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// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// This file is designed for caching those frequently used IDs and provide
// efficient portal (i.e, a set of static functions) to access java code
// from c++.
#include <jni.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "rocksdb/convenience.h"
#include "rocksdb/db.h"
#include "rocksdb/filter_policy.h"
#include "rocksdb/rate_limiter.h"
#include "rocksdb/status.h"
#include "rocksdb/table.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/backupable_db.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/memory_util.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/transaction_db.h"
#include "rocksdb/utilities/write_batch_with_index.h"
#include "rocksjni/compaction_filter_factory_jnicallback.h"
#include "rocksjni/comparatorjnicallback.h"
#include "rocksjni/event_listener_jnicallback.h"
#include "rocksjni/loggerjnicallback.h"
#include "rocksjni/table_filter_jnicallback.h"
#include "rocksjni/trace_writer_jnicallback.h"
#include "rocksjni/transaction_notifier_jnicallback.h"
#include "rocksjni/wal_filter_jnicallback.h"
#include "rocksjni/writebatchhandlerjnicallback.h"
// Remove macro on windows
#ifdef DELETE
#undef DELETE
class JavaClass {
* Gets and initializes a Java Class
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param jclazz_name The fully qualified JNI name of the Java Class
* e.g. "java/lang/String"
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env, const char* jclazz_name) {
jclass jclazz = env->FindClass(jclazz_name);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
return jclazz;
// Native class template
template<class PTR, class DERIVED> class RocksDBNativeClass : public JavaClass {
// Native class template for sub-classes of RocksMutableObject
template<class PTR, class DERIVED> class NativeRocksMutableObject
: public RocksDBNativeClass<PTR, DERIVED> {
* Gets the Java Method ID for the
* RocksMutableObject#setNativeHandle(long, boolean) method
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr the RocksMutableObject class cannot
* be accessed, or if one of the NoSuchMethodError,
* ExceptionInInitializerError or OutOfMemoryError exceptions is thrown
static jmethodID getSetNativeHandleMethod(JNIEnv* env) {
static jclass jclazz = DERIVED::getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "setNativeHandle", "(JZ)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Sets the C++ object pointer handle in the Java object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param jobj The Java object on which to set the pointer handle
* @param ptr The C++ object pointer
* @param java_owns_handle JNI_TRUE if ownership of the C++ object is
* managed by the Java object
* @return true if a Java exception is pending, false otherwise
static bool setHandle(JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj, PTR ptr,
jboolean java_owns_handle) {
assert(jobj != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = getSetNativeHandleMethod(env);
if(mid == nullptr) {
return true; // signal exception
env->CallVoidMethod(jobj, mid, reinterpret_cast<jlong>(ptr), java_owns_handle);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return true; // signal exception
return false;
// Java Exception template
template<class DERIVED> class JavaException : public JavaClass {
* Create and throw a java exception with the provided message
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param msg The message for the exception
* @return true if an exception was thrown, false otherwise
static bool ThrowNew(JNIEnv* env, const std::string& msg) {
jclass jclazz = DERIVED::getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
std::cerr << "JavaException::ThrowNew - Error: unexpected exception!" << std::endl;
return env->ExceptionCheck();
const jint rs = env->ThrowNew(jclazz, msg.c_str());
if(rs != JNI_OK) {
// exception could not be thrown
std::cerr << "JavaException::ThrowNew - Fatal: could not throw exception!" << std::endl;
return env->ExceptionCheck();
return true;
// The portal class for java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
class IllegalArgumentExceptionJni :
public JavaException<IllegalArgumentExceptionJni> {
* Get the Java Class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaException::getJClass(env, "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException");
* Create and throw a Java IllegalArgumentException with the provided status
* If s.ok() == true, then this function will not throw any exception.
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param s The status for the exception
* @return true if an exception was thrown, false otherwise
static bool ThrowNew(JNIEnv* env, const Status& s) {
if (s.ok()) {
return false;
// get the IllegalArgumentException class
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
std::cerr << "IllegalArgumentExceptionJni::ThrowNew/class - Error: unexpected exception!" << std::endl;
return env->ExceptionCheck();
return JavaException::ThrowNew(env, s.ToString());
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.Status.Code
class CodeJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.Status.Code
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/Status$Code");
* Get the Java Method: Status.Code#getValue
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getValueMethod(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "getValue", "()b");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.Status.SubCode
class SubCodeJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.Status.SubCode
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/Status$SubCode");
* Get the Java Method: Status.SubCode#getValue
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getValueMethod(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "getValue", "()b");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode toCppSubCode(
const jbyte jsub_code) {
switch (jsub_code) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kNone;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kMutexTimeout;
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kLockTimeout;
case 0x3:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kLockLimit;
case 0x4:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kNoSpace;
case 0x5:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kDeadlock;
case 0x6:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kStaleFile;
case 0x7:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kMemoryLimit;
case 0x7F:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kNone;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.Status
class StatusJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status*, StatusJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.Status
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/Status");
* Get the Java Method: Status#getCode
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getCodeMethod(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "getCode", "()Lorg/rocksdb/Status$Code;");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: Status#getSubCode
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getSubCodeMethod(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "getSubCode", "()Lorg/rocksdb/Status$SubCode;");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: Status#getState
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getStateMethod(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "getState", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.Status object with the same properties as
* the provided C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param status The ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status object
* @return A reference to a Java org.rocksdb.Status object, or nullptr
* if an an exception occurs
static jobject construct(JNIEnv* env, const Status& status) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "(BBLjava/lang/String;)V");
if(mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
// convert the Status state for Java
jstring jstate = nullptr;
if (status.getState() != nullptr) {
const char* const state = status.getState();
jstate = env->NewStringUTF(state);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
if(jstate != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
jobject jstatus =
env->NewObject(jclazz, mid, toJavaStatusCode(status.code()),
toJavaStatusSubCode(status.subcode()), jstate);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred
if(jstate != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
if(jstate != nullptr) {
return jstatus;
static jobject construct(JNIEnv* env, const Status* status) {
return construct(env, *status);
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.Status.Code for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code enum
static jbyte toJavaStatusCode(const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code& code) {
switch (code) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code::kOk:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code::kNotFound:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code::kCorruption:
return 0x2;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code::kNotSupported:
return 0x3;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code::kInvalidArgument:
return 0x4;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code::kIOError:
return 0x5;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code::kMergeInProgress:
return 0x6;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code::kIncomplete:
return 0x7;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code::kShutdownInProgress:
return 0x8;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code::kTimedOut:
return 0x9;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code::kAborted:
return 0xA;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code::kBusy:
return 0xB;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code::kExpired:
return 0xC;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code::kTryAgain:
return 0xD;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::Code::kColumnFamilyDropped:
return 0xE;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.Status.SubCode for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode enum
static jbyte toJavaStatusSubCode(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode& subCode) {
switch (subCode) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kNone:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kMutexTimeout:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kLockTimeout:
return 0x2;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kLockLimit:
return 0x3;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kNoSpace:
return 0x4;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kDeadlock:
return 0x5;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kStaleFile:
return 0x6;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status::SubCode::kMemoryLimit:
return 0x7;
return 0x7F; // undefined
static std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status> toCppStatus(
const jbyte jcode_value, const jbyte jsub_code_value) {
std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status> status;
switch (jcode_value) {
case 0x0:
status = std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
case 0x1:
status = std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
case 0x2:
status = std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
case 0x3:
status = std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
case 0x4:
status = std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
case 0x5:
status = std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
case 0x6:
status = std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
case 0x7:
status = std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
case 0x8:
status = std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
case 0x9:
status = std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
case 0xA:
status = std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
case 0xB:
status = std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
case 0xC:
status = std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
case 0xD:
status = std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
case 0xE:
// ColumnFamilyDropped
status = std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
case 0x7F:
return nullptr;
return status;
// Returns the equivalent ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status for the Java
// org.rocksdb.Status
static std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status> toCppStatus(
JNIEnv* env, const jobject jstatus) {
jmethodID mid_code = getCodeMethod(env);
if (mid_code == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
jobject jcode = env->CallObjectMethod(jstatus, mid_code);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid_code_value = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CodeJni::getValueMethod(env);
if (mid_code_value == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
jbyte jcode_value = env->CallByteMethod(jcode, mid_code_value);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred
if (jcode != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid_subCode = getSubCodeMethod(env);
if (mid_subCode == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
jobject jsubCode = env->CallObjectMethod(jstatus, mid_subCode);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred
if (jcode != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
jbyte jsub_code_value = 0x0; // None
if (jsubCode != nullptr) {
jmethodID mid_subCode_value =
if (mid_subCode_value == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
jsub_code_value = env->CallByteMethod(jsubCode, mid_subCode_value);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred
if (jcode != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid_state = getStateMethod(env);
if (mid_state == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
jobject jstate = env->CallObjectMethod(jstatus, mid_state);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred
if (jsubCode != nullptr) {
if (jcode != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status> status =
toCppStatus(jcode_value, jsub_code_value);
// delete all local refs
if (jstate != nullptr) {
if (jsubCode != nullptr) {
if (jcode != nullptr) {
return status;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.RocksDBException
class RocksDBExceptionJni :
public JavaException<RocksDBExceptionJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.RocksDBException
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaException::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/RocksDBException");
* Create and throw a Java RocksDBException with the provided message
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param msg The message for the exception
* @return true if an exception was thrown, false otherwise
static bool ThrowNew(JNIEnv* env, const std::string& msg) {
return JavaException::ThrowNew(env, msg);
* Create and throw a Java RocksDBException with the provided status
* If s->ok() == true, then this function will not throw any exception.
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param s The status for the exception
* @return true if an exception was thrown, false otherwise
static bool ThrowNew(JNIEnv* env, std::unique_ptr<Status>& s) {
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::RocksDBExceptionJni::ThrowNew(env, *(s.get()));
* Create and throw a Java RocksDBException with the provided status
* If s.ok() == true, then this function will not throw any exception.
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param s The status for the exception
* @return true if an exception was thrown, false otherwise
static bool ThrowNew(JNIEnv* env, const Status& s) {
if (s.ok()) {
return false;
// get the RocksDBException class
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
std::cerr << "RocksDBExceptionJni::ThrowNew/class - Error: unexpected exception!" << std::endl;
return env->ExceptionCheck();
// get the constructor of org.rocksdb.RocksDBException
jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "(Lorg/rocksdb/Status;)V");
if(mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
std::cerr << "RocksDBExceptionJni::ThrowNew/cstr - Error: unexpected exception!" << std::endl;
return env->ExceptionCheck();
// get the Java status object
jobject jstatus = StatusJni::construct(env, s);
if(jstatus == nullptr) {
// exception occcurred
std::cerr << "RocksDBExceptionJni::ThrowNew/StatusJni - Error: unexpected exception!" << std::endl;
return env->ExceptionCheck();
// construct the RocksDBException
jthrowable rocksdb_exception = reinterpret_cast<jthrowable>(env->NewObject(jclazz, mid, jstatus));
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
if(jstatus != nullptr) {
if(rocksdb_exception != nullptr) {
std::cerr << "RocksDBExceptionJni::ThrowNew/NewObject - Error: unexpected exception!" << std::endl;
return true;
// throw the RocksDBException
const jint rs = env->Throw(rocksdb_exception);
if(rs != JNI_OK) {
// exception could not be thrown
std::cerr << "RocksDBExceptionJni::ThrowNew - Fatal: could not throw exception!" << std::endl;
if(jstatus != nullptr) {
if(rocksdb_exception != nullptr) {
return env->ExceptionCheck();
if(jstatus != nullptr) {
if(rocksdb_exception != nullptr) {
return true;
* Create and throw a Java RocksDBException with the provided message
* and status
* If s.ok() == true, then this function will not throw any exception.
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param msg The message for the exception
* @param s The status for the exception
* @return true if an exception was thrown, false otherwise
static bool ThrowNew(JNIEnv* env, const std::string& msg, const Status& s) {
if (s.ok()) {
return false;
// get the RocksDBException class
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
std::cerr << "RocksDBExceptionJni::ThrowNew/class - Error: unexpected exception!" << std::endl;
return env->ExceptionCheck();
// get the constructor of org.rocksdb.RocksDBException
jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/rocksdb/Status;)V");
if(mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
std::cerr << "RocksDBExceptionJni::ThrowNew/cstr - Error: unexpected exception!" << std::endl;
return env->ExceptionCheck();
jstring jmsg = env->NewStringUTF(msg.c_str());
if(jmsg == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
std::cerr << "RocksDBExceptionJni::ThrowNew/msg - Error: unexpected exception!" << std::endl;
return env->ExceptionCheck();
// get the Java status object
jobject jstatus = StatusJni::construct(env, s);
if(jstatus == nullptr) {
// exception occcurred
std::cerr << "RocksDBExceptionJni::ThrowNew/StatusJni - Error: unexpected exception!" << std::endl;
if(jmsg != nullptr) {
return env->ExceptionCheck();
// construct the RocksDBException
jthrowable rocksdb_exception = reinterpret_cast<jthrowable>(env->NewObject(jclazz, mid, jmsg, jstatus));
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
if(jstatus != nullptr) {
if(jmsg != nullptr) {
if(rocksdb_exception != nullptr) {
std::cerr << "RocksDBExceptionJni::ThrowNew/NewObject - Error: unexpected exception!" << std::endl;
return true;
// throw the RocksDBException
const jint rs = env->Throw(rocksdb_exception);
if(rs != JNI_OK) {
// exception could not be thrown
std::cerr << "RocksDBExceptionJni::ThrowNew - Fatal: could not throw exception!" << std::endl;
if(jstatus != nullptr) {
if(jmsg != nullptr) {
if(rocksdb_exception != nullptr) {
return env->ExceptionCheck();
if(jstatus != nullptr) {
if(jmsg != nullptr) {
if(rocksdb_exception != nullptr) {
return true;
* Get the Java Method: RocksDBException#getStatus
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getStatusMethod(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "getStatus", "()Lorg/rocksdb/Status;");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
static std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status> toCppStatus(
JNIEnv* env, jthrowable jrocksdb_exception) {
if(!env->IsInstanceOf(jrocksdb_exception, getJClass(env))) {
// not an instance of RocksDBException
return nullptr;
// get the java status object
jmethodID mid = getStatusMethod(env);
if(mid == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class or method
return nullptr;
jobject jstatus = env->CallObjectMethod(jrocksdb_exception, mid);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
if(jstatus == nullptr) {
return nullptr; // no status available
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::StatusJni::toCppStatus(env, jstatus);
// The portal class for java.util.List
class ListJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class java.util.List
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getListClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "java/util/List");
* Get the Java Class java.util.ArrayList
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getArrayListClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "java/util/ArrayList");
* Get the Java Class java.util.Iterator
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getIteratorClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "java/util/Iterator");
* Get the Java Method: List#iterator
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getIteratorMethod(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jlist_clazz = getListClass(env);
if(jlist_clazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jlist_clazz, "iterator", "()Ljava/util/Iterator;");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: Iterator#hasNext
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getHasNextMethod(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jiterator_clazz = getIteratorClass(env);
if(jiterator_clazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jiterator_clazz, "hasNext", "()Z");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: Iterator#next
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getNextMethod(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jiterator_clazz = getIteratorClass(env);
if(jiterator_clazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jiterator_clazz, "next", "()Ljava/lang/Object;");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: ArrayList constructor
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getArrayListConstructorMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jarray_list_clazz = getArrayListClass(env);
if(jarray_list_clazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jarray_list_clazz, "<init>", "(I)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: List#add
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getListAddMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jlist_clazz = getListClass(env);
if(jlist_clazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jlist_clazz, "add", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
// The portal class for java.lang.Byte
class ByteJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class java.lang.Byte
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "java/lang/Byte");
* Get the Java Class byte[]
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getArrayJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "[B");
* Creates a new 2-dimensional Java Byte Array byte[][]
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param len The size of the first dimension
* @return A reference to the Java byte[][] or nullptr if an exception occurs
static jobjectArray new2dByteArray(JNIEnv* env, const jsize len) {
jclass clazz = getArrayJClass(env);
if(clazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
return env->NewObjectArray(len, clazz, nullptr);
* Get the Java Method: Byte#byteValue
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getByteValueMethod(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass clazz = getJClass(env);
if(clazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(clazz, "byteValue", "()B");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Calls the Java Method: Byte#valueOf, returning a constructed Byte jobject
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return A constructing Byte object or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved, or an exception occurred
static jobject valueOf(JNIEnv* env, jbyte jprimitive_byte) {
jclass clazz = getJClass(env);
if (clazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetStaticMethodID(clazz, "valueOf", "(B)Ljava/lang/Byte;");
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
const jobject jbyte_obj =
env->CallStaticObjectMethod(clazz, mid, jprimitive_byte);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
return jbyte_obj;
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
// The portal class for java.nio.ByteBuffer
class ByteBufferJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class java.nio.ByteBuffer
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "java/nio/ByteBuffer");
* Get the Java Method: ByteBuffer#allocate
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param jbytebuffer_clazz if you have a reference to a ByteBuffer class, or
* nullptr
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
static jmethodID getAllocateMethodId(JNIEnv* env,
jclass jbytebuffer_clazz = nullptr) {
const jclass jclazz =
jbytebuffer_clazz == nullptr ? getJClass(env) : jbytebuffer_clazz;
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetStaticMethodID(
jclazz, "allocate", "(I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: ByteBuffer#array
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
static jmethodID getArrayMethodId(JNIEnv* env,
jclass jbytebuffer_clazz = nullptr) {
const jclass jclazz =
jbytebuffer_clazz == nullptr ? getJClass(env) : jbytebuffer_clazz;
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "array", "()[B");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
static jobject construct(
JNIEnv* env, const bool direct, const size_t capacity,
jclass jbytebuffer_clazz = nullptr) {
return constructWith(env, direct, nullptr, capacity, jbytebuffer_clazz);
static jobject constructWith(JNIEnv* env, const bool direct, const char* buf,
const size_t capacity,
jclass jbytebuffer_clazz = nullptr) {
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
if (direct) {
bool allocated = false;
if (buf == nullptr) {
buf = new char[capacity];
allocated = true;
jobject jbuf = env->NewDirectByteBuffer(const_cast<char*>(buf), static_cast<jlong>(capacity));
if (jbuf == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
if (allocated) {
delete[] static_cast<const char*>(buf);
return nullptr;
return jbuf;
} else {
const jclass jclazz =
jbytebuffer_clazz == nullptr ? getJClass(env) : jbytebuffer_clazz;
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
const jmethodID jmid_allocate = getAllocateMethodId(env, jbytebuffer_clazz);
if (jmid_allocate == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class, or NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
const jobject jbuf = env->CallStaticObjectMethod(
jclazz, jmid_allocate, static_cast<jint>(capacity));
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
// set buffer data?
if (buf != nullptr) {
jbyteArray jarray = array(env, jbuf, jbytebuffer_clazz);
if (jarray == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
jboolean is_copy = JNI_FALSE;
jbyte* ja = reinterpret_cast<jbyte*>(
env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(jarray, &is_copy));
if (ja == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
memcpy(ja, const_cast<char*>(buf), capacity);
env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(jarray, ja, 0);
return jbuf;
static jbyteArray array(JNIEnv* env, const jobject& jbyte_buffer,
jclass jbytebuffer_clazz = nullptr) {
const jmethodID mid = getArrayMethodId(env, jbytebuffer_clazz);
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class, or NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
const jobject jarray = env->CallObjectMethod(jbyte_buffer, mid);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
return static_cast<jbyteArray>(jarray);
// The portal class for java.lang.Integer
class IntegerJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class java.lang.Integer
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "java/lang/Integer");
static jobject valueOf(JNIEnv* env, jint jprimitive_int) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid =
env->GetStaticMethodID(jclazz, "valueOf", "(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;");
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
const jobject jinteger_obj =
env->CallStaticObjectMethod(jclazz, mid, jprimitive_int);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
return jinteger_obj;
// The portal class for java.lang.Long
class LongJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class java.lang.Long
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "java/lang/Long");
static jobject valueOf(JNIEnv* env, jlong jprimitive_long) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid =
env->GetStaticMethodID(jclazz, "valueOf", "(J)Ljava/lang/Long;");
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
const jobject jlong_obj =
env->CallStaticObjectMethod(jclazz, mid, jprimitive_long);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
return jlong_obj;
// The portal class for java.lang.StringBuilder
class StringBuilderJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class java.lang.StringBuilder
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "java/lang/StringBuilder");
* Get the Java Method: StringBuilder#append
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getListAddMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "append",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Appends a C-style string to a StringBuilder
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param jstring_builder Reference to a java.lang.StringBuilder
* @param c_str A C-style string to append to the StringBuilder
* @return A reference to the updated StringBuilder, or a nullptr if
* an exception occurs
static jobject append(JNIEnv* env, jobject jstring_builder,
const char* c_str) {
jmethodID mid = getListAddMethodId(env);
if(mid == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class or method
return nullptr;
jstring new_value_str = env->NewStringUTF(c_str);
if(new_value_str == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jobject jresult_string_builder =
env->CallObjectMethod(jstring_builder, mid, new_value_str);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
return jresult_string_builder;
// various utility functions for working with RocksDB and JNI
class JniUtil {
* Detect if jlong overflows size_t
* @param jvalue the jlong value
* @return
inline static Status check_if_jlong_fits_size_t(const jlong& jvalue) {
Status s = Status::OK();
if (static_cast<uint64_t>(jvalue) > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
s = Status::InvalidArgument(Slice("jlong overflows 32 bit value."));
return s;
* Obtains a reference to the JNIEnv from
* the JVM
* If the current thread is not attached to the JavaVM
* then it will be attached so as to retrieve the JNIEnv
* If a thread is attached, it must later be manually
* released by calling JavaVM::DetachCurrentThread.
* This can be handled by always matching calls to this
* function with calls to {@link JniUtil::releaseJniEnv(JavaVM*, jboolean)}
* @param jvm (IN) A pointer to the JavaVM instance
* @param attached (OUT) A pointer to a boolean which
* will be set to JNI_TRUE if we had to attach the thread
* @return A pointer to the JNIEnv or nullptr if a fatal error
* occurs and the JNIEnv cannot be retrieved
static JNIEnv* getJniEnv(JavaVM* jvm, jboolean* attached) {
assert(jvm != nullptr);
JNIEnv *env;
const jint env_rs = jvm->GetEnv(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&env),
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
if(env_rs == JNI_OK) {
// current thread is already attached, return the JNIEnv
*attached = JNI_FALSE;
return env;
} else if(env_rs == JNI_EDETACHED) {
// current thread is not attached, attempt to attach
const jint rs_attach = jvm->AttachCurrentThread(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&env), NULL);
if(rs_attach == JNI_OK) {
*attached = JNI_TRUE;
return env;
} else {
// error, could not attach the thread
std::cerr << "JniUtil::getJniEnv - Fatal: could not attach current thread to JVM!" << std::endl;
return nullptr;
} else if(env_rs == JNI_EVERSION) {
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
// error, JDK does not support JNI_VERSION_1_6+
std::cerr << "JniUtil::getJniEnv - Fatal: JDK does not support JNI_VERSION_1_6" << std::endl;
return nullptr;
} else {
std::cerr << "JniUtil::getJniEnv - Fatal: Unknown error: env_rs=" << env_rs << std::endl;
return nullptr;
* Counterpart to {@link JniUtil::getJniEnv(JavaVM*, jboolean*)}
* Detachess the current thread from the JVM if it was previously
* attached
* @param jvm (IN) A pointer to the JavaVM instance
* @param attached (IN) JNI_TRUE if we previously had to attach the thread
* to the JavaVM to get the JNIEnv
static void releaseJniEnv(JavaVM* jvm, jboolean& attached) {
assert(jvm != nullptr);
if(attached == JNI_TRUE) {
const jint rs_detach = jvm->DetachCurrentThread();
assert(rs_detach == JNI_OK);
if(rs_detach != JNI_OK) {
std::cerr << "JniUtil::getJniEnv - Warn: Unable to detach current thread from JVM!" << std::endl;
* Copies a Java String[] to a C++ std::vector<std::string>
* @param env (IN) A pointer to the java environment
* @param jss (IN) The Java String array to copy
* @param has_exception (OUT) will be set to JNI_TRUE
* if an OutOfMemoryError or ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* exception occurs
* @return A std::vector<std:string> containing copies of the Java strings
static std::vector<std::string> copyStrings(JNIEnv* env,
jobjectArray jss, jboolean* has_exception) {
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::copyStrings(
env, jss, env->GetArrayLength(jss), has_exception);
* Copies a Java String[] to a C++ std::vector<std::string>
* @param env (IN) A pointer to the java environment
* @param jss (IN) The Java String array to copy
* @param jss_len (IN) The length of the Java String array to copy
* @param has_exception (OUT) will be set to JNI_TRUE
* if an OutOfMemoryError or ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* exception occurs
* @return A std::vector<std:string> containing copies of the Java strings
static std::vector<std::string> copyStrings(JNIEnv* env,
jobjectArray jss, const jsize jss_len, jboolean* has_exception) {
std::vector<std::string> strs;
for (jsize i = 0; i < jss_len; i++) {
jobject js = env->GetObjectArrayElement(jss, i);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
*has_exception = JNI_TRUE;
return strs;
jstring jstr = static_cast<jstring>(js);
const char* str = env->GetStringUTFChars(jstr, nullptr);
if(str == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
*has_exception = JNI_TRUE;
return strs;
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jstr, str);
*has_exception = JNI_FALSE;
return strs;
* Copies a jstring to a C-style null-terminated byte string
* and releases the original jstring
* The jstring is copied as UTF-8
* If an exception occurs, then JNIEnv::ExceptionCheck()
* will have been called
* @param env (IN) A pointer to the java environment
* @param js (IN) The java string to copy
* @param has_exception (OUT) will be set to JNI_TRUE
* if an OutOfMemoryError exception occurs
* @return A pointer to the copied string, or a
* nullptr if has_exception == JNI_TRUE
static std::unique_ptr<char[]> copyString(JNIEnv* env, jstring js,
jboolean* has_exception) {
const char *utf = env->GetStringUTFChars(js, nullptr);
if(utf == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
*has_exception = JNI_TRUE;
return nullptr;
} else if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(js, utf);
*has_exception = JNI_TRUE;
return nullptr;
const jsize utf_len = env->GetStringUTFLength(js);
std::unique_ptr<char[]> str(new char[utf_len + 1]); // Note: + 1 is needed for the c_str null terminator
std::strcpy(str.get(), utf);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(js, utf);
*has_exception = JNI_FALSE;
return str;
* Copies a jstring to a std::string
* and releases the original jstring
* If an exception occurs, then JNIEnv::ExceptionCheck()
* will have been called
* @param env (IN) A pointer to the java environment
* @param js (IN) The java string to copy
* @param has_exception (OUT) will be set to JNI_TRUE
* if an OutOfMemoryError exception occurs
* @return A std:string copy of the jstring, or an
* empty std::string if has_exception == JNI_TRUE
static std::string copyStdString(JNIEnv* env, jstring js,
jboolean* has_exception) {
const char *utf = env->GetStringUTFChars(js, nullptr);
if(utf == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
*has_exception = JNI_TRUE;
return std::string();
} else if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(js, utf);
*has_exception = JNI_TRUE;
return std::string();
std::string name(utf);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(js, utf);
*has_exception = JNI_FALSE;
return name;
* Copies bytes from a std::string to a jByteArray
* @param env A pointer to the java environment
* @param bytes The bytes to copy
* @return the Java byte[], or nullptr if an exception occurs
* @throws RocksDBException thrown
* if memory size to copy exceeds general java specific array size limitation.
static jbyteArray copyBytes(JNIEnv* env, std::string bytes) {
return createJavaByteArrayWithSizeCheck(env, bytes.c_str(), bytes.size());
* Given a Java byte[][] which is an array of java.lang.Strings
* where each String is a byte[], the passed function `string_fn`
* will be called on each String, the result is the collected by
* calling the passed function `collector_fn`
* @param env (IN) A pointer to the java environment
* @param jbyte_strings (IN) A Java array of Strings expressed as bytes
* @param string_fn (IN) A transform function to call for each String
* @param collector_fn (IN) A collector which is called for the result
* of each `string_fn`
* @param has_exception (OUT) will be set to JNI_TRUE
* if an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException or OutOfMemoryError
* exception occurs
template <typename T> static void byteStrings(JNIEnv* env,
jobjectArray jbyte_strings,
std::function<T(const char*, const size_t)> string_fn,
std::function<void(size_t, T)> collector_fn,
jboolean *has_exception) {
const jsize jlen = env->GetArrayLength(jbyte_strings);
for(jsize i = 0; i < jlen; i++) {
jobject jbyte_string_obj = env->GetObjectArrayElement(jbyte_strings, i);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
*has_exception = JNI_TRUE; // signal error
jbyteArray jbyte_string_ary =
T result = byteString(env, jbyte_string_ary, string_fn, has_exception);
if(*has_exception == JNI_TRUE) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
collector_fn(i, result);
*has_exception = JNI_FALSE;
* Given a Java String which is expressed as a Java Byte Array byte[],
* the passed function `string_fn` will be called on the String
* and the result returned
* @param env (IN) A pointer to the java environment
* @param jbyte_string_ary (IN) A Java String expressed in bytes
* @param string_fn (IN) A transform function to call on the String
* @param has_exception (OUT) will be set to JNI_TRUE
* if an OutOfMemoryError exception occurs
template <typename T> static T byteString(JNIEnv* env,
jbyteArray jbyte_string_ary,
std::function<T(const char*, const size_t)> string_fn,
jboolean* has_exception) {
const jsize jbyte_string_len = env->GetArrayLength(jbyte_string_ary);
return byteString<T>(env, jbyte_string_ary, jbyte_string_len, string_fn,
* Given a Java String which is expressed as a Java Byte Array byte[],
* the passed function `string_fn` will be called on the String
* and the result returned
* @param env (IN) A pointer to the java environment
* @param jbyte_string_ary (IN) A Java String expressed in bytes
* @param jbyte_string_len (IN) The length of the Java String
* expressed in bytes
* @param string_fn (IN) A transform function to call on the String
* @param has_exception (OUT) will be set to JNI_TRUE
* if an OutOfMemoryError exception occurs
template <typename T> static T byteString(JNIEnv* env,
jbyteArray jbyte_string_ary, const jsize jbyte_string_len,
std::function<T(const char*, const size_t)> string_fn,
jboolean* has_exception) {
jbyte* jbyte_string =
env->GetByteArrayElements(jbyte_string_ary, nullptr);
if(jbyte_string == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
*has_exception = JNI_TRUE;
return nullptr; // signal error
T result =
string_fn(reinterpret_cast<char *>(jbyte_string), jbyte_string_len);
env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jbyte_string_ary, jbyte_string, JNI_ABORT);
*has_exception = JNI_FALSE;
return result;
* Converts a std::vector<string> to a Java byte[][] where each Java String
* is expressed as a Java Byte Array byte[].
* @param env A pointer to the java environment
* @param strings A vector of Strings
* @return A Java array of Strings expressed as bytes,
* or nullptr if an exception is thrown
static jobjectArray stringsBytes(JNIEnv* env, std::vector<std::string> strings) {
jclass jcls_ba = ByteJni::getArrayJClass(env);
if(jcls_ba == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
const jsize len = static_cast<jsize>(strings.size());
jobjectArray jbyte_strings = env->NewObjectArray(len, jcls_ba, nullptr);
if(jbyte_strings == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
for (jsize i = 0; i < len; i++) {
std::string *str = &strings[i];
const jsize str_len = static_cast<jsize>(str->size());
jbyteArray jbyte_string_ary = env->NewByteArray(str_len);
if(jbyte_string_ary == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jbyte_string_ary, 0, str_len,
const_cast<jbyte*>(reinterpret_cast<const jbyte*>(str->c_str())));
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
return nullptr;
env->SetObjectArrayElement(jbyte_strings, i, jbyte_string_ary);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
// or ArrayStoreException
return nullptr;
return jbyte_strings;
* Converts a std::vector<std::string> to a Java String[].
* @param env A pointer to the java environment
* @param strings A vector of Strings
* @return A Java array of Strings,
* or nullptr if an exception is thrown
static jobjectArray toJavaStrings(JNIEnv* env,
const std::vector<std::string>* strings) {
jclass jcls_str = env->FindClass("java/lang/String");
if(jcls_str == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
const jsize len = static_cast<jsize>(strings->size());
jobjectArray jstrings = env->NewObjectArray(len, jcls_str, nullptr);
if(jstrings == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
for (jsize i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const std::string *str = &((*strings)[i]);
jstring js = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::toJavaString(env, str);
if (js == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
env->SetObjectArrayElement(jstrings, i, js);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
// or ArrayStoreException
return nullptr;
return jstrings;
* Creates a Java UTF String from a C++ std::string
* @param env A pointer to the java environment
* @param string the C++ std::string
* @param treat_empty_as_null true if empty strings should be treated as null
* @return the Java UTF string, or nullptr if the provided string
* is null (or empty and treat_empty_as_null is set), or if an
* exception occurs allocating the Java String.
static jstring toJavaString(JNIEnv* env, const std::string* string,
const bool treat_empty_as_null = false) {
if (string == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
if (treat_empty_as_null && string->empty()) {
return nullptr;
return env->NewStringUTF(string->c_str());
* Copies bytes to a new jByteArray with the check of java array size limitation.
* @param bytes pointer to memory to copy to a new jByteArray
* @param size number of bytes to copy
* @return the Java byte[], or nullptr if an exception occurs
* @throws RocksDBException thrown
* if memory size to copy exceeds general java array size limitation to avoid overflow.
static jbyteArray createJavaByteArrayWithSizeCheck(JNIEnv* env, const char* bytes, const size_t size) {
// Limitation for java array size is vm specific
// In general it cannot exceed Integer.MAX_VALUE (2^31 - 1)
// Current HotSpot VM limitation for array size is Integer.MAX_VALUE - 5 (2^31 - 1 - 5)
// It means that the next call to env->NewByteArray can still end with
// OutOfMemoryError("Requested array size exceeds VM limit") coming from VM
static const size_t MAX_JARRAY_SIZE = (static_cast<size_t>(1)) << 31;
if(size > MAX_JARRAY_SIZE) {
env, "Requested array size exceeds VM limit");
return nullptr;
const jsize jlen = static_cast<jsize>(size);
jbyteArray jbytes = env->NewByteArray(jlen);
if(jbytes == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
env->SetByteArrayRegion(jbytes, 0, jlen,
const_cast<jbyte*>(reinterpret_cast<const jbyte*>(bytes)));
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
return nullptr;
return jbytes;
* Copies bytes from a ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice to a jByteArray
* @param env A pointer to the java environment
* @param bytes The bytes to copy
* @return the Java byte[] or nullptr if an exception occurs
* @throws RocksDBException thrown
* if memory size to copy exceeds general java specific array size
* limitation.
static jbyteArray copyBytes(JNIEnv* env, const Slice& bytes) {
return createJavaByteArrayWithSizeCheck(env,, bytes.size());
* Helper for operations on a key and value
* for example WriteBatch->Put
* TODO(AR) could be used for RocksDB->Put etc.
static std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status> kv_op(
JNIEnv* env, jobject /*jobj*/, jbyteArray jkey, jint jkey_len,
jbyteArray jvalue, jint jvalue_len) {
jbyte* key = env->GetByteArrayElements(jkey, nullptr);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jbyte* value = env->GetByteArrayElements(jvalue, nullptr);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
if(key != nullptr) {
env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jkey, key, JNI_ABORT);
return nullptr;
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice key_slice(reinterpret_cast<char*>(key),
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice value_slice(reinterpret_cast<char*>(value),
auto status = op(key_slice, value_slice);
if(value != nullptr) {
env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jvalue, value, JNI_ABORT);
if(key != nullptr) {
env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jkey, key, JNI_ABORT);
return std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
new ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status(status));
* Helper for operations on a key
* for example WriteBatch->Delete
* TODO(AR) could be used for RocksDB->Delete etc.
static std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status> k_op(
std::function<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status(ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice)> op,
JNIEnv* env, jobject /*jobj*/, jbyteArray jkey, jint jkey_len) {
jbyte* key = env->GetByteArrayElements(jkey, nullptr);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice key_slice(reinterpret_cast<char*>(key),
auto status = op(key_slice);
if(key != nullptr) {
env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jkey, key, JNI_ABORT);
return std::unique_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status>(
new ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status(status));
* Helper for operations on a value
* for example WriteBatchWithIndex->GetFromBatch
static jbyteArray v_op(std::function<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status(
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice, std::string*)>
JNIEnv* env, jbyteArray jkey, jint jkey_len) {
jbyte* key = env->GetByteArrayElements(jkey, nullptr);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice key_slice(reinterpret_cast<char*>(key),
std::string value;
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status s = op(key_slice, &value);
if(key != nullptr) {
env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jkey, key, JNI_ABORT);
if (s.IsNotFound()) {
return nullptr;
if (s.ok()) {
jbyteArray jret_value =
if(jret_value == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
env->SetByteArrayRegion(jret_value, 0, static_cast<jsize>(value.size()),
const_cast<jbyte*>(reinterpret_cast<const jbyte*>(value.c_str())));
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
if(jret_value != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return jret_value;
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::RocksDBExceptionJni::ThrowNew(env, s);
return nullptr;
* Creates a vector<T*> of C++ pointers from
* a Java array of C++ pointer addresses.
* @param env (IN) A pointer to the java environment
* @param pointers (IN) A Java array of C++ pointer addresses
* @param has_exception (OUT) will be set to JNI_TRUE
* if an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException or OutOfMemoryError
* exception occurs.
* @return A vector of C++ pointers.
template<typename T> static std::vector<T*> fromJPointers(
JNIEnv* env, jlongArray jptrs, jboolean *has_exception) {
const jsize jptrs_len = env->GetArrayLength(jptrs);
std::vector<T*> ptrs;
jlong* jptr = env->GetLongArrayElements(jptrs, nullptr);
if (jptr == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
*has_exception = JNI_TRUE;
return ptrs;
for (jsize i = 0; i < jptrs_len; i++) {
env->ReleaseLongArrayElements(jptrs, jptr, JNI_ABORT);
return ptrs;
* Creates a Java array of C++ pointer addresses
* from a vector of C++ pointers.
* @param env (IN) A pointer to the java environment
* @param pointers (IN) A vector of C++ pointers
* @param has_exception (OUT) will be set to JNI_TRUE
* if an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException or OutOfMemoryError
* exception occurs
* @return Java array of C++ pointer addresses.
template<typename T> static jlongArray toJPointers(JNIEnv* env,
const std::vector<T*> &pointers,
jboolean *has_exception) {
const jsize len = static_cast<jsize>(pointers.size());
std::unique_ptr<jlong[]> results(new jlong[len]);
std::transform(pointers.begin(), pointers.end(), results.get(), [](T* pointer) -> jlong {
return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(pointer);
jlongArray jpointers = env->NewLongArray(len);
if (jpointers == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
*has_exception = JNI_TRUE;
return nullptr;
env->SetLongArrayRegion(jpointers, 0, len, results.get());
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
*has_exception = JNI_TRUE;
return nullptr;
*has_exception = JNI_FALSE;
return jpointers;
* Helper for operations on a key and value
* for example WriteBatch->Put
* TODO(AR) could be extended to cover returning ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status
* from `op` and used for RocksDB->Put etc.
static void kv_op_direct(std::function<void(ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice&,
JNIEnv* env, jobject jkey, jint jkey_off,
jint jkey_len, jobject jval, jint jval_off,
jint jval_len) {
char* key = reinterpret_cast<char*>(env->GetDirectBufferAddress(jkey));
if (key == nullptr ||
env->GetDirectBufferCapacity(jkey) < (jkey_off + jkey_len)) {
env, "Invalid key argument");
char* value = reinterpret_cast<char*>(env->GetDirectBufferAddress(jval));
if (value == nullptr ||
env->GetDirectBufferCapacity(jval) < (jval_off + jval_len)) {
env, "Invalid value argument");
key += jkey_off;
value += jval_off;
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice key_slice(key, jkey_len);
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice value_slice(value, jval_len);
op(key_slice, value_slice);
* Helper for operations on a key and value
* for example WriteBatch->Delete
* TODO(AR) could be extended to cover returning ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Status
* from `op` and used for RocksDB->Delete etc.
static void k_op_direct(std::function<void(ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice&)> op,
JNIEnv* env, jobject jkey, jint jkey_off,
jint jkey_len) {
char* key = reinterpret_cast<char*>(env->GetDirectBufferAddress(jkey));
if (key == nullptr ||
env->GetDirectBufferCapacity(jkey) < (jkey_off + jkey_len)) {
env, "Invalid key argument");
key += jkey_off;
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice key_slice(key, jkey_len);
return op(key_slice);
template <class T>
static jint copyToDirect(JNIEnv* env, T& source, jobject jtarget,
jint jtarget_off, jint jtarget_len) {
char* target =
if (target == nullptr ||
env->GetDirectBufferCapacity(jtarget) < (jtarget_off + jtarget_len)) {
env, "Invalid target argument");
return 0;
target += jtarget_off;
const jint cvalue_len = static_cast<jint>(source.size());
const jint length = std::min(jtarget_len, cvalue_len);
memcpy(target,, length);
return cvalue_len;
class MapJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class java.util.Map
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "java/util/Map");
* Get the Java Method: Map#put
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getMapPutMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jlist_clazz = getJClass(env);
if(jlist_clazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jlist_clazz, "put", "(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
class HashMapJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class java.util.HashMap
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "java/util/HashMap");
* Create a new Java java.util.HashMap object.
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return A reference to a Java java.util.HashMap object, or
* nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject construct(JNIEnv* env, const uint32_t initial_capacity = 16) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "(I)V");
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jobject jhash_map = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid, static_cast<jint>(initial_capacity));
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
return jhash_map;
* A function which maps a std::pair<K,V> to a std::pair<JK, JV>
* @return Either a pointer to a std::pair<jobject, jobject>, or nullptr
* if an error occurs during the mapping
template <typename K, typename V, typename JK, typename JV>
using FnMapKV = std::function<std::unique_ptr<std::pair<JK, JV>> (const std::pair<K, V>&)>;
// template <class I, typename K, typename V, typename K1, typename V1, typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<typename std::iterator_traits<I>::value_type, std::pair<const K,V>>::value, int32_t>::type = 0>
// static void putAll(JNIEnv* env, const jobject jhash_map, I iterator, const FnMapKV<const K,V,K1,V1> &fn_map_kv) {
* Returns true if it succeeds, false if an error occurs
template<class iterator_type, typename K, typename V>
static bool putAll(JNIEnv* env, const jobject jhash_map, iterator_type iterator, iterator_type end, const FnMapKV<K, V, jobject, jobject> &fn_map_kv) {
const jmethodID jmid_put =
if (jmid_put == nullptr) {
return false;
for (auto it = iterator; it != end; ++it) {
const std::unique_ptr<std::pair<jobject, jobject>> result = fn_map_kv(*it);
if (result == nullptr) {
// an error occurred during fn_map_kv
return false;
env->CallObjectMethod(jhash_map, jmid_put, result->first, result->second);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred
return false;
// release local references
return true;
* Creates a java.util.Map<String, String> from a std::map<std::string, std::string>
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param map the Cpp map
* @return a reference to the Java java.util.Map object, or nullptr if an exception occcurred
static jobject fromCppMap(JNIEnv* env, const std::map<std::string, std::string>* map) {
if (map == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
jobject jhash_map = construct(env, static_cast<uint32_t>(map->size()));
if (jhash_map == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
const std::string, const std::string, jobject, jobject>
fn_map_kv =
[env](const std::pair<const std::string, const std::string>& kv) {
jstring jkey = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::toJavaString(
env, &(kv.first), false);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// an error occurred
return std::unique_ptr<std::pair<jobject, jobject>>(nullptr);
jstring jvalue = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::toJavaString(
env, &(kv.second), true);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// an error occurred
return std::unique_ptr<std::pair<jobject, jobject>>(nullptr);
return std::unique_ptr<std::pair<jobject, jobject>>(
new std::pair<jobject, jobject>(
if (!putAll(env, jhash_map, map->begin(), map->end(), fn_map_kv)) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
return jhash_map;
* Creates a java.util.Map<String, Long> from a std::map<std::string, uint32_t>
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param map the Cpp map
* @return a reference to the Java java.util.Map object, or nullptr if an exception occcurred
static jobject fromCppMap(JNIEnv* env, const std::map<std::string, uint32_t>* map) {
if (map == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
if (map == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
jobject jhash_map = construct(env, static_cast<uint32_t>(map->size()));
if (jhash_map == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
const std::string, const uint32_t, jobject, jobject>
fn_map_kv =
[env](const std::pair<const std::string, const uint32_t>& kv) {
jstring jkey = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::toJavaString(
env, &(kv.first), false);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// an error occurred
return std::unique_ptr<std::pair<jobject, jobject>>(nullptr);
jobject jvalue = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::IntegerJni::valueOf(
env, static_cast<jint>(kv.second));
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// an error occurred
return std::unique_ptr<std::pair<jobject, jobject>>(nullptr);
return std::unique_ptr<std::pair<jobject, jobject>>(
new std::pair<jobject, jobject>(static_cast<jobject>(jkey),
if (!putAll(env, jhash_map, map->begin(), map->end(), fn_map_kv)) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
return jhash_map;
* Creates a java.util.Map<String, Long> from a std::map<std::string, uint64_t>
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param map the Cpp map
* @return a reference to the Java java.util.Map object, or nullptr if an exception occcurred
static jobject fromCppMap(JNIEnv* env, const std::map<std::string, uint64_t>* map) {
if (map == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
jobject jhash_map = construct(env, static_cast<uint32_t>(map->size()));
if (jhash_map == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
const std::string, const uint64_t, jobject, jobject>
fn_map_kv =
[env](const std::pair<const std::string, const uint64_t>& kv) {
jstring jkey = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::toJavaString(
env, &(kv.first), false);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// an error occurred
return std::unique_ptr<std::pair<jobject, jobject>>(nullptr);
jobject jvalue = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::LongJni::valueOf(
env, static_cast<jlong>(kv.second));
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// an error occurred
return std::unique_ptr<std::pair<jobject, jobject>>(nullptr);
return std::unique_ptr<std::pair<jobject, jobject>>(
new std::pair<jobject, jobject>(static_cast<jobject>(jkey),
if (!putAll(env, jhash_map, map->begin(), map->end(), fn_map_kv)) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
return jhash_map;
* Creates a java.util.Map<String, Long> from a std::map<uint32_t, uint64_t>
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param map the Cpp map
* @return a reference to the Java java.util.Map object, or nullptr if an exception occcurred
static jobject fromCppMap(JNIEnv* env, const std::map<uint32_t, uint64_t>* map) {
if (map == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
jobject jhash_map = construct(env, static_cast<uint32_t>(map->size()));
if (jhash_map == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::HashMapJni::FnMapKV<const uint32_t, const uint64_t,
jobject, jobject>
fn_map_kv = [env](const std::pair<const uint32_t, const uint64_t>& kv) {
jobject jkey = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::IntegerJni::valueOf(
env, static_cast<jint>(kv.first));
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// an error occurred
return std::unique_ptr<std::pair<jobject, jobject>>(nullptr);
jobject jvalue = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::LongJni::valueOf(
env, static_cast<jlong>(kv.second));
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// an error occurred
return std::unique_ptr<std::pair<jobject, jobject>>(nullptr);
return std::unique_ptr<std::pair<jobject, jobject>>(
new std::pair<jobject, jobject>(static_cast<jobject>(jkey),
if (!putAll(env, jhash_map, map->begin(), map->end(), fn_map_kv)) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
return jhash_map;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.RocksDB
class RocksDBJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::DB*, RocksDBJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.RocksDB
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/RocksDB");
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.Options
class OptionsJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Options*, OptionsJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.Options
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/Options");
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.DBOptions
class DBOptionsJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::DBOptions*, DBOptionsJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.DBOptions
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/DBOptions");
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
class ColumnFamilyOptionsJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ColumnFamilyOptions*,
ColumnFamilyOptionsJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env,
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions object with the same
* properties as the provided C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ColumnFamilyOptions
* object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param cfoptions A pointer to ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ColumnFamilyOptions object
* @return A reference to a Java org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions object, or
* nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject construct(JNIEnv* env, const ColumnFamilyOptions* cfoptions) {
auto* cfo = new ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ColumnFamilyOptions(*cfoptions);
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "(J)V");
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jobject jcfd = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid, reinterpret_cast<jlong>(cfo));
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
return jcfd;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.WriteOptions
class WriteOptionsJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteOptions*,
WriteOptionsJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.WriteOptions
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/WriteOptions");
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
class ReadOptionsJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ReadOptions*,
ReadOptionsJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.ReadOptions
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/ReadOptions");
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.WriteBatch
class WriteBatchJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteBatch*, WriteBatchJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.WriteBatch
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/WriteBatch");
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.WriteBatch object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param wb A pointer to ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteBatch object
* @return A reference to a Java org.rocksdb.WriteBatch object, or
* nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject construct(JNIEnv* env, const WriteBatch* wb) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "(J)V");
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jobject jwb = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid, reinterpret_cast<jlong>(wb));
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
return jwb;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.WriteBatch.Handler
class WriteBatchHandlerJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteBatchHandlerJniCallback*,
WriteBatchHandlerJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.WriteBatch.Handler
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env,
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#put
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getPutCfMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "put", "(I[B[B)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#put
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getPutMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "put", "([B[B)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
11 years ago
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#merge
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getMergeCfMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "merge", "(I[B[B)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#merge
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getMergeMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "merge", "([B[B)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#delete
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getDeleteCfMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "delete", "(I[B)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#delete
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getDeleteMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "delete", "([B)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#singleDelete
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getSingleDeleteCfMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "singleDelete", "(I[B)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#singleDelete
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getSingleDeleteMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "singleDelete", "([B)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#deleteRange
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getDeleteRangeCfMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "deleteRange", "(I[B[B)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#deleteRange
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getDeleteRangeMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "deleteRange", "([B[B)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#logData
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getLogDataMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "logData", "([B)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#putBlobIndex
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getPutBlobIndexCfMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "putBlobIndex", "(I[B[B)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#markBeginPrepare
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getMarkBeginPrepareMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "markBeginPrepare", "()V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#markEndPrepare
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getMarkEndPrepareMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "markEndPrepare", "([B)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#markNoop
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getMarkNoopMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "markNoop", "(Z)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#markRollback
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getMarkRollbackMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "markRollback", "([B)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#markCommit
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getMarkCommitMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "markCommit", "([B)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: WriteBatch.Handler#shouldContinue
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getContinueMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "shouldContinue", "()Z");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
class WriteBatchSavePointJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.WriteBatch.SavePoint
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/WriteBatch$SavePoint");
* Get the Java Method: HistogramData constructor
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getConstructorMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "(JJJ)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.WriteBatch.SavePoint object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param savePoint A pointer to ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteBatch::SavePoint
* object
* @return A reference to a Java org.rocksdb.WriteBatch.SavePoint object, or
* nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject construct(JNIEnv* env, const SavePoint &save_point) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = getConstructorMethodId(env);
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jobject jsave_point = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid,
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
return jsave_point;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.WriteBatchWithIndex
class WriteBatchWithIndexJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteBatchWithIndex*,
WriteBatchWithIndexJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.WriteBatchWithIndex
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env,
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.HistogramData
class HistogramDataJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.HistogramData
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/HistogramData");
* Get the Java Method: HistogramData constructor
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getConstructorMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "(DDDDDDJJD)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
class BackupableDBOptionsJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BackupableDBOptions*,
BackupableDBOptionsJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.BackupableDBOptions
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env,
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.BackupEngine
class BackupEngineJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BackupEngine*,
BackupEngineJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.BackupableEngine
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/BackupEngine");
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.RocksIterator
class IteratorJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Iterator*, IteratorJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.RocksIterator
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/RocksIterator");
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.Filter
class FilterJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<
std::shared_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::FilterPolicy>*, FilterJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.Filter
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/Filter");
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle
class ColumnFamilyHandleJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ColumnFamilyHandle*,
ColumnFamilyHandleJni> {
static jobject fromCppColumnFamilyHandle(
JNIEnv* env, const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ColumnFamilyHandle* info) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID ctor = getConstructorMethodId(env, jclazz);
assert(ctor != nullptr);
return env->NewObject(jclazz, ctor, reinterpret_cast<jlong>(info));
static jmethodID getConstructorMethodId(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
return env->GetMethodID(clazz, "<init>", "(J)V");
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyHandle
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env,
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.FlushOptions
class FlushOptionsJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::FlushOptions*,
FlushOptionsJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.FlushOptions
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/FlushOptions");
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.ComparatorOptions
class ComparatorOptionsJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<
ComparatorOptionsJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.ComparatorOptions
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/ComparatorOptions");
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.AbstractCompactionFilterFactory
class AbstractCompactionFilterFactoryJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionFilterFactoryJniCallback*,
AbstractCompactionFilterFactoryJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.AbstractCompactionFilterFactory
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env,
11 years ago
* Get the Java Method: AbstractCompactionFilterFactory#name
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getNameMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "name", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
11 years ago
* Get the Java Method: AbstractCompactionFilterFactory#createCompactionFilter
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getCreateCompactionFilterMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz,
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.AbstractTransactionNotifier
class AbstractTransactionNotifierJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::TransactionNotifierJniCallback*,
AbstractTransactionNotifierJni> {
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env,
// Get the java method `snapshotCreated`
// of org.rocksdb.AbstractTransactionNotifier.
static jmethodID getSnapshotCreatedMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "snapshotCreated", "(J)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.AbstractComparatorJniBridge
class AbstractComparatorJniBridge : public JavaClass {
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.AbstractComparatorJniBridge
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
return JavaClass::getJClass(env,
11 years ago
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
* Get the Java Method: Comparator#compareInternal
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
* @param jclazz the AbstractComparatorJniBridge class
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
static jmethodID getCompareInternalMethodId(JNIEnv* env, jclass jclazz) {
static jmethodID mid =
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
env->GetStaticMethodID(jclazz, "compareInternal",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
11 years ago
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
* Get the Java Method: Comparator#findShortestSeparatorInternal
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
* @param jclazz the AbstractComparatorJniBridge class
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
static jmethodID getFindShortestSeparatorInternalMethodId(JNIEnv* env, jclass jclazz) {
static jmethodID mid =
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
env->GetStaticMethodID(jclazz, "findShortestSeparatorInternal",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
11 years ago
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
* Get the Java Method: Comparator#findShortSuccessorInternal
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
* @param jclazz the AbstractComparatorJniBridge class
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
static jmethodID getFindShortSuccessorInternalMethodId(JNIEnv* env, jclass jclazz) {
static jmethodID mid =
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
env->GetStaticMethodID(jclazz, "findShortSuccessorInternal",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.AbstractComparator
class AbstractComparatorJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ComparatorJniCallback*,
AbstractComparatorJni> {
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.AbstractComparator
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env,
* Get the Java Method: Comparator#name
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
static jmethodID getNameMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "name", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
class AbstractSliceJni
: public NativeRocksMutableObject<const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice*,
AbstractSliceJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.AbstractSlice
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/AbstractSlice");
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.Slice
class SliceJni
: public NativeRocksMutableObject<const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice*,
AbstractSliceJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.Slice
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/Slice");
* Constructs a Slice object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return A reference to a Java Slice object, or a nullptr if an
* exception occurs
static jobject construct0(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "()V");
if(mid == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing method
return nullptr;
jobject jslice = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
return jslice;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.DirectSlice
class DirectSliceJni
: public NativeRocksMutableObject<const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Slice*,
AbstractSliceJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.DirectSlice
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/DirectSlice");
* Constructs a DirectSlice object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return A reference to a Java DirectSlice object, or a nullptr if an
* exception occurs
static jobject construct0(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "()V");
if(mid == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing method
return nullptr;
jobject jdirect_slice = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
return jdirect_slice;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.BackupInfo
class BackupInfoJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.BackupInfo
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/BackupInfo");
* Constructs a BackupInfo object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param backup_id id of the backup
* @param timestamp timestamp of the backup
* @param size size of the backup
* @param number_files number of files related to the backup
* @param app_metadata application specific metadata
* @return A reference to a Java BackupInfo object, or a nullptr if an
* exception occurs
static jobject construct0(JNIEnv* env, uint32_t backup_id, int64_t timestamp,
uint64_t size, uint32_t number_files,
const std::string& app_metadata) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "(IJJILjava/lang/String;)V");
if(mid == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing method
return nullptr;
jstring japp_metadata = nullptr;
if (app_metadata != nullptr) {
japp_metadata = env->NewStringUTF(app_metadata.c_str());
if (japp_metadata == nullptr) {
// exception occurred creating java string
return nullptr;
jobject jbackup_info = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid, backup_id, timestamp,
size, number_files, japp_metadata);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
return jbackup_info;
class BackupInfoListJni {
* Converts a C++ std::vector<BackupInfo> object to
* a Java ArrayList<org.rocksdb.BackupInfo> object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param backup_infos A vector of BackupInfo
* @return Either a reference to a Java ArrayList object, or a nullptr
* if an exception occurs
static jobject getBackupInfo(JNIEnv* env,
std::vector<BackupInfo> backup_infos) {
jclass jarray_list_clazz =
if(jarray_list_clazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID cstr_mid =
if(cstr_mid == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing method
return nullptr;
jmethodID add_mid = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ListJni::getListAddMethodId(env);
if(add_mid == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing method
return nullptr;
// create java list
jobject jbackup_info_handle_list =
env->NewObject(jarray_list_clazz, cstr_mid, backup_infos.size());
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred constructing object
return nullptr;
// insert in java list
auto end = backup_infos.end();
for (auto it = backup_infos.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
auto backup_info = *it;
jobject obj = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BackupInfoJni::construct0(
env, backup_info.backup_id, backup_info.timestamp, backup_info.size,
backup_info.number_files, backup_info.app_metadata);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred constructing object
if(obj != nullptr) {
if(jbackup_info_handle_list != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
jboolean rs =
env->CallBooleanMethod(jbackup_info_handle_list, add_mid, obj);
if(env->ExceptionCheck() || rs == JNI_FALSE) {
// exception occurred calling method, or could not add
if(obj != nullptr) {
if(jbackup_info_handle_list != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return jbackup_info_handle_list;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator
class WBWIRocksIteratorJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/WBWIRocksIterator");
* Get the Java Field: WBWIRocksIterator#entry
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Field ID or nullptr if the class or field id could not
* be retrieved
static jfieldID getWriteEntryField(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jfieldID fid =
env->GetFieldID(jclazz, "entry",
assert(fid != nullptr);
return fid;
* Gets the value of the WBWIRocksIterator#entry
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param jwbwi_rocks_iterator A reference to a WBWIIterator
* @return A reference to a Java WBWIRocksIterator.WriteEntry object, or
* a nullptr if an exception occurs
static jobject getWriteEntry(JNIEnv* env, jobject jwbwi_rocks_iterator) {
assert(jwbwi_rocks_iterator != nullptr);
jfieldID jwrite_entry_field = getWriteEntryField(env);
if(jwrite_entry_field == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing the field
return nullptr;
jobject jwe = env->GetObjectField(jwbwi_rocks_iterator, jwrite_entry_field);
assert(jwe != nullptr);
return jwe;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator.WriteType
class WriteTypeJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the PUT enum field value of WBWIRocksIterator.WriteType
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return A reference to the enum field value or a nullptr if
* the enum field value could not be retrieved
static jobject PUT(JNIEnv* env) {
return getEnum(env, "PUT");
* Get the MERGE enum field value of WBWIRocksIterator.WriteType
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return A reference to the enum field value or a nullptr if
* the enum field value could not be retrieved
static jobject MERGE(JNIEnv* env) {
return getEnum(env, "MERGE");
* Get the DELETE enum field value of WBWIRocksIterator.WriteType
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return A reference to the enum field value or a nullptr if
* the enum field value could not be retrieved
static jobject DELETE(JNIEnv* env) {
return getEnum(env, "DELETE");
* Get the LOG enum field value of WBWIRocksIterator.WriteType
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return A reference to the enum field value or a nullptr if
* the enum field value could not be retrieved
static jobject LOG(JNIEnv* env) {
return getEnum(env, "LOG");
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator.WriteType for the
// provided C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteType enum
static jbyte toJavaWriteType(const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteType& writeType) {
switch (writeType) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteType::kPutRecord:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteType::kMergeRecord:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteType::kDeleteRecord:
return 0x2;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteType::kSingleDeleteRecord:
return 0x3;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteType::kDeleteRangeRecord:
return 0x4;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteType::kLogDataRecord:
return 0x5;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteType::kXIDRecord:
return 0x6;
return 0x7F; // undefined
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator.WriteType
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/WBWIRocksIterator$WriteType");
* Get an enum field of org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator.WriteType
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param name The name of the enum field
* @return A reference to the enum field value or a nullptr if
* the enum field value could not be retrieved
static jobject getEnum(JNIEnv* env, const char name[]) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jfieldID jfid =
env->GetStaticFieldID(jclazz, name,
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred while getting field
return nullptr;
} else if(jfid == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
jobject jwrite_type = env->GetStaticObjectField(jclazz, jfid);
assert(jwrite_type != nullptr);
return jwrite_type;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator.WriteEntry
class WriteEntryJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.WBWIRocksIterator.WriteEntry
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/WBWIRocksIterator$WriteEntry");
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.InfoLogLevel
class InfoLogLevelJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the DEBUG_LEVEL enum field value of InfoLogLevel
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return A reference to the enum field value or a nullptr if
* the enum field value could not be retrieved
static jobject DEBUG_LEVEL(JNIEnv* env) {
return getEnum(env, "DEBUG_LEVEL");
* Get the INFO_LEVEL enum field value of InfoLogLevel
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return A reference to the enum field value or a nullptr if
* the enum field value could not be retrieved
static jobject INFO_LEVEL(JNIEnv* env) {
return getEnum(env, "INFO_LEVEL");
* Get the WARN_LEVEL enum field value of InfoLogLevel
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return A reference to the enum field value or a nullptr if
* the enum field value could not be retrieved
static jobject WARN_LEVEL(JNIEnv* env) {
return getEnum(env, "WARN_LEVEL");
* Get the ERROR_LEVEL enum field value of InfoLogLevel
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return A reference to the enum field value or a nullptr if
* the enum field value could not be retrieved
static jobject ERROR_LEVEL(JNIEnv* env) {
return getEnum(env, "ERROR_LEVEL");
* Get the FATAL_LEVEL enum field value of InfoLogLevel
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return A reference to the enum field value or a nullptr if
* the enum field value could not be retrieved
static jobject FATAL_LEVEL(JNIEnv* env) {
return getEnum(env, "FATAL_LEVEL");
* Get the HEADER_LEVEL enum field value of InfoLogLevel
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return A reference to the enum field value or a nullptr if
* the enum field value could not be retrieved
static jobject HEADER_LEVEL(JNIEnv* env) {
return getEnum(env, "HEADER_LEVEL");
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.InfoLogLevel
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/InfoLogLevel");
* Get an enum field of org.rocksdb.InfoLogLevel
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param name The name of the enum field
* @return A reference to the enum field value or a nullptr if
* the enum field value could not be retrieved
static jobject getEnum(JNIEnv* env, const char name[]) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jfieldID jfid =
env->GetStaticFieldID(jclazz, name, "Lorg/rocksdb/InfoLogLevel;");
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred while getting field
return nullptr;
} else if(jfid == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
jobject jinfo_log_level = env->GetStaticObjectField(jclazz, jfid);
assert(jinfo_log_level != nullptr);
return jinfo_log_level;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.Logger
class LoggerJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<
std::shared_ptr<ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::LoggerJniCallback>*, LoggerJni> {
* Get the Java Class org/rocksdb/Logger
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/Logger");
* Get the Java Method: Logger#log
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getLogMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "log",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.TransactionLogIterator.BatchResult
class BatchResultJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.TransactionLogIterator.BatchResult
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env,
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.TransactionLogIterator.BatchResult object
* with the same properties as the provided C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BatchResult
* object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param batch_result The ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BatchResult object
* @return A reference to a Java
* org.rocksdb.TransactionLogIterator.BatchResult object,
* or nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject construct(JNIEnv* env,
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BatchResult& batch_result) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "<init>", "(JJ)V");
if(mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jobject jbatch_result = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid,
batch_result.sequence, batch_result.writeBatchPtr.get());
if(jbatch_result == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: InstantiationException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
return jbatch_result;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.BottommostLevelCompaction
class BottommostLevelCompactionJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.BottommostLevelCompaction for the
// provided C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BottommostLevelCompaction enum
static jint toJavaBottommostLevelCompaction(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BottommostLevelCompaction&
bottommost_level_compaction) {
switch(bottommost_level_compaction) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BottommostLevelCompaction::kSkip:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BottommostLevelCompaction::
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BottommostLevelCompaction::kForce:
return 0x2;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BottommostLevelCompaction::kForceOptimized:
return 0x3;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BottommostLevelCompaction
// enum for the provided Java org.rocksdb.BottommostLevelCompaction
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BottommostLevelCompaction
toCppBottommostLevelCompaction(jint bottommost_level_compaction) {
switch(bottommost_level_compaction) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BottommostLevelCompaction::kSkip;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BottommostLevelCompaction::
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BottommostLevelCompaction::kForce;
case 0x3:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BottommostLevelCompaction::kForceOptimized;
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BottommostLevelCompaction::
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.CompactionStopStyle
class CompactionStopStyleJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.CompactionStopStyle for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStopStyle enum
static jbyte toJavaCompactionStopStyle(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStopStyle& compaction_stop_style) {
switch(compaction_stop_style) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStopStyle::
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStopStyle::
return 0x1;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStopStyle enum for
// the provided Java org.rocksdb.CompactionStopStyle
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStopStyle toCppCompactionStopStyle(
jbyte jcompaction_stop_style) {
switch(jcompaction_stop_style) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStopStyle::
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStopStyle::
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStopStyle::
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.CompressionType
class CompressionTypeJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.CompressionType for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType enum
static jbyte toJavaCompressionType(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType& compression_type) {
switch(compression_type) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kNoCompression:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kSnappyCompression:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kZlibCompression:
return 0x2;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kBZip2Compression:
return 0x3;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kLZ4Compression:
return 0x4;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kLZ4HCCompression:
return 0x5;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kXpressCompression:
return 0x6;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kZSTD:
return 0x7;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kDisableCompressionOption:
return 0x7F;
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType enum for the
// provided Java org.rocksdb.CompressionType
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType toCppCompressionType(
jbyte jcompression_type) {
switch(jcompression_type) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kNoCompression;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kSnappyCompression;
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kZlibCompression;
case 0x3:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kBZip2Compression;
case 0x4:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kLZ4Compression;
case 0x5:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kLZ4HCCompression;
case 0x6:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kXpressCompression;
case 0x7:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kZSTD;
case 0x7F:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompressionType::kDisableCompressionOption;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.CompactionPriority
class CompactionPriorityJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.CompactionPriority for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionPri enum
static jbyte toJavaCompactionPriority(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionPri& compaction_priority) {
switch(compaction_priority) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionPri::kByCompensatedSize:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionPri::kOldestLargestSeqFirst:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionPri::kOldestSmallestSeqFirst:
return 0x2;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionPri::kMinOverlappingRatio:
return 0x3;
return 0x0; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionPri enum for the
// provided Java org.rocksdb.CompactionPriority
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionPri toCppCompactionPriority(
jbyte jcompaction_priority) {
switch(jcompaction_priority) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionPri::kByCompensatedSize;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionPri::kOldestLargestSeqFirst;
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionPri::kOldestSmallestSeqFirst;
case 0x3:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionPri::kMinOverlappingRatio;
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionPri::kByCompensatedSize;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.AccessHint
class AccessHintJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.AccessHint for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::DBOptions::AccessHint enum
static jbyte toJavaAccessHint(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::DBOptions::AccessHint& access_hint) {
switch(access_hint) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::DBOptions::AccessHint::NONE:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::DBOptions::AccessHint::NORMAL:
return 0x1;
return 0x2;
return 0x3;
// undefined/default
return 0x1;
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::DBOptions::AccessHint enum
// for the provided Java org.rocksdb.AccessHint
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::DBOptions::AccessHint toCppAccessHint(
jbyte jaccess_hint) {
switch(jaccess_hint) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::DBOptions::AccessHint::NONE;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::DBOptions::AccessHint::NORMAL;
case 0x2:
case 0x3:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::DBOptions::AccessHint::WILLNEED;
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::DBOptions::AccessHint::NORMAL;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.WALRecoveryMode
class WALRecoveryModeJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.WALRecoveryMode for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WALRecoveryMode enum
static jbyte toJavaWALRecoveryMode(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WALRecoveryMode& wal_recovery_mode) {
switch(wal_recovery_mode) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WALRecoveryMode::kTolerateCorruptedTailRecords:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WALRecoveryMode::kAbsoluteConsistency:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WALRecoveryMode::kPointInTimeRecovery:
return 0x2;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WALRecoveryMode::kSkipAnyCorruptedRecords:
return 0x3;
// undefined/default
return 0x2;
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WALRecoveryMode enum for the
// provided Java org.rocksdb.WALRecoveryMode
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WALRecoveryMode toCppWALRecoveryMode(
jbyte jwal_recovery_mode) {
switch(jwal_recovery_mode) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WALRecoveryMode::
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WALRecoveryMode::kAbsoluteConsistency;
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WALRecoveryMode::kPointInTimeRecovery;
case 0x3:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WALRecoveryMode::kSkipAnyCorruptedRecords;
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WALRecoveryMode::kPointInTimeRecovery;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.TickerType
class TickerTypeJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.TickerType for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Tickers enum
static jbyte toJavaTickerType(const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Tickers& tickers) {
switch(tickers) {
return 0x0;
return 0x1;
return 0x2;
return 0x3;
return 0x4;
return 0x5;
return 0x6;
return 0x7;
return 0x8;
return 0x9;
return 0xA;
return 0xB;
return 0xC;
return 0xD;
return 0xE;
return 0xF;
return 0x10;
return 0x11;
return 0x12;
return 0x13;
return 0x14;
return 0x15;
return 0x16;
return 0x17;
return 0x18;
return 0x19;
return 0x1A;
return 0x1B;
return 0x1C;
return 0x1D;
return 0x1E;
return 0x1F;
return 0x20;
return 0x21;
return 0x22;
return 0x23;
return 0x24;
return 0x25;
return 0x26;
return 0x27;
return 0x28;
return 0x29;
return 0x2A;
return 0x2B;
return 0x2C;
return 0x2D;
return 0x2E;
return 0x2F;
return 0x30;
return 0x31;
return 0x32;
return 0x33;
return 0x34;
return 0x35;
return 0x36;
return 0x37;
return 0x38;
return 0x39;
return 0x3A;
return 0x3B;
return 0x3C;
return 0x3D;
return 0x3E;
return 0x3F;
return 0x40;
return 0x41;
return 0x42;
return 0x43;
return 0x44;
return 0x45;
return 0x46;
return 0x47;
return 0x48;
return 0x49;
return 0x4A;
return 0x4B;
return 0x4C;
return 0x4D;
return 0x4E;
return 0x4F;
return 0x50;
return 0x51;
return 0x52;
return 0x53;
return 0x54;
return 0x55;
return 0x56;
return 0x57;
return 0x58;
return 0x59;
return 0x5A;
return 0x5B;
return 0x5C;
return 0x5D;
return 0x5E;
// -0x01 to fixate the new value that incorrectly changed TICKER_ENUM_MAX.
return -0x01;
return 0x60;
return 0x61;
return 0x62;
return 0x63;
return 0x64;
return 0x65;
return 0x66;
return 0x67;
return 0x68;
return 0x69;
return 0x6A;
return 0x6B;
return 0x6C;
return 0x6D;
return 0x6E;
return 0x6F;
return 0x70;
return 0x71;
return 0x72;
return 0x73;
return 0x74;
return 0x75;
return 0x76;
return 0x77;
return 0x78;
return 0x79;
return 0x7A;
return 0x7B;
return 0x7C;
return 0x7D;
return 0x7E;
return 0x7F;
return -0x02;
return -0x03;
return -0x04;
return -0x05;
return -0x06;
return -0x07;
return -0x08;
return -0x09;
return -0x0A;
return -0x0B;
return -0x0C;
return -0x0D;
return -0x0E;
return -0X0F;
return -0x10;
return -0x11;
return -0x12;
return -0x13;
return -0x14;
return -0x15;
// 0x5F for backwards compatibility on current minor version.
return 0x5F;
// undefined/default
return 0x0;
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Tickers enum for the
// provided Java org.rocksdb.TickerType
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Tickers toCppTickers(jbyte jticker_type) {
switch(jticker_type) {
case 0x0:
case 0x1:
case 0x2:
case 0x3:
case 0x4:
case 0x5:
case 0x6:
case 0x7:
case 0x8:
case 0x9:
case 0xA:
case 0xB:
case 0xC:
case 0xD:
case 0xE:
case 0xF:
case 0x10:
case 0x11:
case 0x12:
case 0x13:
case 0x14:
case 0x15:
case 0x16:
case 0x17:
case 0x18:
case 0x19:
case 0x1A:
case 0x1B:
case 0x1C:
case 0x1D:
case 0x1E:
case 0x1F:
case 0x20:
case 0x21:
case 0x22:
case 0x23:
case 0x24:
case 0x25:
case 0x26:
case 0x27:
case 0x28:
case 0x29:
case 0x2A:
case 0x2B:
case 0x2C:
case 0x2D:
case 0x2E:
case 0x2F:
case 0x30:
case 0x31:
case 0x32:
case 0x33:
case 0x34:
case 0x35:
case 0x36:
case 0x37:
case 0x38:
case 0x39:
case 0x3A:
case 0x3B:
case 0x3C:
case 0x3D:
case 0x3E:
case 0x3F:
case 0x40:
case 0x41:
case 0x42:
case 0x43:
case 0x44:
case 0x45:
case 0x46:
case 0x47:
case 0x48:
case 0x49:
case 0x4A:
case 0x4B:
case 0x4C:
case 0x4D:
case 0x4E:
case 0x4F:
case 0x50:
case 0x51:
case 0x52:
case 0x53:
case 0x54:
case 0x55:
case 0x56:
case 0x57:
case 0x58:
case 0x59:
case 0x5A:
case 0x5B:
case 0x5C:
case 0x5D:
case 0x5E:
case -0x01:
// -0x01 to fixate the new value that incorrectly changed TICKER_ENUM_MAX.
case 0x60:
case 0x61:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Tickers::
case 0x62:
case 0x63:
case 0x64:
case 0x65:
case 0x66:
case 0x67:
case 0x68:
case 0x69:
case 0x6A:
case 0x6B:
case 0x6C:
case 0x6D:
case 0x6E:
case 0x6F:
case 0x70:
case 0x71:
case 0x72:
case 0x73:
case 0x74:
case 0x75:
case 0x76:
case 0x77:
case 0x78:
case 0x79:
case 0x7A:
case 0x7B:
case 0x7C:
case 0x7D:
case 0x7E:
case 0x7F:
case -0x02:
case -0x03:
case -0x04:
case -0x05:
case -0x06:
case -0x07:
case -0x08:
case -0x09:
case -0x0A:
case -0x0B:
case -0x0C:
case -0x0D:
case -0x0E:
case -0x0F:
case -0x10:
case -0x11:
case -0x12:
case -0x13:
case -0x14:
case -0x15:
case 0x5F:
// 0x5F for backwards compatibility on current minor version.
// undefined/default
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.HistogramType
class HistogramTypeJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.HistogramType for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Histograms enum
static jbyte toJavaHistogramsType(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Histograms& histograms) {
switch(histograms) {
return 0x0;
return 0x1;
return 0x2;
return 0x3;
return 0x4;
return 0x5;
return 0x6;
return 0x7;
return 0x8;
return 0x9;
return 0xA;
return 0xB;
return 0xC;
return 0xD;
return 0xE;
return 0xF;
return 0x10;
return 0x11;
return 0x12;
return 0x13;
return 0x14;
return 0x15;
return 0x16;
return 0x17;
return 0x18;
return 0x19;
return 0x1A;
return 0x1B;
return 0x1C;
return 0x1D;
return 0x1E;
// 0x20 to skip 0x1F so TICKER_ENUM_MAX remains unchanged for minor version compatibility.
return 0x20;
return 0x21;
return 0x22;
return 0x23;
return 0x24;
return 0x25;
return 0x26;
return 0x27;
return 0x28;
return 0x29;
return 0x2A;
return 0x2B;
return 0x2C;
return 0x2D;
return 0x2E;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Histograms::
return 0x2F;
return 0x30;
return 0x31;
// 0x1F for backwards compatibility on current minor version.
return 0x1F;
// undefined/default
return 0x0;
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Histograms enum for the
// provided Java org.rocksdb.HistogramsType
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Histograms toCppHistograms(jbyte jhistograms_type) {
switch(jhistograms_type) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Histograms::DB_GET;
case 0x1:
case 0x2:
case 0x3:
case 0x4:
case 0x5:
case 0x6:
case 0x7:
case 0x8:
case 0x9:
case 0xA:
case 0xB:
case 0xC:
case 0xD:
case 0xE:
case 0xF:
case 0x10:
case 0x11:
case 0x12:
case 0x13:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Histograms::DB_SEEK;
case 0x14:
case 0x15:
case 0x16:
case 0x17:
case 0x18:
case 0x19:
case 0x1A:
case 0x1B:
case 0x1C:
case 0x1D:
case 0x1E:
// 0x20 to skip 0x1F so TICKER_ENUM_MAX remains unchanged for minor version compatibility.
case 0x20:
case 0x21:
case 0x22:
case 0x23:
case 0x24:
case 0x25:
case 0x26:
case 0x27:
case 0x28:
case 0x29:
case 0x2A:
case 0x2B:
case 0x2C:
case 0x2D:
case 0x2E:
case 0x2F:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Histograms::
case 0x30:
case 0x31:
case 0x1F:
// 0x1F for backwards compatibility on current minor version.
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Histograms::DB_GET;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.StatsLevel
class StatsLevelJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.StatsLevel for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::StatsLevel enum
static jbyte toJavaStatsLevel(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::StatsLevel& stats_level) {
switch(stats_level) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::StatsLevel::kExceptDetailedTimers:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::StatsLevel::kExceptTimeForMutex:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::StatsLevel::kAll:
return 0x2;
// undefined/default
return 0x0;
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::StatsLevel enum for the
// provided Java org.rocksdb.StatsLevel
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::StatsLevel toCppStatsLevel(jbyte jstats_level) {
switch(jstats_level) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::StatsLevel::kExceptDetailedTimers;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::StatsLevel::kExceptTimeForMutex;
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::StatsLevel::kAll;
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::StatsLevel::kExceptDetailedTimers;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.RateLimiterMode
class RateLimiterModeJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.RateLimiterMode for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::RateLimiter::Mode enum
static jbyte toJavaRateLimiterMode(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::RateLimiter::Mode& rate_limiter_mode) {
switch(rate_limiter_mode) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::RateLimiter::Mode::kReadsOnly:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::RateLimiter::Mode::kWritesOnly:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::RateLimiter::Mode::kAllIo:
return 0x2;
// undefined/default
return 0x1;
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::RateLimiter::Mode enum for
// the provided Java org.rocksdb.RateLimiterMode
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::RateLimiter::Mode toCppRateLimiterMode(
jbyte jrate_limiter_mode) {
switch(jrate_limiter_mode) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::RateLimiter::Mode::kReadsOnly;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::RateLimiter::Mode::kWritesOnly;
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::RateLimiter::Mode::kAllIo;
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::RateLimiter::Mode::kWritesOnly;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.MemoryUsageType
class MemoryUsageTypeJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.MemoryUsageType for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::MemoryUtil::UsageType enum
static jbyte toJavaMemoryUsageType(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::MemoryUtil::UsageType& usage_type) {
switch (usage_type) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::MemoryUtil::UsageType::kMemTableTotal:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::MemoryUtil::UsageType::kMemTableUnFlushed:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::MemoryUtil::UsageType::kTableReadersTotal:
return 0x2;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::MemoryUtil::UsageType::kCacheTotal:
return 0x3;
// undefined: use kNumUsageTypes
return 0x4;
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::MemoryUtil::UsageType enum for
// the provided Java org.rocksdb.MemoryUsageType
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::MemoryUtil::UsageType toCppMemoryUsageType(
jbyte usage_type) {
switch (usage_type) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::MemoryUtil::UsageType::kMemTableTotal;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::MemoryUtil::UsageType::kMemTableUnFlushed;
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::MemoryUtil::UsageType::kTableReadersTotal;
case 0x3:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::MemoryUtil::UsageType::kCacheTotal;
// undefined/default: use kNumUsageTypes
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::MemoryUtil::UsageType::kNumUsageTypes;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.Transaction
class TransactionJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.Transaction
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env,
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.Transaction.WaitingTransactions object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param jtransaction A Java org.rocksdb.Transaction object
* @param column_family_id The id of the column family
* @param key The key
* @param transaction_ids The transaction ids
* @return A reference to a Java
* org.rocksdb.Transaction.WaitingTransactions object,
* or nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject newWaitingTransactions(JNIEnv* env, jobject jtransaction,
const uint32_t column_family_id, const std::string &key,
const std::vector<TransactionID> &transaction_ids) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "newWaitingTransactions", "(JLjava/lang/String;[J)Lorg/rocksdb/Transaction$WaitingTransactions;");
if(mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jstring jkey = env->NewStringUTF(key.c_str());
if(jkey == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
const size_t len = transaction_ids.size();
jlongArray jtransaction_ids = env->NewLongArray(static_cast<jsize>(len));
if(jtransaction_ids == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jboolean is_copy;
jlong* body = env->GetLongArrayElements(jtransaction_ids, &is_copy);
if(body == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
for(size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
body[i] = static_cast<jlong>(transaction_ids[i]);
env->ReleaseLongArrayElements(jtransaction_ids, body,
is_copy == JNI_TRUE ? 0 : JNI_ABORT);
jobject jwaiting_transactions = env->CallObjectMethod(jtransaction,
mid, static_cast<jlong>(column_family_id), jkey, jtransaction_ids);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown: InstantiationException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
return jwaiting_transactions;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.TransactionDB
class TransactionDBJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.TransactionDB
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env,
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.TransactionDB.DeadlockInfo object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param jtransaction A Java org.rocksdb.Transaction object
* @param column_family_id The id of the column family
* @param key The key
* @param transaction_ids The transaction ids
* @return A reference to a Java
* org.rocksdb.Transaction.WaitingTransactions object,
* or nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject newDeadlockInfo(
JNIEnv* env, jobject jtransaction_db,
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::TransactionID transaction_id,
const uint32_t column_family_id, const std::string& waiting_key,
const bool exclusive) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "newDeadlockInfo", "(JJLjava/lang/String;Z)Lorg/rocksdb/TransactionDB$DeadlockInfo;");
if(mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jstring jwaiting_key = env->NewStringUTF(waiting_key.c_str());
if(jwaiting_key == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
// resolve the column family id to a ColumnFamilyHandle
jobject jdeadlock_info = env->CallObjectMethod(jtransaction_db,
mid, transaction_id, static_cast<jlong>(column_family_id),
jwaiting_key, exclusive);
if(env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception thrown: InstantiationException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
return jdeadlock_info;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.TxnDBWritePolicy
class TxnDBWritePolicyJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.TxnDBWritePolicy for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::TxnDBWritePolicy enum
static jbyte toJavaTxnDBWritePolicy(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::TxnDBWritePolicy& txndb_write_policy) {
switch (txndb_write_policy) {
return 0x0;
return 0x1;
return 0x2;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::TxnDBWritePolicy enum for the
// provided Java org.rocksdb.TxnDBWritePolicy
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::TxnDBWritePolicy toCppTxnDBWritePolicy(
jbyte jtxndb_write_policy) {
switch (jtxndb_write_policy) {
case 0x0:
case 0x1:
case 0x2:
// undefined/default
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.TransactionDB.KeyLockInfo
class KeyLockInfoJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.TransactionDB.KeyLockInfo
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env,
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.TransactionDB.KeyLockInfo object
* with the same properties as the provided C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::KeyLockInfo
* object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param key_lock_info The ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::KeyLockInfo object
* @return A reference to a Java
* org.rocksdb.TransactionDB.KeyLockInfo object,
* or nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject construct(
JNIEnv* env, const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::KeyLockInfo& key_lock_info) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;[JZ)V");
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jstring jkey = env->NewStringUTF(key_lock_info.key.c_str());
if (jkey == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
const jsize jtransaction_ids_len = static_cast<jsize>(key_lock_info.ids.size());
jlongArray jtransactions_ids = env->NewLongArray(jtransaction_ids_len);
if (jtransactions_ids == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
const jobject jkey_lock_info = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid,
jkey, jtransactions_ids, key_lock_info.exclusive);
if(jkey_lock_info == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: InstantiationException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
return jkey_lock_info;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.TransactionDB.DeadlockInfo
class DeadlockInfoJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.TransactionDB.DeadlockInfo
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env,"org/rocksdb/TransactionDB$DeadlockInfo");
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.TransactionDB.DeadlockPath
class DeadlockPathJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.TransactionDB.DeadlockPath
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env,
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.TransactionDB.DeadlockPath object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return A reference to a Java
* org.rocksdb.TransactionDB.DeadlockPath object,
* or nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject construct(JNIEnv* env,
const jobjectArray jdeadlock_infos, const bool limit_exceeded) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "<init>", "([LDeadlockInfo;Z)V");
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
const jobject jdeadlock_path = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid,
jdeadlock_infos, limit_exceeded);
if(jdeadlock_path == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: InstantiationException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
return jdeadlock_path;
class AbstractTableFilterJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::TableFilterJniCallback*,
AbstractTableFilterJni> {
* Get the Java Method: TableFilter#filter(TableProperties)
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getFilterMethod(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "filter", "(Lorg/rocksdb/TableProperties;)Z");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/TableFilter");
class TablePropertiesJni : public JavaClass {
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.TableProperties object.
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param table_properties A Cpp table properties object
* @return A reference to a Java org.rocksdb.TableProperties object, or
* nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject fromCppTableProperties(
JNIEnv* env, const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::TableProperties& table_properties) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "(JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ[BLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/util/Map;Ljava/util/Map;Ljava/util/Map;)V");
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jbyteArray jcolumn_family_name = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::copyBytes(
env, table_properties.column_family_name);
if (jcolumn_family_name == nullptr) {
// exception occurred creating java string
return nullptr;
jstring jfilter_policy_name = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::toJavaString(
env, &table_properties.filter_policy_name, true);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred creating java string
return nullptr;
jstring jcomparator_name = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::toJavaString(
env, &table_properties.comparator_name, true);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred creating java string
return nullptr;
jstring jmerge_operator_name = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::toJavaString(
env, &table_properties.merge_operator_name, true);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred creating java string
return nullptr;
jstring jprefix_extractor_name = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::toJavaString(
env, &table_properties.prefix_extractor_name, true);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred creating java string
return nullptr;
jstring jproperty_collectors_names =
env, &table_properties.property_collectors_names, true);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred creating java string
return nullptr;
jstring jcompression_name = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::toJavaString(
env, &table_properties.compression_name, true);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred creating java string
return nullptr;
// Map<String, String>
jobject juser_collected_properties =
env, &table_properties.user_collected_properties);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred creating java map
return nullptr;
// Map<String, String>
jobject jreadable_properties = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::HashMapJni::fromCppMap(
env, &table_properties.readable_properties);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred creating java map
return nullptr;
// Map<String, Long>
jobject jproperties_offsets = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::HashMapJni::fromCppMap(
env, &table_properties.properties_offsets);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred creating java map
return nullptr;
jobject jtable_properties = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid,
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
return jtable_properties;
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/TableProperties");
class ColumnFamilyDescriptorJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyDescriptor
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/ColumnFamilyDescriptor");
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyDescriptor object with the same
* properties as the provided C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ColumnFamilyDescriptor
* object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param cfd A pointer to ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ColumnFamilyDescriptor object
* @return A reference to a Java org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyDescriptor object, or
* nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject construct(JNIEnv* env, ColumnFamilyDescriptor* cfd) {
jbyteArray jcf_name = JniUtil::copyBytes(env, cfd->name);
jobject cfopts = ColumnFamilyOptionsJni::construct(env, &(cfd->options));
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>",
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jobject jcfd = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid, jcf_name, cfopts);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
return jcfd;
* Get the Java Method: ColumnFamilyDescriptor#columnFamilyName
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getColumnFamilyNameMethod(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "columnFamilyName", "()[B");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: ColumnFamilyDescriptor#columnFamilyOptions
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getColumnFamilyOptionsMethod(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "columnFamilyOptions", "()Lorg/rocksdb/ColumnFamilyOptions;");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.IndexType
class IndexTypeJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.IndexType for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::IndexType enum
static jbyte toJavaIndexType(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType& index_type) {
switch (index_type) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType::kBinarySearch:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType::kHashSearch:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType::
return 0x2;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType::
return 0x3;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::IndexType enum for the
// provided Java org.rocksdb.IndexType
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType toCppIndexType(
jbyte jindex_type) {
switch (jindex_type) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType::
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType::
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType::
case 0x3:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType::
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexType::
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.DataBlockIndexType
class DataBlockIndexTypeJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.DataBlockIndexType for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::DataBlockIndexType enum
static jbyte toJavaDataBlockIndexType(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::DataBlockIndexType&
index_type) {
switch (index_type) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::DataBlockIndexType::
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::DataBlockIndexType::
return 0x1;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::DataBlockIndexType enum for
// the provided Java org.rocksdb.DataBlockIndexType
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::DataBlockIndexType
toCppDataBlockIndexType(jbyte jindex_type) {
switch (jindex_type) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::DataBlockIndexType::
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::DataBlockIndexType::
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::DataBlockIndexType::
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.ChecksumType
class ChecksumTypeJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.ChecksumType for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ChecksumType enum
static jbyte toJavaChecksumType(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ChecksumType& checksum_type) {
switch (checksum_type) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ChecksumType::kNoChecksum:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ChecksumType::kCRC32c:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ChecksumType::kxxHash:
return 0x2;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ChecksumType::kxxHash64:
return 0x3;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ChecksumType enum for the
// provided Java org.rocksdb.ChecksumType
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ChecksumType toCppChecksumType(
jbyte jchecksum_type) {
switch (jchecksum_type) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ChecksumType::kNoChecksum;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ChecksumType::kCRC32c;
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ChecksumType::kxxHash;
case 0x3:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ChecksumType::kxxHash64;
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ChecksumType::kCRC32c;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.IndexShorteningMode
class IndexShorteningModeJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.IndexShorteningMode for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::IndexShorteningMode enum
static jbyte toJavaIndexShorteningMode(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexShorteningMode&
index_shortening_mode) {
switch (index_shortening_mode) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexShorteningMode::
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexShorteningMode::
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexShorteningMode::
return 0x2;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::IndexShorteningMode enum for
// the provided Java org.rocksdb.IndexShorteningMode
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexShorteningMode
toCppIndexShorteningMode(jbyte jindex_shortening_mode) {
switch (jindex_shortening_mode) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexShorteningMode::
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexShorteningMode::
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexShorteningMode::
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::BlockBasedTableOptions::IndexShorteningMode::
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.Priority
class PriorityJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.Priority for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Env::Priority enum
static jbyte toJavaPriority(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Env::Priority& priority) {
switch (priority) {
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Env::Priority::LOW:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Env::Priority::HIGH:
return 0x2;
return 0x3;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::env::Priority enum for the
// provided Java org.rocksdb.Priority
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Env::Priority toCppPriority(jbyte jpriority) {
switch (jpriority) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Env::Priority::BOTTOM;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Env::Priority::LOW;
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Env::Priority::HIGH;
case 0x3:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Env::Priority::TOTAL;
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::Env::Priority::LOW;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.ThreadType
class ThreadTypeJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.ThreadType for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::ThreadType enum
static jbyte toJavaThreadType(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::ThreadType& thread_type) {
switch (thread_type) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::ThreadType::HIGH_PRIORITY:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::ThreadType::LOW_PRIORITY:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::ThreadType::USER:
return 0x2;
return 0x3;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::ThreadType enum
// for the provided Java org.rocksdb.ThreadType
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::ThreadType toCppThreadType(
jbyte jthread_type) {
switch (jthread_type) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::ThreadType::HIGH_PRIORITY;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::ThreadType::LOW_PRIORITY;
case 0x2:
return ThreadStatus::ThreadType::USER;
case 0x3:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::ThreadType::BOTTOM_PRIORITY;
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::ThreadType::LOW_PRIORITY;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.OperationType
class OperationTypeJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.OperationType for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationType enum
static jbyte toJavaOperationType(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationType& operation_type) {
switch (operation_type) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationType::OP_UNKNOWN:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationType::OP_COMPACTION:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationType::OP_FLUSH:
return 0x2;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationType
// enum for the provided Java org.rocksdb.OperationType
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationType toCppOperationType(
jbyte joperation_type) {
switch (joperation_type) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationType::OP_UNKNOWN;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationType::OP_COMPACTION;
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationType::OP_FLUSH;
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationType::OP_UNKNOWN;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.OperationStage
class OperationStageJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.OperationStage for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage enum
static jbyte toJavaOperationStage(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage& operation_stage) {
switch (operation_stage) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::STAGE_UNKNOWN:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::STAGE_FLUSH_RUN:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
return 0x2;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
return 0x3;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
return 0x4;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
return 0x5;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
return 0x6;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
return 0x7;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
return 0x8;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
return 0x9;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
return 0xA;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage
// enum for the provided Java org.rocksdb.OperationStage
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage toCppOperationStage(
jbyte joperation_stage) {
switch (joperation_stage) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::STAGE_UNKNOWN;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::STAGE_FLUSH_RUN;
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
case 0x3:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
case 0x4:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
case 0x5:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
case 0x6:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
case 0x7:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
case 0x8:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
case 0x9:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
case 0xA:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::OperationStage::STAGE_UNKNOWN;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.StateType
class StateTypeJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.StateType for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::StateType enum
static jbyte toJavaStateType(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::StateType& state_type) {
switch (state_type) {
return 0x0;
return 0x1;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::StateType enum
// for the provided Java org.rocksdb.StateType
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::StateType toCppStateType(
jbyte jstate_type) {
switch (jstate_type) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::StateType::STATE_UNKNOWN;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::StateType::STATE_MUTEX_WAIT;
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus::StateType::STATE_UNKNOWN;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.ThreadStatus
class ThreadStatusJni : public JavaClass {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.ThreadStatus
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env,
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.ThreadStatus object with the same
* properties as the provided C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus object
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param thread_status A pointer to ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus object
* @return A reference to a Java org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyOptions object, or
* nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject construct(
JNIEnv* env, const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ThreadStatus* thread_status) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "(JBLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;BJB[JB)V");
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jstring jdb_name =
JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &(thread_status->db_name), true);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// an error occurred
return nullptr;
jstring jcf_name =
JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &(thread_status->cf_name), true);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// an error occurred
return nullptr;
// long[]
const jsize len = static_cast<jsize>(
jlongArray joperation_properties =
if (joperation_properties == nullptr) {
// an exception occurred
return nullptr;
jboolean is_copy;
jlong* body = env->GetLongArrayElements(joperation_properties, &is_copy);
if (body == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
body[i] = static_cast<jlong>(thread_status->op_properties[i]);
env->ReleaseLongArrayElements(joperation_properties, body,
is_copy == JNI_TRUE ? 0 : JNI_ABORT);
jobject jcfd = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid,
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
// cleanup
return jcfd;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.CompactionStyle
class CompactionStyleJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.CompactionStyle for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStyle enum
static jbyte toJavaCompactionStyle(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStyle& compaction_style) {
switch (compaction_style) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStyle::kCompactionStyleLevel:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStyle::kCompactionStyleUniversal:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStyle::kCompactionStyleFIFO:
return 0x2;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStyle::kCompactionStyleNone:
return 0x3;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStyle enum for the
// provided Java org.rocksdb.CompactionStyle
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStyle toCppCompactionStyle(
jbyte jcompaction_style) {
switch (jcompaction_style) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStyle::kCompactionStyleLevel;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStyle::kCompactionStyleUniversal;
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStyle::kCompactionStyleFIFO;
case 0x3:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStyle::kCompactionStyleNone;
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionStyle::kCompactionStyleLevel;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.CompactionReason
class CompactionReasonJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.CompactionReason for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason enum
static jbyte toJavaCompactionReason(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason& compaction_reason) {
switch (compaction_reason) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kUnknown:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kLevelL0FilesNum:
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kLevelMaxLevelSize:
return 0x2;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kUniversalSizeAmplification:
return 0x3;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kUniversalSizeRatio:
return 0x4;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kUniversalSortedRunNum:
return 0x5;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kFIFOMaxSize:
return 0x6;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kFIFOReduceNumFiles:
return 0x7;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kFIFOTtl:
return 0x8;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kManualCompaction:
return 0x9;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kFilesMarkedForCompaction:
return 0x10;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kBottommostFiles:
return 0x0A;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kTtl:
return 0x0B;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kFlush:
return 0x0C;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kExternalSstIngestion:
return 0x0D;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason enum for the
// provided Java org.rocksdb.CompactionReason
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason toCppCompactionReason(
jbyte jcompaction_reason) {
switch (jcompaction_reason) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kUnknown;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kLevelL0FilesNum;
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kLevelMaxLevelSize;
case 0x3:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kUniversalSizeAmplification;
case 0x4:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kUniversalSizeRatio;
case 0x5:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kUniversalSortedRunNum;
case 0x6:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kFIFOMaxSize;
case 0x7:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kFIFOReduceNumFiles;
case 0x8:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kFIFOTtl;
case 0x9:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kManualCompaction;
case 0x10:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kFilesMarkedForCompaction;
case 0x0A:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kBottommostFiles;
case 0x0B:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kTtl;
case 0x0C:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kFlush;
case 0x0D:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kExternalSstIngestion;
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionReason::kUnknown;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.WalFileType
class WalFileTypeJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.WalFileType for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFileType enum
static jbyte toJavaWalFileType(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFileType& wal_file_type) {
switch (wal_file_type) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFileType::kArchivedLogFile:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFileType::kAliveLogFile:
return 0x1;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFileType enum for the
// provided Java org.rocksdb.WalFileType
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFileType toCppWalFileType(jbyte jwal_file_type) {
switch (jwal_file_type) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFileType::kArchivedLogFile;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFileType::kAliveLogFile;
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFileType::kAliveLogFile;
class LogFileJni : public JavaClass {
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.LogFile object.
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param log_file A Cpp log file object
* @return A reference to a Java org.rocksdb.LogFile object, or
* nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject fromCppLogFile(JNIEnv* env,
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::LogFile* log_file) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;JBJJ)V");
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
std::string path_name = log_file->PathName();
jstring jpath_name =
ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &path_name, true);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred creating java string
return nullptr;
jobject jlog_file = env->NewObject(
jclazz, mid, jpath_name, static_cast<jlong>(log_file->LogNumber()),
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
// cleanup
return jlog_file;
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/LogFile");
class LiveFileMetaDataJni : public JavaClass {
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.LiveFileMetaData object.
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param live_file_meta_data A Cpp live file meta data object
* @return A reference to a Java org.rocksdb.LiveFileMetaData object, or
* nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject fromCppLiveFileMetaData(
JNIEnv* env, ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::LiveFileMetaData* live_file_meta_data) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "([BILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;JJJ[B[BJZJJ)V");
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jbyteArray jcolumn_family_name = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::copyBytes(
env, live_file_meta_data->column_family_name);
if (jcolumn_family_name == nullptr) {
// exception occurred creating java byte array
return nullptr;
jstring jfile_name = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::toJavaString(
env, &live_file_meta_data->name, true);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred creating java string
return nullptr;
jstring jpath = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::toJavaString(
env, &live_file_meta_data->db_path, true);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
// exception occurred creating java string
return nullptr;
jbyteArray jsmallest_key = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::copyBytes(
env, live_file_meta_data->smallestkey);
if (jsmallest_key == nullptr) {
// exception occurred creating java byte array
return nullptr;
jbyteArray jlargest_key = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::copyBytes(
env, live_file_meta_data->largestkey);
if (jlargest_key == nullptr) {
// exception occurred creating java byte array
return nullptr;
jobject jlive_file_meta_data = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid,
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
// cleanup
return jlive_file_meta_data;
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/LiveFileMetaData");
class SstFileMetaDataJni : public JavaClass {
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.SstFileMetaData object.
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param sst_file_meta_data A Cpp sst file meta data object
* @return A reference to a Java org.rocksdb.SstFileMetaData object, or
* nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject fromCppSstFileMetaData(
JNIEnv* env,
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::SstFileMetaData* sst_file_meta_data) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;JJJ[B[BJZJJ)V");
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jstring jfile_name = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::toJavaString(
env, &sst_file_meta_data->name, true);
if (jfile_name == nullptr) {
// exception occurred creating java byte array
return nullptr;
jstring jpath = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::toJavaString(
env, &sst_file_meta_data->db_path, true);
if (jpath == nullptr) {
// exception occurred creating java byte array
return nullptr;
jbyteArray jsmallest_key = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::copyBytes(
env, sst_file_meta_data->smallestkey);
if (jsmallest_key == nullptr) {
// exception occurred creating java byte array
return nullptr;
jbyteArray jlargest_key = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::copyBytes(
env, sst_file_meta_data->largestkey);
if (jlargest_key == nullptr) {
// exception occurred creating java byte array
return nullptr;
jobject jsst_file_meta_data = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid,
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
// cleanup
return jsst_file_meta_data;
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/SstFileMetaData");
class LevelMetaDataJni : public JavaClass {
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.LevelMetaData object.
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param level_meta_data A Cpp level meta data object
* @return A reference to a Java org.rocksdb.LevelMetaData object, or
* nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject fromCppLevelMetaData(
JNIEnv* env, const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::LevelMetaData* level_meta_data) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "(IJ[Lorg/rocksdb/SstFileMetaData;)V");
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
const jsize jlen =
jobjectArray jfiles = env->NewObjectArray(jlen, SstFileMetaDataJni::getJClass(env), nullptr);
if (jfiles == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jsize i = 0;
for (auto it = level_meta_data->files.begin();
it != level_meta_data->files.end(); ++it) {
jobject jfile = SstFileMetaDataJni::fromCppSstFileMetaData(env, &(*it));
if (jfile == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
env->SetObjectArrayElement(jfiles, i++, jfile);
jobject jlevel_meta_data = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid,
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
// cleanup
return jlevel_meta_data;
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/LevelMetaData");
class ColumnFamilyMetaDataJni : public JavaClass {
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyMetaData object.
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param column_famly_meta_data A Cpp live file meta data object
* @return A reference to a Java org.rocksdb.ColumnFamilyMetaData object, or
* nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject fromCppColumnFamilyMetaData(
JNIEnv* env,
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ColumnFamilyMetaData* column_famly_meta_data) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "<init>", "(JJ[B[Lorg/rocksdb/LevelMetaData;)V");
if (mid == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: NoSuchMethodException or OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jbyteArray jname = ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::JniUtil::copyBytes(
env, column_famly_meta_data->name);
if (jname == nullptr) {
// exception occurred creating java byte array
return nullptr;
const jsize jlen =
jobjectArray jlevels = env->NewObjectArray(jlen, LevelMetaDataJni::getJClass(env), nullptr);
if(jlevels == nullptr) {
// exception thrown: OutOfMemoryError
return nullptr;
jsize i = 0;
for (auto it = column_famly_meta_data->levels.begin();
it != column_famly_meta_data->levels.end(); ++it) {
jobject jlevel = LevelMetaDataJni::fromCppLevelMetaData(env, &(*it));
if (jlevel == nullptr) {
// exception occurred
return nullptr;
env->SetObjectArrayElement(jlevels, i++, jlevel);
jobject jcolumn_family_meta_data = env->NewObject(jclazz, mid,
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
// cleanup
return jcolumn_family_meta_data;
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/ColumnFamilyMetaData");
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.AbstractTraceWriter
class AbstractTraceWriterJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::TraceWriterJniCallback*,
AbstractTraceWriterJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.AbstractTraceWriter
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env,
* Get the Java Method: AbstractTraceWriter#write
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getWriteProxyMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "writeProxy", "(J)S");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractTraceWriter#closeWriter
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getCloseWriterProxyMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "closeWriterProxy", "()S");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractTraceWriter#getFileSize
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getGetFileSizeMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "getFileSize", "()J");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.AbstractWalFilter
class AbstractWalFilterJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFilterJniCallback*,
AbstractWalFilterJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.AbstractWalFilter
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env,
* Get the Java Method: AbstractWalFilter#columnFamilyLogNumberMap
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getColumnFamilyLogNumberMapMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "columnFamilyLogNumberMap",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractTraceWriter#logRecordFoundProxy
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getLogRecordFoundProxyMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "logRecordFoundProxy", "(JLjava/lang/String;JJ)S");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractTraceWriter#name
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID or nullptr if the class or method id could not
* be retrieved
static jmethodID getNameMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if(jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "name", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.WalProcessingOption
class WalProcessingOptionJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.WalProcessingOption for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFilter::WalProcessingOption enum
static jbyte toJavaWalProcessingOption(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFilter::WalProcessingOption&
wal_processing_option) {
switch (wal_processing_option) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFilter::WalProcessingOption::
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFilter::WalProcessingOption::
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFilter::WalProcessingOption::kStopReplay:
return 0x2;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFilter::WalProcessingOption::kCorruptedRecord:
return 0x3;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++
// ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFilter::WalProcessingOption enum for the provided
// Java org.rocksdb.WalProcessingOption
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFilter::WalProcessingOption
toCppWalProcessingOption(jbyte jwal_processing_option) {
switch (jwal_processing_option) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFilter::WalProcessingOption::
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFilter::WalProcessingOption::
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFilter::WalProcessingOption::kStopReplay;
case 0x3:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFilter::WalProcessingOption::
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WalFilter::WalProcessingOption::
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.ReusedSynchronisationType
class ReusedSynchronisationTypeJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.ReusedSynchronisationType for the
// provided C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ReusedSynchronisationType enum
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
static jbyte toJavaReusedSynchronisationType(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ReusedSynchronisationType&
reused_synchronisation_type) {
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
switch(reused_synchronisation_type) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ReusedSynchronisationType::MUTEX:
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ReusedSynchronisationType::ADAPTIVE_MUTEX:
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ReusedSynchronisationType::THREAD_LOCAL:
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
return 0x2;
return 0x7F; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ReusedSynchronisationType
// enum for the provided Java org.rocksdb.ReusedSynchronisationType
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ReusedSynchronisationType
toCppReusedSynchronisationType(jbyte reused_synchronisation_type) {
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
switch(reused_synchronisation_type) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ReusedSynchronisationType::MUTEX;
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ReusedSynchronisationType::ADAPTIVE_MUTEX;
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
case 0x2:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ReusedSynchronisationType::THREAD_LOCAL;
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ReusedSynchronisationType::ADAPTIVE_MUTEX;
Improve RocksJava Comparator (#6252) Summary: This is a redesign of the API for RocksJava comparators with the aim of improving performance. It also simplifies the class hierarchy. **NOTE**: This breaks backwards compatibility for existing 3rd party Comparators implemented in Java... so we need to consider carefully which release branches this goes into. Previously when implementing a comparator in Java the developer had a choice of subclassing either `DirectComparator` or `Comparator` which would use direct and non-direct byte-buffers resepectively (via `DirectSlice` and `Slice`). In this redesign there we have eliminated the overhead of using the Java Slice classes, and just use `ByteBuffer`s. The `ComparatorOptions` supplied when constructing a Comparator allow you to choose between direct and non-direct byte buffers by setting `useDirect`. In addition, the `ComparatorOptions` now allow you to choose whether a ByteBuffer is reused over multiple comparator calls, by setting `maxReusedBufferSize > 0`. When buffers are reused, ComparatorOptions provides a choice of mutex type by setting `useAdaptiveMutex`. --- [JMH benchmarks previously indicated]( that the difference between C++ and Java for implementing a comparator was ~7x slowdown in Java. With these changes, when reusing buffers and guarding access to them via mutexes the slowdown is approximately the same. However, these changes offer a new facility to not reuse mutextes, which reduces the slowdown to ~5.5x in Java. We also offer a `thread_local` mechanism for reusing buffers, which reduces slowdown to ~5.2x in Java (closes These changes also form a good base for further optimisation work such as further JNI lookup caching, and JNI critical. --- These numbers were captured without jemalloc. With jemalloc, the performance improves for all tests, and the Java slowdown reduces to between 4.8x and 5.x. ``` ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_bytewise thrpt 25 124483.795 ± 2032.443 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put native_reverse_bytewise thrpt 25 114414.536 ± 3486.156 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 17228.250 ± 1288.546 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16035.865 ± 1248.099 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 21571.500 ± 871.521 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 23613.773 ± 8465.660 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 16768.172 ± 5618.489 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 23921.164 ± 8734.742 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 17899.684 ± 839.679 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 22148.316 ± 1215.527 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11311.126 ± 820.602 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 11421.311 ± 807.210 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 11554.005 ± 960.556 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 22960.523 ± 1673.421 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_non-adaptive-mutex thrpt 25 18293.317 ± 1434.601 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_reused-64_thread-local thrpt 25 24479.361 ± 2157.306 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_non-direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 7942.286 ± 626.170 ops/s ComparatorBenchmarks.put java_reverse_bytewise_direct_no-reuse thrpt 25 11781.955 ± 1019.843 ops/s ``` Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D19331064 Pulled By: pdillinger fbshipit-source-id: 1f3b794e6a14162b2c3ffb943e8c0e64a0c03738
5 years ago
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.SanityLevel
class SanityLevelJni {
// Returns the equivalent org.rocksdb.SanityLevel for the provided
// C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ConfigOptions::SanityLevel enum
static jbyte toJavaSanityLevel(
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ConfigOptions::SanityLevel &sanity_level) {
switch (sanity_level) {
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ConfigOptions::SanityLevel::kSanityLevelNone:
return 0x0;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ConfigOptions::SanityLevel::
return 0x1;
case ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ConfigOptions::SanityLevel::
return -0x01;
return -0x01; // undefined
// Returns the equivalent C++ ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ConfigOptions::SanityLevel enum for
// the provided Java org.rocksdb.SanityLevel
static ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ConfigOptions::SanityLevel toCppSanityLevel(
jbyte sanity_level) {
switch (sanity_level) {
case 0x0:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ConfigOptions::kSanityLevelNone;
case 0x1:
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ConfigOptions::kSanityLevelLooselyCompatible;
// undefined/default
return ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ConfigOptions::kSanityLevelExactMatch;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.AbstractListener.EnabledEventCallback
class EnabledEventCallbackJni {
// Returns the set of equivalent C++
// rocksdb::EnabledEventCallbackJni::EnabledEventCallback enums for
// the provided Java jenabled_event_callback_values
static std::set<EnabledEventCallback> toCppEnabledEventCallbacks(
jlong jenabled_event_callback_values) {
std::set<EnabledEventCallback> enabled_event_callbacks;
for (size_t i = 0; i < EnabledEventCallback::NUM_ENABLED_EVENT_CALLBACK;
++i) {
if (((1ULL << i) & jenabled_event_callback_values) > 0) {
return enabled_event_callbacks;
// The portal class for org.rocksdb.AbstractEventListener
class AbstractEventListenerJni
: public RocksDBNativeClass<
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::EventListenerJniCallback*,
AbstractEventListenerJni> {
* Get the Java Class org.rocksdb.AbstractEventListener
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Class or nullptr if one of the
* ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, NoClassDefFoundError,
* OutOfMemoryError or ExceptionInInitializerError exceptions is thrown
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return RocksDBNativeClass::getJClass(env,
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#onFlushCompletedProxy
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnFlushCompletedProxyMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "onFlushCompletedProxy",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#onFlushBeginProxy
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnFlushBeginProxyMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "onFlushBeginProxy",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#onTableFileDeleted
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnTableFileDeletedMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "onTableFileDeleted", "(Lorg/rocksdb/TableFileDeletionInfo;)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#onCompactionBeginProxy
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnCompactionBeginProxyMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "onCompactionBeginProxy",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#onCompactionCompletedProxy
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnCompactionCompletedProxyMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "onCompactionCompletedProxy",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#onTableFileCreated
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnTableFileCreatedMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "onTableFileCreated", "(Lorg/rocksdb/TableFileCreationInfo;)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#onTableFileCreationStarted
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnTableFileCreationStartedMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "onTableFileCreationStarted",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#onMemTableSealed
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnMemTableSealedMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "onMemTableSealed",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method:
* AbstractEventListener#onColumnFamilyHandleDeletionStarted
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnColumnFamilyHandleDeletionStartedMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "onColumnFamilyHandleDeletionStarted",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#onExternalFileIngestedProxy
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnExternalFileIngestedProxyMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "onExternalFileIngestedProxy",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#onBackgroundError
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnBackgroundErrorProxyMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "onBackgroundErrorProxy",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#onStallConditionsChanged
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnStallConditionsChangedMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "onStallConditionsChanged",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#onFileReadFinish
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnFileReadFinishMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "onFileReadFinish", "(Lorg/rocksdb/FileOperationInfo;)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#onFileWriteFinish
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnFileWriteFinishMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "onFileWriteFinish", "(Lorg/rocksdb/FileOperationInfo;)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#OnFileFlushFinish
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnFileFlushFinishMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "OnFileFlushFinish", "(Lorg/rocksdb/FileOperationInfo;)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#OnFileSyncFinish
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnFileSyncFinishMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "OnFileSyncFinish", "(Lorg/rocksdb/FileOperationInfo;)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#OnFileRangeSyncFinish
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnFileRangeSyncFinishMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "OnFileRangeSyncFinish", "(Lorg/rocksdb/FileOperationInfo;)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#OnFileTruncateFinish
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnFileTruncateFinishMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "OnFileTruncateFinish", "(Lorg/rocksdb/FileOperationInfo;)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#OnFileCloseFinish
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnFileCloseFinishMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(
jclazz, "OnFileCloseFinish", "(Lorg/rocksdb/FileOperationInfo;)V");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#shouldBeNotifiedOnFileIO
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getShouldBeNotifiedOnFileIOMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid =
env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "shouldBeNotifiedOnFileIO", "()Z");
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#onErrorRecoveryBeginProxy
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnErrorRecoveryBeginProxyMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "onErrorRecoveryBeginProxy",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
* Get the Java Method: AbstractEventListener#onErrorRecoveryCompleted
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @return The Java Method ID
static jmethodID getOnErrorRecoveryCompletedMethodId(JNIEnv* env) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(jclazz, "onErrorRecoveryCompleted",
assert(mid != nullptr);
return mid;
class FlushJobInfoJni : public JavaClass {
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.FlushJobInfo object.
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param flush_job_info A Cpp flush job info object
* @return A reference to a Java org.rocksdb.FlushJobInfo object, or
* nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject fromCppFlushJobInfo(
JNIEnv* env, const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::FlushJobInfo* flush_job_info) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID ctor = getConstructorMethodId(env, jclazz);
assert(ctor != nullptr);
jstring jcf_name = JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &flush_job_info->cf_name);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
jstring jfile_path = JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &flush_job_info->file_path);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
jobject jtable_properties = TablePropertiesJni::fromCppTableProperties(
env, flush_job_info->table_properties);
if (jtable_properties == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return env->NewObject(
jclazz, ctor, static_cast<jlong>(flush_job_info->cf_id), jcf_name,
jfile_path, static_cast<jlong>(flush_job_info->thread_id),
static_cast<jlong>(flush_job_info->largest_seqno), jtable_properties,
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/FlushJobInfo");
static jmethodID getConstructorMethodId(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
return env->GetMethodID(clazz, "<init>",
class TableFileDeletionInfoJni : public JavaClass {
* Create a new Java org.rocksdb.TableFileDeletionInfo object.
* @param env A pointer to the Java environment
* @param file_del_info A Cpp table file deletion info object
* @return A reference to a Java org.rocksdb.TableFileDeletionInfo object, or
* nullptr if an an exception occurs
static jobject fromCppTableFileDeletionInfo(
JNIEnv* env,
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::TableFileDeletionInfo* file_del_info) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
if (jclazz == nullptr) {
// exception occurred accessing class
return nullptr;
static jmethodID ctor = getConstructorMethodId(env, jclazz);
assert(ctor != nullptr);
jstring jdb_name = JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &file_del_info->db_name);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
jobject jstatus = StatusJni::construct(env, file_del_info->status);
if (jstatus == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return env->NewObject(jclazz, ctor, jdb_name,
JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &file_del_info->file_path),
static_cast<jint>(file_del_info->job_id), jstatus);
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/TableFileDeletionInfo");
static jmethodID getConstructorMethodId(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
return env->GetMethodID(
clazz, "<init>",
class CompactionJobInfoJni : public JavaClass {
static jobject fromCppCompactionJobInfo(
JNIEnv* env,
const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::CompactionJobInfo* compaction_job_info) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID ctor = getConstructorMethodId(env, jclazz);
assert(ctor != nullptr);
return env->NewObject(jclazz, ctor,
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/CompactionJobInfo");
static jmethodID getConstructorMethodId(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
return env->GetMethodID(clazz, "<init>", "(J)V");
class TableFileCreationInfoJni : public JavaClass {
static jobject fromCppTableFileCreationInfo(
JNIEnv* env, const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::TableFileCreationInfo* info) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID ctor = getConstructorMethodId(env, jclazz);
assert(ctor != nullptr);
jstring jdb_name = JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &info->db_name);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
jstring jcf_name = JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &info->cf_name);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
jstring jfile_path = JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &info->file_path);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
jobject jtable_properties =
TablePropertiesJni::fromCppTableProperties(env, info->table_properties);
if (jtable_properties == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
jobject jstatus = StatusJni::construct(env, info->status);
if (jstatus == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return env->NewObject(jclazz, ctor, static_cast<jlong>(info->file_size),
jtable_properties, jstatus, jdb_name, jcf_name,
jfile_path, static_cast<jint>(info->job_id),
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/TableFileCreationInfo");
static jmethodID getConstructorMethodId(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
return env->GetMethodID(
clazz, "<init>",
class TableFileCreationBriefInfoJni : public JavaClass {
static jobject fromCppTableFileCreationBriefInfo(
JNIEnv* env, const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::TableFileCreationBriefInfo* info) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID ctor = getConstructorMethodId(env, jclazz);
assert(ctor != nullptr);
jstring jdb_name = JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &info->db_name);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
jstring jcf_name = JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &info->cf_name);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
jstring jfile_path = JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &info->file_path);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
return env->NewObject(jclazz, ctor, jdb_name, jcf_name, jfile_path,
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/TableFileCreationBriefInfo");
static jmethodID getConstructorMethodId(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
return env->GetMethodID(
clazz, "<init>",
class MemTableInfoJni : public JavaClass {
static jobject fromCppMemTableInfo(
JNIEnv* env, const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::MemTableInfo* info) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID ctor = getConstructorMethodId(env, jclazz);
assert(ctor != nullptr);
jstring jcf_name = JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &info->cf_name);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
return env->NewObject(jclazz, ctor, jcf_name,
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/MemTableInfo");
static jmethodID getConstructorMethodId(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
return env->GetMethodID(clazz, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;JJJJ)V");
class ExternalFileIngestionInfoJni : public JavaClass {
static jobject fromCppExternalFileIngestionInfo(
JNIEnv* env, const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::ExternalFileIngestionInfo* info) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID ctor = getConstructorMethodId(env, jclazz);
assert(ctor != nullptr);
jstring jcf_name = JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &info->cf_name);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
jstring jexternal_file_path =
JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &info->external_file_path);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
jstring jinternal_file_path =
JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &info->internal_file_path);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
jobject jtable_properties =
TablePropertiesJni::fromCppTableProperties(env, info->table_properties);
if (jtable_properties == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return env->NewObject(
jclazz, ctor, jcf_name, jexternal_file_path, jinternal_file_path,
static_cast<jlong>(info->global_seqno), jtable_properties);
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/ExternalFileIngestionInfo");
static jmethodID getConstructorMethodId(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
return env->GetMethodID(clazz, "<init>",
class WriteStallInfoJni : public JavaClass {
static jobject fromCppWriteStallInfo(
JNIEnv* env, const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::WriteStallInfo* info) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID ctor = getConstructorMethodId(env, jclazz);
assert(ctor != nullptr);
jstring jcf_name = JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &info->cf_name);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
return env->NewObject(jclazz, ctor, jcf_name,
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/WriteStallInfo");
static jmethodID getConstructorMethodId(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
return env->GetMethodID(clazz, "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;BB)V");
class FileOperationInfoJni : public JavaClass {
static jobject fromCppFileOperationInfo(
JNIEnv* env, const ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE::FileOperationInfo* info) {
jclass jclazz = getJClass(env);
assert(jclazz != nullptr);
static jmethodID ctor = getConstructorMethodId(env, jclazz);
assert(ctor != nullptr);
jstring jpath = JniUtil::toJavaString(env, &info->path);
if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
return nullptr;
jobject jstatus = StatusJni::construct(env, info->status);
if (jstatus == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return env->NewObject(
jclazz, ctor, jpath, static_cast<jlong>(info->offset),
static_cast<jlong>(info->duration.count()), jstatus);
static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) {
return JavaClass::getJClass(env, "org/rocksdb/FileOperationInfo");
static jmethodID getConstructorMethodId(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz) {
return env->GetMethodID(clazz, "<init>",
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE