use crate::io::*; use crate::model::*; use crate::store::map_storage_error; use oxigraph::io::RdfSerializer; use oxigraph::model::Term; use oxigraph::sparql::results::{ FromReadQueryResultsReader, FromReadSolutionsReader, ParseError, QueryResultsFormat, QueryResultsParser, QueryResultsSerializer, }; use oxigraph::sparql::{ EvaluationError, Query, QueryResults, QuerySolution, QuerySolutionIter, QueryTripleIter, Variable, }; use pyo3::basic::CompareOp; use pyo3::exceptions::{PyRuntimeError, PySyntaxError, PyValueError}; use pyo3::prelude::*; use pyo3::types::PyBytes; use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::io; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::vec::IntoIter; pub fn parse_query( query: &str, base_iri: Option<&str>, use_default_graph_as_union: bool, default_graph: Option<&PyAny>, named_graphs: Option<&PyAny>, py: Python<'_>, ) -> PyResult { let mut query = allow_threads_unsafe(py, || Query::parse(query, base_iri)) .map_err(|e| map_evaluation_error(e.into()))?; if use_default_graph_as_union && default_graph.is_some() { return Err(PyValueError::new_err( "The query() method use_default_graph_as_union and default_graph arguments should not be set at the same time", )); } if use_default_graph_as_union { query.dataset_mut().set_default_graph_as_union(); } if let Some(default_graph) = default_graph { if let Ok(default_graphs) = default_graph.iter() { query.dataset_mut().set_default_graph( default_graphs .map(|graph| Ok(graph?.extract::()?.into())) .collect::>()?, ) } else if let Ok(default_graph) = default_graph.extract::() { query .dataset_mut() .set_default_graph(vec![default_graph.into()]); } else { return Err(PyValueError::new_err( format!("The query() method default_graph argument should be a NamedNode, a BlankNode, the DefaultGraph or a not empty list of them. {} found", default_graph.get_type() ))); } } if let Some(named_graphs) = named_graphs { query.dataset_mut().set_available_named_graphs( named_graphs .iter()? .map(|graph| Ok(graph?.extract::()?.into())) .collect::>()?, ) } Ok(query) } pub fn query_results_to_python(py: Python<'_>, results: QueryResults) -> PyObject { match results { QueryResults::Solutions(inner) => PyQuerySolutions { inner: PyQuerySolutionsVariant::Query(inner), } .into_py(py), QueryResults::Graph(inner) => PyQueryTriples { inner }.into_py(py), QueryResults::Boolean(inner) => PyQueryBoolean { inner }.into_py(py), } } /// Tuple associating variables and terms that are the result of a SPARQL ``SELECT`` query. /// /// It is the equivalent of a row in SQL. /// /// It could be indexes by variable name (:py:class:`Variable` or :py:class:`str`) or position in the tuple (:py:class:`int`). /// Unpacking also works. /// /// >>> store = Store() /// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'))) /// >>> solution = next(store.query('SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }')) /// >>> solution[Variable('s')] /// /// >>> solution['s'] /// /// >>> solution[0] /// /// >>> s, p, o = solution /// >>> s /// #[pyclass(frozen, name = "QuerySolution", module = "pyoxigraph")] pub struct PyQuerySolution { inner: QuerySolution, } #[pymethods] impl PyQuerySolution { fn __repr__(&self) -> String { let mut buffer = String::new(); buffer.push_str("'); buffer } fn __eq__(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.inner == other.inner } fn __ne__(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.inner != other.inner } fn __len__(&self) -> usize { self.inner.len() } fn __getitem__(&self, key: PySolutionKey<'_>) -> Option { match key { PySolutionKey::Usize(key) => self.inner.get(key), PySolutionKey::Str(key) => self.inner.get(key), PySolutionKey::Variable(key) => self.inner.get(<&Variable>::from(&*key)), } .map(|term| PyTerm::from(term.clone())) } #[allow(clippy::unnecessary_to_owned)] fn __iter__(&self) -> SolutionValueIter { SolutionValueIter { inner: self.inner.values().to_vec().into_iter(), } } } #[derive(FromPyObject)] pub enum PySolutionKey<'a> { Usize(usize), Str(&'a str), Variable(PyRef<'a, PyVariable>), } #[pyclass(module = "pyoxigraph")] pub struct SolutionValueIter { inner: IntoIter>, } #[pymethods] impl SolutionValueIter { fn __iter__(slf: PyRef<'_, Self>) -> PyRef<'_, Self> { slf } fn __next__(&mut self) -> Option> {|v| } } /// An iterator of :py:class:`QuerySolution` returned by a SPARQL ``SELECT`` query /// /// >>> store = Store() /// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'))) /// >>> list(store.query('SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }')) /// [>] #[pyclass(unsendable, name = "QuerySolutions", module = "pyoxigraph")] pub struct PyQuerySolutions { inner: PyQuerySolutionsVariant, } enum PyQuerySolutionsVariant { Query(QuerySolutionIter), Reader { iter: FromReadSolutionsReader, file_path: Option, }, } #[pymethods] impl PyQuerySolutions { /// :return: the ordered list of all variables that could appear in the query results /// :rtype: list[Variable] /// /// >>> store = Store() /// >>> store.query('SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }').variables /// [] #[getter] fn variables(&self) -> Vec { match &self.inner { PyQuerySolutionsVariant::Query(inner) => { inner.variables().iter().map(|v| v.clone().into()).collect() } PyQuerySolutionsVariant::Reader { iter, .. } => { iter.variables().iter().map(|v| v.clone().into()).collect() } } } /// Writes the query results into a file. /// /// It currently supports the following formats: /// /// * `XML `_ (:py:attr:`QueryResultsFormat.XML`) /// * `JSON `_ (:py:attr:`QueryResultsFormat.JSON`) /// * `CSV `_ (:py:attr:`QueryResultsFormat.CSV`) /// * `TSV `_ (:py:attr:`QueryResultsFormat.TSV`) /// /// It supports also some media type and extension aliases. /// For example, ``application/json`` could also be used for `JSON `_. /// /// :param output: The binary I/O object or file path to write to. For example, it could be a file path as a string or a file writer opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'wb')``. If :py:const:`None`, a :py:class:`bytes` buffer is returned with the serialized content. /// :type output: typing.IO[bytes] or str or os.PathLike[str] or None, optional /// :param format: the format of the query results serialization. If :py:const:`None`, the format is guessed from the file name extension. /// :type format: QueryResultsFormat or None, optional /// :rtype: bytes or None /// :raises ValueError: if the format is not supported. /// :raises OSError: if a system error happens while writing the file. /// /// >>> store = Store() /// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'))) /// >>> results = store.query("SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }") /// >>> results.serialize(format=QueryResultsFormat.JSON) /// b'{"head":{"vars":["s","p","o"]},"results":{"bindings":[{"s":{"type":"uri","value":""},"p":{"type":"uri","value":""},"o":{"type":"literal","value":"1"}}]}}' #[pyo3(signature = (output = None, format = None))] fn serialize<'a>( &mut self, output: Option, format: Option, py: Python<'a>, ) -> PyResult> { PyWritable::do_write( |output, file_path| { let format = lookup_query_results_format(format, file_path.as_deref())?; let mut writer = QueryResultsSerializer::from_format(format) .serialize_solutions_to_write( output, match &self.inner { PyQuerySolutionsVariant::Query(inner) => inner.variables().to_vec(), PyQuerySolutionsVariant::Reader { iter, .. } => { iter.variables().to_vec() } }, )?; match &mut self.inner { PyQuerySolutionsVariant::Query(inner) => { for solution in inner { writer.write(&solution.map_err(map_evaluation_error)?)?; } } PyQuerySolutionsVariant::Reader { iter, file_path } => { for solution in iter { writer.write(&solution.map_err(|e| { map_query_results_parse_error(e, file_path.clone()) })?)?; } } } Ok(writer.finish()?) }, output, py, ) } fn __iter__(slf: PyRef<'_, Self>) -> PyRef<'_, Self> { slf } fn __next__(&mut self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult> { Ok(match &mut self.inner { PyQuerySolutionsVariant::Query(inner) => allow_threads_unsafe(py, || { }), PyQuerySolutionsVariant::Reader { iter, file_path } => iter .next() .transpose() .map_err(|e| map_query_results_parse_error(e, file_path.clone())), }? .map(move |inner| PyQuerySolution { inner })) } } /// A boolean returned by a SPARQL ``ASK`` query. /// /// It can be easily casted to a regular boolean using the :py:func:`bool` function. /// /// >>> store = Store() /// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'))) /// >>> bool(store.query('ASK { ?s ?p ?o }')) /// True #[pyclass(unsendable, name = "QueryBoolean", module = "pyoxigraph")] pub struct PyQueryBoolean { inner: bool, } #[pymethods] impl PyQueryBoolean { /// Writes the query results into a file. /// /// It currently supports the following formats: /// /// * `XML `_ (:py:attr:`QueryResultsFormat.XML`) /// * `JSON `_ (:py:attr:`QueryResultsFormat.JSON`) /// * `CSV `_ (:py:attr:`QueryResultsFormat.CSV`) /// * `TSV `_ (:py:attr:`QueryResultsFormat.TSV`) /// /// It supports also some media type and extension aliases. /// For example, ``application/json`` could also be used for `JSON `_. /// /// :param output: The binary I/O object or file path to write to. For example, it could be a file path as a string or a file writer opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'wb')``. If :py:const:`None`, a :py:class:`bytes` buffer is returned with the serialized content. /// :type output: typing.IO[bytes] or str or os.PathLike[str] or None, optional /// :param format: the format of the query results serialization. If :py:const:`None`, the format is guessed from the file name extension. /// :type format: QueryResultsFormat or None, optional /// :rtype: bytes or None /// :raises ValueError: if the format is not supported. /// :raises OSError: if a system error happens while writing the file. /// /// >>> store = Store() /// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'))) /// >>> results = store.query("ASK { ?s ?p ?o }") /// >>> results.serialize(format=QueryResultsFormat.JSON) /// b'{"head":{},"boolean":true}' #[pyo3(signature = (output = None, format = None))] fn serialize<'a>( &mut self, output: Option, format: Option, py: Python<'a>, ) -> PyResult> { PyWritable::do_write( |output, file_path| { let format = lookup_query_results_format(format, file_path.as_deref())?; py.allow_threads(|| { Ok(QueryResultsSerializer::from_format(format) .serialize_boolean_to_write(output, self.inner)?) }) }, output, py, ) } fn __bool__(&self) -> bool { self.inner } fn __richcmp__(&self, other: &Self, op: CompareOp) -> bool { op.matches(self.inner.cmp(&other.inner)) } fn __hash__(&self) -> u64 { self.inner.into() } fn __repr__(&self) -> String { format!("", self.inner) } } /// An iterator of :py:class:`Triple` returned by a SPARQL ``CONSTRUCT`` or ``DESCRIBE`` query /// /// >>> store = Store() /// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'))) /// >>> list(store.query('CONSTRUCT WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }')) /// [ predicate= object=>>] #[pyclass(unsendable, name = "QueryTriples", module = "pyoxigraph")] pub struct PyQueryTriples { inner: QueryTripleIter, } #[pymethods] impl PyQueryTriples { /// Writes the query results into a file. /// /// It currently supports the following formats: /// /// * `canonical `_ `N-Triples `_ (:py:attr:`RdfFormat.N_TRIPLES`) /// * `N-Quads `_ (:py:attr:`RdfFormat.N_QUADS`) /// * `Turtle `_ (:py:attr:`RdfFormat.TURTLE`) /// * `TriG `_ (:py:attr:`RdfFormat.TRIG`) /// * `N3 `_ (:py:attr:`RdfFormat.N3`) /// * `RDF/XML `_ (:py:attr:`RdfFormat.RDF_XML`) /// /// It supports also some media type and extension aliases. /// For example, ``application/turtle`` could also be used for `Turtle `_ /// and ``application/xml`` or ``xml`` for `RDF/XML `_. /// /// :param output: The binary I/O object or file path to write to. For example, it could be a file path as a string or a file writer opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'wb')``. If :py:const:`None`, a :py:class:`bytes` buffer is returned with the serialized content. /// :type output: typing.IO[bytes] or str or os.PathLike[str] or None, optional /// :param format: the format of the RDF serialization. If :py:const:`None`, the format is guessed from the file name extension. /// :type format: RdfFormat or None, optional /// :rtype: bytes or None /// :raises ValueError: if the format is not supported. /// :raises OSError: if a system error happens while writing the file. /// /// >>> store = Store() /// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'))) /// >>> results = store.query("CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }") /// >>> results.serialize(format=RdfFormat.N_TRIPLES) /// b' "1" .\n' #[pyo3(signature = (output = None, format = None))] fn serialize<'a>( &mut self, output: Option, format: Option, py: Python<'a>, ) -> PyResult> { PyWritable::do_write( |output, file_path| { let format = lookup_rdf_format(format, file_path.as_deref())?; let mut writer = RdfSerializer::from_format(format).serialize_to_write(output); for triple in &mut self.inner { writer.write_triple(&triple.map_err(map_evaluation_error)?)?; } Ok(writer.finish()?) }, output, py, ) } fn __iter__(slf: PyRef<'_, Self>) -> PyRef<'_, Self> { slf } fn __next__(&mut self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult> { Ok(allow_threads_unsafe(py, || .transpose() .map_err(map_evaluation_error)? .map(Into::into)) } } /// Parses SPARQL query results. /// /// It currently supports the following formats: /// /// * `XML `_ (:py:attr:`QueryResultsFormat.XML`) /// * `JSON `_ (:py:attr:`QueryResultsFormat.JSON`) /// * `TSV `_ (:py:attr:`QueryResultsFormat.TSV`) /// /// It supports also some media type and extension aliases. /// For example, ``application/json`` could also be used for `JSON `_. /// /// :param input: The :py:class:`str`, :py:class:`bytes` or I/O object to read from. For example, it could be the file content as a string or a file reader opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'rb')``. /// :type input: bytes or str or typing.IO[bytes] or typing.IO[str] or None, optional /// :param format: the format of the query results serialization. If :py:const:`None`, the format is guessed from the file name extension. /// :type format: QueryResultsFormat or None, optional /// :param path: The file path to read from. Replaces the ``input`` parameter. /// :type path: str or os.PathLike[str] or None, optional /// :return: an iterator of :py:class:`QuerySolution` or a :py:class:`bool`. /// :rtype: QuerySolutions or QueryBoolean /// :raises ValueError: if the format is not supported. /// :raises SyntaxError: if the provided data is invalid. /// :raises OSError: if a system error happens while reading the file. /// /// >>> list(parse_query_results('?s\t?p\t?o\n\t\t1\n', QueryResultsFormat.TSV)) /// [ p= o=>>] /// /// >>> parse_query_results('{"head":{},"boolean":true}', QueryResultsFormat.JSON) /// #[pyfunction] #[pyo3(signature = (input = None, format = None, *, path = None))] pub fn parse_query_results( input: Option, format: Option, path: Option, py: Python<'_>, ) -> PyResult { let input = PyReadable::from_args(&path, input, py)?; let format = lookup_query_results_format(format, path.as_deref())?; let results = QueryResultsParser::from_format(format) .parse_read(input) .map_err(|e| map_query_results_parse_error(e, path.clone()))?; Ok(match results { FromReadQueryResultsReader::Solutions(iter) => PyQuerySolutions { inner: PyQuerySolutionsVariant::Reader { iter, file_path: path, }, } .into_py(py), FromReadQueryResultsReader::Boolean(inner) => PyQueryBoolean { inner }.into_py(py), }) } /// `SPARQL query `_ results serialization formats. /// /// The following formats are supported: /// * `XML `_ (:py:attr:`QueryResultsFormat.XML`) /// * `JSON `_ (:py:attr:`QueryResultsFormat.JSON`) /// * `CSV `_ (:py:attr:`QueryResultsFormat.CSV`) /// * `TSV `_ (:py:attr:`QueryResultsFormat.TSV`) #[pyclass(name = "QueryResultsFormat", module = "pyoxigraph")] #[derive(Clone)] pub struct PyQueryResultsFormat { inner: QueryResultsFormat, } #[pymethods] impl PyQueryResultsFormat { /// `SPARQL Query Results XML Format `_ #[classattr] const XML: Self = Self { inner: QueryResultsFormat::Xml, }; /// `SPARQL Query Results JSON Format `_ #[classattr] const JSON: Self = Self { inner: QueryResultsFormat::Json, }; /// `SPARQL Query Results CSV Format `_ #[classattr] const CSV: Self = Self { inner: QueryResultsFormat::Csv, }; /// `SPARQL Query Results TSV Format `_ #[classattr] const TSV: Self = Self { inner: QueryResultsFormat::Tsv, }; /// :return: the format canonical IRI according to the `Unique URIs for file formats registry `_. /// :rtype: str /// /// >>> QueryResultsFormat.JSON.iri /// '' #[getter] fn iri(&self) -> &'static str { self.inner.iri() } /// :return: the format `IANA media type `_. /// :rtype: str /// /// >>> QueryResultsFormat.JSON.media_type /// 'application/sparql-results+json' #[getter] fn media_type(&self) -> &'static str { self.inner.media_type() } /// :return: the format `IANA-registered `_ file extension. /// :rtype: str /// /// >>> QueryResultsFormat.JSON.file_extension /// 'srj' #[getter] fn file_extension(&self) -> &'static str { self.inner.file_extension() } /// :return: the format name. /// :rtype: str /// /// >>> /// 'SPARQL Results in JSON' #[getter] pub const fn name(&self) -> &'static str { } /// Looks for a known format from a media type. /// /// It supports some media type aliases. /// For example, "application/xml" is going to return :py:const:`QueryResultsFormat.XML` even if it is not its canonical media type. /// /// :param media_type: the media type. /// :type media_type: str /// :return: :py:class:`QueryResultsFormat` if the media type is known or :py:const:`None` if not. /// :rtype: QueryResultsFormat or None /// /// >>> QueryResultsFormat.from_media_type("application/sparql-results+json; charset=utf-8") /// #[staticmethod] fn from_media_type(media_type: &str) -> Option { Some(Self { inner: QueryResultsFormat::from_media_type(media_type)?, }) } /// Looks for a known format from an extension. /// /// It supports some aliases. /// /// :param extension: the extension. /// :type extension: str /// :return: :py:class:`QueryResultsFormat` if the extension is known or :py:const:`None` if not. /// :rtype: QueryResultsFormat or None /// /// >>> QueryResultsFormat.from_extension("json") /// #[staticmethod] fn from_extension(extension: &str) -> Option { Some(Self { inner: QueryResultsFormat::from_extension(extension)?, }) } fn __str__(&self) -> &'static str { } fn __repr__(&self) -> String { format!("", } fn __hash__(&self) -> u64 { hash(&self.inner) } fn __eq__(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.inner == other.inner } fn __ne__(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.inner != other.inner } /// :rtype: QueryResultsFormat fn __copy__(slf: PyRef<'_, Self>) -> PyRef<'_, Self> { slf } /// :type memo: typing.Any /// :rtype: QueryResultsFormat #[allow(unused_variables)] fn __deepcopy__<'a>(slf: PyRef<'a, Self>, memo: &'_ PyAny) -> PyRef<'a, Self> { slf } } pub fn lookup_query_results_format( format: Option, path: Option<&Path>, ) -> PyResult { if let Some(format) = format { return match format { PyQueryResultsFormatInput::Object(format) => Ok(format.inner), PyQueryResultsFormatInput::MediaType(media_type) => { deprecation_warning("Using a string to specify a query results format is deprecated, please use a QueryResultsFormat object instead.")?; QueryResultsFormat::from_media_type(&media_type).ok_or_else(|| { PyValueError::new_err(format!( "The media type {media_type} is not supported by pyoxigraph" )) }) } }; } let Some(path) = path else { return Err(PyValueError::new_err( "The format parameter is required when a file path is not given", )); }; let Some(ext) = path.extension().and_then(OsStr::to_str) else { return Err(PyValueError::new_err(format!( "The file name {} has no extension to guess a file format from", path.display() ))); }; QueryResultsFormat::from_extension(ext) .ok_or_else(|| PyValueError::new_err(format!("Not supported RDF format extension: {ext}"))) } #[derive(FromPyObject)] pub enum PyQueryResultsFormatInput { Object(PyQueryResultsFormat), MediaType(String), } pub fn map_evaluation_error(error: EvaluationError) -> PyErr { match error { EvaluationError::Parsing(error) => PySyntaxError::new_err(error.to_string()), EvaluationError::Storage(error) => map_storage_error(error), EvaluationError::GraphParsing(error) => map_parse_error(error, None), EvaluationError::ResultsParsing(error) => map_query_results_parse_error(error, None), EvaluationError::ResultsSerialization(error) => error.into(), EvaluationError::Service(error) => match error.downcast::() { Ok(error) => (*error).into(), Err(error) => PyRuntimeError::new_err(error.to_string()), }, _ => PyRuntimeError::new_err(error.to_string()), } } pub fn map_query_results_parse_error(error: ParseError, file_path: Option) -> PyErr { match error { ParseError::Syntax(error) => { // Python 3.9 does not support end line and end column if python_version() >= (3, 10) { let params = if let Some(location) = error.location() { ( file_path, Some(location.start.line + 1), Some(location.start.column + 1), None::>, Some(location.end.line + 1), Some(location.end.column + 1), ) } else { (None, None, None, None, None, None) }; PySyntaxError::new_err((error.to_string(), params)) } else { let params = if let Some(location) = error.location() { ( file_path, Some(location.start.line + 1), Some(location.start.column + 1), None::>, ) } else { (None, None, None, None) }; PySyntaxError::new_err((error.to_string(), params)) } } ParseError::Io(error) => error.into(), } }