fork of and for nextgraph and oxigraph
197 lines
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197 lines
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4 years ago
// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#include "db/blob/blob_garbage_meter.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "db/blob/blob_index.h"
#include "db/blob/blob_log_format.h"
#include "db/dbformat.h"
#include "test_util/testharness.h"
TEST(BlobGarbageMeterTest, MeasureGarbage) {
BlobGarbageMeter blob_garbage_meter;
struct BlobDescriptor {
std::string user_key;
uint64_t blob_file_number;
uint64_t offset;
uint64_t size;
CompressionType compression_type;
bool has_in_flow;
bool has_out_flow;
uint64_t GetExpectedBytes() const {
return size +
// Note: blob file 4 has the same inflow and outflow and hence no additional
// garbage. Blob file 5 has less outflow than inflow and thus it does have
// additional garbage. Blob file 6 is a newly written file (i.e. no inflow,
// only outflow) and is thus not tracked by the meter.
std::vector<BlobDescriptor> blobs{
{"key", 4, 1234, 555, kLZ4Compression, true, true},
{"other_key", 4, 6789, 101010, kLZ4Compression, true, true},
{"yet_another_key", 5, 22222, 3456, kLZ4Compression, true, true},
{"foo_key", 5, 77777, 8888, kLZ4Compression, true, true},
{"bar_key", 5, 999999, 1212, kLZ4Compression, true, false},
{"baz_key", 5, 1234567, 890, kLZ4Compression, true, false},
{"new_key", 6, 7777, 9999, kNoCompression, false, true}};
for (const auto& blob : blobs) {
constexpr SequenceNumber seq = 123;
const InternalKey key(blob.user_key, seq, kTypeBlobIndex);
const Slice key_slice = key.Encode();
std::string value;
BlobIndex::EncodeBlob(&value, blob.blob_file_number, blob.offset, blob.size,
const Slice value_slice(value);
if (blob.has_in_flow) {
ASSERT_OK(blob_garbage_meter.ProcessInFlow(key_slice, value_slice));
if (blob.has_out_flow) {
ASSERT_OK(blob_garbage_meter.ProcessOutFlow(key_slice, value_slice));
const auto& flows = blob_garbage_meter.flows();
ASSERT_EQ(flows.size(), 2);
const auto it = flows.find(4);
ASSERT_NE(it, flows.end());
const auto& flow = it->second;
constexpr uint64_t expected_count = 2;
const uint64_t expected_bytes =
blobs[0].GetExpectedBytes() + blobs[1].GetExpectedBytes();
const auto& in = flow.GetInFlow();
ASSERT_EQ(in.GetCount(), expected_count);
ASSERT_EQ(in.GetBytes(), expected_bytes);
const auto& out = flow.GetOutFlow();
ASSERT_EQ(out.GetCount(), expected_count);
ASSERT_EQ(out.GetBytes(), expected_bytes);
const auto it = flows.find(5);
ASSERT_NE(it, flows.end());
const auto& flow = it->second;
const auto& in = flow.GetInFlow();
constexpr uint64_t expected_in_count = 4;
const uint64_t expected_in_bytes =
blobs[2].GetExpectedBytes() + blobs[3].GetExpectedBytes() +
blobs[4].GetExpectedBytes() + blobs[5].GetExpectedBytes();
ASSERT_EQ(in.GetCount(), expected_in_count);
ASSERT_EQ(in.GetBytes(), expected_in_bytes);
const auto& out = flow.GetOutFlow();
constexpr uint64_t expected_out_count = 2;
const uint64_t expected_out_bytes =
blobs[2].GetExpectedBytes() + blobs[3].GetExpectedBytes();
ASSERT_EQ(out.GetCount(), expected_out_count);
ASSERT_EQ(out.GetBytes(), expected_out_bytes);
ASSERT_EQ(flow.GetGarbageCount(), expected_in_count - expected_out_count);
ASSERT_EQ(flow.GetGarbageBytes(), expected_in_bytes - expected_out_bytes);
TEST(BlobGarbageMeterTest, PlainValue) {
constexpr char user_key[] = "user_key";
constexpr SequenceNumber seq = 123;
const InternalKey key(user_key, seq, kTypeValue);
const Slice key_slice = key.Encode();
constexpr char value[] = "value";
const Slice value_slice(value);
BlobGarbageMeter blob_garbage_meter;
ASSERT_OK(blob_garbage_meter.ProcessInFlow(key_slice, value_slice));
ASSERT_OK(blob_garbage_meter.ProcessOutFlow(key_slice, value_slice));
TEST(BlobGarbageMeterTest, CorruptInternalKey) {
constexpr char corrupt_key[] = "i_am_corrupt";
const Slice key_slice(corrupt_key);
constexpr char value[] = "value";
const Slice value_slice(value);
BlobGarbageMeter blob_garbage_meter;
ASSERT_NOK(blob_garbage_meter.ProcessInFlow(key_slice, value_slice));
ASSERT_NOK(blob_garbage_meter.ProcessOutFlow(key_slice, value_slice));
TEST(BlobGarbageMeterTest, CorruptBlobIndex) {
constexpr char user_key[] = "user_key";
constexpr SequenceNumber seq = 123;
const InternalKey key(user_key, seq, kTypeBlobIndex);
const Slice key_slice = key.Encode();
constexpr char value[] = "i_am_not_a_blob_index";
const Slice value_slice(value);
BlobGarbageMeter blob_garbage_meter;
ASSERT_NOK(blob_garbage_meter.ProcessInFlow(key_slice, value_slice));
ASSERT_NOK(blob_garbage_meter.ProcessOutFlow(key_slice, value_slice));
TEST(BlobGarbageMeterTest, InlinedTTLBlobIndex) {
constexpr char user_key[] = "user_key";
constexpr SequenceNumber seq = 123;
const InternalKey key(user_key, seq, kTypeBlobIndex);
const Slice key_slice = key.Encode();
constexpr uint64_t expiration = 1234567890;
constexpr char inlined_value[] = "inlined";
std::string value;
BlobIndex::EncodeInlinedTTL(&value, expiration, inlined_value);
const Slice value_slice(value);
BlobGarbageMeter blob_garbage_meter;
ASSERT_NOK(blob_garbage_meter.ProcessInFlow(key_slice, value_slice));
ASSERT_NOK(blob_garbage_meter.ProcessOutFlow(key_slice, value_slice));
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();