/* global describe, it */

import assert from "assert";
import dataModel from "@rdfjs/data-model";
import { Store } from "../pkg/oxigraph.js";

const ex = dataModel.namedNode("http://example.com");
const triple = dataModel.quad(

describe("Store", () => {
    describe("#add()", () => {
        it("an added quad should be in the store", () => {
            const store = new Store();
            store.add(dataModel.quad(ex, ex, triple));
            assert(store.has(dataModel.quad(ex, ex, triple)));

    describe("#delete()", () => {
        it("an removed quad should not be in the store anymore", () => {
            const store = new Store([dataModel.quad(triple, ex, ex)]);
            assert(store.has(dataModel.quad(triple, ex, ex)));
            store.delete(dataModel.quad(triple, ex, ex));
            assert(!store.has(dataModel.quad(triple, ex, ex)));

    describe("#has()", () => {
        it("an added quad should be in the store", () => {
            const store = new Store([dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex)]);
            assert(store.has(dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex)));

    describe("#size()", () => {
        it("A store with one quad should have 1 for size", () => {
            const store = new Store([dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex)]);
            assert.strictEqual(1, store.size);

    describe("#match_quads()", () => {
        it("blank pattern should return all quads", () => {
            const store = new Store([dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex)]);
            const results = store.match();
            assert.strictEqual(1, results.length);
            assert(dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex).equals(results[0]));

    describe("#query()", () => {
        it("ASK true", () => {
            const store = new Store([dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex)]);
            assert.strictEqual(true, store.query("ASK { ?s ?s ?s }"));

        it("ASK false", () => {
            const store = new Store();
            assert.strictEqual(false, store.query("ASK { FILTER(false)}"));

        it("CONSTRUCT", () => {
            const store = new Store([dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex)]);
            const results = store.query("CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }");
            assert.strictEqual(1, results.length);
            assert(dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex).equals(results[0]));

        it("SELECT", () => {
            const store = new Store([dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex)]);
            const results = store.query("SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }");
            assert.strictEqual(1, results.length);

        it("SELECT with NOW()", () => {
            const store = new Store([dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex)]);
            const results = store.query(
                "SELECT * WHERE { FILTER(2022 <= YEAR(NOW()) && YEAR(NOW()) <= 2100) }",
            assert.strictEqual(1, results.length);

        it("SELECT with RAND()", () => {
            const store = new Store([dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex)]);
            const results = store.query("SELECT (RAND() AS ?y) WHERE {}");
            assert.strictEqual(1, results.length);

    describe("#update()", () => {
        it("INSERT DATA", () => {
            const store = new Store();
                "INSERT DATA { <http://example.com> <http://example.com> <http://example.com> }",
            assert.strictEqual(1, store.size);

        it("DELETE DATA", () => {
            const store = new Store([dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex)]);
                "DELETE DATA { <http://example.com> <http://example.com> <http://example.com> }",
            assert.strictEqual(0, store.size);

        it("DELETE WHERE", () => {
            const store = new Store([dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex)]);
            store.update("DELETE WHERE { ?v ?v ?v }");
            assert.strictEqual(0, store.size);

    describe("#load()", () => {
        it("load NTriples in the default graph", () => {
            const store = new Store();
                "<http://example.com> <http://example.com> <http://example.com> .",
            assert(store.has(dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex)));

        it("load NTriples in an other graph", () => {
            const store = new Store();
                "<http://example.com> <http://example.com> <http://example.com> .",
            assert(store.has(dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex, ex)));

        it("load Turtle with a base IRI", () => {
            const store = new Store();
                "<http://example.com> <http://example.com> <> .",
            assert(store.has(dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex)));

        it("load NQuads", () => {
            const store = new Store();
                "<http://example.com> <http://example.com> <http://example.com> <http://example.com> .",
            assert(store.has(dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex, ex)));

        it("load TriG with a base IRI", () => {
            const store = new Store();
                "GRAPH <> { <http://example.com> <http://example.com> <> }",
            assert(store.has(dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex, ex)));

    describe("#dump()", () => {
        it("dump dataset content", () => {
            const store = new Store([dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex, ex)]);
                "<http://example.com> <http://example.com> <http://example.com> <http://example.com> .\n",

        it("dump named graph content", () => {
            const store = new Store([dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex, ex)]);
                "<http://example.com> <http://example.com> <http://example.com> .\n",
                store.dump("application/n-triples", ex),

        it("dump default graph content", () => {
            const store = new Store([dataModel.quad(ex, ex, ex, ex)]);
            assert.strictEqual("", store.dump("application/n-triples", dataModel.defaultGraph()));