import unittest from io import BytesIO, UnsupportedOperation from pathlib import Path from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, TemporaryDirectory, TemporaryFile from typing import Any from pyoxigraph import ( BlankNode, DefaultGraph, NamedNode, Quad, QuerySolution, QuerySolutions, QueryTriples, Store, Triple, Variable, ) foo = NamedNode("http://foo") bar = NamedNode("http://bar") baz = NamedNode("http://baz") triple = Triple(foo, foo, foo) graph = NamedNode("http://graph") class TestStore(unittest.TestCase): def test_add(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz)) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, DefaultGraph())) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)) store.add(Quad(triple, bar, baz)) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, triple)) self.assertEqual(len(store), 4) def test_extend(self) -> None: store = Store() store.extend( ( Quad(foo, bar, baz), Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph), Quad(foo, bar, baz, DefaultGraph()), ) ) self.assertEqual(len(store), 2) def test_bulk_extend(self) -> None: store = Store() store.bulk_extend( ( Quad(foo, bar, baz), Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph), Quad(foo, bar, baz, DefaultGraph()), ) ) self.assertEqual(len(store), 2) def test_remove(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz)) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, DefaultGraph())) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)) store.remove(Quad(foo, bar, baz)) self.assertEqual(len(store), 1) def test_len(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz)) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)) self.assertEqual(len(store), 2) def test_in(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz)) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, DefaultGraph())) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)) self.assertIn(Quad(foo, bar, baz), store) self.assertIn(Quad(foo, bar, baz, DefaultGraph()), store) self.assertIn(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph), store) self.assertNotIn(Quad(foo, bar, baz, foo), store) def test_iter(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, DefaultGraph())) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)) self.assertEqual( set(store), {Quad(foo, bar, baz, DefaultGraph()), Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)}, ) def test_quads_for_pattern(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, DefaultGraph())) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)) self.assertEqual( set(store.quads_for_pattern(None, None, None)), {Quad(foo, bar, baz, DefaultGraph()), Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)}, ) self.assertEqual( set(store.quads_for_pattern(foo, None, None)), {Quad(foo, bar, baz, DefaultGraph()), Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)}, ) self.assertEqual( set(store.quads_for_pattern(None, None, None, graph)), {Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)}, ) self.assertEqual( set(store.quads_for_pattern(foo, None, None, DefaultGraph())), {Quad(foo, bar, baz, DefaultGraph())}, ) def test_ask_query(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, foo, foo)) self.assertTrue(store.query("ASK { ?s ?s ?s }")) self.assertFalse(store.query("ASK { FILTER(false) }")) def test_construct_query(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz)) results: Any = store.query("CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }") self.assertIsInstance(results, QueryTriples) self.assertEqual( set(results), {Triple(foo, bar, baz)}, ) def test_select_query(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz)) solutions: Any = store.query("SELECT ?s ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }") self.assertIsInstance(solutions, QuerySolutions) self.assertEqual(solutions.variables, [Variable("s"), Variable("o")]) solution = next(solutions) self.assertIsInstance(solution, QuerySolution) self.assertEqual(solution[0], foo) self.assertEqual(solution[1], baz) self.assertEqual(solution["s"], foo) self.assertEqual(solution["o"], baz) self.assertEqual(solution[Variable("s")], foo) self.assertEqual(solution[Variable("o")], baz) s, o = solution self.assertEqual(s, foo) self.assertEqual(o, baz) def test_select_query_union_default_graph(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)) results: Any = store.query("SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }") self.assertEqual(len(list(results)), 0) results = store.query( "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", use_default_graph_as_union=True ) self.assertEqual(len(list(results)), 1) results = store.query( "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", use_default_graph_as_union=True, named_graphs=[graph], ) self.assertEqual(len(list(results)), 1) def test_select_query_with_default_graph(self) -> None: store = Store() graph_bnode = BlankNode("g") store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, foo)) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, bar, graph_bnode)) results: Any = store.query("SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }") self.assertEqual(len(list(results)), 1) results = store.query("SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", default_graph=graph) self.assertEqual(len(list(results)), 1) results = store.query( "SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", default_graph=[DefaultGraph(), graph, graph_bnode], ) self.assertEqual(len(list(results)), 3) def test_select_query_with_named_graph(self) -> None: store = Store() graph_bnode = BlankNode("g") store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, foo)) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, bar, graph_bnode)) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, bar, foo)) results: Any = store.query( "SELECT ?s WHERE { GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } }", named_graphs=[graph, graph_bnode], ) self.assertEqual(len(list(results)), 2) def test_update_insert_data(self) -> None: store = Store() store.update("INSERT DATA { <http://foo> <http://foo> <http://foo> }") self.assertEqual(len(store), 1) def test_update_delete_data(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, foo, foo)) store.update("DELETE DATA { <http://foo> <http://foo> <http://foo> }") self.assertEqual(len(store), 0) def test_update_delete_where(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, foo, foo)) store.update("DELETE WHERE { ?v ?v ?v }") self.assertEqual(len(store), 0) def test_update_load(self) -> None: store = Store() store.update("LOAD <>") self.assertGreater(len(store), 100) def test_update_star(self) -> None: store = Store() store.update( "PREFIX : <> INSERT DATA { :alice :claims << :bob :age 23 >> }" ) results: Any = store.query( "PREFIX : <> SELECT ?p ?a WHERE { ?p :claims << :bob :age ?a >> }" ) self.assertEqual(len(list(results)), 1) def test_load_ntriples_to_default_graph(self) -> None: store = Store() store.load( BytesIO(b"<http://foo> <http://bar> <http://baz> ."), mime_type="application/n-triples", ) self.assertEqual(set(store), {Quad(foo, bar, baz, DefaultGraph())}) def test_load_ntriples_to_named_graph(self) -> None: store = Store() store.load( BytesIO(b"<http://foo> <http://bar> <http://baz> ."), mime_type="application/n-triples", to_graph=graph, ) self.assertEqual(set(store), {Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)}) def test_load_turtle_with_base_iri(self) -> None: store = Store() store.load( BytesIO(b"<http://foo> <http://bar> <> ."), mime_type="text/turtle", base_iri="http://baz", ) self.assertEqual(set(store), {Quad(foo, bar, baz, DefaultGraph())}) def test_load_nquads(self) -> None: store = Store() store.load( BytesIO(b"<http://foo> <http://bar> <http://baz> <http://graph>."), mime_type="application/n-quads", ) self.assertEqual(set(store), {Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)}) def test_load_trig_with_base_iri(self) -> None: store = Store() store.load( BytesIO(b"<http://graph> { <http://foo> <http://bar> <> . }"), mime_type="application/trig", base_iri="http://baz", ) self.assertEqual(set(store), {Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)}) def test_load_file(self) -> None: with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as fp: file_name = fp.write(b"<http://foo> <http://bar> <http://baz> <http://graph>.") store = Store() store.load(file_name, mime_type="application/n-quads") Path(file_name).unlink() self.assertEqual(set(store), {Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)}) def test_load_with_io_error(self) -> None: with self.assertRaises(UnsupportedOperation) as _, TemporaryFile("wb") as fp: Store().load(fp, mime_type="application/n-triples") def test_dump_ntriples(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)) output = BytesIO() store.dump(output, "application/n-triples", from_graph=graph) self.assertEqual( output.getvalue(), b"<http://foo> <http://bar> <http://baz> .\n", ) def test_dump_nquads(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)) output = BytesIO() store.dump(output, "application/n-quads") self.assertEqual( output.getvalue(), b"<http://foo> <http://bar> <http://baz> <http://graph> .\n", ) def test_dump_trig(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz)) output = BytesIO() store.dump(output, "application/trig") self.assertEqual( output.getvalue(), b"<http://foo> <http://bar> <http://baz> .\n<http://graph> { <http://foo> <http://bar> <http://baz> }\n", ) def test_dump_file(self) -> None: with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as fp: file_name = store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)) store.dump(file_name, "application/n-quads") self.assertEqual( Path(file_name).read_text(), "<http://foo> <http://bar> <http://baz> <http://graph> .\n", ) def test_dump_with_io_error(self) -> None: with self.assertRaises(OSError) as _, TemporaryFile("rb") as fp: Store().dump(fp, mime_type="application/rdf+xml") def test_write_in_read(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, bar, bar)) store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz)) for triple in store: store.add(Quad(triple.object, triple.predicate, triple.subject)) self.assertEqual(len(store), 4) def test_add_graph(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add_graph(graph) self.assertEqual(list(store.named_graphs()), [graph]) def test_remove_graph(self) -> None: store = Store() store.add(Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph)) store.add_graph(NamedNode("http://graph2")) store.remove_graph(graph) store.remove_graph(NamedNode("http://graph2")) self.assertEqual(list(store.named_graphs()), []) self.assertEqual(list(store), []) def test_read_only(self) -> None: quad = Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph) with TemporaryDirectory() as dir: store = Store(dir) store.add(quad) del store store = Store.read_only(dir) self.assertEqual(list(store), [quad]) def test_secondary(self) -> None: quad = Quad(foo, bar, baz, graph) with TemporaryDirectory() as dir: store = Store(dir) store.add(quad) store.flush() secondary_store = Store.secondary(dir) self.assertEqual(list(secondary_store), [quad]) store.remove(quad) store.flush() self.assertEqual(list(secondary_store), []) del secondary_store del store if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()