You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

267 lines
10 KiB

// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
// Copyright (c) 2013, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#include "db/compaction_iterator.h"
namespace rocksdb {
Iterator* input, const Comparator* cmp, MergeHelper* merge_helper,
SequenceNumber last_sequence, std::vector<SequenceNumber>* snapshots,
Env* env, bool expect_valid_internal_key, Statistics* stats,
Compaction* compaction, const CompactionFilter* compaction_filter,
LogBuffer* log_buffer)
: input_(input),
merge_out_iter_(merge_helper_) {
assert(compaction_filter_ == nullptr || compaction_ != nullptr);
bottommost_level_ =
compaction_ == nullptr ? false : compaction_->bottommost_level();
if (compaction_ != nullptr) {
level_ptrs_ = std::vector<size_t>(compaction_->number_levels(), 0);
if (snapshots_->size() == 0) {
// optimize for fast path if there are no snapshots
visible_at_tip_ = last_sequence;
earliest_snapshot_ = visible_at_tip_;
latest_snapshot_ = 0;
} else {
visible_at_tip_ = 0;
earliest_snapshot_ = snapshots_->at(0);
latest_snapshot_ = snapshots_->back();
void CompactionIterator::ResetRecordCounts() {
iter_stats_.num_record_drop_user = 0;
iter_stats_.num_record_drop_hidden = 0;
iter_stats_.num_record_drop_obsolete = 0;
void CompactionIterator::SeekToFirst() {
void CompactionIterator::Next() {
// If there is a merge output, return it before continuing to process the
// input.
if (merge_out_iter_.Valid()) {
// Check if we returned all records of the merge output.
if (merge_out_iter_.Valid()) {
key_ = merge_out_iter_.key();
value_ = merge_out_iter_.value();
bool valid_key __attribute__((__unused__)) =
ParseInternalKey(key_, &ikey_);
// MergeUntil stops when it encounters a corrupt key and does not
// include them in the result, so we expect the keys here to be valid.
valid_ = true;
} else {
// MergeHelper moves the iterator to the first record after the merged
// records, so even though we reached the end of the merge output, we do
// not want to advance the iterator.
} else {
// Only advance the input iterator if there is no merge output.
void CompactionIterator::NextFromInput() {
valid_ = false;
while (input_->Valid()) {
key_ = input_->key();
value_ = input_->value();
if (!ParseInternalKey(key_, &ikey_)) {
// If `expect_valid_internal_key_` is false, return the corrupted key
// and let the caller decide what to do with it.
// TODO(noetzli): Maybe we should have a more elegant solution for this.
has_current_user_key_ = false;
current_user_key_sequence_ = kMaxSequenceNumber;
current_user_key_snapshot_ = 0;
valid_ = true;
// Update input statistics
if (ikey_.type == kTypeDeletion) {
iter_stats_.total_input_raw_key_bytes += key_.size();
iter_stats_.total_input_raw_value_bytes += value_.size();
if (!has_current_user_key_ ||
cmp_->Compare(ikey_.user_key, current_user_key_.GetKey()) != 0) {
// First occurrence of this user key
has_current_user_key_ = true;
current_user_key_sequence_ = kMaxSequenceNumber;
current_user_key_snapshot_ = 0;
// apply the compaction filter to the first occurrence of the user key
if (compaction_filter_ != nullptr && ikey_.type == kTypeValue &&
(visible_at_tip_ || latest_snapshot_)) {
// If the user has specified a compaction filter and the sequence
// number is greater than any external snapshot, then invoke the
// filter. If the return value of the compaction filter is true,
// replace the entry with a deletion marker.
bool value_changed = false;
bool to_delete = false;
StopWatchNano timer(env_, true);
to_delete = compaction_filter_->Filter(
compaction_->level(), ikey_.user_key, value_,
&compaction_filter_value_, &value_changed);
iter_stats_.total_filter_time +=
env_ != nullptr ? timer.ElapsedNanos() : 0;
if (to_delete) {
// make a copy of the original key and convert it to a delete
delete_key_.SetInternalKey(ExtractUserKey(key_), ikey_.sequence,
// anchor the key again
key_ = delete_key_.GetKey();
// needed because ikey_ is backed by key
ParseInternalKey(key_, &ikey_);
// no value associated with delete
} else if (value_changed) {
value_ = compaction_filter_value_;
// If there are no snapshots, then this kv affect visibility at tip.
// Otherwise, search though all existing snapshots to find the earliest
// snapshot that is affected by this kv.
SequenceNumber last_sequence __attribute__((__unused__)) =
current_user_key_sequence_ = ikey_.sequence;
SequenceNumber last_snapshot = current_user_key_snapshot_;
SequenceNumber prev_snapshot = 0; // 0 means no previous snapshot
current_user_key_snapshot_ =
visible_at_tip_ ? visible_at_tip_ : findEarliestVisibleSnapshot(
ikey_.sequence, &prev_snapshot);
if (last_snapshot == current_user_key_snapshot_) {
// If the earliest snapshot is which this key is visible in
// is the same as the visibility of a previous instance of the
// same key, then this kv is not visible in any snapshot.
// Hidden by an newer entry for same user key
// TODO: why not > ?
assert(last_sequence >= current_user_key_sequence_);
++iter_stats_.num_record_drop_hidden; // (A)
} else if (compaction_ != nullptr && ikey_.type == kTypeDeletion &&
ikey_.sequence <= earliest_snapshot_ &&
&level_ptrs_)) {
// TODO(noetzli): This is the only place where we use compaction_
// (besides the constructor). We should probably get rid of this
// dependency and find a way to do similar filtering during flushes.
// For this user key:
// (1) there is no data in higher levels
// (2) data in lower levels will have larger sequence numbers
// (3) data in layers that are being compacted here and have
// smaller sequence numbers will be dropped in the next
// few iterations of this loop (by rule (A) above).
// Therefore this deletion marker is obsolete and can be dropped.
} else if (ikey_.type == kTypeMerge) {
if (!merge_helper_->HasOperator()) {
LogToBuffer(log_buffer_, "Options::merge_operator is null.");
status_ = Status::InvalidArgument(
"merge_operator is not properly initialized.");
// We know the merge type entry is not hidden, otherwise we would
// have hit (A)
// We encapsulate the merge related state machine in a different
// object to minimize change to the existing flow.
merge_helper_->MergeUntil(input_, prev_snapshot, bottommost_level_,
stats_, env_);
// NOTE: key, value, and ikey_ refer to old entries.
// These will be correctly set below.
key_ = merge_out_iter_.key();
value_ = merge_out_iter_.value();
bool valid_key __attribute__((__unused__)) =
ParseInternalKey(key_, &ikey_);
// MergeUntil stops when it encounters a corrupt key and does not
// include them in the result, so we expect the keys here to valid.
valid_ = true;
} else {
valid_ = true;
void CompactionIterator::PrepareOutput() {
// Zeroing out the sequence number leads to better compression.
// If this is the bottommost level (no files in lower levels)
// and the earliest snapshot is larger than this seqno
// then we can squash the seqno to zero.
if (bottommost_level_ && valid_ && ikey_.sequence < earliest_snapshot_ &&
ikey_.type != kTypeMerge) {
assert(ikey_.type != kTypeDeletion);
// make a copy because updating in place would cause problems
// with the priority queue that is managing the input key iterator
updated_key_.assign(, key_.size());
UpdateInternalKey(&updated_key_, (uint64_t)0, ikey_.type);
key_ = Slice(updated_key_);
inline SequenceNumber CompactionIterator::findEarliestVisibleSnapshot(
SequenceNumber in, SequenceNumber* prev_snapshot) {
SequenceNumber prev __attribute__((unused)) = 0;
for (const auto cur : *snapshots_) {
assert(prev <= cur);
if (cur >= in) {
*prev_snapshot = prev;
return cur;
prev = cur;
*prev_snapshot = prev;
return kMaxSequenceNumber;
} // namespace rocksdb