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//! A [N-Triples]( streaming parser implemented by [`NTriplesParser`]
//! and a serializer implemented by [`NTriplesSerializer`].
use crate::line_formats::NQuadsRecognizer;
use crate::toolkit::{FromReadIterator, ParseError, ParseOrIoError, Parser};
use oxrdf::{Triple, TripleRef};
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
/// A [N-Triples]( streaming parser.
/// Support for [N-Triples-star]( is available behind the `rdf-star` feature and the [`NTriplesParser::with_quoted_triples`] option.
/// Count the number of people:
/// ```
/// use oxrdf::{NamedNodeRef, vocab::rdf};
/// use oxttl::NTriplesParser;
/// let file = b"<> <> <> .
/// <> <> \"Foo\" .
/// <> <> <> .
/// <> <> \"Bar\" .";
/// let schema_person = NamedNodeRef::new("")?;
/// let mut count = 0;
/// for triple in NTriplesParser::new().parse_from_read(file.as_ref()) {
/// let triple = triple?;
/// if triple.predicate == rdf::TYPE && triple.object == schema_person.into() {
/// count += 1;
/// }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(2, count);
/// # Result::<_,Box<dyn std::error::Error>>::Ok(())
/// ```
pub struct NTriplesParser {
#[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")]
with_quoted_triples: bool,
impl NTriplesParser {
/// Builds a new [`NTriplesParser`].
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Enables [N-Triples-star](
#[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")]
pub fn with_quoted_triples(mut self) -> Self {
self.with_quoted_triples = true;
/// Parses a N-Triples file from a [`Read`] implementation.
/// Count the number of people:
/// ```
/// use oxrdf::{NamedNodeRef, vocab::rdf};
/// use oxttl::NTriplesParser;
/// let file = b"<> <> <> .
/// <> <> \"Foo\" .
/// <> <> <> .
/// <> <> \"Bar\" .";
/// let schema_person = NamedNodeRef::new("")?;
/// let mut count = 0;
/// for triple in NTriplesParser::new().parse_from_read(file.as_ref()) {
/// let triple = triple?;
/// if triple.predicate == rdf::TYPE && triple.object == schema_person.into() {
/// count += 1;
/// }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(2, count);
/// # Result::<_,Box<dyn std::error::Error>>::Ok(())
/// ```
pub fn parse_from_read<R: Read>(&self, read: R) -> FromReadNTriplesReader<R> {
FromReadNTriplesReader {
inner: self.parse().parser.parse_from_read(read),
/// Allows to parse a N-Triples file by using a low-level API.
/// Count the number of people:
/// ```
/// use oxrdf::{NamedNodeRef, vocab::rdf};
/// use oxttl::NTriplesParser;
/// let file: [&[u8]; 4] = [
/// b"<> <> <> .\n",
/// b"<> <> \"Foo\" .\n",
/// b"<> <> <> .\n",
/// b"<> <> \"Bar\" .\n"
/// ];
/// let schema_person = NamedNodeRef::new("")?;
/// let mut count = 0;
/// let mut parser = NTriplesParser::new().parse();
/// let mut file_chunks = file.iter();
/// while !parser.is_end() {
/// // We feed more data to the parser
/// if let Some(chunk) = {
/// parser.extend_from_slice(chunk);
/// } else {
/// parser.end(); // It's finished
/// }
/// // We read as many triples from the parser as possible
/// while let Some(triple) = parser.read_next() {
/// let triple = triple?;
/// if triple.predicate == rdf::TYPE && triple.object == schema_person.into() {
/// count += 1;
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(2, count);
/// # Result::<_,Box<dyn std::error::Error>>::Ok(())
/// ```
pub fn parse(&self) -> LowLevelNTriplesReader {
LowLevelNTriplesReader {
parser: NQuadsRecognizer::new_parser(
#[cfg(feature = "rdf-star")]
/// Parses a N-Triples file from a [`Read`] implementation. Can be built using [`NTriplesParser::parse_from_read`].
/// Count the number of people:
/// ```
/// use oxrdf::{NamedNodeRef, vocab::rdf};
/// use oxttl::NTriplesParser;
/// let file = b"<> <> <> .
/// <> <> \"Foo\" .
/// <> <> <> .
/// <> <> \"Bar\" .";
/// let schema_person = NamedNodeRef::new("")?;
/// let mut count = 0;
/// for triple in NTriplesParser::new().parse_from_read(file.as_ref()) {
/// let triple = triple?;
/// if triple.predicate == rdf::TYPE && triple.object == schema_person.into() {
/// count += 1;
/// }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(2, count);
/// # Result::<_,Box<dyn std::error::Error>>::Ok(())
/// ```
pub struct FromReadNTriplesReader<R: Read> {
inner: FromReadIterator<R, NQuadsRecognizer>,
impl<R: Read> Iterator for FromReadNTriplesReader<R> {
type Item = Result<Triple, ParseOrIoError>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<Triple, ParseOrIoError>> {
/// Parses a N-Triples file by using a low-level API. Can be built using [`NTriplesParser::parse`].
/// Count the number of people:
/// ```
/// use oxrdf::{NamedNodeRef, vocab::rdf};
/// use oxttl::NTriplesParser;
/// let file: [&[u8]; 4] = [
/// b"<> <> <> .\n",
/// b"<> <> \"Foo\" .\n",
/// b"<> <> <> .\n",
/// b"<> <> \"Bar\" .\n"
/// ];
/// let schema_person = NamedNodeRef::new("")?;
/// let mut count = 0;
/// let mut parser = NTriplesParser::new().parse();
/// let mut file_chunks = file.iter();
/// while !parser.is_end() {
/// // We feed more data to the parser
/// if let Some(chunk) = {
/// parser.extend_from_slice(chunk);
/// } else {
/// parser.end(); // It's finished
/// }
/// // We read as many triples from the parser as possible
/// while let Some(triple) = parser.read_next() {
/// let triple = triple?;
/// if triple.predicate == rdf::TYPE && triple.object == schema_person.into() {
/// count += 1;
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(2, count);
/// # Result::<_,Box<dyn std::error::Error>>::Ok(())
/// ```
pub struct LowLevelNTriplesReader {
parser: Parser<NQuadsRecognizer>,
impl LowLevelNTriplesReader {
/// Adds some extra bytes to the parser. Should be called when [`read_next`](Self::read_next) returns [`None`] and there is still unread data.
pub fn extend_from_slice(&mut self, other: &[u8]) {
/// Tell the parser that the file is finished.
/// This triggers the parsing of the final bytes and might lead [`read_next`](Self::read_next) to return some extra values.
pub fn end(&mut self) {
/// Returns if the parsing is finished i.e. [`end`](Self::end) has been called and [`read_next`](Self::read_next) is always going to return `None`.
pub fn is_end(&self) -> bool {
/// Attempt to parse a new triple from the already provided data.
/// Returns [`None`] if the parsing is finished or more data is required.
/// If it is the case more data should be fed using [`extend_from_slice`](Self::extend_from_slice).
pub fn read_next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<Triple, ParseError>> {
/// A [N-Triples]( serializer.
/// Support for [N-Triples-star]( is available behind the `rdf-star` feature.
/// ```
/// use oxrdf::{NamedNodeRef, TripleRef};
/// use oxttl::NTriplesSerializer;
/// let mut writer = NTriplesSerializer::new().serialize_to_write(Vec::new());
/// writer.write_triple(TripleRef::new(
/// NamedNodeRef::new("")?,
/// NamedNodeRef::new("")?,
/// NamedNodeRef::new("")?,
/// ))?;
/// assert_eq!(
/// b"<> <> <> .\n",
/// writer.finish().as_slice()
/// );
/// # Result::<_,Box<dyn std::error::Error>>::Ok(())
/// ```
pub struct NTriplesSerializer;
impl NTriplesSerializer {
/// Builds a new [`NTriplesSerializer`].
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Writes a N-Triples file to a [`Write`] implementation.
/// ```
/// use oxrdf::{NamedNodeRef, TripleRef};
/// use oxttl::NTriplesSerializer;
/// let mut writer = NTriplesSerializer::new().serialize_to_write(Vec::new());
/// writer.write_triple(TripleRef::new(
/// NamedNodeRef::new("")?,
/// NamedNodeRef::new("")?,
/// NamedNodeRef::new("")?,
/// ))?;
/// assert_eq!(
/// b"<> <> <> .\n",
/// writer.finish().as_slice()
/// );
/// # Result::<_,Box<dyn std::error::Error>>::Ok(())
/// ```
pub fn serialize_to_write<W: Write>(&self, write: W) -> ToWriteNTriplesWriter<W> {
ToWriteNTriplesWriter {
writer: self.serialize(),
/// Builds a low-level N-Triples writer.
/// ```
/// use oxrdf::{NamedNodeRef, TripleRef};
/// use oxttl::NTriplesSerializer;
/// let mut buf = Vec::new();
/// let mut writer = NTriplesSerializer::new().serialize();
/// writer.write_triple(TripleRef::new(
/// NamedNodeRef::new("")?,
/// NamedNodeRef::new("")?,
/// NamedNodeRef::new("")?,
/// ), &mut buf)?;
/// assert_eq!(
/// b"<> <> <> .\n",
/// buf.as_slice()
/// );
/// # Result::<_,Box<dyn std::error::Error>>::Ok(())
/// ```
pub fn serialize(&self) -> LowLevelNTriplesWriter {
/// Writes a N-Triples file to a [`Write`] implementation. Can be built using [`NTriplesSerializer::serialize_to_write`].
/// ```
/// use oxrdf::{NamedNodeRef, TripleRef};
/// use oxttl::NTriplesSerializer;
/// let mut writer = NTriplesSerializer::new().serialize_to_write(Vec::new());
/// writer.write_triple(TripleRef::new(
/// NamedNodeRef::new("")?,
/// NamedNodeRef::new("")?,
/// NamedNodeRef::new("")?,
/// ))?;
/// assert_eq!(
/// b"<> <> <> .\n",
/// writer.finish().as_slice()
/// );
/// # Result::<_,Box<dyn std::error::Error>>::Ok(())
/// ```
pub struct ToWriteNTriplesWriter<W: Write> {
write: W,
writer: LowLevelNTriplesWriter,
impl<W: Write> ToWriteNTriplesWriter<W> {
/// Writes an extra triple.
pub fn write_triple<'a>(&mut self, t: impl Into<TripleRef<'a>>) -> io::Result<()> {
self.writer.write_triple(t, &mut self.write)
/// Ends the write process and returns the underlying [`Write`].
pub fn finish(self) -> W {
/// Writes a N-Triples file by using a low-level API. Can be built using [`NTriplesSerializer::serialize`].
/// ```
/// use oxrdf::{NamedNodeRef, TripleRef};
/// use oxttl::NTriplesSerializer;
/// let mut buf = Vec::new();
/// let mut writer = NTriplesSerializer::new().serialize();
/// writer.write_triple(TripleRef::new(
/// NamedNodeRef::new("")?,
/// NamedNodeRef::new("")?,
/// NamedNodeRef::new("")?,
/// ), &mut buf)?;
/// assert_eq!(
/// b"<> <> <> .\n",
/// buf.as_slice()
/// );
/// # Result::<_,Box<dyn std::error::Error>>::Ok(())
/// ```
pub struct LowLevelNTriplesWriter;
impl LowLevelNTriplesWriter {
/// Writes an extra triple.
pub fn write_triple<'a>(
&mut self,
t: impl Into<TripleRef<'a>>,
mut write: impl Write,
) -> io::Result<()> {
writeln!(write, "{} .", t.into())