name: CI Build Status on: [push, pull_request] env: RUST_BACKTRACE: 1 defaults: run: shell: bash jobs: build: strategy: matrix: target: - { os: ubuntu-latest, host: '' } - { os: macos-latest, host: '' } - { os: windows-latest, host: '-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc' } - { os: windows-latest, host: '-i686-pc-windows-msvc' } toolchain: [1.45.0, stable, beta, nightly] fail-fast: false runs-on: ${{ }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Install Rust toolchain ${{ matrix.toolchain }}${{ }} on ${{ }} run: | rustup toolchain install ${{ matrix.toolchain }}${{ }} --profile minimal --component rustfmt clippy rustup default ${{ matrix.toolchain }}${{ }} - if: ${{ matrix.toolchain == 'nightly' }} run: cargo clippy --all-features -- -D warnings env: CC: clang - if: ${{ matrix.toolchain == '1.45.0' }} run: | echo "CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV - run: cargo build --verbose - name: Test with all features run: cargo test --all --verbose - name: Test with no default features run: cargo test --lib --no-default-features --verbose - name: Test with db-dup-sort run: cargo test --lib --no-default-features --features "db-dup-sort" --verbose - name: Test with db-int-key run: cargo test --lib --no-default-features --features "db-int-key" --verbose - name: Test with LMDB enabled run: cargo test --all --features "lmdb" --verbose - name: Test in release mode run: cargo test --release --all --verbose - name: Run all examples run: ./