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use crate::io::{allow_threads_unsafe, map_io_err, map_parse_error, PyReadable, PyWritable};
use crate::model::*;
use crate::sparql::*;
use oxigraph::io::RdfFormat;
use oxigraph::model::{GraphName, GraphNameRef};
use oxigraph::sparql::Update;
use oxigraph::store::{self, LoaderError, SerializerError, StorageError, Store};
use pyo3::exceptions::{PyRuntimeError, PyValueError};
use pyo3::prelude::*;
use std::io::BufWriter;
use std::path::PathBuf;
/// RDF store.
/// It encodes a `RDF dataset <>`_ and allows to query it using SPARQL.
/// It is based on the `RocksDB <>`_ key-value database.
/// This store ensures the "repeatable read" isolation level: the store only exposes changes that have
/// been "committed" (i.e. no partial writes) and the exposed state does not change for the complete duration
/// of a read operation (e.g. a SPARQL query) or a read/write operation (e.g. a SPARQL update).
/// The :py:class:`Store` constructor opens a read-write instance.
/// To open a static read-only instance use :py:func:`Store.read_only`
/// and to open a read-only instance that tracks a read-write instance use :py:func:`Store.secondary`.
/// :param path: the path of the directory in which the store should read and write its data. If the directory does not exist, it is created.
/// If no directory is provided a temporary one is created and removed when the Python garbage collector removes the store.
/// In this case, the store data are kept in memory and never written on disk.
/// :type path: str or pathlib.Path or None, optional
/// :raises OSError: if the target directory contains invalid data or could not be accessed.
/// The :py:func:`str` function provides a serialization of the store in NQuads:
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'), NamedNode('')))
/// >>> str(store)
/// '<> <> "1" <> .\n'
#[pyclass(frozen, name = "Store", module = "pyoxigraph")]
pub struct PyStore {
inner: Store,
impl PyStore {
#[pyo3(signature = (path = None))]
fn new(path: Option<PathBuf>, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<Self> {
py.allow_threads(|| {
Ok(Self {
inner: if let Some(path) = path {
} else {
/// Opens a read-only store from disk.
/// Opening as read-only while having an other process writing the database is undefined behavior.
/// :py:func:`Store.secondary` should be used in this case.
/// :param path: path to the primary read-write instance data.
/// :type path: str
/// :return: the opened store.
/// :rtype: Store
/// :raises OSError: if the target directory contains invalid data or could not be accessed.
fn read_only(path: &str, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<Self> {
py.allow_threads(|| {
Ok(Self {
inner: Store::open_read_only(path).map_err(map_storage_error)?,
/// Opens a read-only clone of a running read-write store.
/// Changes done while this process is running will be replicated after a possible lag.
/// It should only be used if a primary instance opened with :py:func:`Store` is running at the same time.
/// If you want to simple read-only store use :py:func:`Store.read_only`.
/// :param primary_path: path to the primary read-write instance data.
/// :type primary_path: str
/// :param secondary_path: path to an other directory for the secondary instance cache. If not given a temporary directory will be used.
/// :type secondary_path: str or None, optional
/// :return: the opened store.
/// :rtype: Store
/// :raises OSError: if the target directories contain invalid data or could not be accessed.
#[pyo3(signature = (primary_path, secondary_path = None))]
fn secondary(
primary_path: &str,
secondary_path: Option<&str>,
py: Python<'_>,
) -> PyResult<Self> {
py.allow_threads(|| {
Ok(Self {
inner: if let Some(secondary_path) = secondary_path {
Store::open_persistent_secondary(primary_path, secondary_path)
} else {
/// Adds a quad to the store.
/// :param quad: the quad to add.
/// :type quad: Quad
/// :rtype: None
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during the quad insertion.
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'), NamedNode('')))
/// >>> list(store)
/// [<Quad subject=<NamedNode value=> predicate=<NamedNode value=> object=<Literal value=1 datatype=<NamedNode value=>> graph_name=<NamedNode value=>>]
fn add(&self, quad: &PyQuad, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<()> {
py.allow_threads(|| {
/// Adds atomically a set of quads to this store.
/// Insertion is done in a transactional manner: either the full operation succeeds or nothing is written to the database.
/// The :py:func:`bulk_extend` method is also available for much faster loading of a large number of quads but without transactional guarantees.
/// :param quads: the quads to add.
/// :type quads: iterable(Quad)
/// :rtype: None
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during the quad insertion.
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.extend([Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'), NamedNode(''))])
/// >>> list(store)
/// [<Quad subject=<NamedNode value=> predicate=<NamedNode value=> object=<Literal value=1 datatype=<NamedNode value=>> graph_name=<NamedNode value=>>]
fn extend(&self, quads: &PyAny, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<()> {
let quads = quads
.map(|q| q?.extract())
py.allow_threads(|| {
/// Adds a set of quads to this store.
/// This function is designed to be as fast as possible **without** transactional guarantees.
/// Only a part of the data might be written to the store.
/// :param quads: the quads to add.
/// :type quads: iterable(Quad)
/// :rtype: None
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during the quad insertion.
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.bulk_extend([Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'), NamedNode(''))])
/// >>> list(store)
/// [<Quad subject=<NamedNode value=> predicate=<NamedNode value=> object=<Literal value=1 datatype=<NamedNode value=>> graph_name=<NamedNode value=>>]
fn bulk_extend(&self, quads: &PyAny) -> PyResult<()> {
.load_ok_quads::<PyErr, PythonOrStorageError>(
quads.iter()?.map(|q| q?.extract::<PyQuad>()),
/// Removes a quad from the store.
/// :param quad: the quad to remove.
/// :type quad: Quad
/// :rtype: None
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during the quad removal.
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> quad = Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'), NamedNode(''))
/// >>> store.add(quad)
/// >>> store.remove(quad)
/// >>> list(store)
/// []
fn remove(&self, quad: &PyQuad, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<()> {
py.allow_threads(|| {
/// Looks for the quads matching a given pattern.
/// :param subject: the quad subject or :py:const:`None` to match everything.
/// :type subject: NamedNode or BlankNode or Triple or None
/// :param predicate: the quad predicate or :py:const:`None` to match everything.
/// :type predicate: NamedNode or None
/// :param object: the quad object or :py:const:`None` to match everything.
/// :type object: NamedNode or BlankNode or Literal or Triple or None
/// :param graph_name: the quad graph name. To match only the default graph, use :py:class:`DefaultGraph`. To match everything use :py:const:`None`.
/// :type graph_name: NamedNode or BlankNode or DefaultGraph or None, optional
/// :return: an iterator of the quads matching the pattern.
/// :rtype: iterator(Quad)
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during the quads lookup.
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'), NamedNode('')))
/// >>> list(store.quads_for_pattern(NamedNode(''), None, None, None))
/// [<Quad subject=<NamedNode value=> predicate=<NamedNode value=> object=<Literal value=1 datatype=<NamedNode value=>> graph_name=<NamedNode value=>>]
#[pyo3(signature = (subject, predicate, object, graph_name = None))]
fn quads_for_pattern(
subject: &PyAny,
predicate: &PyAny,
object: &PyAny,
graph_name: Option<&PyAny>,
) -> PyResult<QuadIter> {
let (subject, predicate, object, graph_name) =
extract_quads_pattern(subject, predicate, object, graph_name)?;
Ok(QuadIter {
inner: self.inner.quads_for_pattern(
/// Executes a `SPARQL 1.1 query <>`_.
/// :param query: the query to execute.
/// :type query: str
/// :param base_iri: the base IRI used to resolve the relative IRIs in the SPARQL query or :py:const:`None` if relative IRI resolution should not be done.
/// :type base_iri: str or None, optional
/// :param use_default_graph_as_union: if the SPARQL query should look for triples in all the dataset graphs by default (i.e. without `GRAPH` operations). Disabled by default.
/// :type use_default_graph_as_union: bool, optional
/// :param default_graph: list of the graphs that should be used as the query default graph. By default, the store default graph is used.
/// :type default_graph: NamedNode or BlankNode or DefaultGraph or list(NamedNode or BlankNode or DefaultGraph) or None, optional
/// :param named_graphs: list of the named graphs that could be used in SPARQL `GRAPH` clause. By default, all the store named graphs are available.
/// :type named_graphs: list(NamedNode or BlankNode) or None, optional
/// :return: a :py:class:`bool` for ``ASK`` queries, an iterator of :py:class:`Triple` for ``CONSTRUCT`` and ``DESCRIBE`` queries and an iterator of :py:class:`QuerySolution` for ``SELECT`` queries.
/// :rtype: QuerySolutions or QueryTriples or bool
/// :raises SyntaxError: if the provided query is invalid.
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens while reading the store.
/// ``SELECT`` query:
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1')))
/// >>> [solution['s'] for solution in store.query('SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }')]
/// [<NamedNode value=>]
/// ``CONSTRUCT`` query:
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1')))
/// >>> list(store.query('CONSTRUCT WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }'))
/// [<Triple subject=<NamedNode value=> predicate=<NamedNode value=> object=<Literal value=1 datatype=<NamedNode value=>>>]
/// ``ASK`` query:
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1')))
/// >>> store.query('ASK { ?s ?p ?o }')
/// True
#[pyo3(signature = (query, *, base_iri = None, use_default_graph_as_union = false, default_graph = None, named_graphs = None))]
fn query(
query: &str,
base_iri: Option<&str>,
use_default_graph_as_union: bool,
default_graph: Option<&PyAny>,
named_graphs: Option<&PyAny>,
py: Python<'_>,
) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
let query = parse_query(
let results =
allow_threads_unsafe(|| self.inner.query(query)).map_err(map_evaluation_error)?;
Ok(query_results_to_python(py, results))
/// Executes a `SPARQL 1.1 update <>`_.
/// Updates are applied in a transactional manner: either the full operation succeeds or nothing is written to the database.
/// :param update: the update to execute.
/// :type update: str
/// :param base_iri: the base IRI used to resolve the relative IRIs in the SPARQL update or :py:const:`None` if relative IRI resolution should not be done.
/// :type base_iri: str or None, optional
/// :rtype: None
/// :raises SyntaxError: if the provided update is invalid.
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens while reading the store.
/// ``INSERT DATA`` update:
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.update('INSERT DATA { <> <> "1" }')
/// >>> list(store)
/// [<Quad subject=<NamedNode value=> predicate=<NamedNode value=> object=<Literal value=1 datatype=<NamedNode value=>> graph_name=<DefaultGraph>>]
/// ``DELETE DATA`` update:
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1')))
/// >>> store.update('DELETE DATA { <> <> "1" }')
/// >>> list(store)
/// []
/// ``DELETE`` update:
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1')))
/// >>> store.update('DELETE WHERE { <> ?p ?o }')
/// >>> list(store)
/// []
#[pyo3(signature = (update, *, base_iri = None))]
fn update(&self, update: &str, base_iri: Option<&str>, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<()> {
py.allow_threads(|| {
let update =
Update::parse(update, base_iri).map_err(|e| map_evaluation_error(e.into()))?;
/// Loads an RDF serialization into the store.
/// Loads are applied in a transactional manner: either the full operation succeeds or nothing is written to the database.
/// The :py:func:`bulk_load` method is also available for much faster loading of big files but without transactional guarantees.
/// Beware, the full file is loaded into memory.
/// It currently supports the following formats:
/// * `N-Triples <>`_ (``application/n-triples``)
/// * `N-Quads <>`_ (``application/n-quads``)
/// * `Turtle <>`_ (``text/turtle``)
/// * `TriG <>`_ (``application/trig``)
/// * `RDF/XML <>`_ (``application/rdf+xml``)
/// It supports also some MIME type aliases.
/// For example, ``application/turtle`` could also be used for `Turtle <>`_
/// and ``application/xml`` for `RDF/XML <>`_.
/// :param input: The binary I/O object or file path to read from. For example, it could be a file path as a string or a file reader opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'rb')``.
/// :type input: io(bytes) or io(str) or str or pathlib.Path
/// :param mime_type: the MIME type of the RDF serialization.
/// :type mime_type: str
/// :param base_iri: the base IRI used to resolve the relative IRIs in the file or :py:const:`None` if relative IRI resolution should not be done.
/// :type base_iri: str or None, optional
/// :param to_graph: if it is a file composed of triples, the graph in which the triples should be stored. By default, the default graph is used.
/// :type to_graph: NamedNode or BlankNode or DefaultGraph or None, optional
/// :rtype: None
/// :raises ValueError: if the MIME type is not supported.
/// :raises SyntaxError: if the provided data is invalid.
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during a quad insertion.
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.load(io.BytesIO(b'<foo> <p> "1" .'), "text/turtle", base_iri="", to_graph=NamedNode(""))
/// >>> list(store)
/// [<Quad subject=<NamedNode value=> predicate=<NamedNode value=> object=<Literal value=1 datatype=<NamedNode value=>> graph_name=<NamedNode value=>>]
#[pyo3(signature = (input, mime_type, *, base_iri = None, to_graph = None))]
fn load(
input: PyObject,
mime_type: &str,
base_iri: Option<&str>,
to_graph: Option<&PyAny>,
py: Python<'_>,
) -> PyResult<()> {
let Some(format) = RdfFormat::from_media_type(mime_type) else {
return Err(PyValueError::new_err(format!(
"Not supported MIME type: {mime_type}"
let to_graph_name = if let Some(graph_name) = to_graph {
} else {
let input = if let Ok(path) = input.extract::<PathBuf>(py) {
PyReadable::from_file(&path, py).map_err(map_io_err)?
} else {
PyReadable::from_data(input, py)
py.allow_threads(|| {
if let Some(to_graph_name) = to_graph_name {
.load_graph(input, format, to_graph_name, base_iri)
} else {
self.inner.load_dataset(input, format, base_iri)
/// Loads an RDF serialization into the store.
/// This function is designed to be as fast as possible on big files **without** transactional guarantees.
/// If the file is invalid only a piece of it might be written to the store.
/// The :py:func:`load` method is also available for loads with transactional guarantees.
/// It currently supports the following formats:
/// * `N-Triples <>`_ (``application/n-triples``)
/// * `N-Quads <>`_ (``application/n-quads``)
/// * `Turtle <>`_ (``text/turtle``)
/// * `TriG <>`_ (``application/trig``)
/// * `RDF/XML <>`_ (``application/rdf+xml``)
/// It supports also some MIME type aliases.
/// For example, ``application/turtle`` could also be used for `Turtle <>`_
/// and ``application/xml`` for `RDF/XML <>`_.
/// :param input: The binary I/O object or file path to read from. For example, it could be a file path as a string or a file reader opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'rb')``.
/// :type input: io(bytes) or io(str) or str or pathlib.Path
/// :param mime_type: the MIME type of the RDF serialization.
/// :type mime_type: str
/// :param base_iri: the base IRI used to resolve the relative IRIs in the file or :py:const:`None` if relative IRI resolution should not be done.
/// :type base_iri: str or None, optional
/// :param to_graph: if it is a file composed of triples, the graph in which the triples should be stored. By default, the default graph is used.
/// :type to_graph: NamedNode or BlankNode or DefaultGraph or None, optional
/// :rtype: None
/// :raises ValueError: if the MIME type is not supported.
/// :raises SyntaxError: if the provided data is invalid.
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during a quad insertion.
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.bulk_load(io.BytesIO(b'<foo> <p> "1" .'), "text/turtle", base_iri="", to_graph=NamedNode(""))
/// >>> list(store)
/// [<Quad subject=<NamedNode value=> predicate=<NamedNode value=> object=<Literal value=1 datatype=<NamedNode value=>> graph_name=<NamedNode value=>>]
#[pyo3(signature = (input, mime_type, *, base_iri = None, to_graph = None))]
fn bulk_load(
input: PyObject,
mime_type: &str,
base_iri: Option<&str>,
to_graph: Option<&PyAny>,
py: Python<'_>,
) -> PyResult<()> {
let Some(format) = RdfFormat::from_media_type(mime_type) else {
return Err(PyValueError::new_err(format!(
"Not supported MIME type: {mime_type}"
let to_graph_name = if let Some(graph_name) = to_graph {
} else {
let input = if let Ok(path) = input.extract::<PathBuf>(py) {
PyReadable::from_file(&path, py).map_err(map_io_err)?
} else {
PyReadable::from_data(input, py)
py.allow_threads(|| {
if let Some(to_graph_name) = to_graph_name {
.load_graph(input, format, to_graph_name, base_iri)
} else {
.load_dataset(input, format, base_iri)
/// Dumps the store quads or triples into a file.
/// It currently supports the following formats:
/// * `N-Triples <>`_ (``application/n-triples``)
/// * `N-Quads <>`_ (``application/n-quads``)
/// * `Turtle <>`_ (``text/turtle``)
/// * `TriG <>`_ (``application/trig``)
/// * `RDF/XML <>`_ (``application/rdf+xml``)
/// It supports also some MIME type aliases.
/// For example, ``application/turtle`` could also be used for `Turtle <>`_
/// and ``application/xml`` for `RDF/XML <>`_.
/// :param output: The binary I/O object or file path to write to. For example, it could be a file path as a string or a file writer opened in binary mode with ``open('my_file.ttl', 'wb')``.
/// :type output: io(bytes) or str or pathlib.Path
/// :param mime_type: the MIME type of the RDF serialization.
/// :type mime_type: str
/// :param from_graph: the store graph from which dump the triples. Required if the serialization format does not support named graphs. If it does supports named graphs the full dataset is written.
/// :type from_graph: NamedNode or BlankNode or DefaultGraph or None, optional
/// :rtype: None
/// :raises ValueError: if the MIME type is not supported or the `from_graph` parameter is not given with a syntax not supporting named graphs.
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during a quad lookup
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'), NamedNode('')))
/// >>> output = io.BytesIO()
/// >>> store.dump(output, "text/turtle", from_graph=NamedNode(""))
/// >>> output.getvalue()
/// b'<> <> "1" .\n'
#[pyo3(signature = (output, mime_type, *, from_graph = None))]
fn dump(
output: PyObject,
mime_type: &str,
from_graph: Option<&PyAny>,
py: Python<'_>,
) -> PyResult<()> {
let Some(format) = RdfFormat::from_media_type(mime_type) else {
return Err(PyValueError::new_err(format!(
"Not supported MIME type: {mime_type}"
let from_graph_name = if let Some(graph_name) = from_graph {
} else {
let output = if let Ok(path) = output.extract::<PathBuf>(py) {
PyWritable::from_file(&path, py).map_err(map_io_err)?
} else {
py.allow_threads(|| {
let output = BufWriter::new(output);
if let Some(from_graph_name) = &from_graph_name {
self.inner.dump_graph(output, format, from_graph_name)
} else {
self.inner.dump_dataset(output, format)
.map_err(|e| map_io_err(e.into_error()))?
/// Returns an iterator over all the store named graphs.
/// :return: an iterator of the store graph names.
/// :rtype: iterator(NamedNode or BlankNode)
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during the named graphs lookup.
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'), NamedNode('')))
/// >>> list(store.named_graphs())
/// [<NamedNode value=>]
fn named_graphs(&self) -> GraphNameIter {
GraphNameIter {
inner: self.inner.named_graphs(),
/// Returns if the store contains the given named graph.
/// :param graph_name: the name of the named graph.
/// :type graph_name: NamedNode or BlankNode or DefaultGraph
/// :rtype: bool
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during the named graph lookup.
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add_graph(NamedNode(''))
/// >>> store.contains_named_graph(NamedNode(''))
/// True
fn contains_named_graph(&self, graph_name: &PyAny) -> PyResult<bool> {
let graph_name = GraphName::from(&PyGraphNameRef::try_from(graph_name)?);
match graph_name {
GraphName::DefaultGraph => Ok(true),
GraphName::NamedNode(graph_name) => self.inner.contains_named_graph(&graph_name),
GraphName::BlankNode(graph_name) => self.inner.contains_named_graph(&graph_name),
/// Adds a named graph to the store.
/// :param graph_name: the name of the name graph to add.
/// :type graph_name: NamedNode or BlankNode or DefaultGraph
/// :rtype: None
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during the named graph insertion.
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add_graph(NamedNode(''))
/// >>> list(store.named_graphs())
/// [<NamedNode value=>]
fn add_graph(&self, graph_name: &PyAny, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<()> {
let graph_name = GraphName::from(&PyGraphNameRef::try_from(graph_name)?);
py.allow_threads(|| {
match graph_name {
GraphName::DefaultGraph => Ok(()),
GraphName::NamedNode(graph_name) => {
self.inner.insert_named_graph(&graph_name).map(|_| ())
GraphName::BlankNode(graph_name) => {
self.inner.insert_named_graph(&graph_name).map(|_| ())
/// Clears a graph from the store without removing it.
/// :param graph_name: the name of the name graph to clear.
/// :type graph_name: NamedNode or BlankNode or DefaultGraph
/// :rtype: None
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during the operation.
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'), NamedNode('')))
/// >>> store.clear_graph(NamedNode(''))
/// >>> list(store)
/// []
/// >>> list(store.named_graphs())
/// [<NamedNode value=>]
fn clear_graph(&self, graph_name: &PyAny, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<()> {
let graph_name = GraphName::from(&PyGraphNameRef::try_from(graph_name)?);
py.allow_threads(|| {
/// Removes a graph from the store.
/// The default graph will not be removed but just cleared.
/// :param graph_name: the name of the name graph to remove.
/// :type graph_name: NamedNode or BlankNode or DefaultGraph
/// :rtype: None
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during the named graph removal.
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'), NamedNode('')))
/// >>> store.remove_graph(NamedNode(''))
/// >>> list(store.named_graphs())
/// []
fn remove_graph(&self, graph_name: &PyAny, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<()> {
let graph_name = GraphName::from(&PyGraphNameRef::try_from(graph_name)?);
py.allow_threads(|| {
match graph_name {
GraphName::DefaultGraph => self.inner.clear_graph(GraphNameRef::DefaultGraph),
GraphName::NamedNode(graph_name) => {
self.inner.remove_named_graph(&graph_name).map(|_| ())
GraphName::BlankNode(graph_name) => {
self.inner.remove_named_graph(&graph_name).map(|_| ())
/// Clears the store by removing all its contents.
/// :rtype: None
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during the operation.
/// >>> store = Store()
/// >>> store.add(Quad(NamedNode(''), NamedNode(''), Literal('1'), NamedNode('')))
/// >>> store.clear()
/// >>> list(store)
/// []
/// >>> list(store.named_graphs())
/// []
fn clear(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<()> {
py.allow_threads(|| self.inner.clear().map_err(map_storage_error))
/// Flushes all buffers and ensures that all writes are saved on disk.
/// Flushes are automatically done using background threads but might lag a little bit.
/// :rtype: None
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during the flush.
fn flush(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<()> {
py.allow_threads(|| self.inner.flush().map_err(map_storage_error))
/// Optimizes the database for future workload.
/// Useful to call after a batch upload or another similar operation.
/// :rtype: None
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during the optimization.
fn optimize(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<()> {
py.allow_threads(|| self.inner.optimize().map_err(map_storage_error))
/// Creates database backup into the `target_directory`.
/// After its creation, the backup is usable using :py:class:`Store` constructor.
/// like a regular pyxigraph database and operates independently from the original database.
/// Warning: Backups are only possible for on-disk databases created by providing a path to :py:class:`Store` constructor.
/// Temporary in-memory databases created without path are not compatible with the backup system.
/// Warning: An error is raised if the ``target_directory`` already exists.
/// If the target directory is in the same file system as the current database,
/// the database content will not be fully copied
/// but hard links will be used to point to the original database immutable snapshots.
/// This allows cheap regular backups.
/// If you want to move your data to another RDF storage system, you should have a look at the :py:func:`dump_dataset` function instead.
/// :param target_directory: the directory name to save the database to.
/// :type target_directory: str
/// :rtype: None
/// :raises OSError: if an error happens during the backup.
fn backup(&self, target_directory: &str, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<()> {
py.allow_threads(|| {
fn __str__(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> String {
py.allow_threads(|| self.inner.to_string())
fn __bool__(&self) -> PyResult<bool> {
fn __len__(&self) -> PyResult<usize> {
fn __contains__(&self, quad: &PyQuad) -> PyResult<bool> {
fn __iter__(&self) -> QuadIter {
QuadIter {
inner: self.inner.iter(),
#[pyclass(unsendable, module = "pyoxigraph")]
pub struct QuadIter {
inner: store::QuadIter,
impl QuadIter {
fn __iter__(slf: PyRef<'_, Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
fn __next__(&mut self) -> PyResult<Option<PyQuad>> {
.map(|q| Ok(q.map_err(map_storage_error)?.into()))
#[pyclass(unsendable, module = "pyoxigraph")]
pub struct GraphNameIter {
inner: store::GraphNameIter,
impl GraphNameIter {
fn __iter__(slf: PyRef<'_, Self>) -> PyRef<Self> {
fn __next__(&mut self) -> PyResult<Option<PyNamedOrBlankNode>> {
.map(|q| Ok(q.map_err(map_storage_error)?.into()))
pub fn extract_quads_pattern<'a>(
subject: &'a PyAny,
predicate: &'a PyAny,
object: &'a PyAny,
graph_name: Option<&'a PyAny>,
) -> PyResult<(
)> {
if subject.is_none() {
} else {
if predicate.is_none() {
} else {
if object.is_none() {
} else {
if let Some(graph_name) = graph_name {
if graph_name.is_none() {
} else {
} else {
pub fn map_storage_error(error: StorageError) -> PyErr {
match error {
StorageError::Io(error) => error.into(),
_ => PyRuntimeError::new_err(error.to_string()),
pub fn map_loader_error(error: LoaderError) -> PyErr {
match error {
LoaderError::Storage(error) => map_storage_error(error),
LoaderError::Parsing(error) => map_parse_error(error),
LoaderError::InvalidBaseIri { .. } => PyValueError::new_err(error.to_string()),
pub fn map_serializer_error(error: SerializerError) -> PyErr {
match error {
SerializerError::Storage(error) => map_storage_error(error),
SerializerError::Io(error) => error.into(),
SerializerError::DatasetFormatExpected(_) => PyValueError::new_err(error.to_string()),
enum PythonOrStorageError {
impl From<PyErr> for PythonOrStorageError {
fn from(error: PyErr) -> Self {
impl From<StorageError> for PythonOrStorageError {
fn from(error: StorageError) -> Self {
impl From<PythonOrStorageError> for PyErr {
fn from(error: PythonOrStorageError) -> Self {
match error {
PythonOrStorageError::Python(error) => error,
PythonOrStorageError::Storage(error) => map_storage_error(error),