Fork of for the purpose of NextGraph project
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247 lines
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use crate::model::*;
use crate::store_utils::*;
use oxigraph::model::Term;
use oxigraph::sparql::*;
use pyo3::exceptions::{PyRuntimeError, PySyntaxError, PyTypeError, PyValueError};
use pyo3::prelude::{
pyclass, pymethods, pyproto, FromPyObject, IntoPy, Py, PyAny, PyCell, PyErr, PyObject, PyRef,
PyRefMut, PyResult, Python,
use pyo3::{PyIterProtocol, PyMappingProtocol, PyNativeType, PyObjectProtocol};
use std::vec::IntoIter;
pub fn build_query_options(
use_default_graph_as_union: bool,
default_graph: Option<&PyAny>,
named_graphs: Option<&PyAny>,
) -> PyResult<QueryOptions> {
let mut options = QueryOptions::default();
if use_default_graph_as_union {
options = options.with_default_graph_as_union();
if let Some(default_graph) = default_graph {
if let Ok(default_graphs) = default_graph.iter() {
if default_graph.is_empty()? {
return Err(PyValueError::new_err(
"The query() method default_graph argument cannot be empty list",
for default_graph in default_graphs {
options = options.with_default_graph(default_graph?.extract::<PyGraphName>()?);
} else if let Ok(default_graph) = default_graph.extract::<PyGraphName>() {
options = options.with_default_graph(default_graph);
} else {
return Err(PyValueError::new_err(
format!("The query() method default_graph argument should be a NamedNode, a BlankNode, the DefaultGraph or a not empty list of them. {} found", default_graph.get_type()
if let Some(named_graphs) = named_graphs {
if named_graphs.is_empty()? {
return Err(PyValueError::new_err(
"The query() method named_graphs argument cannot be empty",
for named_graph in named_graphs.iter()? {
options = options.with_named_graph(named_graph?.extract::<PyNamedOrBlankNode>()?);
pub fn query_results_to_python(py: Python<'_>, results: QueryResults) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
Ok(match results {
QueryResults::Solutions(inner) => PyQuerySolutions { inner }.into_py(py),
QueryResults::Graph(inner) => PyQueryTriples { inner }.into_py(py),
QueryResults::Boolean(b) => b.into_py(py),
/// Tuple associating variables and terms that are the result of a SPARQL ``SELECT`` query.
/// It is the equivalent of a row in SQL.
/// It could be indexes by variable name (:py:class:`Variable` or :py:class:`str`) or position in the tuple (:py:class:`int`).
/// Unpacking also works.
/// >>> store = SledStore()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1')))
/// >>> solution = next(store.query('SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }'))
/// >>> solution[Variable('s')]
/// <NamedNode value=>
/// >>> solution['s']
/// <NamedNode value=>
/// >>> solution[0]
/// <NamedNode value=>
/// >>> s, p, o = solution
/// >>> s
/// <NamedNode value=>
#[pyclass(unsendable, name = QuerySolution)]
pub struct PyQuerySolution {
inner: QuerySolution,
impl PyObjectProtocol for PyQuerySolution {
fn __repr__(&self) -> String {
let mut buffer = String::new();
for (k, v) in self.inner.iter() {
buffer.push(' ');
term_repr(v.as_ref(), &mut buffer)
impl PyMappingProtocol for PyQuerySolution {
fn __len__(&self) -> usize {
fn __getitem__(&self, input: &PyAny) -> PyResult<Option<PyObject>> {
if let Ok(key) = usize::extract(input) {
.map(|term| term_to_python(, term.clone())))
} else if let Ok(key) = <&str>::extract(input) {
.map(|term| term_to_python(, term.clone())))
} else if let Ok(key) = input.downcast::<PyCell<PyVariable>>() {
let key = &*key.borrow();
.map(|term| term_to_python(, term.clone())))
} else {
"{} is not an integer of a string",
impl PyIterProtocol for PyQuerySolution {
fn __iter__(slf: PyRef<Self>) -> SolutionValueIter {
SolutionValueIter {
inner: slf
.map(|v| v.cloned())
pub struct SolutionValueIter {
inner: IntoIter<Option<Term>>,
impl PyIterProtocol for SolutionValueIter {
fn __iter__(slf: PyRefMut<Self>) -> Py<Self> {
fn __next__(mut slf: PyRefMut<Self>) -> Option<Option<PyObject>> {
.map(|v||v| term_to_python(, v)))
/// An iterator of :py:class:`QuerySolution` returned by a SPARQL ``SELECT`` query
/// >>> store = SledStore()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1')))
/// >>> list(store.query('SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }'))
/// [<QuerySolution s=<NamedNode value=>>]
#[pyclass(unsendable, name = QuerySolutions)]
pub struct PyQuerySolutions {
inner: QuerySolutionIter,
impl PyQuerySolutions {
/// :return: the ordered list of all variables that could appear in the query results
/// :rtype: list(Variable)
/// >>> store = SledStore()
/// >>> store.query('SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }').variables
/// [<Variable value=s>]
fn variables(&self) -> Vec<PyVariable> {
.map(|v| v.clone().into())
impl PyIterProtocol for PyQuerySolutions {
fn __iter__(slf: PyRefMut<Self>) -> Py<Self> {
fn __next__(mut slf: PyRefMut<Self>) -> PyResult<Option<PyQuerySolution>> {
.map(move |inner| PyQuerySolution { inner }))
/// An iterator of :py:class:`Triple` returned by a SPARQL ``CONSTRUCT`` or ``DESCRIBE`` query
/// >>> store = MemoryStore()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1')))
/// >>> list(store.query('CONSTRUCT WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }'))
/// [<Triple subject=<NamedNode value=> predicate=<NamedNode value=> object=<Literal value=1 datatype=<NamedNode value=>>>]
#[pyclass(unsendable, name = QueryTriples)]
pub struct PyQueryTriples {
inner: QueryTripleIter,
impl PyIterProtocol for PyQueryTriples {
fn __iter__(slf: PyRefMut<Self>) -> Py<Self> {
fn __next__(mut slf: PyRefMut<Self>) -> PyResult<Option<PyTriple>> {
.map(|t| t.into()))
pub fn map_evaluation_error(error: EvaluationError) -> PyErr {
match error {
EvaluationError::Parsing(error) => PySyntaxError::new_err(error.to_string()),
EvaluationError::Io(error) => map_io_err(error),
EvaluationError::Query(error) => PyValueError::new_err(error.to_string()),
_ => PyRuntimeError::new_err(error.to_string()),