//See https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/#sec-grammar use std::char; use model::vocab::rdf; use model::vocab::xsd; use std::iter; use std::str::FromStr; #![arguments(state: &mut ParserState)] //[1] pub QueryUnit -> Query = Query //[2] Query -> Query = _ Prologue _ q:(SelectQuery / ConstructQuery / DescribeQuery / AskQuery) _ { //TODO: ValuesClause q } //[4] Prologue -> () = (BaseDecl _ / PrefixDecl _)* //[5] BaseDecl -> () = "BASE"i _ i:IRIREF {? match state.url_parser().parse(&i) { Ok(url) => { state.base_uri = Some(url); Ok(()) }, Err(error) => Err("IRI parsing failed") } } //[6] PrefixDecl -> () = "PREFIX"i _ ns:PNAME_NS _ i:IRIREF { state.namespaces.insert(ns.into(), i); } //[7] SelectQuery -> Query = s:SelectClause _ d:DatasetClauses _ w:WhereClause _ g:GroupClause? _ h:HavingClause? _ o:OrderClause? _ l:LimitOffsetClauses? _ v:ValuesClause { //TODO: Modifier Query::SelectQuery { dataset: d, algebra: build_select(s, w, g, h, o, l, v, state) } } //[8] SubSelect -> GraphPattern = s:SelectClause _ w:WhereClause _ g:GroupClause? _ h:HavingClause? _ o:OrderClause? _ l:LimitOffsetClauses? _ v:ValuesClause { //TODO: Modifiers build_select(s, w, g, h, o, l, v, state).into() } //[9] SelectClause -> Selection = "SELECT"i _ o:SelectClause_option _ v:SelectClause_variables { Selection { option: o, variables: v } } SelectClause_option -> SelectionOption = "DISTINCT"i { SelectionOption::Distinct } / "REDUCED"i { SelectionOption::Reduced } / { SelectionOption::Default } SelectClause_variables -> Option> = '*' { None } / p:SelectClause_member+ { Some(p) } SelectClause_member -> SelectionMember = v:Var _ { SelectionMember::Variable(v) } / '(' _ e:Expression _ "AS"i _ v:Var _ ')' _ { SelectionMember::Expression(e, v) } //[10] ConstructQuery -> Query = "CONSTRUCT"i _ c:ConstructTemplate _ d:DatasetClauses _ w:WhereClause _ g:GroupClause? _ h:HavingClause? _ o:OrderClause? _ l:LimitOffsetClauses? _ v:ValuesClause { Query::ConstructQuery { construct: c, dataset: d, algebra: build_select(Selection::default(), w, g, h, o, l, v, state) } } / "CONSTRUCT"i _ d:DatasetClauses _ "WHERE"i _ '{' _ c:ConstructQuery_optional_triple_template _ '}' _ g:GroupClause? _ h:HavingClause? _ o:OrderClause? _ l:LimitOffsetClauses? _ v:ValuesClause { Query::ConstructQuery { construct: c.clone(), dataset: d, algebra: build_select( Selection::default(), GraphPattern::BGP(c.into_iter().map(TripleOrPathPattern::from).collect()), g, h, o, l, v, state ) } } ConstructQuery_optional_triple_template -> Vec = TriplesTemplate / { Vec::default() } //[11] DescribeQuery -> Query = "DESCRIBE"i _ '*' _ d:DatasetClauses w:WhereClause? _ g:GroupClause? _ h:HavingClause? _ o:OrderClause? _ l:LimitOffsetClauses? _ v:ValuesClause { Query::DescribeQuery { dataset: d, algebra: build_select(Selection::default(), w.unwrap_or_else(GraphPattern::default), g, h, o, l, v, state) } } / "DESCRIBE"i _ p:DescribeQuery_item+ _ d:DatasetClauses w:WhereClause? _ g:GroupClause? _ h:HavingClause? _ o:OrderClause? _ l:LimitOffsetClauses? _ v:ValuesClause { Query::DescribeQuery { dataset: d, algebra: build_select(Selection { option: SelectionOption::Default, variables: Some(p.into_iter().map(|var_or_iri| match var_or_iri { NamedNodeOrVariable::NamedNode(n) => SelectionMember::Expression(n.into(), Variable::default()), NamedNodeOrVariable::Variable(v) => SelectionMember::Variable(v) }).collect()) }, w.unwrap_or_else(GraphPattern::default), g, h, o, l, v, state) } } DescribeQuery_item -> NamedNodeOrVariable = i:VarOrIri _ { i } //[12] AskQuery -> Query = "ASK"i _ d:DatasetClauses w:WhereClause _ g:GroupClause? _ h:HavingClause? _ o:OrderClause? _ l:LimitOffsetClauses? _ v:ValuesClause { Query::AskQuery { dataset: d, algebra: build_select(Selection::default(), w, g, h, o, l, v, state) } } //[13] DatasetClause -> DatasetSpec = "FROM"i _ d:(DefaultGraphClause / NamedGraphClause) { d } DatasetClauses -> DatasetSpec = d:DatasetClauses_item* { d.into_iter().fold(DatasetSpec::default(), |mut a, b| a + b) } DatasetClauses_item -> DatasetSpec = d:DatasetClause _ { d } //[14] DefaultGraphClause -> DatasetSpec = s:SourceSelector { DatasetSpec::new_with_default(s) } //[15] NamedGraphClause -> DatasetSpec = "NAMED"i _ s:SourceSelector { DatasetSpec::new_with_named(s) } //[16] SourceSelector -> NamedNode = iri //[17] WhereClause -> GraphPattern = "WHERE"i? _ p:GroupGraphPattern { p } //[19] GroupClause -> (Vec, Vec<(Expression,Variable)>) = "GROUP"i _ "BY"i _ c:GroupCondition_item+ { let mut projections: Vec<(Expression,Variable)> = Vec::default(); let clauses = c.into_iter().map(|(e, vo)| { match vo { Some(v) => { projections.push((e, v.clone())); v.into() }, None => e } }).collect(); (clauses, projections) } GroupCondition_item -> (Expression, Option) = c:GroupCondition _ { c } //[20] GroupCondition -> (Expression, Option) = e:BuiltInCall { (e, None) } / e:FunctionCall { (e, None) } / '(' _ e:Expression _ v:GroupCondition_as? ')' { (e, v) } / e:Var { (e.into(), None) } GroupCondition_as -> Variable = "AS"i _ v:Var _ { v } //[21] HavingClause -> Expression = "HAVING"i _ e:HavingCondition+ {? not_empty_fold(e.into_iter(), |a, b| Expression::AndExpression(Box::new(a), Box::new(b))) } //[22] HavingCondition -> Expression = Constraint //[23] OrderClause -> Vec = "ORDER"i _ "BY"i _ c:OrderClause_item+ { c } OrderClause_item -> OrderComparator = c:OrderCondition _ { c } //[24] OrderCondition -> OrderComparator = "ASC"i _ e: BrackettedExpression { OrderComparator::Asc(e) } / "DESC"i _ e: BrackettedExpression { OrderComparator::Desc(e) } / e: Constraint { e.into() } / v: Var { Expression::from(v).into() } //[25] LimitOffsetClauses -> (usize, Option) = l:LimitClause _ o:OffsetClause? { (o.unwrap_or(0), Some(l)) } / o:OffsetClause _ l:LimitClause? { (o, l) } //[26] LimitClause -> usize = "LIMIT"i _ l:$(INTEGER) {? usize::from_str(l).map_err(|_| "The query limit should be a non negative integer") } //[27] OffsetClause -> usize = "OFFSET"i _ o:$(INTEGER) {? usize::from_str(o).map_err(|_| "The query offset should be a non negative integer") } //[28] ValuesClause -> Option = "VALUES"i _ p:DataBlock { Some(p) } / { None } //[52] TriplesTemplate -> Vec = h:TriplesSameSubject _ t:TriplesTemplate_tail? { let mut triples = h; if let Some(l) = t { triples.extend_from_slice(&l) } triples } TriplesTemplate_tail -> Vec = '.' _ t:TriplesTemplate? _ { t.unwrap_or_else(Vec::default) } //[53] GroupGraphPattern -> GraphPattern = '{' _ p:GroupGraphPatternSub _ '}' { p } / '{' _ p:SubSelect _ '}' { p } //[54] GroupGraphPatternSub -> GraphPattern = a:TriplesBlock? _ b:GroupGraphPatternSub_item* { let mut p = a.map(|v| vec![PartialGraphPattern::Other(GraphPattern::BGP(v))]).unwrap_or_else(|| vec![]); for v in b { p.extend_from_slice(&v) } let mut filter: Option = None; let mut g = GraphPattern::default(); for e in p { match e { PartialGraphPattern::Optional(p) => match p { GraphPattern::Filter(f, a2) => { g = GraphPattern::LeftJoin(Box::new(g), a2, f) } a => { g = GraphPattern::LeftJoin(Box::new(g), Box::new(a), Literal::from(true).into()) } } PartialGraphPattern::Minus(p) => { g = GraphPattern::Minus(Box::new(g), Box::new(p)) } PartialGraphPattern::Bind(expr, var) => { g = GraphPattern::Extend(Box::new(g), var, expr) } PartialGraphPattern::Filter(expr) => match filter { Some(f) => { filter = Some(Expression::AndExpression(Box::new(f), Box::new(expr))) }, None => { filter = Some(expr) } }, PartialGraphPattern::Other(e) => g = new_join(g, e), } } match filter { Some(filter) => GraphPattern::Filter(filter, Box::new(g)), None => g } } GroupGraphPatternSub_item -> Vec = a:GraphPatternNotTriples _ ('.' _)? b:TriplesBlock? _ { let mut result = vec![a]; if let Some(v) = b { result.push(PartialGraphPattern::Other(GraphPattern::BGP(v))); } result } //[55] TriplesBlock -> Vec = h:TriplesSameSubjectPath _ t:TriplesBlock_tail? { let mut triples = h; if let Some(l) = t { triples.extend_from_slice(&l) } triples } TriplesBlock_tail -> Vec = '.' _ t:TriplesBlock? _ { t.unwrap_or_else(Vec::default) } //[56] GraphPatternNotTriples -> PartialGraphPattern = GroupOrUnionGraphPattern / OptionalGraphPattern / MinusGraphPattern / GraphGraphPattern / ServiceGraphPattern / Filter / Bind / InlineData //[57] OptionalGraphPattern -> PartialGraphPattern = "OPTIONAL"i _ p:GroupGraphPattern { PartialGraphPattern::Optional(p) } //[58] GraphGraphPattern -> PartialGraphPattern = "GRAPH"i _ g:VarOrIri _ p:GroupGraphPattern { PartialGraphPattern::Other(GraphPattern::Graph(g, Box::new(p))) } //[59] ServiceGraphPattern -> PartialGraphPattern = "SERVICE"i _ "SILENT"i _ s:VarOrIri _ p:GroupGraphPattern { PartialGraphPattern::Other(GraphPattern::Service(s, Box::new(p), true)) } / "SERVICE"i _ s:VarOrIri _ p:GroupGraphPattern { PartialGraphPattern::Other(GraphPattern::Service(s, Box::new(p), false)) } //[60] Bind -> PartialGraphPattern = "BIND"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ "AS"i _ v:Var _ ')' { PartialGraphPattern::Bind(e, v) } //[61] InlineData -> PartialGraphPattern = "VALUES"i _ p:DataBlock { PartialGraphPattern::Other(p) } //[62] DataBlock -> GraphPattern = l:(InlineDataOneVar / InlineDataFull) { GraphPattern::Data(l).into() } //[63] InlineDataOneVar -> StaticBindings = var:Var _ '{' _ d:InlineDataOneVar_value* '}' { StaticBindings::new(vec![var], d) } InlineDataOneVar_value -> Vec> = t:DataBlockValue { vec![t] } //[64] InlineDataFull -> StaticBindings = '(' _ vars:InlineDataFull_var* _ ')' _ '{' _ val:InlineDataFull_values* '}' { StaticBindings::new(vars, val) } InlineDataFull_var -> Variable = v:Var _ { v } InlineDataFull_values -> Vec> = '(' _ v:InlineDataFull_value* _ ')' _ { v } InlineDataFull_value -> Option = v:DataBlockValue _ { v } //[65] DataBlockValue -> Option = i:iri { Some(i.into()) } / l:RDFLiteral { Some(l.into()) } / l:NumericLiteral { Some(l.into()) } / l:BooleanLiteral { Some(l.into()) } / "UNDEF"i { None } //[66] MinusGraphPattern -> PartialGraphPattern = "MINUS"i _ p: GroupGraphPattern { PartialGraphPattern::Minus(p) } //[67] GroupOrUnionGraphPattern -> PartialGraphPattern = p:GroupOrUnionGraphPattern_item **<1,> ("UNION"i _) {? not_empty_fold(p.into_iter(), |a, b| { GraphPattern::Union(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) }).map(PartialGraphPattern::Other) } GroupOrUnionGraphPattern_item -> GraphPattern = p:GroupGraphPattern _ { p } //[68] Filter -> PartialGraphPattern = "FILTER"i _ c:Constraint { PartialGraphPattern::Filter(c) } //[69] Constraint -> Expression = BrackettedExpression / BuiltInCall / FunctionCall //[70] FunctionCall -> Expression = f: iri _ a: ArgList { Expression::CustomFunctionCall(f, a) } //[71] ArgList -> Vec = //TODO: support DISTINCT '(' _ 'DISTINCT'? _ e:ArgList_item **<1,> (',' _) _ ')' { e } / NIL { Vec::new() } ArgList_item -> Expression = e:Expression _ { e } //[72] ExpressionList -> Vec = '(' _ e:ExpressionList_item **<1,> (',' _) ')' { e } / NIL { Vec::default() } ExpressionList_item -> Expression = e:Expression _ { e } //[73] ConstructTemplate -> Vec = '{' _ t:ConstructTriples _ '}' { t } //[74] ConstructTriples -> Vec = p:ConstructTriples_item ** ('.' _) { p.into_iter().flat_map(|c| c.into_iter()).collect() } ConstructTriples_item -> Vec = t:TriplesSameSubject _ { t } //[75] TriplesSameSubject -> Vec = s:VarOrTerm _ po:PropertyListNotEmpty { let mut patterns = po.patterns; for (p, os) in po.focus { for o in os { patterns.push(TriplePattern::new(s.clone(), p.clone(), o)) } } patterns } / s:TriplesNode _ po:PropertyList { let mut patterns = s.patterns; patterns.extend_from_slice(&po.patterns); for (p, os) in po.focus { for o in os { patterns.push(TriplePattern::new(s.focus.clone(), p.clone(), o)) } } patterns } //[76] PropertyList -> FocusedTriplePattern)>> = PropertyListNotEmpty / { FocusedTriplePattern::default() } //[77] PropertyListNotEmpty -> FocusedTriplePattern)>> = l:PropertyListNotEmpty_item **<1,> (';' _) { l.into_iter().fold(FocusedTriplePattern::)>>::default(), |mut a, b| { a.focus.push(b.focus); a.patterns.extend_from_slice(&b.patterns); a }) } PropertyListNotEmpty_item -> FocusedTriplePattern<(NamedNodeOrVariable,Vec)> = p:Verb _ o:ObjectList _ { FocusedTriplePattern { focus: (p, o.focus), patterns: o.patterns } } //[78] Verb -> NamedNodeOrVariable = 'a' { rdf::TYPE.clone().into() } / VarOrIri //[79] ObjectList -> FocusedTriplePattern> = o:ObjectList_item **<1,> (',' _) { o.into_iter().fold(FocusedTriplePattern::>::default(), |mut a, b| { a.focus.push(b.focus); a.patterns.extend_from_slice(&b.patterns); a }) } ObjectList_item -> FocusedTriplePattern = o:Object _ { o } //[80] Object -> FocusedTriplePattern = GraphNode //[81] TriplesSameSubjectPath -> Vec = s:VarOrTerm _ po:PropertyListPathNotEmpty { let mut patterns = po.patterns; for (p, os) in po.focus { for o in os { add_to_triple_or_path_patterns(s.clone(), p.clone(), o, &mut patterns); } } patterns } / s:TriplesNodePath _ po:PropertyListPath { let mut patterns = s.patterns; patterns.extend_from_slice(&po.patterns); for (p, os) in po.focus { for o in os { add_to_triple_or_path_patterns(s.focus.clone(), p.clone(), o, &mut patterns); } } patterns } //[82] PropertyListPath -> FocusedTripleOrPathPattern)>> = PropertyListPathNotEmpty / { FocusedTripleOrPathPattern::default() } //[83] PropertyListPathNotEmpty -> FocusedTripleOrPathPattern)>> = hp:(VerbPath / VerbSimple) _ ho:ObjectListPath _ t:PropertyListPathNotEmpty_item* { t.into_iter().flat_map(|e| e.into_iter()).fold(FocusedTripleOrPathPattern { focus: vec![(hp, ho.focus)], patterns: ho.patterns }, |mut a, b| { a.focus.push(b.focus); a.patterns.extend(b.patterns.into_iter().map(|v| v.into())); a }) } PropertyListPathNotEmpty_item -> Option)>> = ';' _ c:PropertyListPathNotEmpty_item_content? { c } PropertyListPathNotEmpty_item_content -> FocusedTriplePattern<(VariableOrPropertyPath,Vec)> = p:(VerbPath / VerbSimple) _ o:ObjectList _ { FocusedTriplePattern { focus: (p, o.focus), patterns: o.patterns } } //[84] VerbPath -> VariableOrPropertyPath = p:Path { p.into() } //[85] VerbSimple -> VariableOrPropertyPath = v:Var { v.into() } //[86] ObjectListPath -> FocusedTripleOrPathPattern> = o:ObjectPath_item **<1,> (',' _) { o.into_iter().fold(FocusedTripleOrPathPattern::>::default(), |mut a, b| { a.focus.push(b.focus); a.patterns.extend_from_slice(&b.patterns); a }) } ObjectPath_item -> FocusedTripleOrPathPattern = o:ObjectPath _ { o } //[87] ObjectPath -> FocusedTripleOrPathPattern = GraphNodePath //[88] Path -> PropertyPath = PathAlternative //[89] PathAlternative -> PropertyPath = p:PathAlternative_item **<1,> ('|' _) {? not_empty_fold(p.into_iter(), |a, b| { PropertyPath::AlternativePath(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) }) } PathAlternative_item -> PropertyPath = p:PathSequence _ { p } //[90] PathSequence -> PropertyPath = p:PathSequence_item **<1,> ('/' _) {? not_empty_fold(p.into_iter(), |a, b| { PropertyPath::SequencePath(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) }) } PathSequence_item -> PropertyPath = p:PathEltOrInverse _ { p } //[91] PathElt -> PropertyPath = p:PathPrimary '?' { PropertyPath::ZeroOrOnePath(Box::new(p)) } / //TODO: allow space before "?" p:PathPrimary _ '*' { PropertyPath::ZeroOrMorePath(Box::new(p)) } / p:PathPrimary _ '+' { PropertyPath::OneOrMorePath(Box::new(p)) } / PathPrimary //[92] PathEltOrInverse -> PropertyPath = '^' _ p:PathElt { PropertyPath::InversePath(Box::new(p)) } / PathElt //[94] PathPrimary -> PropertyPath = 'a' { rdf::TYPE.clone().into() } / v:iri { v.into() } / '!' _ p:PathNegatedPropertySet { p } / '(' _ p:Path _ ')' { p } //[95] PathNegatedPropertySet -> PropertyPath = '(' _ p:PathNegatedPropertySet_item **<1,> ('|' _) ')' { let mut direct = Vec::default(); let mut inverse = Vec::default(); for e in p { match e { Either::Left(a) => direct.push(a), Either::Right(b) => inverse.push(b) } } if inverse.is_empty() { PropertyPath::NegatedPropertySet(direct) } else if direct.is_empty() { PropertyPath::InversePath(Box::new(PropertyPath::NegatedPropertySet(inverse))) } else { PropertyPath::AlternativePath( Box::new(PropertyPath::NegatedPropertySet(direct)), Box::new(PropertyPath::InversePath(Box::new(PropertyPath::NegatedPropertySet(inverse)))) ) } } / p:PathOneInPropertySet { match p { Either::Left(a) => PropertyPath::NegatedPropertySet(vec![a]), Either::Right(b) => PropertyPath::InversePath(Box::new(PropertyPath::NegatedPropertySet(vec![b]))), } } PathNegatedPropertySet_item -> Either = p:PathOneInPropertySet _ { p } //[96] PathOneInPropertySet -> Either = '^' _ 'a' { Either::Right(rdf::TYPE.clone()) } / '^' _ v:iri { Either::Right(v) } / 'a' { Either::Left(rdf::TYPE.clone()) } / v:iri { Either::Left(v) } //[98] TriplesNode -> FocusedTriplePattern = Collection / BlankNodePropertyList //[99] BlankNodePropertyList -> FocusedTriplePattern = '[' _ po:PropertyListNotEmpty _ ']' { let mut patterns: Vec = Vec::default(); let mut bnode = TermOrVariable::from(BlankNode::default()); for (p, os) in po.focus { for o in os { patterns.push(TriplePattern::new(bnode.clone(), p.clone(), o)); } } FocusedTriplePattern { focus: bnode, patterns } } //[100] TriplesNodePath -> FocusedTripleOrPathPattern = CollectionPath / BlankNodePropertyListPath //[101] BlankNodePropertyListPath -> FocusedTripleOrPathPattern = '[' _ po:PropertyListPathNotEmpty _ ']' { let mut patterns: Vec = Vec::default(); let mut bnode = TermOrVariable::from(BlankNode::default()); for (p, os) in po.focus { for o in os { add_to_triple_or_path_patterns(bnode.clone(), p.clone(), o, &mut patterns); } } FocusedTripleOrPathPattern { focus: bnode, patterns } } //[102] Collection -> FocusedTriplePattern = '(' _ o:Collection_item+ ')' { let mut patterns: Vec = Vec::default(); let mut current_list_node = TermOrVariable::from(rdf::NIL.clone()); for objWithPatterns in o.into_iter().rev() { let new_blank_node = TermOrVariable::from(BlankNode::default()); patterns.push(TriplePattern::new(new_blank_node.clone(), rdf::FIRST.clone(), objWithPatterns.focus.clone())); patterns.push(TriplePattern::new(new_blank_node.clone(), rdf::REST.clone(), current_list_node)); current_list_node = new_blank_node; patterns.extend_from_slice(&objWithPatterns.patterns); } FocusedTriplePattern { focus: current_list_node, patterns } } Collection_item -> FocusedTriplePattern = o:GraphNode _ { o } //[103] CollectionPath -> FocusedTripleOrPathPattern = '(' _ o:CollectionPath_item+ _ ')' { let mut patterns: Vec = Vec::default(); let mut current_list_node = TermOrVariable::from(rdf::NIL.clone()); for objWithPatterns in o.into_iter().rev() { let new_blank_node = TermOrVariable::from(BlankNode::default()); patterns.push(TriplePattern::new(new_blank_node.clone(), rdf::FIRST.clone(), objWithPatterns.focus.clone()).into()); patterns.push(TriplePattern::new(new_blank_node.clone(), rdf::REST.clone(), current_list_node).into()); current_list_node = new_blank_node; patterns.extend_from_slice(&objWithPatterns.patterns); } FocusedTripleOrPathPattern { focus: current_list_node, patterns } } CollectionPath_item -> FocusedTripleOrPathPattern = p:GraphNodePath _ { p } //[104] GraphNode -> FocusedTriplePattern = t:VarOrTerm { FocusedTriplePattern::new(t) } / TriplesNode //[105] GraphNodePath -> FocusedTripleOrPathPattern = t:VarOrTerm { FocusedTripleOrPathPattern::new(t) } / TriplesNodePath //[106] VarOrTerm -> TermOrVariable = v:Var { v.into() } / t:GraphTerm { t.into() } //[107] VarOrIri -> NamedNodeOrVariable = v:Var { v.into() } / i:iri { i.into() } //[108] Var -> Variable = v:(VAR1 / VAR2) { Variable::new(v) } //[109] GraphTerm -> Term = i:iri { i.into() } / l:RDFLiteral { l.into() } / l:NumericLiteral { l.into() } / l:BooleanLiteral { l.into() } / b:BlankNode { b.into() } / NIL { rdf::NIL.clone().into() } //[110] Expression -> Expression = e:ConditionalOrExpression {e} //[111] ConditionalOrExpression -> Expression = e:ConditionalOrExpression_item **<1,> ("||" _) {? not_empty_fold(e.into_iter(), |a, b| Expression::OrExpression(Box::new(a), Box::new(b))) } ConditionalOrExpression_item -> Expression = e:ConditionalAndExpression _ { e } //[112] ConditionalAndExpression -> Expression = e:ConditionalAndExpression_item **<1,> ("&&" _) {? not_empty_fold(e.into_iter(), |a, b| Expression::AndExpression(Box::new(a), Box::new(b))) } ConditionalAndExpression_item -> Expression = e:ValueLogical _ { e } //[113] ValueLogical -> Expression = RelationalExpression //[114] RelationalExpression -> Expression = a:NumericExpression _ "=" _ b:NumericExpression { Expression::EqualExpression(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / a:NumericExpression _ "!=" _ b:NumericExpression { Expression::NotEqualExpression(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / a:NumericExpression _ ">" _ b:NumericExpression { Expression::GreaterExpression(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / a:NumericExpression _ ">=" _ b:NumericExpression { Expression::GreaterOrEqExpression(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / a:NumericExpression _ "<" _ b:NumericExpression { Expression::LowerExpression(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / a:NumericExpression _ "<=" _ b:NumericExpression { Expression::LowerOrEqExpression(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / a:NumericExpression _ "IN"i _ b:ExpressionList { Expression::InExpression(Box::new(a), b) } / a:NumericExpression _ "NOT"i _ "IN"i _ b:ExpressionList { Expression::NotInExpression(Box::new(a), b) } / NumericExpression //[115] NumericExpression -> Expression = AdditiveExpression //[116] AdditiveExpression -> Expression = a:MultiplicativeExpression _ '+' _ b:AdditiveExpression { Expression::AddExpression(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / a:MultiplicativeExpression _ '-' _ b:AdditiveExpression { Expression::SubExpression(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / MultiplicativeExpression //[117] MultiplicativeExpression -> Expression = a:UnaryExpression _ '*' _ b:MultiplicativeExpression { Expression::MulExpression(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / a:UnaryExpression _ '/' _ b:MultiplicativeExpression { Expression::DivExpression(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / UnaryExpression //[118] UnaryExpression -> Expression = '!' _ e:PrimaryExpression { Expression::UnaryNotExpression(Box::new(e)) } / '+' _ e:PrimaryExpression { Expression::UnaryPlusExpression(Box::new(e)) } / '-' _ e:PrimaryExpression { Expression::UnaryMinusExpression(Box::new(e)) } / PrimaryExpression //[119] PrimaryExpression -> Expression = BrackettedExpression / BuiltInCall / iriOrFunction / l:RDFLiteral { Expression::ConstantExpression(l.into()) } / l:NumericLiteral { Expression::ConstantExpression(l.into()) } / l:BooleanLiteral { Expression::ConstantExpression(l.into()) } / v:Var { Expression::ConstantExpression(v.into()) } //[120] BrackettedExpression -> Expression = '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { e } //[121] BuiltInCall -> Expression = a:Aggregate { state.new_aggregation(a).into() } / "STR"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::StrFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "LANG"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::LangFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "LANGMATCHES"i _ '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ')' { Expression::LangMatchesFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / "DATATYPE"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::DatatypeFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "BOUND"i _ '(' _ v:Var _ ')' { Expression::BoundFunctionCall(v) } / ("IRI"i / "URI"i) _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::IRIFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "BNODE"i '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::BNodeFunctionCall(Some(Box::new(e))) } / "BNODE"i NIL { Expression::BNodeFunctionCall(None) } / "RAND"i _ NIL { Expression::RandFunctionCall() } / "ABS"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::AbsFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "CEIL"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::CeilFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "FLOOR"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::FloorFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "ROUND"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::RoundFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "CONCAT"i e:ExpressionList { Expression::ConcatFunctionCall(e) } / SubstringExpression / "STRLEN"i _ '(' _ e: Expression _ ')' { Expression::StrLenFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / StrReplaceExpression / "UCASE"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::UCaseFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "LCASE"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::LCaseFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / 'ENCODE_FOR_URI' '(' _ e: Expression _ ')' { Expression::EncodeForURIFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "CONTAINS"i _ '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ')' { Expression::ContainsFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / "STRSTARTS"i _ '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ')' { Expression::StrStartsFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / "STRENDS"i _ '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ')' { Expression::StrEndsFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / "STRBEFORE"i _ '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ')' { Expression::StrBeforeFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / "STRAFTER"i _ '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ')' { Expression::StrAfterFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / "YEAR"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::YearFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "MONTH"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::MonthFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "DAY"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::DayFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "HOURS"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::HoursFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "MINUTES"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::MinutesFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "SECONDS"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::SecondsFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / ("TIMEZONE"i / "TZ"i) _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::TimezoneFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "NOW"i _ NIL { Expression::NowFunctionCall() } / "UUID"i _ NIL { Expression::UUIDFunctionCall() }/ "STRUUID"i _ NIL { Expression::StrUUIDFunctionCall() } / "MD5"i '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::MD5FunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "SHA1"i '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::SHA1FunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "SHA256"i '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::SHA256FunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "SHA384"i '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::SHA384FunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "SHA512"i '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::SHA512FunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "COALESCE"i e:ExpressionList { Expression::CoalesceFunctionCall(e) } / "IF"i _ '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ',' _ c:Expression _ ')' { Expression::IfFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b), Box::new(c)) } / "STRLANG"i _ '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ')' { Expression::StrLangFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / "STRDT"i _ '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ')' { Expression::StrDTFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / "sameTerm"i '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ')' { Expression::SameTermFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b)) } / ("isIRI"i / "isURI"i) _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::IsIRIFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "isBLANK"i '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::IsBlankFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "isLITERAL"i '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::IsLiteralFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / "isNUMERIC"i '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Expression::IsNumericFunctionCall(Box::new(e)) } / RegexExpression / ExistsFunc / NotExistsFunc //[122] RegexExpression -> Expression = "REGEX"i _ '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ',' _ c:Expression _ ')' { Expression::RegexFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b), Some(Box::new(c))) } / "REGEX"i _ '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ')' { Expression::RegexFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b), None) } SubstringExpression -> Expression = "SUBSTR"i _ '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ',' _ c:Expression _ ')' { Expression::SubStrFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b), Some(Box::new(c))) } / "SUBSTR"i _ '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ')' { Expression::SubStrFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b), None) } //[124] StrReplaceExpression -> Expression = "REPLACE"i _ '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ',' _ c:Expression _ ',' _ d:Expression _ ')' { Expression::ReplaceFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b), Box::new(c), Some(Box::new(d))) } / "REPLACE"i _ '(' _ a:Expression _ ',' _ b:Expression _ ',' _ c:Expression _ ')' { Expression::ReplaceFunctionCall(Box::new(a), Box::new(b), Box::new(c), None) } //[125] ExistsFunc -> Expression = "EXISTS"i _ p:GroupGraphPattern { Expression::ExistsFunctionCall(Box::new(p)) } //[126] NotExistsFunc -> Expression = "NOT"i _ "EXISTS"i _ p:GroupGraphPattern { Expression::UnaryNotExpression(Box::new(Expression::ExistsFunctionCall(Box::new(p)))) } //[127] Aggregate -> Aggregation = "COUNT"i _ '(' _ "DISTINCT"i _ '*' _ ')' { Aggregation::Count(None, true) } / "COUNT"i _ '(' _ "DISTINCT"i _ e:Expression _ ')' { Aggregation::Count(Some(Box::new(e)), true) } / "COUNT"i _ '(' _ '*' _ ')' { Aggregation::Count(None, false) } / "COUNT"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Aggregation::Count(Some(Box::new(e)), false) } / "SUM"i _ '(' _ "DISTINCT"i _ e:Expression _ ')' { Aggregation::Sum(Box::new(e), true) } / "SUM"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Aggregation::Sum(Box::new(e), false) } / "MIN"i _ '(' _ "DISTINCT"i _ e:Expression _ ')' { Aggregation::Min(Box::new(e), true) } / "MIN"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Aggregation::Min(Box::new(e), false) } / "MAX"i _ '(' _ "DISTINCT"i _ e:Expression _ ')' { Aggregation::Max(Box::new(e), true) } / "MAX"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Aggregation::Max(Box::new(e), false) } / "AVG"i _ '(' _ "DISTINCT"i _ e:Expression _ ')' { Aggregation::Avg(Box::new(e), true) } / "AVG"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Aggregation::Avg(Box::new(e), false) } / "SAMPLE"i _ '(' _ "DISTINCT"i _ e:Expression _ ')' { Aggregation::Sample(Box::new(e), true) } / "SAMPLE"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Aggregation::Sample(Box::new(e), false) } / "GROUP_CONCAT"i _ '(' _ "DISTINCT"i _ e:Expression _ ';' _ 'SEPARATOR'i _ '=' _ s:String _ ')' { Aggregation::GroupConcat(Box::new(e), true, Some(s)) } / "GROUP_CONCAT"i _ '(' _ "DISTINCT"i _ e:Expression _ ')' { Aggregation::GroupConcat(Box::new(e), true, None) } / "GROUP_CONCAT"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ';' _ 'SEPARATOR'i _ '=' _ s:String _ ')' { Aggregation::GroupConcat(Box::new(e), true, Some(s)) } / "GROUP_CONCAT"i _ '(' _ e:Expression _ ')' { Aggregation::GroupConcat(Box::new(e), false, None) } //[128] iriOrFunction -> Expression = i: iri _ a: ArgList? { match a { Some(a) => Expression::CustomFunctionCall(i, a), None => Expression::ConstantExpression(i.into()) } } //[129] RDFLiteral -> Literal = v:String _ "^^" _ t:iri { Literal::new_typed_literal(v, t) } / v:String _ l:LANGTAG { Literal::new_language_tagged_literal(v, l) } / v:String { Literal::new_simple_literal(v) } //[130] NumericLiteral -> Literal = NumericLiteralUnsigned / NumericLiteralPositive / NumericLiteralNegative //[131] NumericLiteralUnsigned -> Literal = d:$(DOUBLE) { Literal::new_typed_literal(d, xsd::DOUBLE.clone()) } / d:$(DECIMAL) { Literal::new_typed_literal(d, xsd::DECIMAL.clone()) } / i:$(INTEGER) { Literal::new_typed_literal(i, xsd::INTEGER.clone()) } //[132] NumericLiteralPositive -> Literal = d:$(DOUBLE_POSITIVE) { Literal::new_typed_literal(d, xsd::DOUBLE.clone()) } / d:$(DECIMAL_POSITIVE) { Literal::new_typed_literal(d, xsd::DECIMAL.clone()) } / i:$(INTEGER_POSITIVE) { Literal::new_typed_literal(i, xsd::INTEGER.clone()) } //[133] NumericLiteralNegative -> Literal = d:$(DOUBLE_NEGATIVE) { Literal::new_typed_literal(d, xsd::DOUBLE.clone()) } / d:$(DECIMAL_NEGATIVE) { Literal::new_typed_literal(d, xsd::DECIMAL.clone()) } / i:$(INTEGER_NEGATIVE) { Literal::new_typed_literal(i, xsd::INTEGER.clone()) } //[134] BooleanLiteral -> Literal = "true" { true.into() } / "false" { false.into() } //[135] String -> String = STRING_LITERAL_LONG1 / STRING_LITERAL_LONG2 / STRING_LITERAL1 / STRING_LITERAL2 //[136] iri -> NamedNode = i:(IRIREF / PrefixedName) {? match state.url_parser().parse(&i) { Ok(url) => Ok(NamedNode::new(url)), Err(error) => Err("IRI parsing failed") } } //[137] PrefixedName -> String = PNAME_LN / ns:PNAME_NS {? state.namespaces.get(ns).cloned().ok_or("Prefix not found") } //[138] BlankNode -> BlankNode = b:BLANK_NODE_LABEL { state.bnodes_map.entry(b.to_string()).or_insert_with(BlankNode::default).clone() } / ANON { BlankNode::default() } //[139] IRIREF -> String = "<" i:$(([^\u{00}-\u{20}<>"{}|^\u{60}\u{5c}])*) ">" { i.to_owned() } //[140] PNAME_NS -> &'input str = ns:$(PN_PREFIX? ":") { ns } //[141] PNAME_LN -> String = ns:$(PNAME_NS) local:PN_LOCAL {? state.namespaces.get(ns).map(|v| v.clone() + &local).ok_or("Prefix not found") } //[142] BLANK_NODE_LABEL -> &'input str = "_:" b:$(([0-9] / PN_CHARS_U) PN_CHARS* ("."+ PN_CHARS+)*) { b } //[143] VAR1 -> &'input str = '?' v:$(VARNAME) { v } //[144] VAR2 -> &'input str = '$' v:$(VARNAME) { v } //[145] LANGTAG -> &'input str = "@" l:$([a-zA-Z]+ ("-" [a-zA-Z0-9]+)*) { l } //[146] INTEGER -> () = [0-9]+ //[147] DECIMAL -> () = ([0-9]+ "." [0-9]* / [0-9]* "." [0-9]+) //[148] DOUBLE -> () = ([0-9]+ "." [0-9]* / "." [0-9]+ / [0-9]+) EXPONENT //[149] INTEGER_POSITIVE -> () = "+" _ INTEGER //[150] DECIMAL_POSITIVE -> () = "+" _ DECIMAL //[151] DOUBLE_POSITIVE -> () = "+" _ DOUBLE //[152] INTEGER_NEGATIVE -> () = "-" _ INTEGER //[153] DECIMAL_NEGATIVE -> () = "-" _ DECIMAL //[154] DOUBLE_NEGATIVE -> () = "-" _ DOUBLE //[155] EXPONENT -> () = [eE] [+-]? [0-9]+ //[156] STRING_LITERAL1 -> String = "'" l:$((STRING_LITERAL1_simple_char / ECHAR)*) "'" { unescape_echars(l).to_string() } STRING_LITERAL1_simple_char -> () = [^'\u{005c}\u{000a}\u{000d}] //[157] STRING_LITERAL2 -> String = "\"" l:$((STRING_LITERAL2_simple_char / ECHAR)*) "\"" { unescape_echars(l).to_string() } STRING_LITERAL2_simple_char -> () = [^"\u{005c}\u{000a}\u{000d}] //[158] STRING_LITERAL_LONG1 -> String = "'''" l:$(STRING_LITERAL_LONG1_inner*) "'''" { unescape_echars(l).to_string() } STRING_LITERAL_LONG1_inner -> () = ("''" / "'")? (STRING_LITERAL_LONG1_simple_char / ECHAR) STRING_LITERAL_LONG1_simple_char -> () = [^'\u{005c}] //[159] STRING_LITERAL_LONG2 -> String = "\"\"\"" l:$(STRING_LITERAL_LONG2_inner*) "\"\"\"" { unescape_echars(l).to_string() } STRING_LITERAL_LONG2_inner -> () = ("\"\"" / "\"")? (STRING_LITERAL_LONG2_simple_char / ECHAR) STRING_LITERAL_LONG2_simple_char -> () = [^"\u{005c}] //[160] ECHAR -> () = "\\" [tbnrf"'\\] //[161] NIL -> () = "(" WS* ")" //[162] WS -> () = #quiet<[\u{20}\u{9}\u{D}\u{A}]> //[163] ANON -> () = '[' WS* ']' //[164] PN_CHARS_BASE -> () = [A-Za-z\u{00C0}-\u{00D6}\u{00D8}-\u{00F6}\u{00F8}-\u{02FF}\u{0370}-\u{037D}\u{037F}-\u{1FFF}\u{200C}-\u{200D}\u{2070}-\u{218F}\u{2C00}-\u{2FEF}\u{3001}-\u{D7FF}\u{F900}-\u{FDCF}\u{FDF0}-\u{FFFD}] //[165] PN_CHARS_U -> () = '_' / PN_CHARS_BASE //[166] VARNAME -> () = ([0-9] / PN_CHARS_U) ([0-9\u{00B7}\u{0300}-\u{036F}\u{203F}-\u{2040}] / PN_CHARS_U)* //[167] PN_CHARS -> () = [\-0-9\u{00B7}\u{0300}-\u{036F}\u{203F}-\u{2040}] / PN_CHARS_U //[168] PN_PREFIX -> () = PN_CHARS_BASE PN_CHARS* ("."+ PN_CHARS+)* //[169] PN_LOCAL -> String = f:PN_LOCAL_first c:(PN_LOCAL_next*) e:(PN_LOCAL_next_dot*) { f.to_string() + &c.concat() + &e.concat() } PN_LOCAL_first -> String = c:$(":" / [0-9] / PN_CHARS_U) { c.into() } / PLX PN_LOCAL_next -> String = c:$(":" / PN_CHARS) { c.into() } / PLX PN_LOCAL_next_dot -> String = d:$('.'+) f:PN_LOCAL_next* { d.to_string() + &f.concat()} //[170] PLX -> String = p:$(PERCENT) { p.into() } / e:PN_LOCAL_ESC { iter::once(e).collect() } //[171] PERCENT -> () = "%" HEX HEX //[172] HEX -> () = ([0-9A-Fa-f]) //[173] PN_LOCAL_ESC -> char = "\\" c:$([_~\.\-!$&'()*+,;=/?#@%]) { c.chars().next().unwrap() } //TODO: added '/' to make tests pass but is it valid? //space _ = #quiet<([ \t\n\r] / comment)*> //comment comment = #quiet<"#" [^\r\n]*>