pyoxigraph |release| ==================== .. image:: :alt: PyPI :target: .. image:: :alt: conda-forge :target: .. image:: :alt: PyPI - Implementation .. image:: :alt: PyPI - Python Version .. image:: :alt: PyPI - License Pyoxigraph is a Python graph database library implementing the `SPARQL `_ standard. It is built on top of `Oxigraph `_ using `PyO3 `_. It also provides a set of utility functions for reading, writing, and processing RDF files in `Turtle `_, `TriG `_, `N-Triples `_, `N-Quads `_ and `RDF/XML `_. Pyoxigraph is distributed `on Pypi `_ and `on conda-forge `_. There is also a small library providing a `rdflib `_ store using pyoxigraph: `oxrdflib `_. Oxigraph and pyoxigraph source code are on `GitHub `_. Installation """""""""""" Pyoxigraph is distributed on `Pypi `_. To install it, run the usual ``pip install pyoxigraph`` Example """"""" Insert the triple `` "example"`` and print the name of ```` in SPARQL: :: from pyoxigraph import * store = Store() ex = NamedNode('http://example/') schema_name = NamedNode('') store.add(Quad(ex, schema_name, Literal('example'))) for binding in store.query('SELECT ?name WHERE { ?name }'): print(binding['name'].value) Table of contents """"""""""""""""" .. toctree:: model io store sparql migration Help """" Feel free to use `GitHub discussions `_ or `the Gitter chat `_ to ask questions or talk about Oxigraph. `Bug reports `_ are also very welcome. If you need advanced support or are willing to pay to get some extra features, feel free to reach out to `Tpt `_.