use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto}; use std::error::Error; use std::fmt; use std::fmt::Write; use std::ops::Neg; use std::str::FromStr; const DECIMAL_PART_DIGITS: usize = 18; const DECIMAL_PART_POW: i128 = 1_000_000_000_000_000_000; const DECIMAL_PART_POW_MINUS_ONE: i128 = 100_000_000_000_000_000; const DECIMAL_PART_HALF_POW: i128 = 1_000_000_000; /// [XML Schema `decimal` datatype]( implementation. /// /// It stores the decimal in a fix point encoding allowing nearly 18 digits before and 18 digits after ".". #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, Default)] pub struct Decimal { value: i128, // value * 10^18 } impl Decimal { /// Constructs the decimal i / 10^n #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] pub fn new(i: i128, n: u32) -> Result { if n > DECIMAL_PART_DIGITS as u32 { //TODO: check if end with zeros? return Err(DecimalOverflowError); } Ok(Self { value: i.checked_div(10_i128.pow(n)).ok_or(DecimalOverflowError)?, }) } #[inline] pub fn from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; 16]) -> Self { Self { value: i128::from_be_bytes(bytes), } } pub fn to_be_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 16] { self.value.to_be_bytes() } /// [op:numeric-add]( #[inline] pub fn checked_add(&self, rhs: impl Into) -> Option { Some(Self { value: self.value.checked_add(rhs.into().value)?, }) } /// [op:numeric-subtract]( #[inline] pub fn checked_sub(&self, rhs: impl Into) -> Option { Some(Self { value: self.value.checked_sub(rhs.into().value)?, }) } /// [op:numeric-multiply]( #[inline] pub fn checked_mul(&self, rhs: impl Into) -> Option { //TODO: better algorithm to keep precision Some(Self { value: self .value .checked_div(DECIMAL_PART_HALF_POW)? .checked_mul(rhs.into().value.checked_div(DECIMAL_PART_HALF_POW)?)?, }) } /// [op:numeric-divide]( #[inline] pub fn checked_div(&self, rhs: impl Into) -> Option { //TODO: better algorithm to keep precision Some(Self { value: self .value .checked_mul(DECIMAL_PART_HALF_POW)? .checked_div(rhs.into().value)? .checked_mul(DECIMAL_PART_HALF_POW)?, }) } /// TODO: XSD? is well defined for not integer pub fn checked_rem(&self, rhs: impl Into) -> Option { Some(Self { value: self.value.checked_rem(rhs.into().value)?, }) } pub fn checked_rem_euclid(&self, rhs: impl Into) -> Option { Some(Self { value: self.value.checked_rem_euclid(rhs.into().value)?, }) } /// [fn:abs]( #[inline] pub const fn abs(&self) -> Decimal { Self { value: self.value.abs(), } } /// [fn:round]( #[inline] pub fn round(&self) -> Decimal { let value = self.value / DECIMAL_PART_POW_MINUS_ONE; Self { value: if value >= 0 { (value / 10 + if value % 10 >= 5 { 1 } else { 0 }) * DECIMAL_PART_POW } else { (value / 10 + if -value % 10 > 5 { -1 } else { 0 }) * DECIMAL_PART_POW }, } } /// [fn:ceiling]( #[inline] pub fn ceil(&self) -> Decimal { Self { value: if self.value >= 0 && self.value % DECIMAL_PART_POW != 0 { (self.value / DECIMAL_PART_POW + 1) * DECIMAL_PART_POW } else { (self.value / DECIMAL_PART_POW) * DECIMAL_PART_POW }, } } /// [fn:floor]( #[inline] pub fn floor(&self) -> Decimal { Self { value: if self.value >= 0 || self.value % DECIMAL_PART_POW == 0 { (self.value / DECIMAL_PART_POW) * DECIMAL_PART_POW } else { (self.value / DECIMAL_PART_POW - 1) * DECIMAL_PART_POW }, } } pub const fn is_negative(&self) -> bool { self.value < 0 } pub const fn is_positive(&self) -> bool { self.value > 0 } /// Creates a `Decimal` from a `f32` without taking care of precision #[inline] pub(crate) fn from_f32(v: f32) -> Self { Self::from_f64(v.into()) } /// Creates a `f32` from a `Decimal` without taking care of precision #[inline] #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] pub fn to_f32(&self) -> f32 { self.to_f64() as f32 } /// Creates a `Decimal` from a `f64` without taking care of precision #[inline] #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation, clippy::cast_precision_loss)] pub(crate) fn from_f64(v: f64) -> Self { Self { value: (v * (DECIMAL_PART_POW as f64)) as i128, } } /// Creates a `f64` from a `Decimal` without taking care of precision #[inline] #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation, clippy::cast_precision_loss)] pub fn to_f64(&self) -> f64 { (self.value as f64) / (DECIMAL_PART_POW as f64) } pub(super) const fn as_i128(&self) -> i128 { self.value / DECIMAL_PART_POW } #[cfg(test)] pub(super) const fn min_value() -> Decimal { Self { value: i128::min_value(), } } #[cfg(test)] pub(super) const fn max_value() -> Decimal { Self { value: i128::max_value(), } } #[cfg(test)] pub(super) const fn step() -> Decimal { Self { value: 1 } } } impl From for Decimal { #[inline] fn from(value: i8) -> Self { Self { value: i128::from(value) * DECIMAL_PART_POW, } } } impl From for Decimal { fn from(value: i16) -> Self { Self { value: i128::from(value) * DECIMAL_PART_POW, } } } impl From for Decimal { fn from(value: i32) -> Self { Self { value: i128::from(value) * DECIMAL_PART_POW, } } } impl From for Decimal { fn from(value: i64) -> Self { Self { value: i128::from(value) * DECIMAL_PART_POW, } } } impl From for Decimal { fn from(value: u8) -> Self { Self { value: i128::from(value) * DECIMAL_PART_POW, } } } impl From for Decimal { fn from(value: u16) -> Self { Self { value: i128::from(value) * DECIMAL_PART_POW, } } } impl From for Decimal { fn from(value: u32) -> Self { Self { value: i128::from(value) * DECIMAL_PART_POW, } } } impl From for Decimal { fn from(value: u64) -> Self { Self { value: i128::from(value) * DECIMAL_PART_POW, } } } impl TryFrom for Decimal { type Error = DecimalOverflowError; fn try_from(value: i128) -> Result { Ok(Self { value: value .checked_mul(DECIMAL_PART_POW) .ok_or(DecimalOverflowError)?, }) } } impl TryFrom for Decimal { type Error = DecimalOverflowError; fn try_from(value: u128) -> Result { Ok(Self { value: i128::try_from(value) .map_err(|_| DecimalOverflowError)? .checked_mul(DECIMAL_PART_POW) .ok_or(DecimalOverflowError)?, }) } } impl FromStr for Decimal { type Err = ParseDecimalError; /// Parses decimals lexical mapping fn from_str(input: &str) -> Result { // (\+|-)?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+) let input = input.as_bytes(); if input.is_empty() { return Err(PARSE_UNEXPECTED_END); } let (sign, mut cursor) = match input.get(0) { Some(b'+') => (1, 1), Some(b'-') => (-1, 1), _ => (1, 0), }; let mut value = 0_i128; let mut with_before_dot = false; while cursor < input.len() && b'0' <= input[cursor] && input[cursor] <= b'9' { value = value .checked_mul(10) .ok_or(PARSE_OVERFLOW)? .checked_add((input[cursor] - b'0').into()) .ok_or(PARSE_OVERFLOW)?; cursor += 1; with_before_dot = true; } let mut exp = DECIMAL_PART_POW; if input.len() > cursor { if input[cursor] != b'.' { return Err(PARSE_UNEXPECTED_CHAR); } cursor += 1; let mut with_after_dot = false; while cursor < input.len() && b'0' <= input[cursor] && input[cursor] <= b'9' { exp = exp.checked_div(10).ok_or(PARSE_UNDERFLOW)?; value = value .checked_mul(10) .ok_or(PARSE_OVERFLOW)? .checked_add((input[cursor] - b'0').into()) .ok_or(PARSE_OVERFLOW)?; cursor += 1; with_after_dot = true; } if !with_before_dot && !with_after_dot { //We only have a dot return Err(PARSE_UNEXPECTED_END); } if input.len() > cursor { return Err(PARSE_UNEXPECTED_CHAR); } } else if !with_before_dot { //It's empty return Err(PARSE_UNEXPECTED_END); } Ok(Self { value: value .checked_mul(sign) .ok_or(PARSE_OVERFLOW)? .checked_mul(exp) .ok_or(PARSE_OVERFLOW)?, }) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct ParseDecimalError { kind: ParseDecimalErrorKind, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] enum ParseDecimalErrorKind { Overflow, Underflow, UnexpectedChar, UnexpectedEnd, } const PARSE_OVERFLOW: ParseDecimalError = ParseDecimalError { kind: ParseDecimalErrorKind::Overflow, }; const PARSE_UNDERFLOW: ParseDecimalError = ParseDecimalError { kind: ParseDecimalErrorKind::Underflow, }; const PARSE_UNEXPECTED_CHAR: ParseDecimalError = ParseDecimalError { kind: ParseDecimalErrorKind::UnexpectedChar, }; const PARSE_UNEXPECTED_END: ParseDecimalError = ParseDecimalError { kind: ParseDecimalErrorKind::UnexpectedEnd, }; impl fmt::Display for ParseDecimalError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self.kind { ParseDecimalErrorKind::Overflow => write!(f, "Value overflow"), ParseDecimalErrorKind::Underflow => write!(f, "Value underflow"), ParseDecimalErrorKind::UnexpectedChar => write!(f, "Unexpected character"), ParseDecimalErrorKind::UnexpectedEnd => write!(f, "Unexpected end of string"), } } } impl Error for ParseDecimalError {} impl From for ParseDecimalError { fn from(_: DecimalOverflowError) -> Self { Self { kind: ParseDecimalErrorKind::Overflow, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] pub struct DecimalOverflowError; impl fmt::Display for DecimalOverflowError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "Value overflow") } } impl Error for DecimalOverflowError {} impl fmt::Display for Decimal { /// Formats the decimal following its canonical representation #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { if self.value == 0 { return if let Some(width) = f.width() { for _ in 0..width { f.write_char('0')?; } Ok(()) } else { f.write_char('0') }; } let mut value = self.value; if self.value.is_negative() { f.write_char('-')?; } let mut digits = [b'0'; 40]; let mut i = 0; while value != 0 { digits[i] = b'0' + ((value % 10).abs() as u8); value /= 10; i += 1; } let last_non_zero = i - 1; let first_non_zero = digits .iter() .cloned() .enumerate() .find_map(|(i, v)| if v == b'0' { None } else { Some(i) }) .unwrap_or(40); if last_non_zero >= DECIMAL_PART_DIGITS { let end = if let Some(mut width) = f.width() { if self.value.is_negative() { width -= 1; } if last_non_zero - DECIMAL_PART_DIGITS + 1 < width { DECIMAL_PART_DIGITS + width } else { last_non_zero + 1 } } else { last_non_zero + 1 }; for c in digits[DECIMAL_PART_DIGITS..end].iter().rev() { f.write_char(char::from(*c))?; } } else { f.write_char('0')? } if DECIMAL_PART_DIGITS > first_non_zero { f.write_char('.')?; let start = if let Some(precision) = f.precision() { if DECIMAL_PART_DIGITS - first_non_zero > precision { DECIMAL_PART_DIGITS - precision } else { first_non_zero } } else { first_non_zero }; for c in digits[start..DECIMAL_PART_DIGITS].iter().rev() { f.write_char(char::from(*c))?; } } Ok(()) } } impl Neg for Decimal { type Output = Self; #[inline] fn neg(self) -> Self { Self { value: self.value.neg(), } } } impl TryFrom for i64 { type Error = DecimalOverflowError; fn try_from(value: Decimal) -> Result { value .value .checked_div(DECIMAL_PART_POW) .ok_or(DecimalOverflowError)? .try_into() .map_err(|_| DecimalOverflowError) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn from_str() { assert_eq!(Decimal::from_str("210").unwrap().to_string(), "210"); assert_eq!(Decimal::from_str("1000").unwrap().to_string(), "1000"); assert_eq!(Decimal::from_str("-1.23").unwrap().to_string(), "-1.23"); assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str("12678967.543233").unwrap().to_string(), "12678967.543233" ); assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str("+100000.00").unwrap().to_string(), "100000" ); assert_eq!(Decimal::from_str("0.1220").unwrap().to_string(), "0.122"); assert_eq!(Decimal::from_str(".12200").unwrap().to_string(), "0.122"); assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str(&Decimal::max_value().to_string()).unwrap(), Decimal::max_value() ); assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str( &Decimal::min_value() .checked_add(Decimal::step()) .unwrap() .to_string() ) .unwrap(), Decimal::min_value().checked_add(Decimal::step()).unwrap() ); } #[test] fn format() { assert_eq!(format!("{:02}", Decimal::from(0)), "00"); assert_eq!(format!("{:02}", Decimal::from(1)), "01"); assert_eq!(format!("{:02}", Decimal::from(10)), "10"); assert_eq!(format!("{:02}", Decimal::from(100)), "100"); assert_eq!(format!("{:02}", Decimal::from(-1)), "-1"); assert_eq!(format!("{:02}", Decimal::from(-10)), "-10"); } #[test] fn add() { assert!(Decimal::min_value().checked_add(Decimal::step()).is_some()); assert!(Decimal::max_value().checked_add(Decimal::step()).is_none()); assert_eq!( Decimal::max_value().checked_add(Decimal::min_value()), Some(-Decimal::step()) ); } #[test] fn sub() { assert!(Decimal::min_value().checked_sub(Decimal::step()).is_none()); assert!(Decimal::max_value().checked_sub(Decimal::step()).is_some()); } #[test] fn mul() { assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str("1") .unwrap() .checked_mul(Decimal::from_str("-1").unwrap()), Some(Decimal::from_str("-1").unwrap()) ); assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str("1000") .unwrap() .checked_mul(Decimal::from_str("1000").unwrap()), Some(Decimal::from_str("1000000").unwrap()) ); assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str("0.1") .unwrap() .checked_mul(Decimal::from_str("0.01").unwrap()), Some(Decimal::from_str("0.001").unwrap()) ); } #[test] fn div() { assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str("1") .unwrap() .checked_div(Decimal::from_str("1").unwrap()), Some(Decimal::from_str("1").unwrap()) ); assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str("100") .unwrap() .checked_div(Decimal::from_str("10").unwrap()), Some(Decimal::from_str("10").unwrap()) ); assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str("10") .unwrap() .checked_div(Decimal::from_str("100").unwrap()), Some(Decimal::from_str("0.1").unwrap()) ); } #[test] fn round() { assert_eq!(Decimal::from_str("10").unwrap().round(), Decimal::from(10)); assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str("-10").unwrap().round(), Decimal::from(-10) ); assert_eq!(Decimal::from_str("2.5").unwrap().round(), Decimal::from(3)); assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str("2.4999").unwrap().round(), Decimal::from(2) ); assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str("-2.5").unwrap().round(), Decimal::from(-2) ); assert_eq!( Decimal::from(i64::min_value()).round(), Decimal::from(i64::min_value()) ); assert_eq!( Decimal::from(i64::max_value()).round(), Decimal::from(i64::max_value()) ); } #[test] fn ceil() { assert_eq!(Decimal::from_str("10").unwrap().ceil(), Decimal::from(10)); assert_eq!(Decimal::from_str("-10").unwrap().ceil(), Decimal::from(-10)); assert_eq!(Decimal::from_str("10.5").unwrap().ceil(), Decimal::from(11)); assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str("-10.5").unwrap().ceil(), Decimal::from(-10) ); assert_eq!( Decimal::from(i64::min_value()).ceil(), Decimal::from(i64::min_value()) ); assert_eq!( Decimal::from(i64::max_value()).ceil(), Decimal::from(i64::max_value()) ); } #[test] fn floor() { assert_eq!(Decimal::from_str("10").unwrap().ceil(), Decimal::from(10)); assert_eq!(Decimal::from_str("-10").unwrap().ceil(), Decimal::from(-10)); assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str("10.5").unwrap().floor(), Decimal::from(10) ); assert_eq!( Decimal::from_str("-10.5").unwrap().floor(), Decimal::from(-11) ); assert_eq!( Decimal::from(i64::min_value()).floor(), Decimal::from(i64::min_value()) ); assert_eq!( Decimal::from(i64::max_value()).floor(), Decimal::from(i64::max_value()) ); } }