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/* global describe, it */
const { MemoryStore } = require('../pkg/oxigraph.js')
const assert = require('assert')
const dataFactory = require('@rdfjs/data-model')
const ex = dataFactory.namedNode('')
describe('MemoryStore', function () {
describe('#add()', function () {
it('an added quad should be in the store', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore()
store.add(dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex))
assert(store.has(dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)))
describe('#delete()', function () {
it('an removed quad should not be in the store anymore', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore([dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)])
assert(store.has(dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)))
store.delete(dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex))
assert(!store.has(dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)))
describe('#has()', function () {
it('an added quad should be in the store', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore([dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)])
assert(store.has(dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)))
describe('#size()', function () {
it('A store with one quad should have 1 for size', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore([dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)])
assert.strictEqual(1, store.size)
describe('#match_quads()', function () {
it('blank pattern should return all quads', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore([dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)])
const results = store.match()
assert.strictEqual(1, results.length)
assert(dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex).equals(results[0]))
describe('#query()', function () {
it('ASK true', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore([dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)])
assert.strictEqual(true, store.query('ASK { ?s ?s ?s }'))
it('ASK false', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore()
assert.strictEqual(false, store.query('ASK { FILTER(false)}'))
it('CONSTRUCT', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore([dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)])
const results = store.query('CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }')
assert.strictEqual(1, results.length)
assert(dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex).equals(results[0]))
it('SELECT', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore([dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)])
const results = store.query('SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }')
assert.strictEqual(1, results.length)
it('SELECT with NOW()', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore([dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)])
const results = store.query('SELECT (YEAR(NOW()) AS ?y) WHERE {}')
assert.strictEqual(1, results.length)
it('SELECT with RAND()', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore([dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)])
const results = store.query('SELECT (RAND() AS ?y) WHERE {}')
assert.strictEqual(1, results.length)
describe('#update()', function () {
it('INSERT DATA', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore()
store.update('INSERT DATA { <> <> <> }')
assert.strictEqual(1, store.size)
it('DELETE DATA', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore([dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)])
store.update('DELETE DATA { <> <> <> }')
assert.strictEqual(0, store.size)
it('DELETE WHERE', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore([dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)])
store.update('DELETE WHERE { ?v ?v ?v }')
assert.strictEqual(0, store.size)
describe('#load()', function () {
it('load NTriples in the default graph', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore()
store.load('<> <> <> .', 'application/n-triples')
assert(store.has(dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)))
it('load NTriples in an other graph', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore()
store.load('<> <> <> .', 'application/n-triples', null, ex)
assert(store.has(dataFactory.quad(ex, ex, ex, ex)))
it('load Turtle with a base IRI', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore()
store.load('<> <> <> .', 'text/turtle', '')
assert(store.has(dataFactory.triple(ex, ex, ex)))
it('load NQuads', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore()
store.load('<> <> <> <> .', 'application/n-quads')
assert(store.has(dataFactory.quad(ex, ex, ex, ex)))
it('load TriG with a base IRI', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore()
store.load('GRAPH <> { <> <> <> }', 'application/trig', '')
assert(store.has(dataFactory.quad(ex, ex, ex, ex)))
describe('#dump()', function () {
it('dump dataset content', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore([dataFactory.quad(ex, ex, ex, ex)])
assert.strictEqual('<> <> <> <> .\n', store.dump('application/n-quads'))
it('dump named graph content', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore([dataFactory.quad(ex, ex, ex, ex)])
assert.strictEqual('<> <> <> .\n', store.dump('application/n-triples', ex))
it('dump default graph content', function () {
const store = new MemoryStore([dataFactory.quad(ex, ex, ex, ex)])
assert.strictEqual('', store.dump('application/n-triples'))