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maxlath cccae695a4 Adds docker-oxigraph 5 years ago
Dockerfile Adds docker-oxigraph 5 years ago Adds docker-oxigraph 5 years ago Adds docker-oxigraph 5 years ago


Oxigraph in a Docker container.

DockerHub Badge Oxigraph DockerHub Badge Oxigraph-Wikibase


Display the help menu

docker run --rm oxigraph/oxigraph --help

Run the web server

Expose the server on port 7878 of the host machine, and save data on the local ./data folder

docker run --init --rm -v $PWD/data:/data -p 7878:7878 oxigraph/oxigraph -b -f /data

You can then access it from your machine on port 7878:

# Open the GUI in a browser
firefox http://localhost:7878

# Post some data
curl http://localhost:7878 -H 'Content-Type: application/x-turtle' -d@./data.ttl

# Make a query
curl -H 'Accept: application/sparql-results+json' 'http://localhost:7878/query?query=SELECT%20*%20%7B%20%3Fs%20%3Fp%20%3Fo%20%7D%20LIMIT%2010'

Run the web server for Wikibase

docker run --init --rm -v $PWD/wikibase_data:/wikibase_data -p 7878:7878 oxigraph/oxigraph-wikibase -b -f /wikibase_data --mediawiki-api http://some.wikibase.instance/w/api.php --mediawiki-base-url http://some.wikibase.instance/wiki/

the Wikibase instance needs to be accessible from within the container. The clean way to do that could be to have both your wikibase and oxigraph in the same docker-compose.yml.

Build local image

server image

# Build with no build context, just the Dockerfile
cat Dockerfile | docker build -t oxigraph -

Wikibase server image

# Same, simply replacing the entrypoint
cat Dockerfile | sed s/oxigraph_server/oxigraph_wikibase/ | docker build -t oxigraph-wikibase -