import sys import unittest from io import BytesIO, StringIO, UnsupportedOperation from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile, TemporaryFile from pyoxigraph import Literal, NamedNode, Quad, parse, serialize EXAMPLE_TRIPLE = Quad( NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), Literal("éù"), ) EXAMPLE_QUAD = Quad( NamedNode(""), NamedNode(""), Literal("1"), NamedNode(""), ) class TestParse(unittest.TestCase): def test_parse_file(self) -> None: with NamedTemporaryFile() as fp: fp.write('

"éù" .'.encode()) fp.flush() self.assertEqual( list(parse(, "text/turtle", base_iri="")), [EXAMPLE_TRIPLE], ) def test_parse_not_existing_file(self) -> None: with self.assertRaises(IOError) as _: parse("/tmp/not-existing-oxigraph-file.ttl", "text/turtle") def test_parse_str_io(self) -> None: self.assertEqual( list( parse( StringIO('

"éù" .'), "text/turtle", base_iri="", ) ), [EXAMPLE_TRIPLE], ) def test_parse_long_str_io(self) -> None: self.assertEqual( list( parse( StringIO('

"éù" .\n' * 1024), "text/turtle", base_iri="", ) ), [EXAMPLE_TRIPLE] * 1024, ) def test_parse_bytes_io(self) -> None: self.assertEqual( list( parse( BytesIO('

"éù" .'.encode()), "text/turtle", base_iri="", ) ), [EXAMPLE_TRIPLE], ) def test_parse_io_error(self) -> None: with self.assertRaises(UnsupportedOperation) as _, TemporaryFile("wb") as fp: list(parse(fp, "nt")) def test_parse_quad(self) -> None: self.assertEqual( list( parse( StringIO(' {

"1" }'), "application/trig", base_iri="", ) ), [EXAMPLE_QUAD], ) def test_parse_syntax_error(self) -> None: with NamedTemporaryFile() as fp: fp.write(b"@base .\n") fp.write(b' "p" "1"') fp.flush() with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError) as ctx: list(parse(, "text/turtle")) self.assertEqual(ctx.exception.filename, self.assertEqual(ctx.exception.lineno, 2) self.assertEqual(ctx.exception.offset, 7) if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): self.assertEqual(ctx.exception.end_lineno, 2) self.assertEqual(ctx.exception.end_offset, 10) def test_parse_without_named_graphs(self) -> None: with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError) as _: list( parse( StringIO(' {

"1" }'), "application/trig", base_iri="", without_named_graphs=True, ) ) def test_parse_rename_blank_nodes(self) -> None: self.assertNotEqual( list( parse( StringIO('_:s "o" .'), "application/n-triples", rename_blank_nodes=True, ) ), list( parse( StringIO('_:s "o" .'), "application/n-triples", rename_blank_nodes=True, ) ), ) class TestSerialize(unittest.TestCase): def test_serialize_to_bytes_io(self) -> None: output = BytesIO() serialize([EXAMPLE_TRIPLE.triple], output, "text/turtle") self.assertEqual( output.getvalue().decode(), ' "éù" .\n', ) def test_serialize_to_file(self) -> None: with NamedTemporaryFile() as fp: serialize([EXAMPLE_TRIPLE],, "text/turtle") self.assertEqual(, ' "éù" .\n', ) def test_serialize_io_error(self) -> None: with self.assertRaises(UnsupportedOperation) as _, TemporaryFile("rb") as fp: serialize([EXAMPLE_TRIPLE], fp, "text/turtle") def test_serialize_quad(self) -> None: output = BytesIO() serialize([EXAMPLE_QUAD], output, "application/trig") self.assertEqual( output.getvalue(), b' {\n\t "1" .\n}\n', )