Oxigraph Python (``pyoxigraph`` |release|)
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Oxigraph is a graph database implementing the `SPARQL `_ standard.
It offers two stores with `SPARQL 1.1 Query `_ capabilities.
One of the store is in-memory, and the other one is disk based.
It also provides a set of utility functions for reading, writing and processing RDF files.
The stores are also able to load and dump RDF data serialized in
`Turtle `_,
`TriG `_,
`N-Triples `_,
`N-Quads `_ and
`RDF/XML `_.
Oxigraph Python is distributed on Pypi using the `pyoxigraph `_ package.
It can be installed using the usual ``pip install pyoxigraph``.
Oxigraph source code is on `GitHub `_.
Just run the usual ``pip install pyoxigraph``.
Insert the triple `` "example"`` and print the name of ```` in SPARQL:
from pyoxigraph import *
store = MemoryStore()
ex = NamedNode('http://example/')
schemaName = NamedNode('http://schema.org/name')
store.add((ex, schemaName, Literal('example')))
for binding in store.query('SELECT ?name WHERE { ?name }'):
Table of contents
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2