You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "rocksdb/db.h"
#include "rocksdb/options.h"
#include "rocksdb/table.h"
namespace rocksdb {
// The following set of functions provide a way to construct RocksDB Options
// from a string or a string-to-string map. Here're the general rule of
// setting option values from strings by type. Some RocksDB types are also
// supported in these APIs. Please refer to the comment of the function itself
// to find more information about how to config those RocksDB types.
RocksDB Options file format and its serialization / deserialization. Summary: This patch defines the format of RocksDB options file, which follows the INI file format, and implements functions for its serialization and deserialization. An example RocksDB options file can be found in examples/rocksdb_option_file_example.ini. A typical RocksDB options file has three sections, which are Version, DBOptions, and more than one CFOptions. The RocksDB options file in general follows the basic INI file format with the following extensions / modifications: * Escaped characters We escaped the following characters: - \n -- line feed - new line - \r -- carriage return - \\ -- backslash \ - \: -- colon symbol : - \# -- hash tag # * Comments We support # style comments. Comments can appear at the ending part of a line. * Statements A statement is of the form option_name = value. Each statement contains a '=', where extra white-spaces are supported. However, we don't support multi-lined statement. Furthermore, each line can only contain at most one statement. * Section Sections are of the form [SecitonTitle "SectionArgument"], where section argument is optional. * List We use colon-separated string to represent a list. For instance, n1:n2:n3:n4 is a list containing four values. Below is an example of a RocksDB options file: [Version] rocksdb_version=4.0.0 options_file_version=1.0 [DBOptions] max_open_files=12345 max_background_flushes=301 [CFOptions "default"] [CFOptions "the second column family"] [CFOptions "the third column family"] Test Plan: Added many tests in Reviewers: igor, IslamAbdelRahman, sdong, anthony Reviewed By: anthony Subscribers: maykov, dhruba, leveldb Differential Revision:
9 years ago
// * Strings:
// Strings will be used as values directly without any truncating or
// trimming.
// * Booleans:
// - "true" or "1" => true
// - "false" or "0" => false.
// [Example]:
// - {"optimize_filters_for_hits", "1"} in GetColumnFamilyOptionsFromMap, or
// - "optimize_filters_for_hits=true" in GetColumnFamilyOptionsFromString.
// * Integers:
// Integers are converted directly from string, in addition to the following
// units that we support:
// - 'k' or 'K' => 2^10
// - 'm' or 'M' => 2^20
// - 'g' or 'G' => 2^30
// - 't' or 'T' => 2^40 // only for unsigned int with sufficient bits.
// [Example]:
// - {"arena_block_size", "19G"} in GetColumnFamilyOptionsFromMap, or
// - "arena_block_size=19G" in GetColumnFamilyOptionsFromString.
// * Doubles / Floating Points:
// Doubles / Floating Points are converted directly from string. Note that
// currently we do not support units.
// [Example]:
// - {"hard_rate_limit", "2.1"} in GetColumnFamilyOptionsFromMap, or
// - "hard_rate_limit=2.1" in GetColumnFamilyOptionsFromString.
// * Array / Vectors:
// An array is specified by a list of values, where ':' is used as
// the delimiter to separate each value.
// [Example]:
// - {"compression_per_level", "kNoCompression:kSnappyCompression"}
// in GetColumnFamilyOptionsFromMap, or
// - "compression_per_level=kNoCompression:kSnappyCompression" in
// GetColumnFamilyOptionsFromMapString
// * Enums:
// The valid values of each enum are identical to the names of its constants.
// [Example]:
// - CompressionType: valid values are "kNoCompression",
// "kSnappyCompression", "kZlibCompression", "kBZip2Compression", ...
// - CompactionStyle: valid values are "kCompactionStyleLevel",
// "kCompactionStyleUniversal", "kCompactionStyleFIFO", and
// "kCompactionStyleNone".
// Take a default ColumnFamilyOptions "base_options" in addition to a
// map "opts_map" of option name to option value to construct the new
// ColumnFamilyOptions "new_options".
// Below are the instructions of how to config some non-primitive-typed
// options in ColumnFOptions:
// * table_factory:
// table_factory can be configured using our custom nested-option syntax.
// {option_a=value_a; option_b=value_b; option_c=value_c; ... }
// A nested option is enclosed by two curly braces, within which there are
// multiple option assignments. Each assignment is of the form
// "variable_name=value;".
// Currently we support the following types of TableFactory:
// - BlockBasedTableFactory:
// Use name "block_based_table_factory" to initialize table_factory with
// BlockBasedTableFactory. Its BlockBasedTableFactoryOptions can be
// configured using the nested-option syntax.
// [Example]:
// * {"block_based_table_factory", "{block_cache=1M;block_size=4k;}"}
// is equivalent to assigning table_factory with a BlockBasedTableFactory
// that has 1M LRU block-cache with block size equals to 4k:
// ColumnFamilyOptions cf_opt;
// BlockBasedTableOptions blk_opt;
// blk_opt.block_cache = NewLRUCache(1 * 1024 * 1024);
// blk_opt.block_size = 4 * 1024;
// cf_opt.table_factory.reset(NewBlockBasedTableFactory(blk_opt));
// - PlainTableFactory:
// Use name "plain_table_factory" to initialize table_factory with
// PlainTableFactory. Its PlainTableFactoryOptions can be configured using
// the nested-option syntax.
// [Example]:
// * {"plain_table_factory", "{user_key_len=66;bloom_bits_per_key=20;}"}
// * memtable_factory:
// Use "memtable" to config memtable_factory. Here are the supported
// memtable factories:
// - SkipList:
// Pass "skip_list:<lookahead>" to config memtable to use SkipList,
// or simply "skip_list" to use the default SkipList.
// [Example]:
// * {"memtable", "skip_list:5"} is equivalent to setting
// memtable to SkipListFactory(5).
// - PrefixHash:
// Pass "prfix_hash:<hash_bucket_count>" to config memtable
// to use PrefixHash, or simply "prefix_hash" to use the default
// PrefixHash.
// [Example]:
// * {"memtable", "prefix_hash:1000"} is equivalent to setting
// memtable to NewHashSkipListRepFactory(hash_bucket_count).
// - HashLinkedList:
// Pass "hash_linkedlist:<hash_bucket_count>" to config memtable
// to use HashLinkedList, or simply "hash_linkedlist" to use the default
// HashLinkedList.
// [Example]:
// * {"memtable", "hash_linkedlist:1000"} is equivalent to
// setting memtable to NewHashLinkListRepFactory(1000).
// - VectorRepFactory:
// Pass "vector:<count>" to config memtable to use VectorRepFactory,
// or simply "vector" to use the default Vector memtable.
// [Example]:
// * {"memtable", "vector:1024"} is equivalent to setting memtable
// to VectorRepFactory(1024).
// - HashCuckooRepFactory:
// Pass "cuckoo:<write_buffer_size>" to use HashCuckooRepFactory with the
// specified write buffer size, or simply "cuckoo" to use the default
// HashCuckooRepFactory.
// [Example]:
// * {"memtable", "cuckoo:1024"} is equivalent to setting memtable
// to NewHashCuckooRepFactory(1024).
// * compression_opts:
// Use "compression_opts" to config compression_opts. The value format
// is of the form "<window_bits>:<level>:<strategy>:<max_dict_bytes>".
// [Example]:
// * {"compression_opts", "4:5:6:7"} is equivalent to setting:
// ColumnFamilyOptions cf_opt;
// cf_opt.compression_opts.window_bits = 4;
// cf_opt.compression_opts.level = 5;
// cf_opt.compression_opts.strategy = 6;
// cf_opt.compression_opts.max_dict_bytes = 7;
// @param base_options the default options of the output "new_options".
// @param opts_map an option name to value map for specifying how "new_options"
// should be set.
// @param new_options the resulting options based on "base_options" with the
// change specified in "opts_map".
// @param input_strings_escaped when set to true, each escaped characters
// prefixed by '\' in the values of the opts_map will be further converted
// back to the raw string before assigning to the associated options.
// @param ignore_unknown_options when set to true, unknown options are ignored
// instead of resulting in an unknown-option error.
// @return Status::OK() on success. Otherwise, a non-ok status indicating
// error will be returned, and "new_options" will be set to "base_options".
Status GetColumnFamilyOptionsFromMap(
const ColumnFamilyOptions& base_options,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& opts_map,
ColumnFamilyOptions* new_options, bool input_strings_escaped = false,
bool ignore_unknown_options = false);
// Take a default DBOptions "base_options" in addition to a
// map "opts_map" of option name to option value to construct the new
// DBOptions "new_options".
// Below are the instructions of how to config some non-primitive-typed
// options in DBOptions:
// * rate_limiter_bytes_per_sec:
// RateLimiter can be configured directly by specifying its bytes_per_sec.
// [Example]:
// - Passing {"rate_limiter_bytes_per_sec", "1024"} is equivalent to
// passing NewGenericRateLimiter(1024) to rate_limiter_bytes_per_sec.
RocksDB Options file format and its serialization / deserialization. Summary: This patch defines the format of RocksDB options file, which follows the INI file format, and implements functions for its serialization and deserialization. An example RocksDB options file can be found in examples/rocksdb_option_file_example.ini. A typical RocksDB options file has three sections, which are Version, DBOptions, and more than one CFOptions. The RocksDB options file in general follows the basic INI file format with the following extensions / modifications: * Escaped characters We escaped the following characters: - \n -- line feed - new line - \r -- carriage return - \\ -- backslash \ - \: -- colon symbol : - \# -- hash tag # * Comments We support # style comments. Comments can appear at the ending part of a line. * Statements A statement is of the form option_name = value. Each statement contains a '=', where extra white-spaces are supported. However, we don't support multi-lined statement. Furthermore, each line can only contain at most one statement. * Section Sections are of the form [SecitonTitle "SectionArgument"], where section argument is optional. * List We use colon-separated string to represent a list. For instance, n1:n2:n3:n4 is a list containing four values. Below is an example of a RocksDB options file: [Version] rocksdb_version=4.0.0 options_file_version=1.0 [DBOptions] max_open_files=12345 max_background_flushes=301 [CFOptions "default"] [CFOptions "the second column family"] [CFOptions "the third column family"] Test Plan: Added many tests in Reviewers: igor, IslamAbdelRahman, sdong, anthony Reviewed By: anthony Subscribers: maykov, dhruba, leveldb Differential Revision:
9 years ago
// @param base_options the default options of the output "new_options".
// @param opts_map an option name to value map for specifying how "new_options"
// should be set.
// @param new_options the resulting options based on "base_options" with the
// change specified in "opts_map".
// @param input_strings_escaped when set to true, each escaped characters
// prefixed by '\' in the values of the opts_map will be further converted
// back to the raw string before assigning to the associated options.
// @param ignore_unknown_options when set to true, unknown options are ignored
// instead of resulting in an unknown-option error.
// @return Status::OK() on success. Otherwise, a non-ok status indicating
// error will be returned, and "new_options" will be set to "base_options".
Status GetDBOptionsFromMap(
const DBOptions& base_options,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& opts_map,
DBOptions* new_options, bool input_strings_escaped = false,
bool ignore_unknown_options = false);
// Take a default BlockBasedTableOptions "table_options" in addition to a
// map "opts_map" of option name to option value to construct the new
// BlockBasedTableOptions "new_table_options".
// Below are the instructions of how to config some non-primitive-typed
// options in BlockBasedTableOptions:
// * filter_policy:
// We currently only support the following FilterPolicy in the convenience
// functions:
// - BloomFilter: use "bloomfilter:[bits_per_key]:[use_block_based_builder]"
// to specify BloomFilter. The above string is equivalent to calling
// NewBloomFilterPolicy(bits_per_key, use_block_based_builder).
// [Example]:
// - Pass {"filter_policy", "bloomfilter:4:true"} in
// GetBlockBasedTableOptionsFromMap to use a BloomFilter with 4-bits
// per key and use_block_based_builder enabled.
// * block_cache / block_cache_compressed:
// We currently only support LRU cache in the GetOptions API. The LRU
// cache can be set by directly specifying its size.
// [Example]:
// - Passing {"block_cache", "1M"} in GetBlockBasedTableOptionsFromMap is
// equivalent to setting block_cache using NewLRUCache(1024 * 1024).
// @param table_options the default options of the output "new_table_options".
// @param opts_map an option name to value map for specifying how
// "new_table_options" should be set.
// @param new_table_options the resulting options based on "table_options"
// with the change specified in "opts_map".
// @param input_strings_escaped when set to true, each escaped characters
// prefixed by '\' in the values of the opts_map will be further converted
// back to the raw string before assigning to the associated options.
// @param ignore_unknown_options when set to true, unknown options are ignored
// instead of resulting in an unknown-option error.
// @return Status::OK() on success. Otherwise, a non-ok status indicating
// error will be returned, and "new_table_options" will be set to
// "table_options".
Status GetBlockBasedTableOptionsFromMap(
const BlockBasedTableOptions& table_options,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& opts_map,
BlockBasedTableOptions* new_table_options,
bool input_strings_escaped = false, bool ignore_unknown_options = false);
// Take a default PlainTableOptions "table_options" in addition to a
// map "opts_map" of option name to option value to construct the new
// PlainTableOptions "new_table_options".
// @param table_options the default options of the output "new_table_options".
// @param opts_map an option name to value map for specifying how
// "new_table_options" should be set.
// @param new_table_options the resulting options based on "table_options"
// with the change specified in "opts_map".
// @param input_strings_escaped when set to true, each escaped characters
// prefixed by '\' in the values of the opts_map will be further converted
// back to the raw string before assigning to the associated options.
// @param ignore_unknown_options when set to true, unknown options are ignored
// instead of resulting in an unknown-option error.
// @return Status::OK() on success. Otherwise, a non-ok status indicating
// error will be returned, and "new_table_options" will be set to
// "table_options".
Status GetPlainTableOptionsFromMap(
const PlainTableOptions& table_options,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& opts_map,
PlainTableOptions* new_table_options, bool input_strings_escaped = false,
bool ignore_unknown_options = false);
// Take a string representation of option names and values, apply them into the
// base_options, and return the new options as a result. The string has the
// following format:
// "write_buffer_size=1024;max_write_buffer_number=2"
// Nested options config is also possible. For example, you can define
// BlockBasedTableOptions as part of the string for block-based table factory:
// "write_buffer_size=1024;block_based_table_factory={block_size=4k};"
// "max_write_buffer_num=2"
Status GetColumnFamilyOptionsFromString(
const ColumnFamilyOptions& base_options,
const std::string& opts_str,
ColumnFamilyOptions* new_options);
Status GetDBOptionsFromString(
const DBOptions& base_options,
const std::string& opts_str,
DBOptions* new_options);
RocksDB Options file format and its serialization / deserialization. Summary: This patch defines the format of RocksDB options file, which follows the INI file format, and implements functions for its serialization and deserialization. An example RocksDB options file can be found in examples/rocksdb_option_file_example.ini. A typical RocksDB options file has three sections, which are Version, DBOptions, and more than one CFOptions. The RocksDB options file in general follows the basic INI file format with the following extensions / modifications: * Escaped characters We escaped the following characters: - \n -- line feed - new line - \r -- carriage return - \\ -- backslash \ - \: -- colon symbol : - \# -- hash tag # * Comments We support # style comments. Comments can appear at the ending part of a line. * Statements A statement is of the form option_name = value. Each statement contains a '=', where extra white-spaces are supported. However, we don't support multi-lined statement. Furthermore, each line can only contain at most one statement. * Section Sections are of the form [SecitonTitle "SectionArgument"], where section argument is optional. * List We use colon-separated string to represent a list. For instance, n1:n2:n3:n4 is a list containing four values. Below is an example of a RocksDB options file: [Version] rocksdb_version=4.0.0 options_file_version=1.0 [DBOptions] max_open_files=12345 max_background_flushes=301 [CFOptions "default"] [CFOptions "the second column family"] [CFOptions "the third column family"] Test Plan: Added many tests in Reviewers: igor, IslamAbdelRahman, sdong, anthony Reviewed By: anthony Subscribers: maykov, dhruba, leveldb Differential Revision:
9 years ago
Status GetStringFromDBOptions(std::string* opts_str,
const DBOptions& db_options,
const std::string& delimiter = "; ");
RocksDB Options file format and its serialization / deserialization. Summary: This patch defines the format of RocksDB options file, which follows the INI file format, and implements functions for its serialization and deserialization. An example RocksDB options file can be found in examples/rocksdb_option_file_example.ini. A typical RocksDB options file has three sections, which are Version, DBOptions, and more than one CFOptions. The RocksDB options file in general follows the basic INI file format with the following extensions / modifications: * Escaped characters We escaped the following characters: - \n -- line feed - new line - \r -- carriage return - \\ -- backslash \ - \: -- colon symbol : - \# -- hash tag # * Comments We support # style comments. Comments can appear at the ending part of a line. * Statements A statement is of the form option_name = value. Each statement contains a '=', where extra white-spaces are supported. However, we don't support multi-lined statement. Furthermore, each line can only contain at most one statement. * Section Sections are of the form [SecitonTitle "SectionArgument"], where section argument is optional. * List We use colon-separated string to represent a list. For instance, n1:n2:n3:n4 is a list containing four values. Below is an example of a RocksDB options file: [Version] rocksdb_version=4.0.0 options_file_version=1.0 [DBOptions] max_open_files=12345 max_background_flushes=301 [CFOptions "default"] [CFOptions "the second column family"] [CFOptions "the third column family"] Test Plan: Added many tests in Reviewers: igor, IslamAbdelRahman, sdong, anthony Reviewed By: anthony Subscribers: maykov, dhruba, leveldb Differential Revision:
9 years ago
Status GetStringFromColumnFamilyOptions(std::string* opts_str,
const ColumnFamilyOptions& cf_options,
RocksDB Options file format and its serialization / deserialization. Summary: This patch defines the format of RocksDB options file, which follows the INI file format, and implements functions for its serialization and deserialization. An example RocksDB options file can be found in examples/rocksdb_option_file_example.ini. A typical RocksDB options file has three sections, which are Version, DBOptions, and more than one CFOptions. The RocksDB options file in general follows the basic INI file format with the following extensions / modifications: * Escaped characters We escaped the following characters: - \n -- line feed - new line - \r -- carriage return - \\ -- backslash \ - \: -- colon symbol : - \# -- hash tag # * Comments We support # style comments. Comments can appear at the ending part of a line. * Statements A statement is of the form option_name = value. Each statement contains a '=', where extra white-spaces are supported. However, we don't support multi-lined statement. Furthermore, each line can only contain at most one statement. * Section Sections are of the form [SecitonTitle "SectionArgument"], where section argument is optional. * List We use colon-separated string to represent a list. For instance, n1:n2:n3:n4 is a list containing four values. Below is an example of a RocksDB options file: [Version] rocksdb_version=4.0.0 options_file_version=1.0 [DBOptions] max_open_files=12345 max_background_flushes=301 [CFOptions "default"] [CFOptions "the second column family"] [CFOptions "the third column family"] Test Plan: Added many tests in Reviewers: igor, IslamAbdelRahman, sdong, anthony Reviewed By: anthony Subscribers: maykov, dhruba, leveldb Differential Revision:
9 years ago
const std::string& delimiter = "; ");
Status GetStringFromCompressionType(std::string* compression_str,
CompressionType compression_type);
std::vector<CompressionType> GetSupportedCompressions();
Status GetBlockBasedTableOptionsFromString(
const BlockBasedTableOptions& table_options,
const std::string& opts_str,
BlockBasedTableOptions* new_table_options);
Status GetPlainTableOptionsFromString(
const PlainTableOptions& table_options,
const std::string& opts_str,
PlainTableOptions* new_table_options);
Status GetMemTableRepFactoryFromString(
const std::string& opts_str,
std::unique_ptr<MemTableRepFactory>* new_mem_factory);
Status GetOptionsFromString(const Options& base_options,
const std::string& opts_str, Options* new_options);
Status StringToMap(const std::string& opts_str,
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>* opts_map);
// Request stopping background work, if wait is true wait until it's done
void CancelAllBackgroundWork(DB* db, bool wait = false);
// Delete files which are entirely in the given range
// Could leave some keys in the range which are in files which are not
// entirely in the range. Also leaves L0 files regardless of whether they're
// in the range.
// Snapshots before the delete might not see the data in the given range.
Status DeleteFilesInRange(DB* db, ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
const Slice* begin, const Slice* end,
bool include_end = true);
// Delete files in multiple ranges at once
// Delete files in a lot of ranges one at a time can be slow, use this API for
// better performance in that case.
Status DeleteFilesInRanges(DB* db, ColumnFamilyHandle* column_family,
const RangePtr* ranges, size_t n,
bool include_end = true);
// Verify the checksum of file
Status VerifySstFileChecksum(const Options& options,
const EnvOptions& env_options,
const std::string& file_path);
#endif // ROCKSDB_LITE
} // namespace rocksdb