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// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
// of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
// This source code is also licensed under the GPLv2 license found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree.
// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
// Repairer does best effort recovery to recover as much data as possible after
// a disaster without compromising consistency. It does not guarantee bringing
// the database to a time consistent state.
// Repair process is broken into 4 phases:
// (a) Find files
// (b) Convert logs to tables
// (c) Extract metadata
// (d) Write Descriptor
// (a) Find files
// The repairer goes through all the files in the directory, and classifies them
// based on their file name. Any file that cannot be identified by name will be
// ignored.
// (b) Convert logs to table
// Every log file that is active is replayed. All sections of the file where the
// checksum does not match is skipped over. We intentionally give preference to
// data consistency.
// (c) Extract metadata
// We scan every table to compute
// (1) smallest/largest for the table
// (2) largest sequence number in the table
// If we are unable to scan the file, then we ignore the table.
// (d) Write Descriptor
// We generate descriptor contents:
// - log number is set to zero
// - next-file-number is set to 1 + largest file number we found
// - last-sequence-number is set to largest sequence# found across
// all tables (see 2c)
// - compaction pointers are cleared
// - every table file is added at level 0
// Possible optimization 1:
// (a) Compute total size and use to pick appropriate max-level M
// (b) Sort tables by largest sequence# in the table
// (c) For each table: if it overlaps earlier table, place in level-0,
// else place in level-M.
// (d) We can provide options for time consistent recovery and unsafe recovery
// (ignore checksum failure when applicable)
// Possible optimization 2:
// Store per-table metadata (smallest, largest, largest-seq#, ...)
// in the table's meta section to speed up ScanTable.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "db/builder.h"
#include "db/db_impl.h"
#include "db/dbformat.h"
#include "db/log_reader.h"
#include "db/log_writer.h"
#include "db/memtable.h"
#include "db/table_cache.h"
#include "db/version_edit.h"
#include "db/write_batch_internal.h"
#include "options/cf_options.h"
#include "rocksdb/comparator.h"
#include "rocksdb/db.h"
#include "rocksdb/env.h"
#include "rocksdb/options.h"
#include "rocksdb/write_buffer_manager.h"
#include "table/scoped_arena_iterator.h"
#include "util/file_reader_writer.h"
#include "util/filename.h"
#include "util/string_util.h"
namespace rocksdb {
namespace {
class Repairer {
Repairer(const std::string& dbname, const DBOptions& db_options,
const std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>& column_families,
const ColumnFamilyOptions& default_cf_opts,
const ColumnFamilyOptions& unknown_cf_opts, bool create_unknown_cfs)
: dbname_(dbname),
db_options_(SanitizeOptions(dbname_, db_options)),
ImmutableCFOptions(immutable_db_options_, default_cf_opts)),
// TableCache can be small since we expect each table to be opened
// once.
NewLRUCache(10, db_options_.table_cache_numshardbits)),
table_cache_(new TableCache(default_cf_iopts_, env_options_,
vset_(dbname_, &immutable_db_options_, env_options_,
raw_table_cache_.get(), &wb_, &wc_),
next_file_number_(1) {
for (const auto& cfd : column_families) {
cf_name_to_opts_[] = cfd.options;
const ColumnFamilyOptions* GetColumnFamilyOptions(
const std::string& cf_name) {
if (cf_name_to_opts_.find(cf_name) == cf_name_to_opts_.end()) {
if (create_unknown_cfs_) {
return &unknown_cf_opts_;
return nullptr;
return &cf_name_to_opts_[cf_name];
// Adds a column family to the VersionSet with cf_options_ and updates
// manifest.
Status AddColumnFamily(const std::string& cf_name, uint32_t cf_id) {
const auto* cf_opts = GetColumnFamilyOptions(cf_name);
if (cf_opts == nullptr) {
return Status::Corruption("Encountered unknown column family with name=" +
cf_name + ", id=" + ToString(cf_id));
Options opts(db_options_, *cf_opts);
MutableCFOptions mut_cf_opts(opts);
VersionEdit edit;
ColumnFamilyData* cfd;
cfd = nullptr;
Status status = vset_.LogAndApply(cfd, mut_cf_opts, &edit, &mutex_,
nullptr /* db_directory */,
false /* new_descriptor_log */, cf_opts);
return status;
~Repairer() {
delete table_cache_;
Status Run() {
Status status = FindFiles();
if (status.ok()) {
// Discard older manifests and start a fresh one
for (size_t i = 0; i < manifests_.size(); i++) {
ArchiveFile(dbname_ + "/" + manifests_[i]);
// Just create a DBImpl temporarily so we can reuse NewDB()
DBImpl* db_impl = new DBImpl(db_options_, dbname_);
status = db_impl->NewDB();
delete db_impl;
if (status.ok()) {
// Recover using the fresh manifest created by NewDB()
status =
vset_.Recover({{kDefaultColumnFamilyName, default_cf_opts_}}, false);
if (status.ok()) {
// Need to scan existing SST files first so the column families are
// created before we process WAL files
// ExtractMetaData() uses table_fds_ to know which SST files' metadata to
// extract -- we need to clear it here since metadata for existing SST
// files has been extracted already
status = AddTables();
if (status.ok()) {
uint64_t bytes = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tables_.size(); i++) {
bytes += tables_[i].meta.fd.GetFileSize();
"**** Repaired rocksdb %s; "
"recovered %" ROCKSDB_PRIszt " files; %" PRIu64
"bytes. "
"Some data may have been lost. "
dbname_.c_str(), tables_.size(), bytes);
return status;
struct TableInfo {
FileMetaData meta;
uint32_t column_family_id;
std::string column_family_name;
SequenceNumber min_sequence;
SequenceNumber max_sequence;
std::string const dbname_;
Env* const env_;
const EnvOptions env_options_;
const DBOptions db_options_;
const ImmutableDBOptions immutable_db_options_;
const InternalKeyComparator icmp_;
const ColumnFamilyOptions default_cf_opts_;
const ImmutableCFOptions default_cf_iopts_; // table_cache_ holds reference
const ColumnFamilyOptions unknown_cf_opts_;
const bool create_unknown_cfs_;
std::shared_ptr<Cache> raw_table_cache_;
TableCache* table_cache_;
WriteBufferManager wb_;
WriteController wc_;
VersionSet vset_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, ColumnFamilyOptions> cf_name_to_opts_;
InstrumentedMutex mutex_;
std::vector<std::string> manifests_;
std::vector<FileDescriptor> table_fds_;
std::vector<uint64_t> logs_;
std::vector<TableInfo> tables_;
uint64_t next_file_number_;
Status FindFiles() {
std::vector<std::string> filenames;
bool found_file = false;
for (size_t path_id = 0; path_id < db_options_.db_paths.size(); path_id++) {
Status status =
env_->GetChildren(db_options_.db_paths[path_id].path, &filenames);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
if (!filenames.empty()) {
found_file = true;
uint64_t number;
FileType type;
for (size_t i = 0; i < filenames.size(); i++) {
if (ParseFileName(filenames[i], &number, &type)) {
if (type == kDescriptorFile) {
assert(path_id == 0);
} else {
if (number + 1 > next_file_number_) {
next_file_number_ = number + 1;
if (type == kLogFile) {
assert(path_id == 0);
} else if (type == kTableFile) {
table_fds_.emplace_back(number, static_cast<uint32_t>(path_id),
} else {
// Ignore other files
if (!found_file) {
return Status::Corruption(dbname_, "repair found no files");
return Status::OK();
void ConvertLogFilesToTables() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < logs_.size(); i++) {
std::string logname = LogFileName(dbname_, logs_[i]);
Status status = ConvertLogToTable(logs_[i]);
if (!status.ok()) {
"Log #%" PRIu64 ": ignoring conversion error: %s",
logs_[i], status.ToString().c_str());
Status ConvertLogToTable(uint64_t log) {
struct LogReporter : public log::Reader::Reporter {
Env* env;
std::shared_ptr<Logger> info_log;
uint64_t lognum;
virtual void Corruption(size_t bytes, const Status& s) override {
// We print error messages for corruption, but continue repairing.
ROCKS_LOG_ERROR(info_log, "Log #%" PRIu64 ": dropping %d bytes; %s",
lognum, static_cast<int>(bytes), s.ToString().c_str());
// Open the log file
std::string logname = LogFileName(dbname_, log);
unique_ptr<SequentialFile> lfile;
Status status = env_->NewSequentialFile(
logname, &lfile, env_->OptimizeForLogRead(env_options_));
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
unique_ptr<SequentialFileReader> lfile_reader(
new SequentialFileReader(std::move(lfile)));
// Create the log reader.
LogReporter reporter;
reporter.env = env_;
reporter.info_log = db_options_.info_log;
reporter.lognum = log;
// We intentionally make log::Reader do checksumming so that
// corruptions cause entire commits to be skipped instead of
// propagating bad information (like overly large sequence
// numbers).
log::Reader reader(db_options_.info_log, std::move(lfile_reader), &reporter,
true /*enable checksum*/, 0 /*initial_offset*/, log);
// Initialize per-column family memtables
for (auto* cfd : *vset_.GetColumnFamilySet()) {
auto cf_mems = new ColumnFamilyMemTablesImpl(vset_.GetColumnFamilySet());
// Read all the records and add to a memtable
std::string scratch;
Slice record;
WriteBatch batch;
int counter = 0;
while (reader.ReadRecord(&record, &scratch)) {
if (record.size() < WriteBatchInternal::kHeader) {
record.size(), Status::Corruption("log record too small"));
WriteBatchInternal::SetContents(&batch, record);
status = WriteBatchInternal::InsertInto(&batch, cf_mems, nullptr);
if (status.ok()) {
counter += WriteBatchInternal::Count(&batch);
} else {
ROCKS_LOG_WARN(db_options_.info_log, "Log #%" PRIu64 ": ignoring %s",
log, status.ToString().c_str());
status = Status::OK(); // Keep going with rest of file
// Dump a table for each column family with entries in this log file.
for (auto* cfd : *vset_.GetColumnFamilySet()) {
// Do not record a version edit for this conversion to a Table
// since ExtractMetaData() will also generate edits.
MemTable* mem = cfd->mem();
if (mem->IsEmpty()) {
FileMetaData meta;
meta.fd = FileDescriptor(next_file_number_++, 0, 0);
ReadOptions ro;
ro.total_order_seek = true;
Arena arena;
ScopedArenaIterator iter(mem->NewIterator(ro, &arena));
EnvOptions optimized_env_options =
env_->OptimizeForCompactionTableWrite(env_options_, immutable_db_options_);
status = BuildTable(
dbname_, env_, *cfd->ioptions(), *cfd->GetLatestMutableCFOptions(),
optimized_env_options, table_cache_, iter.get(),
&meta, cfd->internal_comparator(),
cfd->int_tbl_prop_collector_factories(), cfd->GetID(), cfd->GetName(),
{}, kMaxSequenceNumber, kNoCompression, CompressionOptions(), false,
nullptr /* internal_stats */, TableFileCreationReason::kRecovery);
"Log #%" PRIu64 ": %d ops saved to Table #%" PRIu64 " %s",
log, counter, meta.fd.GetNumber(),
if (status.ok()) {
if (meta.fd.GetFileSize() > 0) {
} else {
delete cf_mems;
return status;
void ExtractMetaData() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < table_fds_.size(); i++) {
TableInfo t;
t.meta.fd = table_fds_[i];
Status status = ScanTable(&t);
if (!status.ok()) {
std::string fname = TableFileName(
db_options_.db_paths, t.meta.fd.GetNumber(), t.meta.fd.GetPathId());
char file_num_buf[kFormatFileNumberBufSize];
FormatFileNumber(t.meta.fd.GetNumber(), t.meta.fd.GetPathId(),
file_num_buf, sizeof(file_num_buf));
ROCKS_LOG_WARN(db_options_.info_log, "Table #%s: ignoring %s",
file_num_buf, status.ToString().c_str());
} else {
Status ScanTable(TableInfo* t) {
std::string fname = TableFileName(
db_options_.db_paths, t->meta.fd.GetNumber(), t->meta.fd.GetPathId());
int counter = 0;
uint64_t file_size;
Status status = env_->GetFileSize(fname, &file_size);
t->meta.fd = FileDescriptor(t->meta.fd.GetNumber(), t->meta.fd.GetPathId(),
std::shared_ptr<const TableProperties> props;
if (status.ok()) {
status = table_cache_->GetTableProperties(env_options_, icmp_, t->meta.fd,
if (status.ok()) {
t->column_family_id = static_cast<uint32_t>(props->column_family_id);
if (t->column_family_id ==
TablePropertiesCollectorFactory::Context::kUnknownColumnFamily) {
"Table #%" PRIu64
": column family unknown (probably due to legacy format); "
"adding to default column family id 0.",
t->column_family_id = 0;
if (vset_.GetColumnFamilySet()->GetColumnFamily(t->column_family_id) ==
nullptr) {
status =
AddColumnFamily(props->column_family_name, t->column_family_id);
ColumnFamilyData* cfd = nullptr;
if (status.ok()) {
cfd = vset_.GetColumnFamilySet()->GetColumnFamily(t->column_family_id);
if (cfd->GetName() != props->column_family_name) {
"Table #%" PRIu64
": inconsistent column family name '%s'; expected '%s' for column "
"family id %" PRIu32 ".",
t->meta.fd.GetNumber(), props->column_family_name.c_str(),
cfd->GetName().c_str(), t->column_family_id);
status = Status::Corruption(dbname_, "inconsistent column family name");
if (status.ok()) {
InternalIterator* iter = table_cache_->NewIterator(
ReadOptions(), env_options_, cfd->internal_comparator(), t->meta.fd,
nullptr /* range_del_agg */);
bool empty = true;
ParsedInternalKey parsed;
t->min_sequence = 0;
t->max_sequence = 0;
for (iter->SeekToFirst(); iter->Valid(); iter->Next()) {
Slice key = iter->key();
if (!ParseInternalKey(key, &parsed)) {
"Table #%" PRIu64 ": unparsable key %s",
t->meta.fd.GetNumber(), EscapeString(key).c_str());
if (empty) {
empty = false;
t->min_sequence = parsed.sequence;
if (parsed.sequence < t->min_sequence) {
t->min_sequence = parsed.sequence;
if (parsed.sequence > t->max_sequence) {
t->max_sequence = parsed.sequence;
if (!iter->status().ok()) {
status = iter->status();
delete iter;
ROCKS_LOG_INFO(db_options_.info_log, "Table #%" PRIu64 ": %d entries %s",
t->meta.fd.GetNumber(), counter,
return status;
Status AddTables() {
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::vector<const TableInfo*>> cf_id_to_tables;
SequenceNumber max_sequence = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tables_.size(); i++) {
if (max_sequence < tables_[i].max_sequence) {
max_sequence = tables_[i].max_sequence;
Optimize for serial commits in 2PC Summary: Throughput: 46k tps in our sysbench settings (filling the details later) The idea is to have the simplest change that gives us a reasonable boost in 2PC throughput. Major design changes: 1. The WAL file internal buffer is not flushed after each write. Instead it is flushed before critical operations (WAL copy via fs) or when FlushWAL is called by MySQL. Flushing the WAL buffer is also protected via mutex_. 2. Use two sequence numbers: last seq, and last seq for write. Last seq is the last visible sequence number for reads. Last seq for write is the next sequence number that should be used to write to WAL/memtable. This allows to have a memtable write be in parallel to WAL writes. 3. BatchGroup is not used for writes. This means that we can have parallel writers which changes a major assumption in the code base. To accommodate for that i) allow only 1 WriteImpl that intends to write to memtable via mem_mutex_--which is fine since in 2PC almost all of the memtable writes come via group commit phase which is serial anyway, ii) make all the parts in the code base that assumed to be the only writer (via EnterUnbatched) to also acquire mem_mutex_, iii) stat updates are protected via a stat_mutex_. Note: the first commit has the approach figured out but is not clean. Submitting the PR anyway to get the early feedback on the approach. If we are ok with the approach I will go ahead with this updates: 0) Rebase with Yi's pipelining changes 1) Currently batching is disabled by default to make sure that it will be consistent with all unit tests. Will make this optional via a config. 2) A couple of unit tests are disabled. They need to be updated with the serial commit of 2PC taken into account. 3) Replacing BatchGroup with mem_mutex_ got a bit ugly as it requires releasing mutex_ beforehand (the same way EnterUnbatched does). This needs to be cleaned up. Closes Differential Revision: D5210732 Pulled By: maysamyabandeh fbshipit-source-id: 78653bd95a35cd1e831e555e0e57bdfd695355a4
7 years ago
for (const auto& cf_id_and_tables : cf_id_to_tables) {
auto* cfd =
VersionEdit edit;
// TODO(opt): separate out into multiple levels
for (const auto* table : cf_id_and_tables.second) {
edit.AddFile(0, table->meta.fd.GetNumber(), table->meta.fd.GetPathId(),
table->meta.fd.GetFileSize(), table->meta.smallest,
table->meta.largest, table->min_sequence,
table->max_sequence, table->meta.marked_for_compaction);
Status status = vset_.LogAndApply(
cfd, *cfd->GetLatestMutableCFOptions(), &edit, &mutex_,
nullptr /* db_directory */, false /* new_descriptor_log */);
if (!status.ok()) {
return status;
return Status::OK();
void ArchiveFile(const std::string& fname) {
// Move into another directory. E.g., for
// dir/foo
// rename to
// dir/lost/foo
const char* slash = strrchr(fname.c_str(), '/');
std::string new_dir;
if (slash != nullptr) {
new_dir.assign(, slash -;
env_->CreateDir(new_dir); // Ignore error
std::string new_file = new_dir;
new_file.append((slash == nullptr) ? fname.c_str() : slash + 1);
Status s = env_->RenameFile(fname, new_file);
ROCKS_LOG_INFO(db_options_.info_log, "Archiving %s: %s\n", fname.c_str(),
Status GetDefaultCFOptions(
const std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>& column_families,
ColumnFamilyOptions* res) {
assert(res != nullptr);
auto iter = std::find_if(column_families.begin(), column_families.end(),
[](const ColumnFamilyDescriptor& cfd) {
return == kDefaultColumnFamilyName;
if (iter == column_families.end()) {
return Status::InvalidArgument(
"column_families", "Must contain entry for default column family");
*res = iter->options;
return Status::OK();
} // anonymous namespace
Status RepairDB(const std::string& dbname, const DBOptions& db_options,
const std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>& column_families) {
ColumnFamilyOptions default_cf_opts;
Status status = GetDefaultCFOptions(column_families, &default_cf_opts);
if (status.ok()) {
Repairer repairer(dbname, db_options, column_families, default_cf_opts,
ColumnFamilyOptions() /* unknown_cf_opts */,
false /* create_unknown_cfs */);
status = repairer.Run();
return status;
Status RepairDB(const std::string& dbname, const DBOptions& db_options,
const std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>& column_families,
const ColumnFamilyOptions& unknown_cf_opts) {
ColumnFamilyOptions default_cf_opts;
Status status = GetDefaultCFOptions(column_families, &default_cf_opts);
if (status.ok()) {
Repairer repairer(dbname, db_options, column_families, default_cf_opts,
unknown_cf_opts, true /* create_unknown_cfs */);
status = repairer.Run();
return status;
Status RepairDB(const std::string& dbname, const Options& options) {
DBOptions db_options(options);
ColumnFamilyOptions cf_options(options);
Repairer repairer(dbname, db_options, {}, cf_options /* default_cf_opts */,
cf_options /* unknown_cf_opts */,
true /* create_unknown_cfs */);
return repairer.Run();
} // namespace rocksdb
#endif // ROCKSDB_LITE