use crate::io::{allow_threads_unsafe, map_io_err, map_parse_error}; use crate::map_storage_error; use crate::model::*; use oxigraph::model::Term; use oxigraph::sparql::*; use pyo3::basic::CompareOp; use pyo3::exceptions::{ PyNotImplementedError, PyRuntimeError, PySyntaxError, PyTypeError, PyValueError, }; use pyo3::prelude::*; use std::vec::IntoIter; pub fn parse_query( query: &str, base_iri: Option<&str>, use_default_graph_as_union: bool, default_graph: Option<&PyAny>, named_graphs: Option<&PyAny>, ) -> PyResult { let mut query = allow_threads_unsafe(|| Query::parse(query, base_iri)) .map_err(|e| map_evaluation_error(e.into()))?; if use_default_graph_as_union && default_graph.is_some() { return Err(PyValueError::new_err( "The query() method use_default_graph_as_union and default_graph arguments should not be set at the same time", )); } if use_default_graph_as_union { query.dataset_mut().set_default_graph_as_union(); } if let Some(default_graph) = default_graph { if let Ok(default_graphs) = default_graph.iter() { query.dataset_mut().set_default_graph( default_graphs .map(|graph| Ok(graph?.extract::()?.into())) .collect::>()?, ) } else if let Ok(default_graph) = default_graph.extract::() { query .dataset_mut() .set_default_graph(vec![default_graph.into()]); } else { return Err(PyValueError::new_err( format!("The query() method default_graph argument should be a NamedNode, a BlankNode, the DefaultGraph or a not empty list of them. {} found", default_graph.get_type() ))); } } if let Some(named_graphs) = named_graphs { query.dataset_mut().set_available_named_graphs( named_graphs .iter()? .map(|graph| Ok(graph?.extract::()?.into())) .collect::>()?, ) } Ok(query) } pub fn query_results_to_python(py: Python<'_>, results: QueryResults) -> PyObject { match results { QueryResults::Solutions(inner) => PyQuerySolutions { inner }.into_py(py), QueryResults::Graph(inner) => PyQueryTriples { inner }.into_py(py), QueryResults::Boolean(b) => b.into_py(py), } } /// Tuple associating variables and terms that are the result of a SPARQL ``SELECT`` query. /// /// It is the equivalent of a row in SQL. /// /// It could be indexes by variable name (:py:class:`Variable` or :py:class:`str`) or position in the tuple (:py:class:`int`). /// Unpacking also works. /// /// >>> store = Store() /// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'))) /// >>> solution = next(store.query('SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }')) /// >>> solution[Variable('s')] /// /// >>> solution['s'] /// /// >>> solution[0] /// /// >>> s, p, o = solution /// >>> s /// #[pyclass(frozen, unsendable, name = "QuerySolution", module = "pyoxigraph")] pub struct PyQuerySolution { inner: QuerySolution, } #[pymethods] impl PyQuerySolution { fn __repr__(&self) -> String { let mut buffer = String::new(); buffer.push_str("'); buffer } fn __richcmp__(&self, other: &Self, op: CompareOp) -> PyResult { match op { CompareOp::Eq => Ok(self.inner == other.inner), CompareOp::Ne => Ok(self.inner != other.inner), _ => Err(PyNotImplementedError::new_err( "Ordering is not implemented", )), } } fn __len__(&self) -> usize { self.inner.len() } fn __getitem__(&self, input: &PyAny) -> PyResult> { if let Ok(key) = usize::extract(input) { Ok(self.inner.get(key).map(|term| PyTerm::from(term.clone()))) } else if let Ok(key) = <&str>::extract(input) { Ok(self.inner.get(key).map(|term| PyTerm::from(term.clone()))) } else if let Ok(key) = input.extract::>() { Ok(self .inner .get(<&Variable>::from(&*key)) .map(|term| PyTerm::from(term.clone()))) } else { Err(PyTypeError::new_err(format!( "{} is not an integer of a string", input.get_type().name()?, ))) } } #[allow(clippy::unnecessary_to_owned)] fn __iter__(&self) -> SolutionValueIter { SolutionValueIter { inner: self.inner.values().to_vec().into_iter(), } } } #[pyclass(module = "pyoxigraph")] pub struct SolutionValueIter { inner: IntoIter>, } #[pymethods] impl SolutionValueIter { fn __iter__(slf: PyRef<'_, Self>) -> PyRef { slf } fn __next__(&mut self) -> Option> {|v| } } /// An iterator of :py:class:`QuerySolution` returned by a SPARQL ``SELECT`` query /// /// >>> store = Store() /// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'))) /// >>> list(store.query('SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }')) /// [>] #[pyclass(unsendable, name = "QuerySolutions", module = "pyoxigraph")] pub struct PyQuerySolutions { inner: QuerySolutionIter, } #[pymethods] impl PyQuerySolutions { /// :return: the ordered list of all variables that could appear in the query results /// :rtype: list(Variable) /// /// >>> store = Store() /// >>> store.query('SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }').variables /// [] #[getter] fn variables(&self) -> Vec { self.inner .variables() .iter() .map(|v| v.clone().into()) .collect() } fn __iter__(slf: PyRef<'_, Self>) -> PyRef { slf } fn __next__(&mut self) -> PyResult> { Ok(allow_threads_unsafe(|| .transpose() .map_err(map_evaluation_error)? .map(move |inner| PyQuerySolution { inner })) } } /// An iterator of :py:class:`Triple` returned by a SPARQL ``CONSTRUCT`` or ``DESCRIBE`` query /// /// >>> store = Store() /// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'))) /// >>> list(store.query('CONSTRUCT WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }')) /// [ predicate= object=>>] #[pyclass(unsendable, name = "QueryTriples", module = "pyoxigraph")] pub struct PyQueryTriples { inner: QueryTripleIter, } #[pymethods] impl PyQueryTriples { fn __iter__(slf: PyRef<'_, Self>) -> PyRef { slf } fn __next__(&mut self) -> PyResult> { Ok(allow_threads_unsafe(|| .transpose() .map_err(map_evaluation_error)? .map(Into::into)) } } pub fn map_evaluation_error(error: EvaluationError) -> PyErr { match error { EvaluationError::Parsing(error) => PySyntaxError::new_err(error.to_string()), EvaluationError::Storage(error) => map_storage_error(error), EvaluationError::Io(error) => map_io_err(error), EvaluationError::GraphParsing(error) => map_parse_error(error), EvaluationError::Query(error) => PyValueError::new_err(error.to_string()), _ => PyRuntimeError::new_err(error.to_string()), } }