//! Data structures for [RDF 1.1 Concepts](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/) like IRI, literal or triples. pub use oxrdf::{BlankNode, Literal, NamedNode, Subject, Term, Triple, Variable}; use std::fmt; use std::fmt::Write; /// The union of [IRIs](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-iri) and [triples](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-rdf-triple). /// /// The default string formatter is returning an N-Triples, Turtle, and SPARQL compatible representation. #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub enum GroundSubject { NamedNode(NamedNode), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] Triple(Box), } impl fmt::Display for GroundSubject { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::NamedNode(node) => node.fmt(f), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] Self::Triple(triple) => write!( f, "<<{} {} {}>>", triple.subject, triple.predicate, triple.object ), } } } impl From for GroundSubject { #[inline] fn from(node: NamedNode) -> Self { Self::NamedNode(node) } } #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] impl From for GroundSubject { #[inline] fn from(triple: GroundTriple) -> Self { Self::Triple(Box::new(triple)) } } impl TryFrom for GroundSubject { type Error = (); #[inline] fn try_from(subject: Subject) -> Result { match subject { Subject::NamedNode(t) => Ok(t.into()), Subject::BlankNode(_) => Err(()), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] Subject::Triple(t) => Ok(GroundTriple::try_from(*t)?.into()), } } } impl TryFrom for GroundSubject { type Error = (); #[inline] fn try_from(term: GroundTerm) -> Result { match term { GroundTerm::NamedNode(t) => Ok(t.into()), GroundTerm::Literal(_) => Err(()), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] GroundTerm::Triple(t) => Ok((*t).into()), } } } /// The union of [IRIs](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-iri), [literals](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-literal) and [triples](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-rdf-triple). /// /// The default string formatter is returning an N-Triples, Turtle, and SPARQL compatible representation. #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub enum GroundTerm { NamedNode(NamedNode), Literal(Literal), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] Triple(Box), } impl fmt::Display for GroundTerm { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::NamedNode(node) => node.fmt(f), Self::Literal(literal) => literal.fmt(f), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] Self::Triple(triple) => write!( f, "<<{} {} {}>>", triple.subject, triple.predicate, triple.object ), } } } impl From for GroundTerm { #[inline] fn from(node: NamedNode) -> Self { Self::NamedNode(node) } } impl From for GroundTerm { #[inline] fn from(literal: Literal) -> Self { Self::Literal(literal) } } #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] impl From for GroundTerm { #[inline] fn from(triple: GroundTriple) -> Self { Self::Triple(Box::new(triple)) } } impl TryFrom for GroundTerm { type Error = (); #[inline] fn try_from(term: Term) -> Result { match term { Term::NamedNode(t) => Ok(t.into()), Term::BlankNode(_) => Err(()), Term::Literal(t) => Ok(t.into()), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] Term::Triple(t) => Ok(GroundTriple::try_from(*t)?.into()), } } } /// A [RDF triple](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-rdf-triple) without blank nodes. /// /// The default string formatter is returning a N-Quads representation. /// /// ``` /// use spargebra::term::{NamedNode, GroundTriple}; /// /// assert_eq!( /// " ", /// GroundTriple { /// subject: NamedNode::new("http://example.com/s")?.into(), /// predicate: NamedNode::new("http://example.com/p")?, /// object: NamedNode::new("http://example.com/o")?.into(), /// }.to_string() /// ); /// # Result::<_,oxrdf::IriParseError>::Ok(()) /// ``` #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub struct GroundTriple { pub subject: GroundSubject, pub predicate: NamedNode, pub object: GroundTerm, } impl fmt::Display for GroundTriple { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{} {} {}", self.subject, self.predicate, self.object) } } impl TryFrom for GroundTriple { type Error = (); #[inline] fn try_from(triple: Triple) -> Result { Ok(Self { subject: triple.subject.try_into()?, predicate: triple.predicate, object: triple.object.try_into()?, }) } } /// A possible graph name. /// /// It is the union of [IRIs](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-iri) and the [default graph name](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-default-graph). #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub enum GraphName { NamedNode(NamedNode), DefaultGraph, } impl GraphName { /// Formats using the [SPARQL S-Expression syntax](https://jena.apache.org/documentation/notes/sse.html). pub(crate) fn fmt_sse(&self, f: &mut impl Write) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::NamedNode(node) => write!(f, "{}", node), Self::DefaultGraph => write!(f, "default"), } } } impl fmt::Display for GraphName { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::NamedNode(node) => node.fmt(f), Self::DefaultGraph => write!(f, "DEFAULT"), } } } impl From for GraphName { #[inline] fn from(node: NamedNode) -> Self { Self::NamedNode(node) } } impl TryFrom for GraphName { type Error = (); #[inline] fn try_from(pattern: GraphNamePattern) -> Result { match pattern { GraphNamePattern::NamedNode(t) => Ok(t.into()), GraphNamePattern::DefaultGraph => Ok(Self::DefaultGraph), GraphNamePattern::Variable(_) => Err(()), } } } /// A [RDF triple](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-rdf-triple) in an [RDF dataset](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-rdf-dataset). /// /// The default string formatter is returning a N-Quads representation. /// /// ``` /// use spargebra::term::{NamedNode, Quad}; /// /// assert_eq!( /// " ", /// Quad { /// subject: NamedNode::new("http://example.com/s")?.into(), /// predicate: NamedNode::new("http://example.com/p")?, /// object: NamedNode::new("http://example.com/o")?.into(), /// graph_name: NamedNode::new("http://example.com/g")?.into(), /// }.to_string() /// ); /// # Result::<_,oxrdf::IriParseError>::Ok(()) /// ``` #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub struct Quad { pub subject: Subject, pub predicate: NamedNode, pub object: Term, pub graph_name: GraphName, } impl Quad { /// Formats using the [SPARQL S-Expression syntax](https://jena.apache.org/documentation/notes/sse.html). pub(crate) fn fmt_sse(&self, f: &mut impl Write) -> fmt::Result { if self.graph_name != GraphName::DefaultGraph { write!(f, "(graph ")?; self.graph_name.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, " (")?; } write!( f, "(triple {} {} {})", self.subject, self.predicate, self.object )?; if self.graph_name != GraphName::DefaultGraph { write!(f, "))")?; } Ok(()) } } impl fmt::Display for Quad { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { if self.graph_name == GraphName::DefaultGraph { write!(f, "{} {} {}", self.subject, self.predicate, self.object) } else { write!( f, "{} {} {} {}", self.subject, self.predicate, self.object, self.graph_name ) } } } impl TryFrom for Quad { type Error = (); #[inline] fn try_from(quad: QuadPattern) -> Result { Ok(Self { subject: quad.subject.try_into()?, predicate: quad.predicate.try_into()?, object: quad.object.try_into()?, graph_name: quad.graph_name.try_into()?, }) } } /// A [RDF triple](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-rdf-triple) in an [RDF dataset](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-rdf-dataset) without blank nodes. /// /// The default string formatter is returning a N-Quads representation. /// /// ``` /// use spargebra::term::{NamedNode, GroundQuad}; /// /// assert_eq!( /// " ", /// GroundQuad { /// subject: NamedNode::new("http://example.com/s")?.into(), /// predicate: NamedNode::new("http://example.com/p")?, /// object: NamedNode::new("http://example.com/o")?.into(), /// graph_name: NamedNode::new("http://example.com/g")?.into(), /// }.to_string() /// ); /// # Result::<_,oxrdf::IriParseError>::Ok(()) /// ``` #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub struct GroundQuad { pub subject: GroundSubject, pub predicate: NamedNode, pub object: GroundTerm, pub graph_name: GraphName, } impl GroundQuad { /// Formats using the [SPARQL S-Expression syntax](https://jena.apache.org/documentation/notes/sse.html). pub(crate) fn fmt_sse(&self, f: &mut impl Write) -> fmt::Result { if self.graph_name != GraphName::DefaultGraph { write!(f, "(graph ")?; self.graph_name.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, " (")?; } write!( f, "(triple {} {} {})", self.subject, self.predicate, self.object )?; if self.graph_name != GraphName::DefaultGraph { write!(f, "))")?; } Ok(()) } } impl fmt::Display for GroundQuad { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { if self.graph_name == GraphName::DefaultGraph { write!(f, "{} {} {}", self.subject, self.predicate, self.object) } else { write!( f, "{} {} {} {}", self.subject, self.predicate, self.object, self.graph_name ) } } } impl TryFrom for GroundQuad { type Error = (); #[inline] fn try_from(quad: Quad) -> Result { Ok(Self { subject: quad.subject.try_into()?, predicate: quad.predicate, object: quad.object.try_into()?, graph_name: quad.graph_name, }) } } /// The union of [IRIs](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-iri) and [variables](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#sparqlQueryVariables). #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub enum NamedNodePattern { NamedNode(NamedNode), Variable(Variable), } impl NamedNodePattern { /// Formats using the [SPARQL S-Expression syntax](https://jena.apache.org/documentation/notes/sse.html). pub(crate) fn fmt_sse(&self, f: &mut impl Write) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::NamedNode(node) => write!(f, "{}", node), Self::Variable(var) => write!(f, "{}", var), } } } impl fmt::Display for NamedNodePattern { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::NamedNode(node) => node.fmt(f), Self::Variable(var) => var.fmt(f), } } } impl From for NamedNodePattern { #[inline] fn from(node: NamedNode) -> Self { Self::NamedNode(node) } } impl From for NamedNodePattern { #[inline] fn from(var: Variable) -> Self { Self::Variable(var) } } impl TryFrom for NamedNode { type Error = (); #[inline] fn try_from(pattern: NamedNodePattern) -> Result { match pattern { NamedNodePattern::NamedNode(t) => Ok(t), NamedNodePattern::Variable(_) => Err(()), } } } /// The union of [terms](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-rdf-term) and [variables](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#sparqlQueryVariables). #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub enum TermPattern { NamedNode(NamedNode), BlankNode(BlankNode), Literal(Literal), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] Triple(Box), Variable(Variable), } impl TermPattern { /// Formats using the [SPARQL S-Expression syntax](https://jena.apache.org/documentation/notes/sse.html). pub(crate) fn fmt_sse(&self, f: &mut impl Write) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::NamedNode(term) => write!(f, "{}", term), Self::BlankNode(term) => write!(f, "{}", term), Self::Literal(term) => write!(f, "{}", term), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] Self::Triple(triple) => triple.fmt_sse(f), Self::Variable(var) => write!(f, "{}", var), } } } impl fmt::Display for TermPattern { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::NamedNode(term) => term.fmt(f), Self::BlankNode(term) => term.fmt(f), Self::Literal(term) => term.fmt(f), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] Self::Triple(triple) => write!(f, "<<{}>>", triple), Self::Variable(var) => var.fmt(f), } } } impl From for TermPattern { #[inline] fn from(node: NamedNode) -> Self { Self::NamedNode(node) } } impl From for TermPattern { #[inline] fn from(node: BlankNode) -> Self { Self::BlankNode(node) } } impl From for TermPattern { #[inline] fn from(literal: Literal) -> Self { Self::Literal(literal) } } #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] impl From for TermPattern { #[inline] fn from(triple: TriplePattern) -> Self { Self::Triple(Box::new(triple)) } } impl From for TermPattern { fn from(var: Variable) -> Self { Self::Variable(var) } } impl From for TermPattern { #[inline] fn from(subject: Subject) -> Self { match subject { Subject::NamedNode(node) => node.into(), Subject::BlankNode(node) => node.into(), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] Subject::Triple(t) => TriplePattern::from(*t).into(), } } } impl From for TermPattern { #[inline] fn from(term: Term) -> Self { match term { Term::NamedNode(node) => node.into(), Term::BlankNode(node) => node.into(), Term::Literal(literal) => literal.into(), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] Term::Triple(t) => TriplePattern::from(*t).into(), } } } impl From for TermPattern { #[inline] fn from(element: NamedNodePattern) -> Self { match element { NamedNodePattern::NamedNode(node) => node.into(), NamedNodePattern::Variable(var) => var.into(), } } } impl TryFrom for Subject { type Error = (); #[inline] fn try_from(term: TermPattern) -> Result { match term { TermPattern::NamedNode(t) => Ok(t.into()), TermPattern::BlankNode(t) => Ok(t.into()), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] TermPattern::Triple(t) => Ok(Triple::try_from(*t)?.into()), TermPattern::Literal(_) | TermPattern::Variable(_) => Err(()), } } } impl TryFrom for Term { type Error = (); #[inline] fn try_from(pattern: TermPattern) -> Result { match pattern { TermPattern::NamedNode(t) => Ok(t.into()), TermPattern::BlankNode(t) => Ok(t.into()), TermPattern::Literal(t) => Ok(t.into()), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] TermPattern::Triple(t) => Ok(Triple::try_from(*t)?.into()), TermPattern::Variable(_) => Err(()), } } } /// The union of [terms](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-rdf-term) and [variables](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#sparqlQueryVariables) without blank nodes. #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub enum GroundTermPattern { NamedNode(NamedNode), Literal(Literal), Variable(Variable), Triple(Box), } impl GroundTermPattern { /// Formats using the [SPARQL S-Expression syntax](https://jena.apache.org/documentation/notes/sse.html). pub(crate) fn fmt_sse(&self, f: &mut impl Write) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::NamedNode(term) => write!(f, "{}", term), Self::Literal(term) => write!(f, "{}", term), Self::Variable(var) => write!(f, "{}", var), Self::Triple(triple) => triple.fmt_sse(f), } } } impl fmt::Display for GroundTermPattern { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::NamedNode(term) => term.fmt(f), Self::Literal(term) => term.fmt(f), Self::Variable(var) => var.fmt(f), Self::Triple(triple) => write!(f, "<<{}>>", triple), } } } impl From for GroundTermPattern { #[inline] fn from(node: NamedNode) -> Self { Self::NamedNode(node) } } impl From for GroundTermPattern { #[inline] fn from(literal: Literal) -> Self { Self::Literal(literal) } } impl From for GroundTermPattern { #[inline] fn from(triple: GroundTriplePattern) -> Self { Self::Triple(Box::new(triple)) } } impl From for GroundTermPattern { #[inline] fn from(var: Variable) -> Self { Self::Variable(var) } } impl From for GroundTermPattern { #[inline] fn from(term: GroundSubject) -> Self { match term { GroundSubject::NamedNode(node) => node.into(), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] GroundSubject::Triple(triple) => GroundTriplePattern::from(*triple).into(), } } } impl From for GroundTermPattern { #[inline] fn from(term: GroundTerm) -> Self { match term { GroundTerm::NamedNode(node) => node.into(), GroundTerm::Literal(literal) => literal.into(), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] GroundTerm::Triple(triple) => GroundTriplePattern::from(*triple).into(), } } } impl From for GroundTermPattern { #[inline] fn from(element: NamedNodePattern) -> Self { match element { NamedNodePattern::NamedNode(node) => node.into(), NamedNodePattern::Variable(var) => var.into(), } } } impl TryFrom for GroundTermPattern { type Error = (); #[inline] fn try_from(pattern: TermPattern) -> Result { Ok(match pattern { TermPattern::NamedNode(named_node) => named_node.into(), TermPattern::BlankNode(_) => return Err(()), TermPattern::Literal(literal) => literal.into(), #[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")] TermPattern::Triple(triple) => GroundTriplePattern::try_from(*triple)?.into(), TermPattern::Variable(variable) => variable.into(), }) } } /// The union of [IRIs](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-iri), [default graph name](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#dfn-default-graph) and [variables](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#sparqlQueryVariables). #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub enum GraphNamePattern { NamedNode(NamedNode), DefaultGraph, Variable(Variable), } impl GraphNamePattern { /// Formats using the [SPARQL S-Expression syntax](https://jena.apache.org/documentation/notes/sse.html). pub(crate) fn fmt_sse(&self, f: &mut impl Write) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::NamedNode(node) => write!(f, "{}", node), Self::DefaultGraph => write!(f, "default"), Self::Variable(var) => write!(f, "{}", var), } } } impl fmt::Display for GraphNamePattern { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::NamedNode(node) => node.fmt(f), Self::DefaultGraph => write!(f, "DEFAULT"), Self::Variable(var) => var.fmt(f), } } } impl From for GraphNamePattern { #[inline] fn from(node: NamedNode) -> Self { Self::NamedNode(node) } } impl From for GraphNamePattern { #[inline] fn from(var: Variable) -> Self { Self::Variable(var) } } impl From for GraphNamePattern { #[inline] fn from(graph_name: GraphName) -> Self { match graph_name { GraphName::NamedNode(node) => node.into(), GraphName::DefaultGraph => Self::DefaultGraph, } } } impl From for GraphNamePattern { #[inline] fn from(graph_name: NamedNodePattern) -> Self { match graph_name { NamedNodePattern::NamedNode(node) => node.into(), NamedNodePattern::Variable(var) => var.into(), } } } /// A [triple pattern](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#defn_TriplePattern) #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub struct TriplePattern { pub subject: TermPattern, pub predicate: NamedNodePattern, pub object: TermPattern, } impl TriplePattern { pub(crate) fn new( subject: impl Into, predicate: impl Into, object: impl Into, ) -> Self { Self { subject: subject.into(), predicate: predicate.into(), object: object.into(), } } } impl TriplePattern { /// Formats using the [SPARQL S-Expression syntax](https://jena.apache.org/documentation/notes/sse.html). pub(crate) fn fmt_sse(&self, f: &mut impl Write) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "(triple ")?; self.subject.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, " ")?; self.predicate.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, " ")?; self.object.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, ")") } } impl fmt::Display for TriplePattern { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{} {} {}", self.subject, self.predicate, self.object) } } impl From for TriplePattern { #[inline] fn from(triple: Triple) -> Self { Self { subject: triple.subject.into(), predicate: triple.predicate.into(), object: triple.object.into(), } } } impl TryFrom for Triple { type Error = (); #[inline] fn try_from(triple: TriplePattern) -> Result { Ok(Self { subject: triple.subject.try_into()?, predicate: triple.predicate.try_into()?, object: triple.object.try_into()?, }) } } /// A [triple pattern](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#defn_TriplePattern) without blank nodes. #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub struct GroundTriplePattern { pub subject: GroundTermPattern, pub predicate: NamedNodePattern, pub object: GroundTermPattern, } impl GroundTriplePattern { /// Formats using the [SPARQL S-Expression syntax](https://jena.apache.org/documentation/notes/sse.html). pub(crate) fn fmt_sse(&self, f: &mut impl Write) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "(triple ")?; self.subject.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, " ")?; self.predicate.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, " ")?; self.object.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, ")") } } impl fmt::Display for GroundTriplePattern { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{} {} {}", self.subject, self.predicate, self.object) } } impl From for GroundTriplePattern { #[inline] fn from(triple: GroundTriple) -> Self { Self { subject: triple.subject.into(), predicate: triple.predicate.into(), object: triple.object.into(), } } } impl TryFrom for GroundTriplePattern { type Error = (); #[inline] fn try_from(triple: TriplePattern) -> Result { Ok(Self { subject: triple.subject.try_into()?, predicate: triple.predicate, object: triple.object.try_into()?, }) } } /// A [triple pattern](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#defn_TriplePattern) in a specific graph #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub struct QuadPattern { pub subject: TermPattern, pub predicate: NamedNodePattern, pub object: TermPattern, pub graph_name: GraphNamePattern, } impl QuadPattern { pub(crate) fn new( subject: impl Into, predicate: impl Into, object: impl Into, graph_name: impl Into, ) -> Self { Self { subject: subject.into(), predicate: predicate.into(), object: object.into(), graph_name: graph_name.into(), } } } impl QuadPattern { /// Formats using the [SPARQL S-Expression syntax](https://jena.apache.org/documentation/notes/sse.html). pub(crate) fn fmt_sse(&self, f: &mut impl Write) -> fmt::Result { if self.graph_name != GraphNamePattern::DefaultGraph { write!(f, "(graph ")?; self.graph_name.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, " (")?; } write!(f, "(triple ")?; self.subject.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, " ")?; self.predicate.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, " ")?; self.object.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, ")")?; if self.graph_name != GraphNamePattern::DefaultGraph { write!(f, "))")?; } Ok(()) } } impl fmt::Display for QuadPattern { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { if self.graph_name == GraphNamePattern::DefaultGraph { write!(f, "{} {} {}", self.subject, self.predicate, self.object) } else { write!( f, "GRAPH {} {{ {} {} {} }}", self.graph_name, self.subject, self.predicate, self.object ) } } } /// A [triple pattern](https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#defn_TriplePattern) in a specific graph without blank nodes. #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Hash)] pub struct GroundQuadPattern { pub subject: GroundTermPattern, pub predicate: NamedNodePattern, pub object: GroundTermPattern, pub graph_name: GraphNamePattern, } impl GroundQuadPattern { /// Formats using the [SPARQL S-Expression syntax](https://jena.apache.org/documentation/notes/sse.html). pub(crate) fn fmt_sse(&self, f: &mut impl Write) -> fmt::Result { if self.graph_name != GraphNamePattern::DefaultGraph { write!(f, "(graph ")?; self.graph_name.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, " (")?; } write!(f, "(triple ")?; self.subject.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, " ")?; self.predicate.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, " ")?; self.object.fmt_sse(f)?; write!(f, ")")?; if self.graph_name != GraphNamePattern::DefaultGraph { write!(f, "))")?; } Ok(()) } } impl fmt::Display for GroundQuadPattern { #[inline] fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { if self.graph_name == GraphNamePattern::DefaultGraph { write!(f, "{} {} {}", self.subject, self.predicate, self.object) } else { write!( f, "GRAPH {} {{ {} {} {} }}", self.graph_name, self.subject, self.predicate, self.object ) } } } impl TryFrom for GroundQuadPattern { type Error = (); #[inline] fn try_from(pattern: QuadPattern) -> Result { Ok(Self { subject: pattern.subject.try_into()?, predicate: pattern.predicate, object: pattern.object.try_into()?, graph_name: pattern.graph_name, }) } }