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// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include <algorithm>
#include <deque>
#include <thread>
#include <ctime>
#include <errno.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "rocksdb/slice.h"
#include "port/port.h"
#include "port/dirent.h"
#include "port/win/win_logger.h"
#include "util/random.h"
#include "util/iostats_context_imp.h"
#include "util/rate_limiter.h"
#include "util/sync_point.h"
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
#include "util/aligned_buffer.h"
#include "util/threadpool.h"
#include "util/thread_status_updater.h"
#include "util/thread_status_util.h"
#include <Rpc.h> // For UUID generation
#include <Windows.h>
namespace rocksdb {
std::string GetWindowsErrSz(DWORD err) {
LPSTR lpMsgBuf;
NULL, err,
0, // Default language
reinterpret_cast<LPSTR>(&lpMsgBuf), 0, NULL);
std::string Err = lpMsgBuf;
return Err;
namespace {
const size_t c_OneMB = (1 << 20);
ThreadStatusUpdater* CreateThreadStatusUpdater() {
return new ThreadStatusUpdater();
inline Status IOErrorFromWindowsError(const std::string& context, DWORD err) {
return Status::IOError(context, GetWindowsErrSz(err));
inline Status IOErrorFromLastWindowsError(const std::string& context) {
return IOErrorFromWindowsError(context, GetLastError());
inline Status IOError(const std::string& context, int err_number) {
return Status::IOError(context, strerror(err_number));
// TODO(sdong): temp logging. Need to help debugging. Remove it when
// the feature is proved to be stable.
inline void PrintThreadInfo(size_t thread_id, size_t terminatingId) {
fprintf(stdout, "Bg thread %Iu terminates %Iu\n", thread_id, terminatingId);
// returns the ID of the current process
inline int current_process_id() { return _getpid(); }
// RAII helpers for HANDLEs
const auto CloseHandleFunc = [](HANDLE h) { ::CloseHandle(h); };
typedef std::unique_ptr<void, decltype(CloseHandleFunc)> UniqueCloseHandlePtr;
// We preserve the original name of this interface to denote the original idea
// behind it.
// All reads happen by a specified offset and pwrite interface does not change
// the position of the file pointer. Judging from the man page and errno it does
// execute
// lseek atomically to return the position of the file back where it was.
// WriteFile() does not
// have this capability. Therefore, for both pread and pwrite the pointer is
// advanced to the next position
// which is fine for writes because they are (should be) sequential.
// Because all the reads/writes happen by the specified offset, the caller in
// theory should not
// rely on the current file offset.
SSIZE_T pwrite(HANDLE hFile, const char* src, size_t numBytes,
uint64_t offset) {
assert(numBytes <= std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max());
OVERLAPPED overlapped = {0};
offsetUnion.QuadPart = offset;
overlapped.Offset = offsetUnion.LowPart;
overlapped.OffsetHigh = offsetUnion.HighPart;
SSIZE_T result = 0;
unsigned long bytesWritten = 0;
if (FALSE == WriteFile(hFile, src, static_cast<DWORD>(numBytes), &bytesWritten,
&overlapped)) {
result = -1;
} else {
result = bytesWritten;
return result;
// See comments for pwrite above
SSIZE_T pread(HANDLE hFile, char* src, size_t numBytes, uint64_t offset) {
assert(numBytes <= std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max());
OVERLAPPED overlapped = {0};
offsetUnion.QuadPart = offset;
overlapped.Offset = offsetUnion.LowPart;
overlapped.OffsetHigh = offsetUnion.HighPart;
SSIZE_T result = 0;
unsigned long bytesRead = 0;
if (FALSE == ReadFile(hFile, src, static_cast<DWORD>(numBytes), &bytesRead,
&overlapped)) {
return -1;
} else {
result = bytesRead;
return result;
// Note the below two do not set errno because they are used only here in this
// file
// on a Windows handle and, therefore, not necessary. Translating GetLastError()
// to errno
// is a sad business
inline int fsync(HANDLE hFile) {
if (!FlushFileBuffers(hFile)) {
return -1;
return 0;
// SetFileInformationByHandle() is capable of fast pre-allocates.
// However, this does not change the file end position unless the file is
// truncated and the pre-allocated space is not considered filled with zeros.
inline Status fallocate(const std::string& filename, HANDLE hFile,
uint64_t to_size) {
Status status;
alloc_info.AllocationSize.QuadPart = to_size;
if (!SetFileInformationByHandle(hFile, FileAllocationInfo, &alloc_info,
auto lastError = GetLastError();
status = IOErrorFromWindowsError(
"Failed to pre-allocate space: " + filename, lastError);
return status;
inline Status ftruncate(const std::string& filename, HANDLE hFile,
uint64_t toSize) {
Status status;
FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFO end_of_file;
end_of_file.EndOfFile.QuadPart = toSize;
if (!SetFileInformationByHandle(hFile, FileEndOfFileInfo, &end_of_file,
auto lastError = GetLastError();
status = IOErrorFromWindowsError("Failed to Set end of file: " + filename,
return status;
// mmap() based random-access
class WinMmapReadableFile : public RandomAccessFile {
const std::string fileName_;
HANDLE hFile_;
const void* mapped_region_;
const size_t length_;
// mapped_region_[0,length-1] contains the mmapped contents of the file.
WinMmapReadableFile(const std::string& fileName, HANDLE hFile, HANDLE hMap,
const void* mapped_region, size_t length)
: fileName_(fileName),
length_(length) {}
~WinMmapReadableFile() {
BOOL ret = ::UnmapViewOfFile(mapped_region_);
ret = ::CloseHandle(hMap_);
ret = ::CloseHandle(hFile_);
virtual Status Read(uint64_t offset, size_t n, Slice* result,
char* scratch) const override {
Status s;
if (offset > length_) {
*result = Slice();
return IOError(fileName_, EINVAL);
} else if (offset + n > length_) {
n = length_ - offset;
*result =
Slice(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(mapped_region_) + offset, n);
return s;
virtual Status InvalidateCache(size_t offset, size_t length) override {
return Status::OK();
// We preallocate up to an extra megabyte and use memcpy to append new
// data to the file. This is safe since we either properly close the
// file before reading from it, or for log files, the reading code
// knows enough to skip zero suffixes.
class WinMmapFile : public WritableFile {
const std::string filename_;
HANDLE hFile_;
const size_t page_size_; // We flush the mapping view in page_size
// increments. We may decide if this is a memory
// page size or SSD page size
const size_t
allocation_granularity_; // View must start at such a granularity
size_t reserved_size_; // Preallocated size
size_t mapping_size_; // The max size of the mapping object
// we want to guess the final file size to minimize the remapping
size_t view_size_; // How much memory to map into a view at a time
char* mapped_begin_; // Must begin at the file offset that is aligned with
// allocation_granularity_
char* mapped_end_;
char* dst_; // Where to write next (in range [mapped_begin_,mapped_end_])
char* last_sync_; // Where have we synced up to
uint64_t file_offset_; // Offset of mapped_begin_ in file
// Do we have unsynced writes?
bool pending_sync_;
// Can only truncate or reserve to a sector size aligned if
// used on files that are opened with Unbuffered I/O
Status TruncateFile(uint64_t toSize) {
return ftruncate(filename_, hFile_, toSize);
Status UnmapCurrentRegion() {
Status status;
if (mapped_begin_ != nullptr) {
if (!::UnmapViewOfFile(mapped_begin_)) {
status = IOErrorFromWindowsError(
"Failed to unmap file view: " + filename_, GetLastError());
// Move on to the next portion of the file
file_offset_ += view_size_;
// UnmapView automatically sends data to disk but not the metadata
// which is good and provides some equivalent of fdatasync() on Linux
// therefore, we donot need separate flag for metadata
mapped_begin_ = nullptr;
mapped_end_ = nullptr;
dst_ = nullptr;
last_sync_ = nullptr;
pending_sync_ = false;
return status;
Status MapNewRegion() {
Status status;
assert(mapped_begin_ == nullptr);
size_t minDiskSize = file_offset_ + view_size_;
if (minDiskSize > reserved_size_) {
status = Allocate(file_offset_, view_size_);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
// Need to remap
if (hMap_ == NULL || reserved_size_ > mapping_size_) {
if (hMap_ != NULL) {
// Unmap the previous one
BOOL ret = ::CloseHandle(hMap_);
hMap_ = NULL;
mappingSize.QuadPart = reserved_size_;
hMap_ = CreateFileMappingA(
NULL, // Security attributes
PAGE_READWRITE, // There is not a write only mode for mapping
mappingSize.HighPart, // Enable mapping the whole file but the actual
// amount mapped is determined by MapViewOfFile
NULL); // Mapping name
if (NULL == hMap_) {
return IOErrorFromWindowsError(
"WindowsMmapFile failed to create file mapping for: " + filename_,
mapping_size_ = reserved_size_;
offset.QuadPart = file_offset_;
// View must begin at the granularity aligned offset
mapped_begin_ = reinterpret_cast<char*>(
MapViewOfFileEx(hMap_, FILE_MAP_WRITE, offset.HighPart, offset.LowPart,
view_size_, NULL));
if (!mapped_begin_) {
status = IOErrorFromWindowsError(
"WindowsMmapFile failed to map file view: " + filename_,
} else {
mapped_end_ = mapped_begin_ + view_size_;
dst_ = mapped_begin_;
last_sync_ = mapped_begin_;
pending_sync_ = false;
return status;
WinMmapFile(const std::string& fname, HANDLE hFile, size_t page_size,
size_t allocation_granularity, const EnvOptions& options)
: filename_(fname),
pending_sync_(false) {
// Allocation granularity must be obtained from GetSystemInfo() and must be
// a power of two.
assert(allocation_granularity > 0);
assert((allocation_granularity & (allocation_granularity - 1)) == 0);
assert(page_size > 0);
assert((page_size & (page_size - 1)) == 0);
// Only for memory mapped writes
// View size must be both the multiple of allocation_granularity AND the
// page size and the granularity is usually a multiple of a page size.
const size_t viewSize = 32 * 1024; // 32Kb similar to the Windows File Cache in buffered mode
view_size_ = Roundup(viewSize, allocation_granularity_);
~WinMmapFile() {
if (hFile_) {
virtual Status Append(const Slice& data) override {
const char* src =;
size_t left = data.size();
while (left > 0) {
assert(mapped_begin_ <= dst_);
size_t avail = mapped_end_ - dst_;
if (avail == 0) {
Status s = UnmapCurrentRegion();
if (s.ok()) {
s = MapNewRegion();
if (!s.ok()) {
return s;
} else {
size_t n = std::min(left, avail);
memcpy(dst_, src, n);
dst_ += n;
src += n;
left -= n;
pending_sync_ = true;
// Now make sure that the last partial page is padded with zeros if needed
size_t bytesToPad = Roundup(size_t(dst_), page_size_) - size_t(dst_);
if (bytesToPad > 0) {
memset(dst_, 0, bytesToPad);
return Status::OK();
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
// Means Close() will properly take care of truncate
// and it does not need any additional information
virtual Status Truncate(uint64_t size) override {
return Status::OK();
virtual Status Close() override {
Status s;
assert(NULL != hFile_);
// We truncate to the precise size so no
// uninitialized data at the end. SetEndOfFile
// which we use does not write zeros and it is good.
uint64_t targetSize = GetFileSize();
if (mapped_begin_ != nullptr) {
// Sync before unmapping to make sure everything
// is on disk and there is not a lazy writing
// so we are deterministic with the tests
s = UnmapCurrentRegion();
if (NULL != hMap_) {
BOOL ret = ::CloseHandle(hMap_);
if (!ret && s.ok()) {
auto lastError = GetLastError();
s = IOErrorFromWindowsError(
"Failed to Close mapping for file: " + filename_, lastError);
hMap_ = NULL;
if (hFile_ != NULL) {
BOOL ret = ::CloseHandle(hFile_);
hFile_ = NULL;
if (!ret && s.ok()) {
auto lastError = GetLastError();
s = IOErrorFromWindowsError(
"Failed to close file map handle: " + filename_, lastError);
return s;
virtual Status Flush() override { return Status::OK(); }
// Flush only data
virtual Status Sync() override {
Status s;
// Some writes occurred since last sync
if (dst_ > last_sync_) {
assert(dst_ > mapped_begin_);
assert(dst_ < mapped_end_);
size_t page_begin =
TruncateToPageBoundary(page_size_, last_sync_ - mapped_begin_);
size_t page_end =
TruncateToPageBoundary(page_size_, dst_ - mapped_begin_ - 1);
// Flush only the amount of that is a multiple of pages
if (!::FlushViewOfFile(mapped_begin_ + page_begin,
(page_end - page_begin) + page_size_)) {
s = IOErrorFromWindowsError("Failed to FlushViewOfFile: " + filename_,
} else {
last_sync_ = dst_;
return s;
* Flush data as well as metadata to stable storage.
virtual Status Fsync() override {
Status s = Sync();
// Flush metadata
if (s.ok() && pending_sync_) {
if (!::FlushFileBuffers(hFile_)) {
s = IOErrorFromWindowsError("Failed to FlushFileBuffers: " + filename_,
pending_sync_ = false;
return s;
* Get the size of valid data in the file. This will not match the
* size that is returned from the filesystem because we use mmap
* to extend file by map_size every time.
virtual uint64_t GetFileSize() override {
size_t used = dst_ - mapped_begin_;
return file_offset_ + used;
virtual Status InvalidateCache(size_t offset, size_t length) override {
return Status::OK();
virtual Status Allocate(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) override {
Status status;
TEST_KILL_RANDOM("WinMmapFile::Allocate", rocksdb_kill_odds);
// Make sure that we reserve an aligned amount of space
// since the reservation block size is driven outside so we want
// to check if we are ok with reservation here
size_t spaceToReserve = Roundup(offset + len, view_size_);
// Nothing to do
if (spaceToReserve <= reserved_size_) {
return status;
status = fallocate(filename_, hFile_, spaceToReserve);
if (status.ok()) {
reserved_size_ = spaceToReserve;
return status;
class WinSequentialFile : public SequentialFile {
const std::string filename_;
HANDLE file_;
// There is no equivalent of advising away buffered pages as in posix.
// To implement this flag we would need to do unbuffered reads which
// will need to be aligned (not sure there is a guarantee that the buffer
// passed in is aligned).
// Hence we currently ignore this flag. It is used only in a few cases
// which should not be perf critical.
// If perf evaluation finds this to be a problem, we can look into
// implementing this.
bool use_os_buffer_;
WinSequentialFile(const std::string& fname, HANDLE f,
const EnvOptions& options)
: filename_(fname),
use_os_buffer_(options.use_os_buffer) {}
virtual ~WinSequentialFile() {
assert(file_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
virtual Status Read(size_t n, Slice* result, char* scratch) override {
Status s;
size_t r = 0;
// Windows ReadFile API accepts a DWORD.
// While it is possible to read in a loop if n is > UINT_MAX
// it is a highly unlikely case.
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
if (n > UINT_MAX) {
return IOErrorFromWindowsError(filename_, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
DWORD bytesToRead = static_cast<DWORD>(n); //cast is safe due to the check above
DWORD bytesRead = 0;
BOOL ret = ReadFile(file_, scratch, bytesToRead, &bytesRead, NULL);
if (ret == TRUE) {
r = bytesRead;
} else {
return IOErrorFromWindowsError(filename_, GetLastError());
*result = Slice(scratch, r);
return s;
virtual Status Skip(uint64_t n) override {
// Can't handle more than signed max as SetFilePointerEx accepts a signed 64-bit
// integer. As such it is a highly unlikley case to have n so large.
if (n > _I64_MAX) {
return IOErrorFromWindowsError(filename_, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER);
li.QuadPart = static_cast<int64_t>(n); //cast is safe due to the check above
BOOL ret = SetFilePointerEx(file_, li, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
if (ret == FALSE) {
return IOErrorFromWindowsError(filename_, GetLastError());
return Status::OK();
virtual Status InvalidateCache(size_t offset, size_t length) override {
return Status::OK();
// pread() based random-access
class WinRandomAccessFile : public RandomAccessFile {
const std::string filename_;
HANDLE hFile_;
const bool use_os_buffer_;
bool read_ahead_;
const size_t compaction_readahead_size_;
const size_t random_access_max_buffer_size_;
mutable std::mutex buffer_mut_;
mutable AlignedBuffer buffer_;
mutable uint64_t
buffered_start_; // file offset set that is currently buffered
* The function reads a requested amount of bytes into the specified aligned
* buffer Upon success the function sets the length of the buffer to the
* amount of bytes actually read even though it might be less than actually
* requested. It then copies the amount of bytes requested by the user (left)
* to the user supplied buffer (dest) and reduces left by the amount of bytes
* copied to the user buffer
* @user_offset [in] - offset on disk where the read was requested by the user
* @first_page_start [in] - actual page aligned disk offset that we want to
* read from
* @bytes_to_read [in] - total amount of bytes that will be read from disk
* which is generally greater or equal to the amount
* that the user has requested due to the
* either alignment requirements or read_ahead in
* effect.
* @left [in/out] total amount of bytes that needs to be copied to the user
* buffer. It is reduced by the amount of bytes that actually
* copied
* @buffer - buffer to use
* @dest - user supplied buffer
SSIZE_T ReadIntoBuffer(uint64_t user_offset, uint64_t first_page_start,
size_t bytes_to_read, size_t& left,
AlignedBuffer& buffer, char* dest) const {
assert(buffer.CurrentSize() == 0);
assert(buffer.Capacity() >= bytes_to_read);
SSIZE_T read =
pread(hFile_, buffer.Destination(), bytes_to_read, first_page_start);
if (read > 0) {
// Let's figure out how much we read from the users standpoint
if ((first_page_start + buffer.CurrentSize()) > user_offset) {
assert(first_page_start <= user_offset);
size_t buffer_offset = user_offset - first_page_start;
read = buffer.Read(dest, buffer_offset, left);
} else {
read = 0;
left -= read;
return read;
SSIZE_T ReadIntoOneShotBuffer(uint64_t user_offset, uint64_t first_page_start,
size_t bytes_to_read, size_t& left,
char* dest) const {
AlignedBuffer bigBuffer;
return ReadIntoBuffer(user_offset, first_page_start, bytes_to_read, left,
bigBuffer, dest);
SSIZE_T ReadIntoInstanceBuffer(uint64_t user_offset,
uint64_t first_page_start,
size_t bytes_to_read, size_t& left,
char* dest) const {
SSIZE_T read = ReadIntoBuffer(user_offset, first_page_start, bytes_to_read,
left, buffer_, dest);
if (read > 0) {
buffered_start_ = first_page_start;
return read;
void CalculateReadParameters(uint64_t offset, size_t bytes_requested,
size_t& actual_bytes_toread,
uint64_t& first_page_start) const {
const size_t alignment = buffer_.Alignment();
first_page_start = TruncateToPageBoundary(alignment, offset);
const uint64_t last_page_start =
TruncateToPageBoundary(alignment, offset + bytes_requested - 1);
actual_bytes_toread = (last_page_start - first_page_start) + alignment;
WinRandomAccessFile(const std::string& fname, HANDLE hFile, size_t alignment,
const EnvOptions& options)
: filename_(fname),
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
buffered_start_(0) {
// Unbuffered access, use internal buffer for reads
if (!use_os_buffer_) {
// Do not allocate the buffer either until the first request or
// until there is a call to allocate a read-ahead buffer
virtual ~WinRandomAccessFile() {
if (hFile_ != NULL && hFile_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
virtual void EnableReadAhead() override { this->Hint(SEQUENTIAL); }
virtual Status Read(uint64_t offset, size_t n, Slice* result,
char* scratch) const override {
Status s;
SSIZE_T r = -1;
size_t left = n;
char* dest = scratch;
if (n == 0) {
*result = Slice(scratch, 0);
return s;
// When in unbuffered mode we need to do the following changes:
// - use our own aligned buffer
// - always read at the offset of that is a multiple of alignment
if (!use_os_buffer_) {
uint64_t first_page_start = 0;
size_t actual_bytes_toread = 0;
size_t bytes_requested = left;
if (!read_ahead_ && random_access_max_buffer_size_ == 0) {
CalculateReadParameters(offset, bytes_requested, actual_bytes_toread,
assert(actual_bytes_toread > 0);
r = ReadIntoOneShotBuffer(offset, first_page_start,
actual_bytes_toread, left, dest);
} else {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(buffer_mut_);
// Let's see if at least some of the requested data is already
// in the buffer
if (offset >= buffered_start_ &&
offset < (buffered_start_ + buffer_.CurrentSize())) {
size_t buffer_offset = offset - buffered_start_;
r = buffer_.Read(dest, buffer_offset, left);
assert(r >= 0);
left -= size_t(r);
offset += r;
dest += r;
// Still some left or none was buffered
if (left > 0) {
// Figure out the start/end offset for reading and amount to read
bytes_requested = left;
if (read_ahead_ && bytes_requested < compaction_readahead_size_) {
bytes_requested = compaction_readahead_size_;
CalculateReadParameters(offset, bytes_requested, actual_bytes_toread,
assert(actual_bytes_toread > 0);
if (buffer_.Capacity() < actual_bytes_toread) {
// If we are in read-ahead mode or the requested size
// exceeds max buffer size then use one-shot
// big buffer otherwise reallocate main buffer
if (read_ahead_ ||
(actual_bytes_toread > random_access_max_buffer_size_)) {
// Unlock the mutex since we are not using instance buffer
r = ReadIntoOneShotBuffer(offset, first_page_start,
actual_bytes_toread, left, dest);
else {
r = ReadIntoInstanceBuffer(offset, first_page_start,
actual_bytes_toread, left, dest);
else {
r = ReadIntoInstanceBuffer(offset, first_page_start,
actual_bytes_toread, left, dest);
} else {
r = pread(hFile_, scratch, left, offset);
if (r > 0) {
left -= r;
*result = Slice(scratch, (r < 0) ? 0 : n - left);
if (r < 0) {
s = IOErrorFromLastWindowsError(filename_);
return s;
virtual bool ShouldForwardRawRequest() const override {
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
return true;
virtual void Hint(AccessPattern pattern) override {
if (pattern == SEQUENTIAL && !use_os_buffer_ &&
compaction_readahead_size_ > 0) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(buffer_mut_);
if (!read_ahead_) {
read_ahead_ = true;
// This would allocate read-ahead size + 2 alignments
// - one for memory alignment which added implicitly by AlignedBuffer
// - We add one more alignment because we will read one alignment more
// from disk
buffer_.AllocateNewBuffer(compaction_readahead_size_ +
virtual Status InvalidateCache(size_t offset, size_t length) override {
return Status::OK();
// This is a sequential write class. It has been mimicked (as others) after
// the original Posix class. We add support for unbuffered I/O on windows as
// well
// we utilize the original buffer as an alignment buffer to write directly to
// file with no buffering.
// No buffering requires that the provided buffer is aligned to the physical
// sector size (SSD page size) and
// that all SetFilePointer() operations to occur with such an alignment.
// We thus always write in sector/page size increments to the drive and leave
// the tail for the next write OR for Close() at which point we pad with zeros.
// No padding is required for
// buffered access.
class WinWritableFile : public WritableFile {
const std::string filename_;
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
HANDLE hFile_;
const bool use_os_buffer_; // Used to indicate unbuffered access, the file
const uint64_t alignment_;
// must be opened as unbuffered if false
uint64_t filesize_; // How much data is actually written disk
uint64_t reservedsize_; // how far we have reserved space
WinWritableFile(const std::string& fname, HANDLE hFile, size_t alignment,
size_t capacity, const EnvOptions& options)
: filename_(fname),
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
reservedsize_(0) {
~WinWritableFile() {
if (NULL != hFile_ && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile_) {
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
// Indicates if the class makes use of unbuffered I/O
virtual bool UseOSBuffer() const override {
return use_os_buffer_;
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
virtual size_t GetRequiredBufferAlignment() const override {
return alignment_;
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
virtual Status Append(const Slice& data) override {
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
// Used for buffered access ONLY
assert(data.size() < std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max());
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
Status s;
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
DWORD bytesWritten = 0;
if (!WriteFile(hFile_,,
static_cast<DWORD>(data.size()), &bytesWritten, NULL)) {
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
auto lastError = GetLastError();
s = IOErrorFromWindowsError(
"Failed to WriteFile: " + filename_,
} else {
assert(size_t(bytesWritten) == data.size());
filesize_ += data.size();
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
return s;
virtual Status PositionedAppend(const Slice& data, uint64_t offset) override {
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
Status s;
SSIZE_T ret = pwrite(hFile_,, data.size(), offset);
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
// Error break
if (ret < 0) {
auto lastError = GetLastError();
s = IOErrorFromWindowsError(
"Failed to pwrite for: " + filename_, lastError);
} else {
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
// With positional write it is not clear at all
// if this actually extends the filesize
assert(size_t(ret) == data.size());
filesize_ += data.size();
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
return s;
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
// Need to implement this so the file is truncated correctly
// when buffered and unbuffered mode
virtual Status Truncate(uint64_t size) override {
Status s = ftruncate(filename_, hFile_, size);
if (s.ok()) {
filesize_ = size;
return s;
virtual Status Close() override {
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
Status s;
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
assert(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile_);
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
if (fsync(hFile_) < 0) {
auto lastError = GetLastError();
s = IOErrorFromWindowsError("fsync failed at Close() for: " + filename_,
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
if (FALSE == ::CloseHandle(hFile_)) {
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
auto lastError = GetLastError();
s = IOErrorFromWindowsError("CloseHandle failed for: " + filename_,
return s;
// write out the cached data to the OS cache
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
// This is now taken care of the WritableFileWriter
virtual Status Flush() override {
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
return Status::OK();
virtual Status Sync() override {
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
Status s;
// Calls flush buffers
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
if (fsync(hFile_) < 0) {
auto lastError = GetLastError();
s = IOErrorFromWindowsError("fsync failed at Sync() for: " + filename_,
return s;
virtual Status Fsync() override { return Sync(); }
virtual uint64_t GetFileSize() override {
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
// Double accounting now here with WritableFileWriter
// and this size will be wrong when unbuffered access is used
// but tests implement their own writable files and do not use WritableFileWrapper
// so we need to squeeze a square peg through
// a round hole here.
return filesize_;
virtual Status Allocate(uint64_t offset, uint64_t len) override {
Status status;
TEST_KILL_RANDOM("WinWritableFile::Allocate", rocksdb_kill_odds);
// Make sure that we reserve an aligned amount of space
// since the reservation block size is driven outside so we want
// to check if we are ok with reservation here
Refactor to support file_reader_writer on Windows. Summary. A change Has attempted to move common functionality out of platform dependent code to a new facility called file_reader_writer. This includes: - perf counters - Buffering - RateLimiting However, the change did not attempt to refactor Windows code. To mitigate, we introduce new quering interfaces such as UseOSBuffer(), GetRequiredBufferAlignment() and ReaderWriterForward() for pure forwarding where required. Introduce WritableFile got a new method Truncate(). This is to communicate to the file as to how much data it has on close. - When space is pre-allocated on Linux it is filled with zeros implicitly, no such thing exist on Windows so we must truncate file on close. - When operating in unbuffered mode the last page is filled with zeros but we still want to truncate. Previously, Close() would take care of it but now buffer management is shifted to the wrappers and the file has no idea about the file true size. This means that Close() on the wrapper level must always include Truncate() as well as wrapper __dtor should call Close() and against double Close(). Move buffered/unbuffered write logic to the wrapper. Utilize Aligned buffer class. Adjust tests and implement Truncate() where necessary. Come up with reasonable defaults for new virtual interfaces. Forward calls for RandomAccessReadAhead class to avoid double buffering and locking (double locking in unbuffered mode on WIndows).
10 years ago
size_t spaceToReserve = Roundup(offset + len, alignment_);
// Nothing to do
if (spaceToReserve <= reservedsize_) {
return status;
status = fallocate(filename_, hFile_, spaceToReserve);
if (status.ok()) {
reservedsize_ = spaceToReserve;
return status;
class WinDirectory : public Directory {
WinDirectory() {}
virtual Status Fsync() override { return Status::OK(); }
class WinFileLock : public FileLock {
explicit WinFileLock(HANDLE hFile) : hFile_(hFile) {
assert(hFile != NULL);
assert(hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
~WinFileLock() {
BOOL ret = ::CloseHandle(hFile_);
HANDLE hFile_;
namespace {
void WinthreadCall(const char* label, std::error_code result) {
if (0 != result.value()) {
fprintf(stderr, "pthread %s: %s\n", label, strerror(result.value()));
typedef VOID(WINAPI * FnGetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime)(LPFILETIME);
class WinEnv : public Env {
virtual ~WinEnv() {
for (auto& th : threads_to_join_) {
for (auto& thpool : thread_pools_) {
// All threads must be joined before the deletion of
// thread_status_updater_.
delete thread_status_updater_;
virtual Status DeleteFile(const std::string& fname) override {
Status result;
if (_unlink(fname.c_str())) {
result = IOError("Failed to delete: " + fname, errno);
return result;
Status GetCurrentTime(int64_t* unix_time) override {
time_t time = std::time(nullptr);
if (time == (time_t)(-1)) {
return Status::NotSupported("Failed to get time");
*unix_time = time;
return Status::OK();
virtual Status NewSequentialFile(const std::string& fname,
std::unique_ptr<SequentialFile>* result,
const EnvOptions& options) override {
Status s;
// Corruption test needs to rename and delete files of these kind
// while they are still open with another handle. For that reason we
// allow share_write and delete(allows rename).
hFile = CreateFileA(
fname.c_str(), GENERIC_READ,
OPEN_EXISTING, // Original fopen mode is "rb"
auto lastError = GetLastError();
s = IOErrorFromWindowsError("Failed to open NewSequentialFile" + fname,
} else {
result->reset(new WinSequentialFile(fname, hFile, options));
return s;
virtual Status NewRandomAccessFile(const std::string& fname,
std::unique_ptr<RandomAccessFile>* result,
const EnvOptions& options) override {
Status s;
// Open the file for read-only random access
// Random access is to disable read-ahead as the system reads too much data
if (!options.use_os_buffer && !options.use_mmap_reads) {
} else {
/// Shared access is necessary for corruption test to pass
// almost all tests would work with a possible exception of fault_injection
HANDLE hFile = 0;
hFile =
CreateFileA(fname.c_str(), GENERIC_READ,
auto lastError = GetLastError();
return IOErrorFromWindowsError(
"NewRandomAccessFile failed to Create/Open: " + fname, lastError);
UniqueCloseHandlePtr fileGuard(hFile, CloseHandleFunc);
// CAUTION! This will map the entire file into the process address space
if (options.use_mmap_reads && sizeof(void*) >= 8) {
// Use mmap when virtual address-space is plentiful.
uint64_t fileSize;
s = GetFileSize(fname, &fileSize);
if (s.ok()) {
// Will not map empty files
if (fileSize == 0) {
return IOError(
"NewRandomAccessFile failed to map empty file: " + fname, EINVAL);
HANDLE hMap = CreateFileMappingA(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY,
0, // Whole file at its present length
NULL); // Mapping name
if (!hMap) {
auto lastError = GetLastError();
return IOErrorFromWindowsError(
"Failed to create file mapping for NewRandomAccessFile: " + fname,
UniqueCloseHandlePtr mapGuard(hMap, CloseHandleFunc);
const void* mapped_region =
MapViewOfFileEx(hMap, FILE_MAP_READ,
0, // High DWORD of access start
0, // Low DWORD
NULL); // Let the OS choose the mapping
if (!mapped_region) {
auto lastError = GetLastError();
return IOErrorFromWindowsError(
"Failed to MapViewOfFile for NewRandomAccessFile: " + fname,
result->reset(new WinMmapReadableFile(fname, hFile, hMap, mapped_region,
} else {
result->reset(new WinRandomAccessFile(fname, hFile, page_size_, options));
return s;
virtual Status NewWritableFile(const std::string& fname,
std::unique_ptr<WritableFile>* result,
const EnvOptions& options) override {
const size_t c_BufferCapacity = 64 * 1024;
EnvOptions local_options(options);
Status s;
if (!local_options.use_os_buffer && !local_options.use_mmap_writes) {
// Desired access. We are want to write only here but if we want to memory
// map
// the file then there is no write only mode so we have to create it
// Read/Write
// However, MapViewOfFile specifies only Write only
DWORD desired_access = GENERIC_WRITE;
DWORD shared_mode = FILE_SHARE_READ;
if (local_options.use_mmap_writes) {
desired_access |= GENERIC_READ;
} else {
// Adding this solely for tests to pass (fault_injection_test,
// wal_manager_test).
HANDLE hFile = 0;
hFile = CreateFileA(
desired_access, // Access desired
NULL, // Security attributes
fileFlags, // Flags
NULL); // Template File
auto lastError = GetLastError();
return IOErrorFromWindowsError(
"Failed to create a NewWriteableFile: " + fname, lastError);
if (options.use_mmap_writes) {
// We usually do not use mmmapping on SSD and thus we pass memory
// page_size
result->reset(new WinMmapFile(fname, hFile, page_size_,
allocation_granularity_, local_options));
} else {
// Here we want the buffer allocation to be aligned by the SSD page size
// and to be a multiple of it
result->reset(new WinWritableFile(fname, hFile, page_size_,
c_BufferCapacity, local_options));
return s;
virtual Status NewDirectory(const std::string& name,
std::unique_ptr<Directory>* result) override {
Status s;
// Must be nullptr on failure
// Must fail if directory does not exist
if (!DirExists(name)) {
s = IOError("Directory does not exist: " + name, EEXIST);
} else {
result->reset(new WinDirectory);
return s;
virtual Status FileExists(const std::string& fname) override {
// F_OK == 0
const int F_OK_ = 0;
return _access(fname.c_str(), F_OK_) == 0 ? Status::OK()
: Status::NotFound();
virtual Status GetChildren(const std::string& dir,
std::vector<std::string>* result) override {
std::vector<std::string> output;
Status status;
auto CloseDir = [](DIR* p) { closedir(p); };
std::unique_ptr<DIR, decltype(CloseDir)> dirp(opendir(dir.c_str()),
if (!dirp) {
status = IOError(dir, errno);
} else {
if (result->capacity() > 0) {
struct dirent* ent = readdir(dirp.get());
while (ent) {
ent = readdir(dirp.get());
return status;
virtual Status CreateDir(const std::string& name) override {
Status result;
if (_mkdir(name.c_str()) != 0) {
auto code = errno;
result = IOError("Failed to create dir: " + name, code);
return result;
virtual Status CreateDirIfMissing(const std::string& name) override {
Status result;
if (DirExists(name)) {
return result;
if (_mkdir(name.c_str()) != 0) {
if (errno == EEXIST) {
result =
Status::IOError("`" + name + "' exists but is not a directory");
} else {
auto code = errno;
result = IOError("Failed to create dir: " + name, code);
return result;
virtual Status DeleteDir(const std::string& name) override {
Status result;
if (_rmdir(name.c_str()) != 0) {
auto code = errno;
result = IOError("Failed to remove dir: " + name, code);
return result;
virtual Status GetFileSize(const std::string& fname,
uint64_t* size) override {
Status s;
if (GetFileAttributesExA(fname.c_str(), GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrs)) {
file_size.HighPart = attrs.nFileSizeHigh;
file_size.LowPart = attrs.nFileSizeLow;
*size = file_size.QuadPart;
} else {
auto lastError = GetLastError();
s = IOErrorFromWindowsError("Can not get size for: " + fname, lastError);
return s;
static inline uint64_t FileTimeToUnixTime(const FILETIME& ftTime) {
const uint64_t c_FileTimePerSecond = 10000000U;
// UNIX epoch starts on 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
// Windows FILETIME starts on 1601-01-01T00:00:00Z
// Therefore, we need to subtract the below number of seconds from
// the seconds that we obtain from FILETIME with an obvious loss of
// precision
const uint64_t c_SecondBeforeUnixEpoch = 11644473600U;
li.HighPart = ftTime.dwHighDateTime;
li.LowPart = ftTime.dwLowDateTime;
uint64_t result =
(li.QuadPart / c_FileTimePerSecond) - c_SecondBeforeUnixEpoch;
return result;
virtual Status GetFileModificationTime(const std::string& fname,
uint64_t* file_mtime) override {
Status s;
if (GetFileAttributesExA(fname.c_str(), GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrs)) {
*file_mtime = FileTimeToUnixTime(attrs.ftLastWriteTime);
} else {
auto lastError = GetLastError();
s = IOErrorFromWindowsError(
"Can not get file modification time for: " + fname, lastError);
*file_mtime = 0;
return s;
virtual Status RenameFile(const std::string& src,
const std::string& target) override {
Status result;
// rename() is not capable of replacing the existing file as on Linux
// so use OS API directly
if (!MoveFileExA(src.c_str(), target.c_str(), MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) {
DWORD lastError = GetLastError();
std::string text("Failed to rename: ");
text.append(src).append(" to: ").append(target);
result = IOErrorFromWindowsError(text, lastError);
return result;
virtual Status LinkFile(const std::string& src,
const std::string& target) override {
Status result;
if (!CreateHardLinkA(target.c_str(), src.c_str(), NULL)) {
DWORD lastError = GetLastError();
std::string text("Failed to link: ");
text.append(src).append(" to: ").append(target);
result = IOErrorFromWindowsError(text, lastError);
return result;
virtual Status LockFile(const std::string& lockFname,
FileLock** lock) override {
assert(lock != nullptr);
*lock = NULL;
Status result;
// No-sharing, this is a LOCK file
const DWORD ExclusiveAccessON = 0;
// Obtain exclusive access to the LOCK file
// Previously, instead of NORMAL attr we set DELETE on close and that worked
// well except with fault_injection test that insists on deleting it.
HANDLE hFile = 0;
hFile = CreateFileA(lockFname.c_str(), (GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE),
auto lastError = GetLastError();
result = IOErrorFromWindowsError(
"Failed to create lock file: " + lockFname, lastError);
} else {
*lock = new WinFileLock(hFile);
return result;
virtual Status UnlockFile(FileLock* lock) override {
Status result;
assert(lock != nullptr);
delete lock;
return result;
virtual void Schedule(void (*function)(void*), void* arg, Priority pri = LOW,
void* tag = nullptr,
void (*unschedFunction)(void* arg) = 0) override;
virtual int UnSchedule(void* arg, Priority pri) override;
virtual void StartThread(void (*function)(void* arg), void* arg) override;
virtual void WaitForJoin() override;
virtual unsigned int GetThreadPoolQueueLen(Priority pri = LOW) const override;
virtual Status GetTestDirectory(std::string* result) override {
std::string output;
const char* env = getenv("TEST_TMPDIR");
if (env && env[0] != '\0') {
output = env;
} else {
env = getenv("TMP");
if (env && env[0] != '\0') {
output = env;
} else {
output = "c:\\tmp";
return Status::OK();
virtual Status GetThreadList(
std::vector<ThreadStatus>* thread_list) override {
return thread_status_updater_->GetThreadList(thread_list);
static uint64_t gettid() {
uint64_t thread_id = GetCurrentThreadId();
return thread_id;
virtual uint64_t GetThreadID() const override { return gettid(); }
virtual Status NewLogger(const std::string& fname,
std::shared_ptr<Logger>* result) override {
Status s;
HANDLE hFile = 0;
hFile = CreateFileA(
fname.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE,
FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, // In RocksDb log files are
// renamed and deleted before
// they are closed. This enables
// doing so.
CREATE_ALWAYS, // Original fopen mode is "w"
auto lastError = GetLastError();
s = IOErrorFromWindowsError("Failed to open LogFile" + fname, lastError);
} else {
// With log files we want to set the true creation time as of now
// because the system
// for some reason caches the attributes of the previous file that just
// been renamed from
// this name so auto_roll_logger_test fails
// Set creation, last access and last write time to the same value
SetFileTime(hFile, &ft, &ft, &ft);
result->reset(new WinLogger(&WinEnv::gettid, this, hFile));
return s;
virtual uint64_t NowMicros() override {
if (GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime_ != NULL) {
// all std::chrono clocks on windows proved to return
// values that may repeat that is not good enough for some uses.
const int64_t c_UnixEpochStartTicks = 116444736000000000i64;
const int64_t c_FtToMicroSec = 10;
// This interface needs to return system time and not
// just any microseconds because it is often used as an argument
// to TimedWait() on condition variable
FILETIME ftSystemTime;
li.LowPart = ftSystemTime.dwLowDateTime;
li.HighPart = ftSystemTime.dwHighDateTime;
// Subtract unix epoch start
li.QuadPart -= c_UnixEpochStartTicks;
// Convert to microsecs
li.QuadPart /= c_FtToMicroSec;
return li.QuadPart;
using namespace std::chrono;
return duration_cast<microseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
virtual uint64_t NowNanos() override {
// all std::chrono clocks on windows have the same resolution that is only
// good enough for microseconds but not nanoseconds
// On Windows 8 and Windows 2012 Server
// GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime(&current_time) can be used
// Convert to nanoseconds first to avoid loss of precision
// and divide by frequency
li.QuadPart *= std::nano::den;
li.QuadPart /= perf_counter_frequency_;
return li.QuadPart;
virtual void SleepForMicroseconds(int micros) override {
virtual Status GetHostName(char* name, uint64_t len) override {
Status s;
DWORD nSize = static_cast<DWORD>(
std::min<uint64_t>(len, std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max()));
if (!::GetComputerNameA(name, &nSize)) {
auto lastError = GetLastError();
s = IOErrorFromWindowsError("GetHostName", lastError);
} else {
name[nSize] = 0;
return s;
virtual Status GetCurrTime(int64_t* unix_time) {
Status s;
time_t ret = time(nullptr);
if (ret == (time_t)-1) {
*unix_time = 0;
s = IOError("GetCurrTime", errno);
} else {
*unix_time = (int64_t)ret;
return s;
virtual Status GetAbsolutePath(const std::string& db_path,
std::string* output_path) override {
// Check if we already have an absolute path
// that starts with non dot and has a semicolon in it
if ((!db_path.empty() && (db_path[0] == '/' || db_path[0] == '\\')) ||
(db_path.size() > 2 && db_path[0] != '.' &&
((db_path[1] == ':' && db_path[2] == '\\') ||
(db_path[1] == ':' && db_path[2] == '/')))) {
*output_path = db_path;
return Status::OK();
std::string result;
char* ret = _getcwd(&result[0], _MAX_PATH);
if (ret == nullptr) {
return Status::IOError("Failed to get current working directory",
return Status::OK();
// Allow increasing the number of worker threads.
virtual void SetBackgroundThreads(int num, Priority pri) override {
assert(pri >= Priority::LOW && pri <= Priority::HIGH);
virtual void IncBackgroundThreadsIfNeeded(int num, Priority pri) override {
assert(pri >= Priority::LOW && pri <= Priority::HIGH);
virtual std::string TimeToString(uint64_t secondsSince1970) override {
std::string result;
const time_t seconds = secondsSince1970;
const int maxsize = 64;
struct tm t;
errno_t ret = localtime_s(&t, &seconds);
if (ret) {
result = std::to_string(seconds);
} else {
char* p = &result[0];
int len = snprintf(p, maxsize, "%04d/%02d/%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d ",
t.tm_year + 1900, t.tm_mon + 1, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour,
t.tm_min, t.tm_sec);
assert(len > 0);
return result;
EnvOptions OptimizeForLogWrite(const EnvOptions& env_options,
const DBOptions& db_options) const override {
EnvOptions optimized = env_options;
optimized.use_mmap_writes = false;
optimized.bytes_per_sync = db_options.wal_bytes_per_sync;
optimized.use_os_buffer =
true; // This is because we flush only whole pages on unbuffered io and
// the last records are not guaranteed to be flushed.
// TODO(icanadi) it's faster if fallocate_with_keep_size is false, but it
// breaks TransactionLogIteratorStallAtLastRecord unit test. Fix the unit
// test and make this false
optimized.fallocate_with_keep_size = true;
return optimized;
EnvOptions OptimizeForManifestWrite(
const EnvOptions& env_options) const override {
EnvOptions optimized = env_options;
optimized.use_mmap_writes = false;
optimized.use_os_buffer = true;
optimized.fallocate_with_keep_size = true;
return optimized;
// Returns true iff the named directory exists and is a directory.
virtual bool DirExists(const std::string& dname) {
if (GetFileAttributesExA(dname.c_str(), GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrs)) {
return 0 != (attrs.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
return false;
bool SupportsFastAllocate(const std::string& /* path */) { return false; }
bool checkedDiskForMmap_;
bool forceMmapOff; // do we override Env options?
size_t page_size_;
size_t allocation_granularity_;
uint64_t perf_counter_frequency_;
std::vector<ThreadPool> thread_pools_;
mutable std::mutex mu_;
std::vector<std::thread> threads_to_join_;
FnGetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime_;
: checkedDiskForMmap_(false),
page_size_(4 * 1012),
GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime_(NULL) {
HMODULE module = GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll");
if (module != NULL) {
GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime_ = (FnGetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime)GetProcAddress(
module, "GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime");
page_size_ = sinfo.dwPageSize;
allocation_granularity_ = sinfo.dwAllocationGranularity;
BOOL ret = QueryPerformanceFrequency(&qpf);
assert(ret == TRUE);
perf_counter_frequency_ = qpf.QuadPart;
for (int pool_id = 0; pool_id < Env::Priority::TOTAL; ++pool_id) {
// This allows later initializing the thread-local-env of each thread.
// Protected member of the base class
thread_status_updater_ = CreateThreadStatusUpdater();
void WinEnv::Schedule(void (*function)(void*), void* arg, Priority pri,
void* tag, void (*unschedFunction)(void* arg)) {
assert(pri >= Priority::LOW && pri <= Priority::HIGH);
thread_pools_[pri].Schedule(function, arg, tag, unschedFunction);
int WinEnv::UnSchedule(void* arg, Priority pri) {
return thread_pools_[pri].UnSchedule(arg);
unsigned int WinEnv::GetThreadPoolQueueLen(Priority pri) const {
assert(pri >= Priority::LOW && pri <= Priority::HIGH);
return thread_pools_[pri].GetQueueLen();
namespace {
struct StartThreadState {
void (*user_function)(void*);
void* arg;
static void* StartThreadWrapper(void* arg) {
std::unique_ptr<StartThreadState> state(
return nullptr;
void WinEnv::StartThread(void (*function)(void* arg), void* arg) {
StartThreadState* state = new StartThreadState;
state->user_function = function;
state->arg = arg;
try {
std::thread th(&StartThreadWrapper, state);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(mu_);
} catch (const std::system_error& ex) {
WinthreadCall("start thread", ex.code());
void WinEnv::WaitForJoin() {
for (auto& th : threads_to_join_) {
} // namespace
std::string Env::GenerateUniqueId() {
std::string result;
UUID uuid;
RPC_CSTR rpc_str;
auto status = UuidToStringA(&uuid, &rpc_str);
assert(status == RPC_S_OK);
result = reinterpret_cast<char*>(rpc_str);
status = RpcStringFreeA(&rpc_str);
assert(status == RPC_S_OK);
return result;
// We choose to create this on the heap and using std::once for the following
// reasons
// 1) Currently available MS compiler does not implement atomic C++11
// initialization of
// function local statics
// 2) We choose not to destroy the env because joining the threads from the
// system loader
// which destroys the statics (same as from DLLMain) creates a system loader
// dead-lock.
// in this manner any remaining threads are terminated OK.
namespace {
std::once_flag winenv_once_flag;
Env* envptr;
Env* Env::Default() {
std::call_once(winenv_once_flag, []() { envptr = new WinEnv(); });
return envptr;
} // namespace rocksdb