// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "cache/cache_key.h"
#include "cache/sharded_cache.h"
#include "port/lang.h"
#include "port/malloc.h"
#include "port/port.h"
#include "rocksdb/secondary_cache.h"
#include "util/autovector.h"
#include "util/distributed_mutex.h"
namespace fast_lru_cache {
// Forward declaration of friend class.
class FastLRUCacheTest;
// LRU cache implementation using an open-address hash table.
// Every slot in the hash table is an LRUHandle. Because handles can be
// referenced externally, we can't discard them immediately once they are
// deleted (via a delete or an LRU eviction) or replaced by a new version
// (via an insert of the same key). The state of an element is defined by
// the following two properties:
// (R) Referenced: An element can be referenced externally (refs > 0), or not.
// Importantly, an element can be evicted if and only if it's not
// referenced. In particular, when an element becomes referenced, it's
// temporarily taken out of the LRU list until all references to it
// are dropped.
// (V) Visible: An element can visible for lookups (IS_VISIBLE set), or not.
// Initially, every element is visible. An element that is not visible is
// called a ghost.
// These properties induce 4 different states, with transitions defined as
// follows:
// - V --> not V: When a visible element is deleted or replaced by a new
// version.
// - Not V --> V: This cannot happen. A ghost remains in that state until it's
// not referenced any more, at which point it's ready to be removed from the
// hash table. (A ghost simply waits to transition to the afterlife---it will
// never be visible again.)
// - R --> not R: When all references to an element are dropped.
// - Not R --> R: When an unreferenced element becomes referenced. This can only
// happen if the element is V, since references to an element can only be
// created when it's visible.
// Internally, the cache uses an open-addressed hash table to index the handles.
// We use tombstone counters to keep track of displacements.
// Because of the tombstones and the two possible visibility states of an
// element, the table slots can be in 4 different states:
// 1. Visible element (IS_ELEMENT set and IS_VISIBLE set): The slot contains a
// key-value element.
// 2. Ghost element (IS_ELEMENT set and IS_VISIBLE unset): The slot contains an
// element that has been removed, but it's still referenced. It's invisible
// to lookups.
// 3. Tombstone (IS_ELEMENT unset and displacements > 0): The slot contains a
// tombstone.
// 4. Empty (IS_ELEMENT unset and displacements == 0): The slot is unused.
// A slot that is an element can further have IS_VISIBLE set or not.
// When a ghost is removed from the table, it can either transition to being a
// tombstone or an empty slot, depending on the number of displacements of the
// slot. In any case, the slot becomes available. When a handle is inserted
// into that slot, it becomes a visible element again.
// The load factor p is a real number in (0, 1) such that at all
// times at most a fraction p of all slots, without counting tombstones,
// are occupied by elements. This means that the probability that a
// random probe hits an empty slot is at most p, and thus at most 1/p probes
// are required on average. For example, p = 70% implies that between 1 and 2
// probes are needed on average (bear in mind that this reasoning doesn't
// consider the effects of clustering over time).
// Because the size of the hash table is always rounded up to the next
// power of 2, p is really an upper bound on the actual load factor---the
// actual load factor is anywhere between p/2 and p. This is a bit wasteful,
// but bear in mind that slots only hold metadata, not actual values.
// Since space cost is dominated by the values (the LSM blocks),
// overprovisioning the table with metadata only increases the total cache space
// usage by a tiny fraction.
constexpr double kLoadFactor = 0.35;
// The user can exceed kLoadFactor if the sizes of the inserted values don't
// match estimated_value_size, or if strict_capacity_limit == false. To
// avoid performance to plunge, we set a strict upper bound on the load factor.
constexpr double kStrictLoadFactor = 0.7;
// Arbitrary seeds.
constexpr uint32_t kProbingSeed1 = 0xbc9f1d34;
constexpr uint32_t kProbingSeed2 = 0x7a2bb9d5;
// An experimental (under development!) alternative to LRUCache
struct LRUHandle {
void* value;
Cache::DeleterFn deleter;
LRUHandle* next;
LRUHandle* prev;
size_t total_charge; // TODO(opt): Only allow uint32_t?
// The hash of key(). Used for fast sharding and comparisons.
uint32_t hash;
// The number of external refs to this entry.
uint32_t refs;
enum Flags : uint8_t {
// Whether the handle is visible to Lookups.
IS_VISIBLE = (1 << 0),
// Whether the slot is in use by an element.
IS_ELEMENT = (1 << 1),
uint8_t flags;
// The number of elements that hash to this slot or a lower one,
// but wind up in a higher slot.
uint32_t displacements;
std::array<char, kCacheKeySize> key_data;
LRUHandle() {
value = nullptr;
deleter = nullptr;
next = nullptr;
prev = nullptr;
total_charge = 0;
hash = 0;
refs = 0;
flags = 0;
displacements = 0;
Slice key() const { return Slice(key_data.data(), kCacheKeySize); }
// Increase the reference count by 1.
void Ref() { refs++; }
// Just reduce the reference count by 1. Return true if it was last reference.
bool Unref() {
assert(refs > 0);
return refs == 0;
// Return true if there are external refs, false otherwise.
bool HasRefs() const { return refs > 0; }
bool IsVisible() const { return flags & IS_VISIBLE; }
void SetIsVisible(bool is_visible) {
if (is_visible) {
flags |= IS_VISIBLE;
} else {
flags &= ~IS_VISIBLE;
bool IsElement() const { return flags & IS_ELEMENT; }
void SetIsElement(bool is_element) {
if (is_element) {
flags |= IS_ELEMENT;
} else {
flags &= ~IS_ELEMENT;
void FreeData() {
assert(refs == 0);
if (deleter) {
(*deleter)(key(), value);
// Calculate the memory usage by metadata.
inline size_t CalcMetaCharge(
CacheMetadataChargePolicy metadata_charge_policy) const {
if (metadata_charge_policy != kFullChargeCacheMetadata) {
return 0;
} else {
// return malloc_usable_size(
// const_cast<void*>(static_cast<const void*>(this)));
// #else
// TODO(Guido) malloc_usable_size only works when we call it on
// a pointer allocated with malloc. Because our handles are all
// allocated in a single shot as an array, the user can't call
// CalcMetaCharge (or CalcTotalCharge or GetCharge) on a handle
// pointer returned by the cache. Moreover, malloc_usable_size
// expects a heap-allocated handle, but sometimes in our code we
// wish to pass a stack-allocated handle (this is only a performance
// concern).
// What is the right way to compute metadata charges with pre-allocated
// handles?
return sizeof(LRUHandle);
// #endif
inline void CalcTotalCharge(
size_t charge, CacheMetadataChargePolicy metadata_charge_policy) {
total_charge = charge + CalcMetaCharge(metadata_charge_policy);
inline size_t GetCharge(
CacheMetadataChargePolicy metadata_charge_policy) const {
size_t meta_charge = CalcMetaCharge(metadata_charge_policy);
assert(total_charge >= meta_charge);
return total_charge - meta_charge;
inline bool IsEmpty() {
return !this->IsElement() && this->displacements == 0;
inline bool IsTombstone() {
return !this->IsElement() && this->displacements > 0;
inline bool Matches(const Slice& some_key, uint32_t some_hash) {
return this->IsElement() && this->hash == some_hash &&
this->key() == some_key;
class LRUHandleTable {
explicit LRUHandleTable(int hash_bits);
// Returns a pointer to a visible element matching the key/hash, or
// nullptr if not present.
LRUHandle* Lookup(const Slice& key, uint32_t hash);
// Inserts a copy of h into the hash table.
// Returns a pointer to the inserted handle, or nullptr if no slot
// available was found. If an existing visible element matching the
// key/hash is already present in the hash table, the argument old
// is set to pointe to it; otherwise, it's set to nullptr.
LRUHandle* Insert(LRUHandle* h, LRUHandle** old);
// Removes h from the hash table. The handle must already be off
// the LRU list.
void Remove(LRUHandle* h);
// Turns a visible element h into a ghost (i.e., not visible).
void Exclude(LRUHandle* h);
// Assigns a copy of h to the given slot.
void Assign(int slot, LRUHandle* h);
template <typename T>
void ApplyToEntriesRange(T func, uint32_t index_begin, uint32_t index_end) {
for (uint32_t i = index_begin; i < index_end; i++) {
LRUHandle* h = &array_[i];
if (h->IsVisible()) {
uint32_t GetTableSize() const { return uint32_t{1} << length_bits_; }
int GetLengthBits() const { return length_bits_; }
uint32_t GetOccupancyLimit() const { return occupancy_limit_; }
uint32_t GetOccupancy() const { return occupancy_; }
// Returns x mod 2^{length_bits_}.
uint32_t ModTableSize(uint32_t x) { return x & length_bits_mask_; }
int FindVisibleElement(const Slice& key, uint32_t hash, int& probe,
int displacement);
int FindAvailableSlot(const Slice& key, int& probe, int displacement);
int FindVisibleElementOrAvailableSlot(const Slice& key, uint32_t hash,
int& probe, int displacement);
// Returns the index of the first slot probed (hashing with
// the given key) with a handle e such that cond(e) is true.
// Otherwise, if no match is found, returns -1.
// For every handle e probed except the final slot, updates
// e->displacements += displacement.
// The argument probe is modified such that consecutive calls
// to FindSlot continue probing right after where the previous
// call left.
int FindSlot(const Slice& key, std::function<bool(LRUHandle*)> cond,
int& probe, int displacement);
// Number of hash bits used for table index.
// The size of the table is 1 << length_bits_.
int length_bits_;
const uint32_t length_bits_mask_;
// Number of elements in the table.
uint32_t occupancy_;
// Maximum number of elements the user can store in the table.
uint32_t occupancy_limit_;
std::unique_ptr<LRUHandle[]> array_;
// A single shard of sharded cache.
class ALIGN_AS(CACHE_LINE_SIZE) LRUCacheShard final : public CacheShard {
LRUCacheShard(size_t capacity, size_t estimated_value_size,
bool strict_capacity_limit,
CacheMetadataChargePolicy metadata_charge_policy);
~LRUCacheShard() override = default;
// Separate from constructor so caller can easily make an array of LRUCache
// if current usage is more than new capacity, the function will attempt to
// free the needed space.
void SetCapacity(size_t capacity) override;
// Set the flag to reject insertion if cache if full.
void SetStrictCapacityLimit(bool strict_capacity_limit) override;
// Like Cache methods, but with an extra "hash" parameter.
// Insert an item into the hash table and, if handle is null, insert into
// the LRU list. Older items are evicted as necessary. If the cache is full
// and free_handle_on_fail is true, the item is deleted and handle is set to
// nullptr.
Status Insert(const Slice& key, uint32_t hash, void* value, size_t charge,
Cache::DeleterFn deleter, Cache::Handle** handle,
Cache::Priority priority) override;
Status Insert(const Slice& key, uint32_t hash, void* value,
const Cache::CacheItemHelper* helper, size_t charge,
Cache::Handle** handle, Cache::Priority priority) override {
return Insert(key, hash, value, charge, helper->del_cb, handle, priority);
Cache::Handle* Lookup(const Slice& key, uint32_t hash,
const Cache::CacheItemHelper* /*helper*/,
const Cache::CreateCallback& /*create_cb*/,
Cache::Priority /*priority*/, bool /*wait*/,
Statistics* /*stats*/) override {
return Lookup(key, hash);
Cache::Handle* Lookup(const Slice& key, uint32_t hash) override;
bool Release(Cache::Handle* handle, bool /*useful*/,
bool erase_if_last_ref) override {
return Release(handle, erase_if_last_ref);
bool IsReady(Cache::Handle* /*handle*/) override { return true; }
void Wait(Cache::Handle* /*handle*/) override {}
bool Ref(Cache::Handle* handle) override;
bool Release(Cache::Handle* handle, bool erase_if_last_ref = false) override;
void Erase(const Slice& key, uint32_t hash) override;
size_t GetUsage() const override;
size_t GetPinnedUsage() const override;
Revamp, optimize new experimental clock cache (#10626)
* Consolidates most metadata into a single word per slot so that more
can be accomplished with a single atomic update. In the common case,
Lookup was previously about 4 atomic updates, now just 1 atomic update.
Common case Release was previously 1 atomic read + 1 atomic update,
now just 1 atomic update.
* Eliminate spins / waits / yields, which likely threaten some "lock free"
benefits. Compare-exchange loops are only used in explicit Erase, and
strict_capacity_limit=true Insert. Eviction uses opportunistic compare-
* Relaxes some aggressiveness and guarantees. For example,
* Duplicate Inserts will sometimes go undetected and the shadow duplicate
will age out with eviction.
* In many cases, the older Inserted value for a given cache key will be kept
(i.e. Insert does not support overwrite).
* Entries explicitly erased (rather than evicted) might not be freed
immediately in some rare cases.
* With strict_capacity_limit=false, capacity limit is not tracked/enforced as
precisely as LRUCache, but is self-correcting and should only deviate by a
very small number of extra or fewer entries.
* Use smaller "computed default" number of cache shards in many cases,
because benefits to larger usage tracking / eviction pools outweigh the small
cost of more lock-free atomic contention. The improvement in CPU and I/O
is dramatic in some limit-memory cases.
* Even without the sharding change, the eviction algorithm is likely more
effective than LRU overall because it's more stateful, even though the
"hot path" state tracking for it is essentially free with ref counting. It
is like a generalized CLOCK with aging (see code comments). I don't have
performance numbers showing a specific improvement, but in theory, for a
Poisson access pattern to each block, keeping some state allows better
estimation of time to next access (Poisson interval) than strict LRU. The
bounded randomness in CLOCK can also reduce "cliff" effect for repeated
range scans approaching and exceeding cache size.
## Hot path algorithm comparison
Rough descriptions, focusing on number and kind of atomic operations:
* Old `Lookup()` (2-5 atomic updates per probe):
Increment internal ref count at slot
If possible hit:
Check flags atomic (and non-atomic fields)
If cache hit:
Three distinct updates to 'flags' atomic
Increment refs for internal-to-external
Decrement internal ref count
while atomic read 'displacements' > 0
* New `Lookup()` (1-2 atomic updates per probe):
Increment acquire counter in meta word (optimistic)
If visible entry (already read meta word):
If match (read non-atomic fields):
Decrement acquire counter in meta word
Else if invisible entry (rare, already read meta word):
Decrement acquire counter in meta word
while atomic read 'displacements' > 0
* Old `Release()` (1 atomic update, conditional on atomic read, rarely more):
Read atomic ref count
If last reference and invisible (rare):
Use CAS etc. to remove
Decrement ref count
* New `Release()` (1 unconditional atomic update, rarely more):
Increment release counter in meta word
If last reference and invisible (rare):
Use CAS etc. to remove
## Performance test setup
Build DB with
TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench -benchmarks=fillrandom -num=30000000 -disable_wal=1 -bloom_bits=16
Test with
TEST_TMPDIR=/dev/shm ./db_bench -benchmarks=readrandom -readonly -num=30000000 -bloom_bits=16 -cache_index_and_filter_blocks=1 -cache_size=${CACHE_MB}000000 -duration 60 -threads=$THREADS -statistics
Numbers on a single socket Skylake Xeon system with 48 hardware threads, DEBUG_LEVEL=0 PORTABLE=0. Very similar story on a dual socket system with 80 hardware threads. Using (every 2nd) Fibonacci MB cache sizes to sample the territory between powers of two. Configurations:
base: LRUCache before this change, but with db_bench change to default cache_numshardbits=-1 (instead of fixed at 6)
folly: LRUCache before this change, with folly enabled (distributed mutex) but on an old compiler (sorry)
gt_clock: experimental ClockCache before this change
new_clock: experimental ClockCache with this change
## Performance test results
First test "hot path" read performance, with block cache large enough for whole DB:
4181MB 1thread base -> kops/s: 47.761
4181MB 1thread folly -> kops/s: 45.877
4181MB 1thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 51.092
4181MB 1thread new_clock -> kops/s: 53.944
4181MB 16thread base -> kops/s: 284.567
4181MB 16thread folly -> kops/s: 249.015
4181MB 16thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 743.762
4181MB 16thread new_clock -> kops/s: 861.821
4181MB 24thread base -> kops/s: 303.415
4181MB 24thread folly -> kops/s: 266.548
4181MB 24thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 975.706
4181MB 24thread new_clock -> kops/s: 1205.64 (~= 24 * 53.944)
4181MB 32thread base -> kops/s: 311.251
4181MB 32thread folly -> kops/s: 274.952
4181MB 32thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 1045.98
4181MB 32thread new_clock -> kops/s: 1370.38
4181MB 48thread base -> kops/s: 310.504
4181MB 48thread folly -> kops/s: 268.322
4181MB 48thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 1195.65
4181MB 48thread new_clock -> kops/s: 1604.85 (~= 24 * 1.25 * 53.944)
4181MB 64thread base -> kops/s: 307.839
4181MB 64thread folly -> kops/s: 272.172
4181MB 64thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 1204.47
4181MB 64thread new_clock -> kops/s: 1615.37
4181MB 128thread base -> kops/s: 310.934
4181MB 128thread folly -> kops/s: 267.468
4181MB 128thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 1188.75
4181MB 128thread new_clock -> kops/s: 1595.46
Whether we have just one thread on a quiet system or an overload of threads, the new version wins every time in thousand-ops per second, sometimes dramatically so. Mutex-based implementation quickly becomes contention-limited. New clock cache shows essentially perfect scaling up to number of physical cores (24), and then each hyperthreaded core adding about 1/4 the throughput of an additional physical core (see 48 thread case). Block cache miss rates (omitted above) are negligible across the board. With partitioned instead of full filters, the maximum speed-up vs. base is more like 2.5x rather than 5x.
Now test a large block cache with low miss ratio, but some eviction is required:
1597MB 1thread base -> kops/s: 46.603 io_bytes/op: 1584.63 miss_ratio: 0.0201066 max_rss_mb: 1589.23
1597MB 1thread folly -> kops/s: 45.079 io_bytes/op: 1530.03 miss_ratio: 0.019872 max_rss_mb: 1550.43
1597MB 1thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 48.711 io_bytes/op: 1566.63 miss_ratio: 0.0198923 max_rss_mb: 1691.4
1597MB 1thread new_clock -> kops/s: 51.531 io_bytes/op: 1589.07 miss_ratio: 0.0201969 max_rss_mb: 1583.56
1597MB 32thread base -> kops/s: 301.174 io_bytes/op: 1439.52 miss_ratio: 0.0184218 max_rss_mb: 1656.59
1597MB 32thread folly -> kops/s: 273.09 io_bytes/op: 1375.12 miss_ratio: 0.0180002 max_rss_mb: 1586.8
1597MB 32thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 904.497 io_bytes/op: 1411.29 miss_ratio: 0.0179934 max_rss_mb: 1775.89
1597MB 32thread new_clock -> kops/s: 1182.59 io_bytes/op: 1440.77 miss_ratio: 0.0185449 max_rss_mb: 1636.45
1597MB 128thread base -> kops/s: 309.91 io_bytes/op: 1438.25 miss_ratio: 0.018399 max_rss_mb: 1689.98
1597MB 128thread folly -> kops/s: 267.605 io_bytes/op: 1394.16 miss_ratio: 0.0180286 max_rss_mb: 1631.91
1597MB 128thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 691.518 io_bytes/op: 9056.73 miss_ratio: 0.0186572 max_rss_mb: 1982.26
1597MB 128thread new_clock -> kops/s: 1406.12 io_bytes/op: 1440.82 miss_ratio: 0.0185463 max_rss_mb: 1685.63
610MB 1thread base -> kops/s: 45.511 io_bytes/op: 2279.61 miss_ratio: 0.0290528 max_rss_mb: 615.137
610MB 1thread folly -> kops/s: 43.386 io_bytes/op: 2217.29 miss_ratio: 0.0289282 max_rss_mb: 600.996
610MB 1thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 46.207 io_bytes/op: 2275.51 miss_ratio: 0.0290057 max_rss_mb: 637.934
610MB 1thread new_clock -> kops/s: 48.879 io_bytes/op: 2283.1 miss_ratio: 0.0291253 max_rss_mb: 613.5
610MB 32thread base -> kops/s: 306.59 io_bytes/op: 2250 miss_ratio: 0.0288721 max_rss_mb: 683.402
610MB 32thread folly -> kops/s: 269.176 io_bytes/op: 2187.86 miss_ratio: 0.0286938 max_rss_mb: 628.742
610MB 32thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 855.097 io_bytes/op: 2279.26 miss_ratio: 0.0288009 max_rss_mb: 733.062
610MB 32thread new_clock -> kops/s: 1121.47 io_bytes/op: 2244.29 miss_ratio: 0.0289046 max_rss_mb: 666.453
610MB 128thread base -> kops/s: 305.079 io_bytes/op: 2252.43 miss_ratio: 0.0288884 max_rss_mb: 723.457
610MB 128thread folly -> kops/s: 269.583 io_bytes/op: 2204.58 miss_ratio: 0.0287001 max_rss_mb: 676.426
610MB 128thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 53.298 io_bytes/op: 8128.98 miss_ratio: 0.0292452 max_rss_mb: 956.273
610MB 128thread new_clock -> kops/s: 1301.09 io_bytes/op: 2246.04 miss_ratio: 0.0289171 max_rss_mb: 788.812
The new version is still winning every time, sometimes dramatically so, and we can tell from the maximum resident memory numbers (which contain some noise, by the way) that the new cache is not cheating on memory usage. IMPORTANT: The previous generation experimental clock cache appears to hit a serious bottleneck in the higher thread count configurations, presumably due to some of its waiting functionality. (The same bottleneck is not seen with partitioned index+filters.)
Now we consider even smaller cache sizes, with higher miss ratios, eviction work, etc.
233MB 1thread base -> kops/s: 10.557 io_bytes/op: 227040 miss_ratio: 0.0403105 max_rss_mb: 247.371
233MB 1thread folly -> kops/s: 15.348 io_bytes/op: 112007 miss_ratio: 0.0372238 max_rss_mb: 245.293
233MB 1thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 6.365 io_bytes/op: 244854 miss_ratio: 0.0413873 max_rss_mb: 259.844
233MB 1thread new_clock -> kops/s: 47.501 io_bytes/op: 2591.93 miss_ratio: 0.0330989 max_rss_mb: 242.461
233MB 32thread base -> kops/s: 96.498 io_bytes/op: 363379 miss_ratio: 0.0459966 max_rss_mb: 479.227
233MB 32thread folly -> kops/s: 109.95 io_bytes/op: 314799 miss_ratio: 0.0450032 max_rss_mb: 400.738
233MB 32thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 2.353 io_bytes/op: 385397 miss_ratio: 0.048445 max_rss_mb: 500.688
233MB 32thread new_clock -> kops/s: 1088.95 io_bytes/op: 2567.02 miss_ratio: 0.0330593 max_rss_mb: 303.402
233MB 128thread base -> kops/s: 84.302 io_bytes/op: 378020 miss_ratio: 0.0466558 max_rss_mb: 1051.84
233MB 128thread folly -> kops/s: 89.921 io_bytes/op: 338242 miss_ratio: 0.0460309 max_rss_mb: 812.785
233MB 128thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 2.588 io_bytes/op: 462833 miss_ratio: 0.0509158 max_rss_mb: 1109.94
233MB 128thread new_clock -> kops/s: 1299.26 io_bytes/op: 2565.94 miss_ratio: 0.0330531 max_rss_mb: 361.016
89MB 1thread base -> kops/s: 0.574 io_bytes/op: 5.35977e+06 miss_ratio: 0.274427 max_rss_mb: 91.3086
89MB 1thread folly -> kops/s: 0.578 io_bytes/op: 5.16549e+06 miss_ratio: 0.27276 max_rss_mb: 96.8984
89MB 1thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 0.512 io_bytes/op: 4.13111e+06 miss_ratio: 0.242817 max_rss_mb: 119.441
89MB 1thread new_clock -> kops/s: 48.172 io_bytes/op: 2709.76 miss_ratio: 0.0346162 max_rss_mb: 100.754
89MB 32thread base -> kops/s: 5.779 io_bytes/op: 6.14192e+06 miss_ratio: 0.320399 max_rss_mb: 311.812
89MB 32thread folly -> kops/s: 5.601 io_bytes/op: 5.83838e+06 miss_ratio: 0.313123 max_rss_mb: 252.418
89MB 32thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 0.77 io_bytes/op: 3.99236e+06 miss_ratio: 0.236296 max_rss_mb: 396.422
89MB 32thread new_clock -> kops/s: 1064.97 io_bytes/op: 2687.23 miss_ratio: 0.0346134 max_rss_mb: 155.293
89MB 128thread base -> kops/s: 4.959 io_bytes/op: 6.20297e+06 miss_ratio: 0.323945 max_rss_mb: 823.43
89MB 128thread folly -> kops/s: 4.962 io_bytes/op: 5.9601e+06 miss_ratio: 0.319857 max_rss_mb: 626.824
89MB 128thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 1.009 io_bytes/op: 4.1083e+06 miss_ratio: 0.242512 max_rss_mb: 1095.32
89MB 128thread new_clock -> kops/s: 1224.39 io_bytes/op: 2688.2 miss_ratio: 0.0346207 max_rss_mb: 218.223
^ Now something interesting has happened: the new clock cache has gained a dramatic lead in the single-threaded case, and this is because the cache is so small, and full filters are so big, that dividing the cache into 64 shards leads to significant (random) imbalances in cache shards and excessive churn in imbalanced shards. This new clock cache only uses two shards for this configuration, and that helps to ensure that entries are part of a sufficiently big pool that their eviction order resembles the single-shard order. (This effect is not seen with partitioned index+filters.)
Even smaller cache size:
34MB 1thread base -> kops/s: 0.198 io_bytes/op: 1.65342e+07 miss_ratio: 0.939466 max_rss_mb: 48.6914
34MB 1thread folly -> kops/s: 0.201 io_bytes/op: 1.63416e+07 miss_ratio: 0.939081 max_rss_mb: 45.3281
34MB 1thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 0.448 io_bytes/op: 4.43957e+06 miss_ratio: 0.266749 max_rss_mb: 100.523
34MB 1thread new_clock -> kops/s: 1.055 io_bytes/op: 1.85439e+06 miss_ratio: 0.107512 max_rss_mb: 75.3125
34MB 32thread base -> kops/s: 3.346 io_bytes/op: 1.64852e+07 miss_ratio: 0.93596 max_rss_mb: 180.48
34MB 32thread folly -> kops/s: 3.431 io_bytes/op: 1.62857e+07 miss_ratio: 0.935693 max_rss_mb: 137.531
34MB 32thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 1.47 io_bytes/op: 4.89704e+06 miss_ratio: 0.295081 max_rss_mb: 392.465
34MB 32thread new_clock -> kops/s: 8.19 io_bytes/op: 3.70456e+06 miss_ratio: 0.20826 max_rss_mb: 519.793
34MB 128thread base -> kops/s: 2.293 io_bytes/op: 1.64351e+07 miss_ratio: 0.931866 max_rss_mb: 449.484
34MB 128thread folly -> kops/s: 2.34 io_bytes/op: 1.6219e+07 miss_ratio: 0.932023 max_rss_mb: 396.457
34MB 128thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 1.798 io_bytes/op: 5.4241e+06 miss_ratio: 0.324881 max_rss_mb: 1104.41
34MB 128thread new_clock -> kops/s: 10.519 io_bytes/op: 2.39354e+06 miss_ratio: 0.136147 max_rss_mb: 1050.52
As the miss ratio gets higher (say, above 10%), the CPU time spent in eviction starts to erode the advantage of using fewer shards (13% miss rate much lower than 94%). LRU's O(1) eviction time can eventually pay off when there's enough block cache churn:
13MB 1thread base -> kops/s: 0.195 io_bytes/op: 1.65732e+07 miss_ratio: 0.946604 max_rss_mb: 45.6328
13MB 1thread folly -> kops/s: 0.197 io_bytes/op: 1.63793e+07 miss_ratio: 0.94661 max_rss_mb: 33.8633
13MB 1thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 0.519 io_bytes/op: 4.43316e+06 miss_ratio: 0.269379 max_rss_mb: 100.684
13MB 1thread new_clock -> kops/s: 0.176 io_bytes/op: 1.54148e+07 miss_ratio: 0.91545 max_rss_mb: 66.2383
13MB 32thread base -> kops/s: 3.266 io_bytes/op: 1.65544e+07 miss_ratio: 0.943386 max_rss_mb: 132.492
13MB 32thread folly -> kops/s: 3.396 io_bytes/op: 1.63142e+07 miss_ratio: 0.943243 max_rss_mb: 101.863
13MB 32thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 2.758 io_bytes/op: 5.13714e+06 miss_ratio: 0.310652 max_rss_mb: 396.121
13MB 32thread new_clock -> kops/s: 3.11 io_bytes/op: 1.23419e+07 miss_ratio: 0.708425 max_rss_mb: 321.758
13MB 128thread base -> kops/s: 2.31 io_bytes/op: 1.64823e+07 miss_ratio: 0.939543 max_rss_mb: 425.539
13MB 128thread folly -> kops/s: 2.339 io_bytes/op: 1.6242e+07 miss_ratio: 0.939966 max_rss_mb: 346.098
13MB 128thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 3.223 io_bytes/op: 5.76928e+06 miss_ratio: 0.345899 max_rss_mb: 1087.77
13MB 128thread new_clock -> kops/s: 2.984 io_bytes/op: 1.05341e+07 miss_ratio: 0.606198 max_rss_mb: 898.27
gt_clock is clearly blowing way past its memory budget for lower miss rates and best throughput. new_clock also seems to be exceeding budgets, and this warrants more investigation but is not the use case we are targeting with the new cache. With partitioned index+filter, the miss ratio is much better, and although still high enough that the eviction CPU time is definitely offsetting mutex contention:
13MB 1thread base -> kops/s: 16.326 io_bytes/op: 23743.9 miss_ratio: 0.205362 max_rss_mb: 65.2852
13MB 1thread folly -> kops/s: 15.574 io_bytes/op: 19415 miss_ratio: 0.184157 max_rss_mb: 56.3516
13MB 1thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 14.459 io_bytes/op: 22873 miss_ratio: 0.198355 max_rss_mb: 63.9688
13MB 1thread new_clock -> kops/s: 16.34 io_bytes/op: 24386.5 miss_ratio: 0.210512 max_rss_mb: 61.707
13MB 128thread base -> kops/s: 289.786 io_bytes/op: 23710.9 miss_ratio: 0.205056 max_rss_mb: 103.57
13MB 128thread folly -> kops/s: 185.282 io_bytes/op: 19433.1 miss_ratio: 0.184275 max_rss_mb: 116.219
13MB 128thread gt_clock -> kops/s: 354.451 io_bytes/op: 23150.6 miss_ratio: 0.200495 max_rss_mb: 102.871
13MB 128thread new_clock -> kops/s: 295.359 io_bytes/op: 24626.4 miss_ratio: 0.212452 max_rss_mb: 121.109
Pull Request resolved: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/pull/10626
Test Plan: updated unit tests, stress/crash test runs including with TSAN, ASAN, UBSAN
Reviewed By: anand1976
Differential Revision: D39368406
Pulled By: pdillinger
fbshipit-source-id: 5afc44da4c656f8f751b44552bbf27bd3ca6fef9
3 years ago
size_t GetOccupancyCount() const override;
size_t GetTableAddressCount() const override;
void ApplyToSomeEntries(
const std::function<void(const Slice& key, void* value, size_t charge,
DeleterFn deleter)>& callback,
uint32_t average_entries_per_lock, uint32_t* state) override;
void EraseUnRefEntries() override;
std::string GetPrintableOptions() const override;
friend class LRUCache;
friend class FastLRUCacheTest;
void LRU_Remove(LRUHandle* e);
void LRU_Insert(LRUHandle* e);
// Free some space following strict LRU policy until enough space
// to hold (usage_ + charge) is freed or the LRU list is empty
// This function is not thread safe - it needs to be executed while
// holding the mutex_.
void EvictFromLRU(size_t charge, autovector<LRUHandle>* deleted);
// Returns the charge of a single handle.
static size_t CalcEstimatedHandleCharge(
size_t estimated_value_size,
CacheMetadataChargePolicy metadata_charge_policy);
// Returns the number of bits used to hash an element in the hash
// table.
static int CalcHashBits(size_t capacity, size_t estimated_value_size,
CacheMetadataChargePolicy metadata_charge_policy);
// Initialized before use.
size_t capacity_;
// Whether to reject insertion if cache reaches its full capacity.
bool strict_capacity_limit_;
// Dummy head of LRU list.
// lru.prev is newest entry, lru.next is oldest entry.
// LRU contains items which can be evicted, ie reference only by cache
LRUHandle lru_;
// Pointer to head of low-pri pool in LRU list.
LRUHandle* lru_low_pri_;
// ------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^-----------
// Not frequently modified data members
// ------------------------------------
// We separate data members that are updated frequently from the ones that
// are not frequently updated so that they don't share the same cache line
// which will lead into false cache sharing
// ------------------------------------
// Frequently modified data members
// ------------vvvvvvvvvvvvv-----------
LRUHandleTable table_;
// Memory size for entries residing in the cache.
size_t usage_;
// Memory size for entries residing only in the LRU list.
size_t lru_usage_;
// mutex_ protects the following state.
// We don't count mutex_ as the cache's internal state so semantically we
// don't mind mutex_ invoking the non-const actions.
mutable DMutex mutex_;
class LRUCache
#ifdef NDEBUG
: public ShardedCache {
LRUCache(size_t capacity, size_t estimated_value_size, int num_shard_bits,
bool strict_capacity_limit,
CacheMetadataChargePolicy metadata_charge_policy =
~LRUCache() override;
const char* Name() const override { return "LRUCache"; }
CacheShard* GetShard(uint32_t shard) override;
const CacheShard* GetShard(uint32_t shard) const override;
void* Value(Handle* handle) override;
size_t GetCharge(Handle* handle) const override;
uint32_t GetHash(Handle* handle) const override;
DeleterFn GetDeleter(Handle* handle) const override;
void DisownData() override;
LRUCacheShard* shards_ = nullptr;
int num_shards_ = 0;
} // namespace fast_lru_cache
std::shared_ptr<Cache> NewFastLRUCache(
size_t capacity, size_t estimated_value_size, int num_shard_bits,
bool strict_capacity_limit,
CacheMetadataChargePolicy metadata_charge_policy);
} // namespace ROCKSDB_NAMESPACE