdf:type ox:TestTurtleRecovery ; mf:name "IRI with space" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#invalid_iri_n3> rdf:type ox:TestN3Recovery ; mf:name "IRI with space" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#invalid_bnode_nt> rdf:type ox:TestNTripleRecovery ; mf:name "bad character in blank node" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#invalid_bnode_ttl> rdf:type ox:TestTurtleRecovery ; mf:name "bad character in blank node" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#invalid_bnode_n3> rdf:type ox:TestN3Recovery ; mf:name "bad character in blank node" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#invalid_string_nt> rdf:type ox:TestNTripleRecovery ; mf:name "invalid escape sequence in string" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#invalid_string_ttl> rdf:type ox:TestTurtleRecovery ; mf:name "invalid escape sequence in string" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#invalid_string_n3> rdf:type ox:TestN3Recovery ; mf:name "invalid escape sequence in string" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_iri_middle_nt> rdf:type ox:TestNTripleRecovery ; mf:name "missing dot at the end of a triple" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_iri_middle_ttl> rdf:type ox:TestTurtleRecovery ; mf:name "missing dot at the end of a triple" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_iri_end_nt> rdf:type ox:TestNTripleRecovery ; mf:name "missing dot at the end of a triple" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_iri_end_ttl> rdf:type ox:TestTurtleRecovery ; mf:name "missing dot at the end of a triple" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_string_middle_nt> rdf:type ox:TestNTripleRecovery ; mf:name "missing dot at the end of a triple" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_string_middle_ttl> rdf:type ox:TestTurtleRecovery ; mf:name "missing dot at the end of a triple" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_string_end_nt> rdf:type ox:TestNTripleRecovery ; mf:name "missing dot at the end of a triple" ; mf:action ; mf:result . <#missing_dot_at_end_of_triple_with_string_end_ttl> rdf:type ox:TestTurtleRecovery ; mf:name "missing dot at the end of a triple" ; mf:action ; mf:result .